operatfinancing activitiess 和 investfinancing activitiess的问题

operating activities是什么意思_operating activities在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
operating activities是什么意思
operating activities是什么意思 operating activities在线翻译 operating activities什么意思 operating activities的意思 operating activities的翻译
operating activitiesoperating activities 基本解释[经] 经营活动operating activities 网络解释1. 经营活动:出:每一个企业的活动都有持有活动(holding activities)和经营活动(operating activities). 一个企业意图取得利润的活动很方便地分为(1)通过联合或转换生产因素形成产品,其销售价值超过生产要素所产生的利润和(2)由于资产价值升值(或负债价值减值),2. 营业活动:票面利率高者利息费用亦高(B)利息费用与发行公司的债信成正比,债信愈佳者利息费用愈高(C)在现金流量表当中,利息费用支出会对投资活动(Investing Activities)现金流量造成负面影响(D)在现金流量表当中,利息费用支出会对营业活动(Operating Activities)现金流量造成负面影响3. 活动:(A)在现金流量表当中,利息收入会对理财活动(Financing Activities)所造成现金流量有正面影响(B)在现金流量表当中,利息收入会对营业活动(Operating Activities)所造成现金流量有正面影响(C)在现金流量表当中,4. 现金流量::经营活动现金流量(Operating Activities)投资活动现金流量(Investing Activities)和筹资活动现金流量(Financing Activities)4建立以现金流量管理为核心的管理信息系统企业管理信息化是当今世界跨国公司应对全球一体化信息化世界所必须采取的手段据统计,operating activities 双语例句1. There are two methods of disclosing cash flows from operating activities: the direct method and the indirect method.&&&&披露经营活动产生的现金流量有两种方法:直接法和间接法。2. Cash flows from operating activities include the cash flows of all transactions and other events that are not investing and financing activities.&&&&经营活动产生的现金流量包括除了投资活动和筹资活动之外的所有交易和其他事项所导致的现金流量。3. 911查询·英语单词3. Import entities shall be responsible for the accuracy of the application materials provided and their operating activities shall comply with provisions of state laws and administrative regulations.&&&&进口单位应当对所提交的申请材料的真实性负责,经营活动应遵守国家法律、行政法规的规定。4. 4. Coordinates activities of the departments including operating, manufacturing, engineering, quality, purchasing, material planning, repair and maintenance, sales, etc.&&&&协调各部门的运作,如:运作部,制造部、工程部、质量部、采购部、物资部、维修部、销售部等。5. The third quarter to 589 million yuan current assets, current liabilities 677, 830, 000 yuan for the third quarter, cash generated from operating activities net -8573 million, current ratio was 0.87, 0.47 quick ratio, cash flow ratio to -12.65%, indicating that the company`s lack of short-term solvency.&&&&第三季度五万八千九点〇〇〇万元流动资产,流动负债六万七千七百八十三点零万元第三季度,经营活动产生的现金净额-8573万美元,流动比率为0.87 ,0.47速动比率,现金流量比率-12.65 %,这表明该公司的缺乏短期偿债能力。6. operating activities的翻译6. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen cash management, cash flow to ensure the continuous, healthy and orderly turnover, business activities to protect the normal operation in order to improve access to cash from operating activities and debt repayment capacity.&&&&因此,必须要加强现金管理,保证现金流持续、健康、有序的周转,保障企业经营活动的正常运行,以提高经营活动获取现金的能力和债务偿还能力。7. 7. Yahoo's second-quarter operating activities generated cash flow to 426 million U. S.&&&&雅虎第二季度运营活动产生的现金流为4.26亿美元,比去年同期的4.06亿美元增长58. Generated from operating activities net cash flow growth in the medium-term decline in 2003 based on continued sharp decline, financing activities generated net cash flow growth rate has increased in mid-2003 based on a substantial increase.&&&&经营活动产生的净现金流量的增长在中期,2003年下降的基础上继续大幅下降,筹资活动产生的净现金流量的增长率增加了2003年中期的基础上大幅度增加。9. In another matter for the same company, the firm did not find a significant error in certain line items reported for operating activities on the Statement of Cash Flows nor did it test the amounts reported for investing and financing activities on that statement.&&&&毕马威未能发现该公司现金流量表上经营活动有关项目的重大差错,未对投资活动和筹资活动的金额进行测试。10. Operating activities relate to the purchase, production and sale of goods, and services on an ongoing basis.&&&&经营活动与采购、生产、商品销售、接受劳务相关。11. 11. In the statement of cash flows, cash inflows and outflows should be classified into three groups: cash flows from operating activities, cash flows from investing activities and cash flows from financing activities.&&&&&&在现金流量表中,现金的流入和流出应当分为三类:经营活动产生的现金流量,投资活动产生的现金流量和筹资活动产生的现金流量。12. Hotly pursued by the subsequent discovery that this house activities by advertising companies operating purely commercial activity.&&&&&&记者随后追访发现,此次看房团活动是由广告公司运作的纯商业行为。