美国4C 增高 显示器增高架有用吗?

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广告业务洽谈:010-0-  我虽然165 但是腿短 腰长 头大
羡慕大长腿 觉得很适合做断骨增高这个手术 做了也不会显得畸形。 国内不考虑 什么白鹤龙啥的 我觉得都是害人的医生 查了很久资料 加了很多增高群。 了解到美国的paley 法国的guichet 德国的betz做这个手术很先进 用的内置针 创伤小 恢复快。
据说guichet做完当天可下地。也了解到了手术的风险。 八卦人气高 想知道有去国外做过的这类手术的人吗。能不能给些意见和经验。
也想顺便找几个志同道合的朋友。一起研究一下 人多力量大。因为我英语不是特别好。有一个国外权威的增高论坛 看起来有点费劲。
大家给点意见啊。 谢谢各位了!!!!
楼主发言:36次 发图:0张 | 更多
  这个我研究过。现在的技术 致残几率好低。那天群里有人发了个长腿美女在健身房训练的小视频 他朋友在德国做完的。158增高到172。14公分。比例太好看了 大长腿。好羡慕。  
04:26:21  德国医院会让你做这个??如果不是天生畸形,只是为了好看,估计他们不会让你去做。欧洲除了扑热息痛,发烧感冒想开个药都费劲,他们怎么会让你在健康的情况下做这种手术?即便做了,费用肯定会超出你预期的!欧洲私人医院应该能做!态度好不说,设备也够先进,只是高额费用,保险不报销。你这个,准备20000欧吧!在白富美聚集的天涯,这点钱不算什么!亲,去吧!  -----------------------------  确实很贵 美国的paley报价都百十来万了。 德国法国的四五十万。
但是钱可以再赚 青春就这么几年呀 我考虑更多的是安全性。 话说前段时间有个楼主 女生168cm 也要去法国做。说是签证啥的都办好了。 然后就再没更新帖子了。郁闷。
04:42:45  总得来说,德国公立医院做这类整形手术的可能性会比私立医院小很多。  -----------------------------  你再德国吗? 感觉你了解的好多。
我觉得旅游签证就够用吧? 我准备过段时间去考察一下。跟医生沟通一下再决定。 嘿嘿  
04:42:45  总得来说,德国公立医院做这类整形手术的可能性会比私立医院小很多。  -----------------------------  @小企鹅爱小河豚
04:49:51  你再德国吗? 感觉你了解的好多。
我觉得旅游签证就够用吧? 我准备过段时间去考察一下。跟医生沟通一下再决定。 嘿嘿  -----------------------------  楼主,我可以帮你问问,但是欧洲公立医院这手生,私立的话要等。。。  你告诉具体叫什么手术吗?  就是语言障碍,翻译不懂医的话,都会乱翻的。我朋友的商务团就砸在翻译手里。。。
  后遗症太大 天涯那么多增高的帖子 哪个不比这个安全 楼主要三思。。只要动刀 肯定没自己原本的身体机能要好   
03:59:43  这个我研究过。现在的技术 致残几率好低。那天群里有人发了个长腿美女在健身房训练的小视频 他朋友在德国做完的。158增高到172。14公分。比例太好看了 大长腿。好羡慕。  -----------------------------  老的时候会容易骨质疏松、骨折吧,毕竟不是自己的骨头
04:42:45   总得来说,德国公立医院做这类整形手术的可能性会比私立医院小很多。   -----------------------------   @小企鹅爱小河豚
04:49:51   你再德国吗? 感觉你了解的好多。 我觉得旅游签证就够用吧? 我准备过段时间去考察一下。跟医生沟通一下再决定。 嘿嘿   -----------------------------  @俏月牙儿
05:31:21   楼主,我可以帮你问问,但是欧洲公立医院这手生,私立的话要等。。。   你告诉具体叫什么手术吗?   就是语言障碍,翻译不懂医的话,都会乱翻的。我朋友的商务团就砸在翻译手里。。。  -----------------------------  太感谢你了。 手术叫limb lengthening。
德国的医生叫betz 法国的叫guichet 他们应该是专门的专科医院 私人的 我估计。 国内能查到的资料太少 国外的网站又看不懂。
你人太好了 谢谢你!!!  
