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Roche Diagnostics GmbH对血气、电解质和生化分析仪用电极盒进行召回
中国质量新闻网讯 据国家食品药品监督管理总局官网8月23日消息,罗氏诊断产品(上海)有限公司报告,该公司代理的血气、电解质和生化分析仪用电极盒(注册证编号:国食药监械(进)字1号),由于在检测全血样本Na+浓度时会受到CO2分压的影响,其生产商Roche Diagnostics GmbH对该产品进行主动召回。该公司称本次召回产品未在中国销售。请各省、自治区、直辖市食品药品监督管理局加强对此类产品的监督管理。
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Welcome to the CodePlex.Diagnostics project
CodePlex.Diagnostics uses the Microsoft .NET 2.0 Provider design pattern and is designed to provide support for exception management and logging within projects written to target the Microsoft .NET platform using one of the many programming languages targeting
that platform such as C#, VB, and C++.
Version is the latest version of the framework and this release has been tested on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and also Windows Server 2008.
Included with this release are default providers for both exeption management and logging that persist exceptions and log entries to SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008, these providers however can be replaced with ones that use alternative data stores such
as an Oracle database.
Within the second release are two new published exception types, the PublishedFaultException and PublishedFaultException&T& for use with WCF services. The source code within the second release has also been refactored to adhere to the coding standards
enforced by the first release of the Microsoft C# Style Analysis tool.
Beyond the second production release, there are plans for an extensive user interface to allow research of exceptions by developers, testers, and project managers. Providing integration with Microsoft's Team Foundation Server where exceptions or log entries
could be promoted to TFS work items is also being considered.
Documentation is provided within the Visual Studio 2008 solution, within the CodePlex.Diagnostics Documentation folder, and consists of both Microsoft Word 2007 and Adobe Acrobat document formats, also each project within the solution contains detailed class
diagrams using the Visual Studio 2008 class diagramming tools.
In November 2007 Microsoft released Visual Studio 2008 and therefore the latest release is available only for Visual Studio 2008 although version is still available for both Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008.
Last edited
by , version 5
Most Helpful Reviews
&&&&&I have found this framework to be very valuable for the myriad of custom applications I create/manage.
All of those apps are thick ...
&&&&&This framework is probably more useful for web apps and not thick-client apps - at least in the current state where it mainly suppor...Global (English)América Central (Espa?ol)Argentina (Espa?ol)Australia (English)Belgi? (Nederlands)Belgique (Fran?ais)Brasil (Português)Canada (English)Caribbean (English)Caribe (Espa?ol)?eská republika (?esky)Chile (Espa?ol)中国 (中文)Colombia (Espa?ol)Danmark (Dansk)Deutschland (Deutsch)Ecuador (Espa?ol)Espa?a (Espa?ol)France (Fran?ais)India (English)Ireland (English)Israel (English)Italia (Italiano)日本 (日本語)?? (???)Magyarország (Magyar)México (Espa?ol)Middle East (English)Nederland (Nederlands)New Zealand (English)?sterreich (Deutsch)Perú (Espa?ol)Россия (Pyccкий)Polska (Polski)Portugal (Português)Rom?nia (Rom?n?)Schweiz (Deutsch)Southeast Asia (English)Sub-Saharan Africa (English)Suisse (Fran?ais)Sverige (Svenska)臺灣 (中文)Türkiye (Türk?e)United Kingdom (English)United States (English)Venezuela (Espa?ol)
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