13. Equals Net cash provided by operating activities less Additions to intangible assets and property, plant and equipment.&&&&&&等同的现金支付为经营活动提供了较少地附加物,无形的资产和财产,厂房和设备。14. Group of six main series of products, namely, laboratory equipment, operating room equipment, blood-type equipment, imaging equipment, medical institutions, management s Product marketing more than 30 provinces and autonomous regions nationwide and export to South America, Central Asia, Southeast Asia area, and many times at home and abroad, the successful large-scale tendering activities.&&&&&&集团主营六大系列产品,即检验科设备、手术室设备、血球类设备、影像设备、医疗机构管理软件和试剂;产品行销全国三十多个省市自治区,出口南美、中亚、东南亚等地区,并多次在国内外大型招标活动中中标。15. It elaborates the necessity, methods and ways of efficiency supervision for enterprises, points out that the effect can be a necessary way of strengthening efficiency supervision, and has promoting effect to standarize operating activities, strengthen enterprises management, maintain smooth government order and raise the managing effect of enterprises.&&&&&&通过阐述企业开展效能监察的必要性以及开展效能监察的方法和途径,指明围绕中心工作,发挥好作用是深化企业效能监察的必由之路,对于规范企业经营行为、加强企业管理、维护政令畅通、提高企业管理效能起到了积极的推动作用。16. Its operations in Madagascar are carried out through its operating subsidiary, PAM Madagascar Sarl, and its uranium activities are carried out through its 80% owned subsidiary PAM Atomique Sarl.&&&&&&其业务在马达加斯加进行通过其运营子公司,聚丙烯酰胺马达加斯加Sarl公司,它的浓缩铀活动是通过其子公司80 %聚丙烯酰胺原子能Sarl公司。17. Sales proceeds from principal activities less sales tax and operating costs, less selling expenses, general and administrative expenses and financial expenses (and purchase expenses for commercial enterprises), plus net profit from other business activities, which represents income less expenses from other activities.&&&&&&其他业务利润为其他业务收入去其他业务支出的净额。18. In the cash flow are also less than ideal, cash flows generated from operating activities net -7070.8 million.&&&&&&在现金流方面也不甚理想,经营活动产生的现金流量净额为-7070.8万。19. According to national data provided by securities in the first quarter, the real estate section generated from operating activities net cash flow of 7.388 billion yuan, and -237.76 million the same period last year compared to markedly improved.&&&&&&据民族证券提供的数据显示,一季度,房地产板块经营活动产生的现金流量净额为73.88亿元,和去年同期的-237.76亿元相比有明显提高。20. operating activities的意思20. LoadRunner uses Vuser's activities to simulate real user for operating Web application, while Vuser's activities is contained into test script. So test script is very important.&&&&&&LoadRunner 使用虚拟用户的活动来模拟真实用户来操作 Web 应用程序,而虚拟用户的活动就包含在测试脚本中,所以说测试脚本对于测试来说是非常重要的。operating activities 单语例句1. Spokesman Qin Gang is calling for the international community not to support separatist activities operating under the cloak of religion.2. The company opened its official micro blog to share technological skills about operating excavators and is advertising various activities with its followers.3. Such activities create significant operating risks that could compound financial risk brought through higher debt leverage.4. In its operating activities a joint venture may directly raise funds from foreign banks.5. Logistical units also demonstrated their capabilities by setting up field tents, operating mobile canteens and conducting rescue activities.6. Only by operating the financial activities of universities according to market principles can their impulse for blind financing and chaotic expansion be curbed.operating activities是什么意思,operating activities在线翻译,operating activities什么意思,operating activities的意思,operating activities的翻译,operating activities的解释,operating activities的发音,operating activities的同义词,operating activities的反义词,operating activities的例句,operating activities的相关词组,operating activities意思是什么,operating activities怎么翻译,单词operating activities是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 Investing activities是什么意思_Investing activities在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
Investing activities是什么意思
Investing activities是什么意思 Investing activities在线翻译 Investing activities什么意思 Investing activities的意思 Investing activities的翻译