05:49:25  lz我在德国啊,刚搜索了下,你指的是不是prof.betz就是betz教授做腿增长的,是在巴符州的。我们可以加下微信看看  -----------------------------  太好了。 能站短我你微信号吗。我把我微信号站短你。
  @不吃味精-13 13:08:06  还是不要了吧。其实加强锻炼就可以,我健身半年长了2公分。  -----------------------------  你多大呀。 做了什么运动呀  
09:16:55  楼主呢想多高啊?我170感觉太高.我喜欢165  -----------------------------  我想173cm 不来东北不知道。
身边都是腿长大高个。 每次去洗浴中心的时候。不干别的 一边洗澡 一边研究别人的身高 和身材比例。 都变态了。
话说我喜欢的好几个明星都是173cm 比如关晓彤。这种。。。  
04:48:20  法国有可能做的!!!整形类应该没问题的!我们老板在法国做的整容,整完还不错!后来我的韩国同事也去了,做完就变混血了!嗯!很贵,看来我估计20000欧太少了,得六七万欧。  -----------------------------  法国整容好吗。我一直以为是日本美国最好。
04:57:04  德…德国骨科  -----------------------------  这个梗我也是查断骨增高资料的时候才知道的 哈哈  
05:49:25  lz我在德国啊,刚搜索了下,你指的是不是prof.betz就是betz教授做腿增长的,是在巴符州的。我们可以加下微信看看  -----------------------------  你太好了。谢谢你啊。 我站短你我的微信号了 谢谢你帮我。
04:42:45   总得来说,德国公立医院做这类整形手术的可能性会比私立医院小很多。   -----------------------------   @小企鹅爱小河豚
04:49:51   你再德国吗? 感觉你了解的好多。 我觉得旅游签证就够用吧? 我准备过段时间去考察一下。跟医生沟通一下再决定。 嘿嘿   -----------------------------  @俏月牙儿
05:31:21   楼主,我可以帮你问问,但是欧洲公立医院这手生,私立的话要等。。。   你告诉具体叫什么手术吗?   就是语言障碍,翻译不懂医的话,都会乱翻的。我朋友的商务团就砸在翻译手里。。。  -----------------------------  这位大美女or大帅哥。 谢谢你帮我。手术的名字叫做limb lengthening!  
  我家楼下的美女姐姐174, 2001年时做了断骨增高,长到178,没看出来有什么后遗症,也可能是有但是她自己不说。  
  @u_16-07-13 15:24:31  我家楼下的美女姐姐174, 2001年时做了断骨增高,长到178,没看出来有什么后遗症,也可能是有但是她自己不说。  -----------------------------  她应该是模特了吧?  
  天啊 真有人做这种手术   佩服佩服
  @u_16-07-13 15:24:31   我家楼下的美女姐姐174, 2001年时做了断骨增高,长到178,没看出来有什么后遗症,也可能是有但是她自己不说。   —————————————————  @可爱的葆儿
15:26:00  她应该是模特了吧?  —————————————————  恩,她就是因为174的身高当不了模特,才做那个手术的,不过现在30多岁了早就不干了。  
  @u_16-07-13 15:24:31   我家楼下的美女姐姐174, 2001年时做了断骨增高,长到178,没看出来有什么后遗症,也可能是有但是她自己不说。   —————————————————  @可爱的葆儿
15:26:00  她应该是模特了吧?  —————————————————  不要信啊,有些医院就是专门派写手出来回复的!!楼主去查查红粉宝宝,先查失败的例子!成功例子极有可能是医院出大价钱请一些写手,甚至手术失败的做宣传。当时红粉宝宝就是,做失败了,医院为了赔偿她联系说让她做宣传,接一单给多少提成这样的,还好红粉宝宝爆料了。整形夸大手术效果,恢复时间,都是常见的事!!  
