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1MinuteEnglish-有老外约你去酒吧? 慢着, 我来带你分清楚!
今天我想跟你聊聊“酒吧”!中文里,你们把各式各样喝酒的场所统称为“酒吧”。但英文不同,我们可以叫做 Bar、Club、Pub。那么你知道这 3 种说法都代表了什么类型的酒吧吗?它们又有什么区别呢?Party time!
Let’s get drunk!
Ha, naw, i'm just playing, but… well… if we did wanna go out for a drink, where should we go?
We have many choices.
The problem is, when some of my Chinese friends ask me to go out for a drink, they aren’t always clear about “where” we should go.
The real problem is that they a...
今天我想跟你聊聊“酒吧”!中文里,你们把各式各样喝酒的场所统称为“酒吧”。但英文不同,我们可以叫做 Bar、Club、Pub。那么你知道这 3 种说法都代表了什么类型的酒吧吗?它们又有什么区别呢?Party time!
Let’s get drunk!
Ha, naw, i'm just playing, but… well… if we did wanna go out for a drink, where should we go?
We have many choices.
The problem is, when some of my Chinese friends ask me to go out for a drink, they aren’t always clear about “where” we should go.
The real problem is that they are not sure which word
to use.今天让我们一起来参加派对吧!不醉不归!哈哈,没有啦,跟你开玩笑,但是,如果我们真的想出去喝一杯,要去哪里呢?选择有很多,但问题是,当我的一些中国朋友问我要不要去喝一杯的时候,他们总是说不清楚要去哪。其实真正的原因是他们不知道到底该该用哪个单词来形容那个地方。So here I am today, ready to tell you the difference between a couple commonly confused words:
Bar, Club, and Pub.所以今天,我准备教你几个关于“酒吧”的单词到底有什么区别,它们就是:“bar” , “club” , “pub”。Bar 酒吧喝酒、买醉、聚会First, Bars.
A bar is usually a place people go just to drink.
Not to dance, not to eat, not to gossip about relationships – although those things can and do happen in some bars.
But really, it’s a place for people to go, sit down, and drink with friends.
That’s the point.
A bar, in general, is where to go to get alcohol.
This is the common place to get drunk or drink a lot.
Occasionally, there might be a live band or a show, but it’s not so important for a bar.我先带你到“bar”来看看。“Bar”通常是人们去单纯只喝酒的地方。并不会去那边跳舞啊、吃饭啊、或者八卦谁谁谁在一起,虽然极少数的“bar”也会有这些情况发生。但其实,“bar”这个地方就是给人们聚会、喝酒用的,这就是“bar”的主要目的。但是通常来说,“bar”都是用来买醉的地方。如果你想买醉,去这里准没错。在这里偶尔也会有现场乐队或表演,但这对“bar”来说并不重要,人们更多的注意力还是在喝酒本身。Club 夜店释放压力、买醉、搭讪、社交Second, Clubs.
These are those extremely loud, noisy, crazy places people go to dance.
There’s lots of flashing lights and music that will make you deaf after a couple hours.
On a busy night, everyone is dancing, hitting each other with their elbows, or trying to dance with a nearby beautiful girl, and then probably getting rejected.
Most nights will have live shows and music, with DJ’s mixing, a dance team, or a performance.说完了“bar”,我们再带你去第 2 个地方:“club”。这个地方通常有很大声,很吵杂的音乐,而且经常也会有人在里面跳舞。这里的闪光灯会亮瞎你的眼睛,吵杂的音乐会让你离开酒吧之后感觉自己像是个聋子!每到夜晚最嗨的时候,大家都会跟着音乐跳舞,相互进行“肘击运动”,也有人会试着向身边的美女“邀舞”,然后… 就被拒绝了... 在“Club”每个晚上都会有现场演出、音乐、DJ、舞蹈团队或者一些特殊的表演。Some clubs you have to pay to get into, while others will only give you a place to sit if you spend money.
They have alcohol there too – they have to, because that’s the only thing to buy (aside from small snacks).
But, the point of a club (口误) is to listen to loud music and dance and meet strangers.
The often expensive alcohol certainly helps.有些“club”甚至需要付钱才能进去,如果你付了钱,他们会安排个位置给你坐。这里也有酒,而且必须有酒,因为其实在这里你能买到的东西也只有酒(除了一些零食之外)。但是,club的重点就是音乐很大声,跳舞的人很多,搭讪的机会也很多!尤其是里面贵贵的酒对这些特别有帮助! Pub 酒吧与Bar性质相似高大上、社交、半餐厅Finally, Pubs.
Well, basically, they're almost the same as bars, with the main difference being the country.
That is, in America, we say “bars” and in England they say “pubs.”
But I do admit, there is a bit of classiness to pubs, maybe due to the English tradition.
Pubs tend to be more about social gathering first, with plenty of drinking to help.
Some are half restaurant and can serve great meals as well, which means they are more family friendly (bring the children before getting drunk!).最后我带你去“pub”!其实基本上大多数的 pub 和 bar 的性质都差不多,但是取决于所在的国家。就拿美国来说,在美国我们说 bars,而在英国他们会说 pubs。但是我承认,“pub”的确会比“bar”更高大上一些,这可能跟英国的传统也有一些关系。“Pub”往往更注重以喝酒的方式,来助兴整个社交聚会。有些是半餐厅形式,可以提供很棒的饭菜,这就意味着许多家庭也可以来。(家长在喝醉之前就把孩子们带过来喂饱他们!)Alright, time to get ready to go to the local bar and meet my friends for drinking games night!
We like the bar because we can sit down at a nice big table and play games while chatting and drinking and enjoying a nice long night.
No loud crazy music, dancing people running into me, or distracting performances.
A perfect way to relax.
Maybe I’ll see you there sometime.
好啦,我的夜生活也差不多要开始啦!准备去当地一家酒吧找我的朋友跟他们边喝酒边玩游戏!我们更喜欢bar,因为那里有大桌子可以然我们边玩游戏边聊天边喝酒,慢慢享受这个夜晚!没有那吵杂的音乐,没有那种疯狂跳舞跳着跳着就跳到我身上来的人,或者那些分散我注意力的表演。“Bar”是一个能让我放松的好地方,也许我也会在那里见到你哟~So ok, that's it for now.
I'm RJ高晓龙, thanks for listening!
Cya~好了,今天的内容就是这些。我是 RJ高晓龙,感谢你收听今天的「1MinuteEnglish」。我们下次见你的赞赏 是我创作文章的最大动力!关注微博@RJ高晓龙 ,微信公众号@王霸胆 查看更多文章和视频。


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