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北京新东方学校国内考试部 六级阅读教师
1. 原文再现;
2. 结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换;
3. 语序调整同义替换;
4. 全文整体同义转换。
语序调整同义替换。少数会出现1. 原文再现和4. 全文整体同义转换。
In its 1994 report, the World Bank argued that the current pension
system in most countries could ______.
[A] not be sustained in the long
[B] further accelerate the ageing
[C] hardly halt the growth of
[D] help tide over the current ageing
By 1994 the World Bank had noticed that
something big was happening. In a report entitled “Averting the Old
Age Crisis”, it argued that pension arrangements in most countries
were unsustainable.
结构相同,而词语同义替换。把文章中的unsustainable换成了not be sustained。
What message is conveyed in books like Young vs Old?
[A] The generation gap is bound to
[B] Intergenerational conflicts will
[C] The younger generation will beat
[D] Old people should give way to the
They had titles like Young vs
Old, Gray Dawn and The Coming Generational Storm,
and their message was blunt: health-care systems were heading for
the rocks, pensioners were taking young people to the cleaners, and
soon there would be intergenerational warfare.
结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换。把文章中的intergenerational warfare替换成了intergenerational
One reason why pension and health care reforms are slow in coming
is that ______.
[A] nobody is willing to sacrifice
their own interests to tackle the problem
[B] most people are against measures
that will not bear fruit immediately
[C] the proposed reforms will affect
too many people’s interests
[D] politicians are afraid of losing
votes in the next election
Governments in rich countries now
accept that their pension and health-care promises will soon become
unaffordable, and many of them have embarked on reforms, but so far
only timidly. That is not surprising: politicians with an eye on
the next election will hardly rush to introduce unpopular measures
that may not bear fruit for years, perhaps decades.
结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换。把文章中politicians with an eye on the next
election替换成了politicians are afraid of losing votes in the next
The author believes the most effective method to solve the pension
crisis is to ______.
[A] allow people to work longer
[C] cut back on health care provisions
[B] increase tax revenues
[D] start reforms right away
By far the most effective method to
restrain pension spending is to give people the opportunity to work
longer, because it increases tax revenues and reduces spending on
pensions at the same time.
由此可见,A项为最佳,属于1. 原文再现。
The reason why employers are unwilling to keep older workers is
that ______.
[A] they are generally difficult to
[B] the longer they work, the higher
their pension
[C] their pay is higher than that of
younger ones
[D] younger workers are readily
Employers still need to be persuaded
that older workers are worth holding on to. That may be because
they have had plenty of younger ones to choose from, partly thanks
to the post-war baby-boom and partly because over the past few
decades many more women have entered the labour force, increasing
employers’ choice.
结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换。把原文中的plenty of younger ones to choose
from替换成了younger workers are readily available。
To compensate for the fast-shrinking labour force, Japan would need
[A] to revise its current population
control policy
[B] large numbers of immigrants from
[C] to automate its manufacturing and
service industries
[D] a politically feasible policy
concerning population
Japan would need a large multiple of
the few immigrants it has at present.
结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换。把原文中的a large multiple of the few immigrants替换成了large
numbers of immigrants。
Why do many women in rich countries compromise by having only one
[A] Small families are becoming more
[B] They find it hard to balance career
and family.
[C] It is too expensive to support a
large family.
[D] Child care is too big a problem for
Women find it hard to combine family
and career. They often compromise by having just one child.
由此可见,B项最为接近原文,属于2.结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换。把原文中的combine family and
career替换成了balance career and family。
52. In the early 20th century Americans
believed science and technology could _______.
[A] solve virtually all existing
[C] help raise people’s living standards
[B] quicken the pace of
[D] promote the nation’s social progress
In the early 20th century, few things
were more appealing than the promise of scientific knowledge. In a
world struggling with rapid industrialization, science and
technology seemed to offer solutions to almost every problem.
结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换。把原文中的offer solutions to almost every
problem替换成了solve virtually all existing problems。
Why did many American scholars become enthusiastic about humanistic
studies after World WarⅡ?
[A] They wanted to improve their own
status within the current education system.
[B] They believed the stability of a
society depended heavily on humanistic studies.
[C] They could get financial support
from various foundations for humanistic studies.