04:57:04  德…德国骨科  -----------------------------  哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈  
  @小企鹅爱小河豚   不要做这种手术。我在欧洲从来没听说过有人做这种手术,而且你也说你英语不好,万一出了什么问题你连沟通都有困难。
  都没有去国外做过 或是了解的。可以跟我说一下吗。 T_T  
  楼上有人说医院翻译翻译的有问题,估计是自己找的翻译吧?我所在医院的翻译都是经过培训的。而且不是像运动神经元症这一类的疑难杂症,不至于翻译不到位。  但楼主千万不要相信中介,骗子太多了!据我所知,如果你不是畸形,欧洲医院是不会给你轻易做整形手术的!你的旅游签证肯定时间不够。一般旅游签三个月有效,你三个月内能见几次医生就不错了。私立另说。
16:17:40  楼上有人说医院翻译翻译的有问题,估计是自己找的翻译吧?我所在医院的翻译都是经过培训的。而且不是像运动神经元症这一类的疑难杂症,不至于翻译不到位。   但楼主千万不要相信中介,骗子太多了!据我所知,如果你不是畸形,欧洲医院是不会给你轻易做整形手术的!你的旅游签证肯定时间不够。一般旅游签三个月有效,你三个月内能见几次医生就不错了。私立另说。  -----------------------------  你在欧洲医院吗。 看来你是明白人啊。哈哈。谢谢你   
  @u_16-07-13 15:24:31  我家楼下的美女姐姐174, 2001年时做了断骨增高,长到178,没看出来有什么后遗症,也可能是有但是她自己不说。  -----------------------------  晕死174还做  
16:26:19  顺便赞美几句法国的整形!真的赞,做完就混血儿了!具体在哪医院做的,什么条件给做,我就不知道了。反正有钱是最基本的。在欧洲打botox的价格感觉比国内便宜。。。这是为什么呢?整形是不是都比国内的要便宜,有做过的来讲一讲么?  -----------------------------  听你这么一说。又想做整形了。混血脸好想要 妈啊。上天真是不公平。有些人肤白貌美大长腿。我啥也没有。本来做完增高 打算做自体脂肪丰胸。命苦  
16:06:10  都没有去国外做过 或是了解的。可以跟我说一下吗。 T_T  -----------------------------  手术能不能成功不说吧,多痛苦也不说吧,外边要打钢钉固定的,躺上差不多半年吧,然后你肌肉必然萎缩了,再做个两三年的复健吧。。然后呢,楼主你的青春就过去了。  就算这都不是个事,你每条腿上起码得有几个打钢钉的小疤痕。到时候,你还好意思炫长腿吗?  然后嘛,很可能长短腿。还有什么可能的后遗症就忘了。
16:26:19  顺便赞美几句法国的整形!真的赞,做完就混血儿了!具体在哪医院做的,什么条件给做,我就不知道了。反正有钱是最基本的。在欧洲打botox的价格感觉比国内便宜。。。这是为什么呢?整形是不是都比国内的要便宜,有做过的来讲一讲么?  -----------------------------  @小企鹅爱小河豚
16:40  听你这么一说。又想做整形了。混血脸好想要 妈啊。上天真是不公平。有些人肤白貌美大长腿。我啥也没有。本来做完增高 打算做自体脂肪丰胸。命苦  -----------------------------  肯定比你做这个增高要便宜。钱不如用在脸上,身材什么的,裙子遮着就好了!整个脸,三个月旅游签应该够了!