Investing activitiesInvesting activities 双语例句1. Cash flows from operating activities include the cash flows of all transactions and other events that are not investing and financing activities.&&&&经营活动产生的现金流量包括除了投资活动和筹资活动之外的所有交易和其他事项所导致的现金流量。2. 2. Interests: Surfing the Internet, Reading, Sporting Activities, Travel, Vacationing, Healthy Living, Exercise and Fitness, Investing, Nature/Ecology, Music, Arts, Animals, Fashion, Time Shares, Home Swapping, Business news, Beauty...&&&&数量少 2。以同性伴侣为自豪不容易 3。无法从简单的发泄中得到释放和满足 4。***往更不安全因此找同性伴侣越不容易越认真。。圣经上说,地上若有两个人同心合意祈祷一件事,上帝必会成全。。3. 3. In addition, this statement shows financing and investing activities, such as exchange transactions, which do not directly affect working capital.&&&&此外,这种报表还展示筹资和投资活动,如交换性经济业务,这些交易对营运资本并不生产直接影响。4. In another matter for the same company, the firm did not find a significant error in certain line items reported for operating activities on the Statement of Cash Flows nor did it test the amounts reported for investing and financing activities on that statement.&&&&毕马威未能发现该公司现金流量表上经营活动有关项目的重大差错,未对投资活动和筹资活动的金额进行测试。5. Determine cash flows from investing activities.&&&&确定投资项目的现金流量活动。6. 6. In the statement of cash flows, cash inflows and outflows should be classified into three groups: cash flows from operating activities, cash flows from investing activities and cash flows from financing activities.&&&&在现金流量表中,现金的流入和流出应当分为三类:经营活动产生的现金流量,投资活动产生的现金流量和筹资活动产生的现金流量。7. 7. In addition, noncash investing and financing activities are reported in an accompanying schedule.&&&&另外,非现金投资和筹资活动被披露在附表中。8. In addition, as at 9 at the end of Yunnan Copper net cash flow from investing activities to -7.5 billion, from its cash flow statement to see that this year Yunnan Copper to enter the peak debt, debt up to 8.3 billion, representing 3.4 billion last year, an increase of 49 billion, an increase of 144 percent.&&&&此外,截至9日,云南铜业年底净现金流量的投资活动-7.5亿美元,从现金流量表地看到,云南铜业今年进入高峰期的债务,达到8.3亿美元的债务,占34.00亿,去年为490亿的增加,1 144个百分点。9. 9. In particular, the report recommended that (1) limitations be imposed on expenses in writing new life insurance business, (2) policyholders be paid annually on participating policies, (3)insurers be limited on the amount of earnings on participating policies could be accumulated as surplus (and not be distributed to participating policyholders), and (4) life insurers be prohibited from investing in stocks and engaging in underwriting activities.&&&&该报告特别建议:①限制承保新寿险业务的费用;②分红保单每年向保单持有人支付红利;③如保险人将分红保单的收益作为盈余积累(不分配给分红保单的保单持有人),应限制作为盈余累积的收益金额;④禁止人寿保险公司投资股票和从事股票包销活动。10. The statement of cash flows is a statement that shows the cash effects on operating, investing, and financing activities of company for accounting period.&&&&现金流量表是用来表明企业一定时期的营业活动、投资活动和筹资活动的现金效果的报表。11. 11. In China, due to the interference of government investment legislation lag and a mere formality of budget and final program in reality, budget and final process has been failed to play its due role to control the government investing activities.&&&&&&在我国,由于政府投资立法的滞后以及预决算程序在现实之中流于形式等因素的干扰,预决算程序在对政府投资活动的控制一直未能发挥其应有的作用。12. The individual inflows and outflows from investing activities and financing activities are shown separately in their respective categories.&&&&&&投资活动和筹资活动产生的现金流入和现金流出的每一个项目都是在各自的类内分别独立地列示的。13. Classify operating, investing, and financing activities in a cash flow statement.&&&&&&分类现金流量表的经营性,投资性,融资性经济业务。14. These transactions and events represent significant investing and financing activities, but they don't involve cash inflows or outflows, so they would not be reflected in the statement.&&&&&&这些交易和事项都是公司重要的投资和筹资活动,但它们并不涉及现金的流入和流出,因此它们不能被直接反映在报表之中。15. Taking the overall financial position into account, the investing activities of companies with worse position tend to support free cash flow agency cost assumption, while those of companies with better position tend to support external financing c&&&&&&按综合财务状况分类,状况较差企业的投资行为较为支持自由现金流量代理成本假说,状况良好企业的投资行为较为支持外部融资约束假说;16. 