[D] They realized science and
technology alone were no guarantee for a better world.
Two world wars and a Great Depression
rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise
alone could create a prosperous and ordered world. After World War
Ⅱ, the academic world turned with new enthusiasm to humanistic
studies, which seemed to many scholars the best way to ensure the
survival of democracy.
结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换。把原文中的rocked the confidence …… scientific expertise
alone could create a prosperous and ordered world替换成了science and
technology alone were no guarantee for a better world。
54. Why are American scholars worried
about education today?
[A] The STEM subjects are too
challenging for students to learn.
[B] Some Asian countries have overtaken
America in basic sciences.
[C] America is lagging behind in the
STEM disciplines.
[D] There are not enough scholars in
humanistic studies.
There is considerable and justified
concern that the United States is falling behind much
of the rest of the developed world in these essential
disciplines指代上文中的STEM disciplines。
55. What accounts for the significant
decline in humanistic studies today?
[A] Insufficient funding.
Shortage of devoted faculty.
[B] Shrinking enrollment.
[D] Dim prospects for graduates.
At the same time, perhaps inevitably,
the humanities—while still popular in elite colleges and
universities—have experienced a significant decline. Humanistic
disciplines are seriously underfunded, not just by the government
and the foundations but by academic institutions themselves.
结构顺序相同,词语同义替换。把原文中的underfunded替换成了insufficient funding。
56. Why does the author attach so much
importance to humanistic studies?
[A] They promote the development of
science and technology.
[B] They help prepare students for
their professional careers.
[C] Humanistic thinking helps define
our culture and values.
[D] Humanistic thinking helps cultivate
students’ creativity.
But try to imagine our world as well
without the remarkable works that have defined our culture and
由此可见,C项与原文最为接近,属于1. 原文再现。
Will there ever be another Einstein?
This is the undercurrent of conversation at Einstein memorial
meetings throughout the year. A new Einstein will emerge,
scientists say. But it may take a long time. After all, more than
200 years separated Einstein from his nearest rival, Isaac
Many physicists say the next Einstein
hasn’t been born yet, or is a baby now. That’s because the quest
for a unified theory that would account for all the forces of
nature has pushed current mathematics to its limits. New math must
be created before the problem can be solved.
But researchers say there are many
other factors working against another Einstein emerging anytime
For one thing, physics is a much
different field today. In Einstein’s day, there were only a few
thousand physicists worldwide, and the theoreticians who could
intellectually rival Einstein probably would fit into a streetcar
with seats to spare.
Education is different, too. One
crucial aspect of Einstein’s training that is overlooked is the
years of philosophy he read as a teenager—Kant, Schopenhauer and
Spinoza, among others. It taught him how to think independently and
abstractly about space and time, and it wasn’t long before he
became a philosopher himself.
“The independence created by
philosophical insight is—in my opinion—the mark of distinction
between a mere artisan (工匠) or specialist and a real seeker
after truth,” Einstein wrote in 1944.
And he was an accomplished musician.
The interplay between music and math is well known. Einstein would
furiously play his violin as a way to think through a knotty
physics problem.
Today, universities have produced
millions of physicists. There aren’t many jobs in science for them,
so they go to Wall Street and Silicon Valley to apply their
analytical skills to more practical—and rewarding—efforts.
“Maybe there is an Einstein out there
today,” said Columbia University physicist Brian Greene, “but it
would be a lot harder for him to be heard.”
Especially considering what Einstein
was proposing.
“The actual fabric of space and time
curving? My God, what an idea!” Greene said at a recent gathering
at the Aspen Institute. “It takes a certain type of person who will
bang his head against the wall because you believe you’ll find the
Perhaps the best examples are the five
scientific papers Einstein wrote in his “miracle year” of 1905.
These “thought experiments” were pages of calculations signed and
submitted to the prestigious journal Annalen der Physik by a
virtual unknown. There were no footnotes or citations.
What might happen to such a submission
“We all get papers like those in the
mail,” Greene said. “We put them in the junk file.”
注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。
57. What do scientists seem to agree
upon, judging from the first two paragraphs?
[A] Einstein pushed mathematics almost
to its limits.
[B] It will take another Einstein to
build a unified theory.
[C] No physicist is likely to surpass
Einstein in the next 200 years.