  为了回复楼主特别买了个天涯账号,太热心了怎么破。。。。随手google了下 Dr Guichet,转给楼主作参考  网站一: http://www.limblengtheningforum.com/index.php?topic=131.0 ,里面有人分享了Dr Guichet的回信。以防国内打不开,我把回信贴出来:  发贴人发信息:General Information about Dr Guichet Limb Lengthening Clinic based in France and Italy, contact the Clinic for specific details and latest updates.  Pricing:
Cost is 44000 Euros + Housing and postop training (5000 Euros approx. per month, with training in a World Excellence Center of the FIFA).  Recovery:
Optimal security is insured when you stay full time in the rehab center for the full duration of the lengthening. If not, risks of fracture increase strongly. Time to get 7 cm is 2 months.  It depends on your body, and that must be evaluated. Some patients stop at a 5 cm gain, while others may go to 9 or 10 cm. All patients do not have the same body or psychological capacities. In Dr. Guichet’s practice, the average gain is 68 mm in cosmetic lengthening (115 cases).   It depends also of your job and various parameters (preoperative preparation, aimed gain, etc.) that we will discuss at the consultation after the examination.  If you wish to get an initial evaluation clinic, the first step is to complete the joined form and return it WITH a copy of your passport (bring ALL originals with you at the consultation).  Yours sincerely,  Contact Info:  Jean-Marc Guichet, MD, PhD, Doct. Sci.  SELARL du Docteur Jean-Marc Guichet  Centre Phocea, 14 Bd Ganay  13009 Marseille - France  Office: +33.491.777.547  Office (mobile): +33.664.163.890  Fax: +33.491.777.547  E-Mail: jeanmarcguichet@sfr.fr &   Web: www.allongement-os-grandir.com & http://www.leglengtheningclinic.com/  回贴一,  My plan is to do LL with Guichet eventually, so I decided to contact him.  This is what I have:  Hello *,  Thank you for your interest in the internal Guichet nail leg lengthening technique. With all of our patients, we work with strict confidentiality and privacy on the procedure we offer. The Guichet nail is completely internal. Once surgically inserted, there is no exterior evidence (besides minor scars).  We advise all patients to come to Milan for an initial consultation and evaluation which can determine what your personal potential can be.  Our patients gain up to 10 cm (4 inches) in one operation on either the thigh (femurs) or legs (tibias).  The timeline for lengthening is 1 mm /day. 7 cm are gained in 2 months. Patients wishing to go to 10 cm should plan for 3.5 months, sometimes a bit quicker depending on the patient.  Here is the schedule for lengthening:  1) Operation: 6 hours  2) Hospital stay: 4 days. From the first post-operative day, you will resume full weight-bearing and walking, and bicycling.  3) Lengthening: according to your desired height.  4) Return home  5) Consolidation: down to 15 days per cm, but you can walk and resume daily life and some sports during this period.  All of our patients are welcome to stay where they wish. It is recommended that during lengthening that all patients go under the care of a personal trainer to keep their strength up and have full mobility.  To optimize the results, we prefer to look after each patient personally, but if you wish to return home to continue lengthening, you can leave when you feel comfortable with the lengthening process.  The internal device we are using is the highest performing one in the world. It is the new version of the original invention the Albizzia nail. With the new Guichet nail, all my patients can expect full weight-bearing and mobility capability while lengthening. This has many benefits with regards to returning to normal life with minimal disruption. With the very small incisions that we make for the procedure, there is very little evidence (or scarring) of the operation which is a focus for all of our patients.  We specialize in limb lengthening and reconstruction and have pioneered this internal technique to the highest standards in the world.  Risks of the procedure depend on the individual patient, which can be addressed at the time of the consultation in Milan. However, in the world today, the Guichet Nail has the lowest risk of complications compared to any other type of limb lengthening technique or method, including his previous invention the Albizzia Nail.  The cost of lengthening is 44,300 Euros taxes included. This covers hospital stay for 4 days,
2 months of medication and vitamins, clinic follow-up sessions by Dr. Guichet personally once a week until lengthening is completed.  The removal of the nail (3 to 4 hours surgery) happens after 2 years and costs 7300 EUR, including hospital stay and fees. You can expect to leave the hospital the same day.  With worldwide recognition for being the most knowledgeable limb reconstruction surgeon with respect to internal fixators, Dr. Guichet has successfully completed over 350 limb lengthening procedures.  The best step forward is to book an initial consultation. The consultation cost is 305 Euros.  If you would like to do a consultation and an operation in one visit, we can organize that in advance. The cost is 3000 Euros which will be deducted from the total cost of the procedure.  Please feel free to contact us further for booking the initial consultation.  Sincerely Yours,  LL Clinic  I hope you all could make use of this information, it's for the best.