16. Taking the equity structure into account, the investing activities of non-state-owed companies tend to support external financing constraint assumption, while those of the absolute-state-owed companies tend to support free cash flow agency cost assumption.&&&&&&按股权结构分类,非国有企业的投资行为较为支持外部融资约束假说,国有绝对控股企业中代理问题较为严重。17. Investing activities是什么意思17. Commercial sports are business activities with sports as carriers, a commercial investing operation by means of consumption which belongs to the productive consumption.&&&&&&商务体育消费是以体育为载体的商务活动,是行为消费,实为投资的商业行为,其性质属于生产性消费。18. Using the information from the balance sheet, the income statement and the selected accounts, we can analyze cash inflows, outflows and net flows of operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.&&&&&&利用资产负债表、损益表和某些账户提供的信息,我们可以分析经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动产生的现金流入、流出和净流量。19. Chinese banking should establish reasonable capital price, define the risk bearer of the depositors, and strengthening the supervision of the behavior of the foreign investing activities.&&&&&&中国银行业应确定合理的资本价格,明确存款人的风险承担主体,加强对外资入股行为的监管。20. Investing activities的近义词20. Although the interests and dividends are associated with investing activities, the FASB and the IASC classify the cash receipts from interests and dividends as cash flows from operating activities.&&&&&&虽然利息和股利是与投资活动联系在一起的,但是,国际会计准则委员会和财务会计准则委员会都把收到的利息和股利归入经营活动产生的现金流量类中。Investing activities 单语例句\u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD1. They plan to cooperate and carry out exchanges including constructing information networks and investing in environment promotion activities to facilitate industrial connection and transfer.2. The report said the central bank will use various instruments to control excessive lending growth to cool the heating investing activities.3. These activities have grown dramatically in recent years to encompass not only principal investing, but venture capital and advisory services.Investing activities是什么意思,Investing activities在线翻译,Investing activities什么意思,Investing activities的意思,Investing activities的翻译,Investing activities的解释,Investing activities的发音,Investing activities的同义词,Investing activities的反义词,Investing activities的例句,Investing activities的相关词组,Investing activities意思是什么,Investing activities怎么翻译,单词Investing activities是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 What is the difference between investing and financing activities? - Accounting Question & Answer (Q&A) |
What is the difference between investing and financing activities?
What do investing and financing activities and related cash flows represent? How are they different? Why are non-cash activities presented as part of the cash flow statement? Answers to these questions are available in this article.
1. Nature of investing activities
(For the discussion of operating activities, refer to the article )
activities are business activities that involve buying and disposing long-lives
assets, buying and selling equity securities of other companies, and making and
collecting loans.
In general investing activities involve purchasing and disposing assets necessary for
business operations. Different businesses need to acquire different types
of assets such as land, property, plant, equipment, patents, copyrights, cash,
accounts receivable, etc.
activities is one of the ways to acquire assets.
Cash flows
from investing activities are usually reported in the second section of the
statement of cash flows. Typical investing cash flows are presented below.
Cash inflows
from investing activities:
Selling fixed assets
Selling intangible assets
Selling investments
Collecting principal on loans made to other entities*
(*) Collecting
interest payments on loans made to other entities is reported as an operating
activity because interest revenue involves income determination.
Cash outflows
from investing activities:
Payments to purchase fixed assets
Payments to purchase intangible assets
Payments to purchase investments (i.e., equity securities of other
Making loans to other entities
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