[D] It will be some time before a new
Einstein emerges.
58. What was critical to Einstein’s
[A] His talent as an accomplished
[B] His independent and abstract
[C] His untiring effort to fulfill his
[D] His solid foundation in math
59. What does the author tell us about
physicists today?
[A] They tend to neglect training in
analytical skills.
[B] They are very good at solving
practical problems.
[C] They attach great importance to
publishing academic papers.
[D] They often go into fields yielding
greater financial benefits.
60. What does Brian Greene imply by
saying “... it would be a lot harder for him to be heard” (Lines
1-2, Para. 9)?
[A] People have to compete in order to
get their papers published.
[B] It is hard for a scientist to have
his papers published today.
[C] Papers like Einstein’s would
unlikely get published today.
[D] Nobody will read papers on
apparently ridiculous theories.
When he submitted his papers in 1905, Einstein _______.
[A] forgot to make footnotes and
[B] was little known in academic
[C] was known as a young genius in math
[D] knew nothing about the format of
academic papers
57. D)It will be some time before a new
Einstein emerges (3. 语序调整同义替换)
58. B)His independent and abstract
thinking (2. 结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换)
59. D)They often go into fields
yielding greater financial benefits (4. 全文整体同义转换)
60. C)Papers like Einstein’s would
unlikely get published today (4. 全文整体同义转换)
61. B)was little known in academic
circles (2. 结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换)
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。【英语】问一篇英语阅读题谢谢.Michael’s birthday was coming soon,so he asked his dad for a bicycle so that he wouldn’t have to walk to school anymore.However,Michael’s dad had lost his job and did not have much money.3.-学路网-学习路上 有我相伴
问一篇英语阅读题谢谢.Michael’s birthday was coming soon,so he asked his dad for a bicycle so that he wouldn’t have to walk to school anymore.However,Michael’s dad had lost his job and did not have much money.3.
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问一篇英语阅读题谢谢。1Hislegseemedtohavebroken.2MichaelrodeWilliam'sbiketoschool.3迈克尔得到了一本书作为替代的礼物,但他并没有抱怨。4迈克尔捡起威廉还没坏的自行车,骑着车...问一篇英语阅读题加翻译。谢谢。关于初三【鲁教版】的题。谢...他们的英语课堂的吉尼斯世界纪录的66hours在波兰。志愿者学生的阅读、写作和唱英...在那之后,就容易了。"随着课程接近尾声的时候,一个出其不意的记者问班上学生一个...想问一道英语阅读题,谢谢诶。NoYesShesatnearthewindowAmiddle-agedladyShewasmiddle-agedShesatoppositeSallyShesayHellotoSallyTomakeherselfbeautifulNo,shedidn'tShesaid,...英语阅读题,正文等下问我,谢谢原文呢一篇英语阅读题!急!只有三小节CDA欢迎追问,谢谢采纳问一篇英语阅读题谢谢.Michael’sbirthdaywascomingsoon,soheaskedhisdadforabicyclesothathewouldn’thavetowalktoschoolanymore.However,Michael’sdadhadlosthisjobanddidnothavemuchmoney.3.