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英文翻译amateur radio&&&& after-hours&&&& wireless&&&&a amateur station&&&& radio amateur&&&&ham radio&&&&amateur transmitter&&&&call sign&&&&amateur radio activity&&&&amateur radio band&&&&radio amateur code&&&&amateur radio communication&&&&a amateur service&&&&amateur radio license&&&&international amateur radio union&&&& the international amateur radio union&&&&uncover station&&&&administrative regulations on amateur radios&&&&operator of an amateur radio station&&&&a radio ham&&&&orbiting satellites carrying amateur radio&&&&china amateur radio study group&&&&united nations amateur radio club&&&&remainder radio deviation&&&&radio amateur&&&&ham
例句与用法Most amateur radio operators build their own equipment许多业余无线电爱好者自己动手装设备。 Most amateur radio operators build their own equipment大多数业余无线电爱好者都是自己装机子。 I do think that is amateur我确信这就是业余无线电。 Amateur transceivers , cb radios and remote control devices , including toys业余无线电收发机,无线电对讲机和遥控器装置,包括玩具Here be shanghai amateur radio special use frequency , not break the law being put into use please这里是上海业余无线电专用频率,请不要违法使用! I have a callsign as bg1hoc from crsa . welcone to call me in air我还具有中国无线管理局颁发的业余无线电三级操作证书。我的呼号是bg1hoc 。欢迎大家在空中与我相见。 This easy - to - read , completely nontechnical book tells anyone from age 8 to 80 how to get a ham license这本书十分易读、完全不涉及技术, 8至80页告诉读者如何获得业余无线电许可证。 Radio relay league , through which amateur radio in the united states is represented nationally and interationally忠诚对同好、当地俱乐部及代表业余无线电的团体传输忠诚、给予鼓励与支持。 Requirements and measurement methods of electromagnetic compatibility for radio communication equipment part 6 : available amateur radio equipment无线通信设备电磁兼容性要求和测量方法.第6部分:业余无线电设备Bringing hong kong job seekers the opportunity to search the global careermosaic j . o . b . s . database , where you can search by field of experience , job title , company and location生态旅游方式,特别有意义的户外活动项目探险登山攀岩徒步航空体育运动业余无线电为您准备了丰富的绝无仅有的探险生态套餐, 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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