(图2)问一篇英语阅读题谢谢.Michael’sbirthdaywascomingsoon,soheaskedhisdadforabicyclesothathewouldn’thavetowalktoschoolanymore.However,Michael’sdadhadlosthisjobanddidnothavemuchmoney.3.(图4)问一篇英语阅读题谢谢.Michael’sbirthdaywascomingsoon,soheaskedhisdadforabicyclesothathewouldn’thavetowalktoschoolanymore.However,Michael’sdadhadlosthisjobanddidnothavemuchmoney.3.(图6)问一篇英语阅读题谢谢.Michael’sbirthdaywascomingsoon,soheaskedhisdadforabicyclesothathewouldn’thavetowalktoschoolanymore.However,Michael’sdadhadlosthisjobanddidnothavemuchmoney.3.(图8)问一篇英语阅读题谢谢.Michael’sbirthdaywascomingsoon,soheaskedhisdadforabicyclesothathewouldn’thavetowalktoschoolanymore.However,Michael’sdadhadlosthisjobanddidnothavemuchmoney.3.(图10)问一篇英语阅读题谢谢.Michael’sbirthdaywascomingsoon,soheaskedhisdadforabicyclesothathewouldn’thavetowalktoschoolanymore.However,Michael’sdadhadlosthisjobanddidnothavemuchmoney.3.(图13)这是用户提出的一个英语问题,具体问题为:问一篇英语阅读题谢谢.Michael’s birthday was coming soon,so he asked his dad for a bicycle so that he wouldn’t have to walk to school anymore.However,Michael’s dad had lost his job and did not have much money.3.Michael got a book instead but he did not complain.一篇英语阅读题!急!只有三小节CDA欢迎追问,谢谢采纳防抓取,学路网提供内容。One bright and sunny day while Michael was walking past a bookstore on his way to school,he saw a big boy on a bike .The bike was too small for the boy.As the boy was going around a corner ,the bike hit a small store and the boy fell off the bike.可不可以帮忙做一些英语阅读题,问题问得很狡猾~~谢谢~~~1C2D3C4A5B6C自己做的,不能保证都对哦防抓取,学路网提供内容。The boy was a student in Michael’s school .Michael recognized him.The boy ‘s name was William.His leg seemed to have broken.4.Michael picked up William’s bike which was not damaged and rode to the nearby hospital to get help.A few minutes later,an ambulance (救护车)came and took William to the hospital .Michael rode William’s bike to school so he would not be late for class.英语阅读题中问房间里有多少件东西`包括不包括房间里的墙和...以我正常人的思维来理解,房间里的东西不包括墙和窗户。因为他们是组成房间的一部分,而房间属于对一个范围的圈定,房间里的东西就是指这个范围里面的东西,排除房间这个...防抓取,学路网提供内容。After school ,Michael quickly rode the bicycle to William’s house with a book for William .William was not seriously hurt.But he had to put some medicine on his leg and stay in bed for some time.初三英语阅读题一篇,求高手答,要有答题依据,在线等,有依据的有...aboutit.稳重说1951的三年后,他决定出书。5.C文章即涉及了吉尼斯世界纪录的创始,也有一些记录中的例子和书的说明。只有C选项最全面。有问题请追加。谢谢!防抓取,学路网提供内容。To Michael ‘s surprise,William was getting a new bike for his birthday in two months so he let Michael have his old bike .Michael was overjoyed.After that,Michael and William became good friends.Michael visited William every day until William ‘s leg was better.我想问下湖北英语三级考试的阅读题翻译题作文分别是多少分...我也想问一下...这个分数是怎么算的..麻烦详细点...谢谢!防抓取,学路网提供内容。根据短文内容回答下列问题.一篇说明文,阅读题英语八年级上册第三题D第四题B第五题D第六题B第七题D第八题B第九题A第十题A一二题不好意思不能明确的说,预测选CD答案仅供参考,谢谢防抓取,学路网提供内容。1.What happened to William on the sunny and bright day?你想知道朋友的近况如何可以怎么问他,用英语问:你想知道朋友的近况如何可以怎么问他,用英语答:英语:Youcanaskyourfriendifyouwanttoknowwhatheisgoingonre防抓取,学路网提供内容。_________________________________________________________________问日期用英语怎么说then答:问日期[网络][例句]他有个病人老是在一天开始的时候问他日期,一天结束的时候则问罗布&什么时候才会再碰到二月四号?OneofRob'spatientsa防抓取,学路网提供内容。2.How did Michael get to school that day?用一问一答的形式写一篇问路线的英语作文带图答:1审题训练:将以下题目按写作体裁分类并指出分类依据议论文观点分析型:列举针对试题的对比观点,再阐述自己的观点I.WhenaskedaboutA,somep防抓取,学路网提供内容。_________________________________________________________________问日期用英语怎么说then答:问日期[网络][例句]他有个病人老是在一天开始的时候问他日期,一天结束的时候则问罗布&什么时候才会再碰到二月四号?OneofRob'spatientsa防抓取,学路网提供内容。将短文中画线的句子译成汉语.问一篇英语作文:急急急急!!!Z!急求各位帮...问:内容:玛利亚来自英国,她非常喜欢京剧,但没买到票,很失望。最后在王...答:Goodmorning,mynameismaria,Icomefrom防抓取,学路网提供内容。3.__________________________________________________________________-用现在进行时态写一篇英语小对话(问正在干什么)答:A:whatareyoudoingnow?canyouhelpme?B:i'msorry,waitaminute,iamdoingmyhomework防抓取,学路网提供内容。4.___________________________________________________________________问:写一篇英语作文关于一次去北海旅游度假经历,并...问:要带翻译~拜托拜托!答:DragonBoatFestivallastyear,Iandmyfather,mother,sister,broth防抓取,学路网提供内容。5.Choose the best title for this passage.求一篇80字的英语作文!!急!!内容是介绍自己从...答:MyexperienceoflearnEnglishWhenIwasatprimaryschool,IwasnotinterestedinEn防抓取,学路网提供内容。A.A Birthday Bike B.Michael’s Birthday一篇英语presentation谢谢问:preparea5minuteoralpresentationforyourdellowclassmateson...答:看到结尾了么,Don'tforgett防抓取,学路网提供内容。C.An Accident D.Helping Friends该怎么背课文快。我背一篇英语短文需要半小时。有...问:该怎么背课文快。我背一篇英语短文需要半小时。有的人只要10分钟。怎么...答:理解文章的大致意思以及其结构和逻辑再背诵防抓取,学路网提供内容。我们通过互联网以及本网用户共同努力为此问题提供了相关答案,以便碰到此类问题的同学参考学习,请注意,我们不能保证答案的准确性,仅供参考,具体如下:防抓取,学路网提供内容。用户都认为优质的答案:我以前用了两年小米2s,以前很多人会选择买小米,是因为在当时那个年份,小米性价比最高。在htc等品牌三五千的时候,小米1999,而且在配置上绝对碾压对手,所以吸引了很多年轻人。如今打不同,小米不再坚持防抓取,学路网提供内容。1His leg seemed to have broken.一、侯勇毕业于江苏省戏剧学校,国家一级演员、军人。凭借《冲出亚马逊》获得第8届中国电影华表奖优秀男演员奖,第9届中国电影表演艺术学会金凤凰奖表演学会奖。凭借《大染坊》获得第22届中国电视金鹰奖最佳表演防抓取,学路网提供内容。2Michael rode William’s bike to school.契丹人,辽人,金人都属于华夏文化民族。有很多网络小编胡编乱造硬是把契丹人,辽人,金人划分外来民族。为此作为历史学家认真考古挖掘证据,在契丹人,辽人,金人,时期使用的货币全部由汉字铸造。记住钱币是一个国防抓取,学路网提供内容。3迈克尔得到了一本书作为替代的礼物,但他并没有抱怨.明枪易挡,暗箭难防,在4S店办理购车贷款,被要求加装GPS的车主不在少数,对此霸王条款,不少车主有些丈二和尚摸不着头脑的感觉。既然如此,融360小编不妨和你一起探究事实背后的真相,了解4S店要求车主加防抓取,学路网提供内容。4迈克尔捡起威廉还没坏的自行车,骑着车去附近的医院求助.狗狗贫血原因比较复杂,但基本都和营养、疾病等问题有直接关系,狗狗贫血常见的临床症状有困倦无力,可视黏膜苍白,形体消瘦,被毛粗乱等,对于贫血的狗狗通过补充营养来改善是怎么做到的呢?补铁:狗狗贫血一般和铁防抓取,学路网提供内容。5B可不可以帮忙做一些英语阅读题,问题问得很狡猾~~谢谢~~~1C2D3C4A5B6C自己做的,不能保证都对哦英语阅读题中问房间里有多少件东西`包括不包括房间里的墙和...以我正常人的思维来理解,房间里的东西不包括墙和窗户。因为他们是组成房间的一部分,而房间属于对一个范围的圈定,房间里的东西就是指这个范围里面的东西,排除房间这个...初三英语阅读题一篇,求高手答,要有答题依据,在线等,有依据的有...aboutit.稳重说1951的三年后,他决定出书。5.C文章即涉及了吉尼斯世界纪录的创始,也有一些记录中的例子和书的说明。只有C选项最全面。有问题请追加。谢谢!我想问下湖北英语三级考试的阅读题翻译题作文分别是多少分...我也想问一下...这个分数是怎么算的..麻烦详细点...谢谢!
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