  接上,网站二:http://betaller.net/leglengthening/showthread.php?t=12  这是个已经做过在Dr Guichet做过手术的病患的日记,该日记是该贴主做完Limb lenghening 7个月后写的,更像是手术总结,原贴里附有术后X光照多账,术后状态照多张,包括术后的灵活度,伤疤状态,楼主可以参考,原文如下,我只贴出手术后的总述部分,手后第一天开始的记录楼主自己在网址链接中看吧,要是打不开,我再帮你贴出来。  原文摘选如下:  Post ShyShy - Internal Femurs - Leg Lengthening with Dr Guichet in France - 2013  Hi all,  First of all, i had the surgery 7 months ago so this is not gonna be a diary but more like a summary of my leg lengthening journey i'd like to share now since it's still fresh in my mind. I’ll talk about the big steps of my journey, but if u have any specific questions, feel free to ask.  So, to introduce myself:  Age: 30+  Gender: male  Ethnicity: white  Initial height: ~ 1,68 m (~5f6)  Wingspan: ~ 1,74 (~ 5f8,5) / Sitting height: ~ 88cm (~ 2f10,5) for those who care about proportions.  Initial weight: ~66 kg (~145 lb)  Initial flexibility: ~85-90° on SLR  Physical abilities: Close to average, i always practiced many kind of sports but never been an athlete.  For some reasons i was unhappy with my height since i was 15-16. Cuz i have almost always been the shortest male (classroom, family, friends), i really lacked in self-confidence in so many situations, especially for dating.  So when i got 20, i decided to start research about leg lengthening. I discovered how hard and expensive was that process but i was highly determined so i didn't give up n i kept quiet during years.  Eventually after finishing my studies and earning enough money (which took me almost 10 years), i decided to meet Dr Guichet for a first consultation at the end of 2012 in Marseille.   For those who are wondering why i chosed Dr Guichet:  1) He's doing LL since 20 years.  2) He has operated hundreds of patients.*   3) From what i searched, he's using the strongest nail (i was a bit worrying about breaking or bending it)  He measured me, tested my flexibilty and told me what gain i could expect from the LL process. I was aiming at 7-8 cm (knowing that it could be definitely less) and he said it was possible but he told me i had to train a bit first, he also gave me few instructions about what i should do before the surgery in order to have it and to optimize the results post-surgery.  I was quite flexible but not especially muscled so i trained myself during several months to gain flexibility and strength on legs. Body-building and stretching 2-3 times per week, and some cycling.  It took me 3 months to gain 20% of strength on quads on the isokinetic test and 7 months to gain around 40% in total.  I went to 115-120° on SLR test, and i was weighting ~ 73 kg (~ 160 lb) right before the surgery.  I've been mailing Dr Guichet few times during 2013 and we planned the surgery the 30th september.  After making all the medicals exams needed, i met him again in Milano to finalize the administrative part, 1 month before the surgery. Right before that last consultation, i also been able to meet 3 patients who had or were lengthening. I won't go into details, but they seemed pretty good and very reassuring about the LL process.  I organized the whole stuff before going there including the help of a family member for my journey.  I rent a very nice flat in Milano (Desuite Milano) for me and my family member (I recommend it if u ever go there, nicest people i ever met).
  其实也不能说德国骨科不好,这个医生我搜索了下,的确是有诊所的,而且也隶属于一个公立医院。就是我看了下德国人的讨论,一般都是翘脚,就是2个腿不一样长的人去做手术,这个是可以保险付钱的。毕竟好像术后恢复需要穿的一个袜子还是靴子类的东西,就要1万欧元,,有个人和保险公司在撕逼,就为了这个康复的东西也要进保,,  如果全部私人付费的话,估计很贵很贵,,但是,德国这里,医生普遍喜欢私立保险和直接付钱的。因为公保来钱慢啊,,  
18:13:12  为了回复楼主特别买了个天涯账号,太热心了怎么破。。。。随手google了下 Dr Guichet,转给楼主作参考   网站一: http://www.limblengtheningforum.com/index.php?topic=131.0 ,里面有人分享了Dr Guichet的回信。以防国内打不开,我把回信贴出来:   发贴人发信息:General Information about Dr Guichet Limb Lengthening Clinic based in France and Italy, contact the Clinic for specific details and latest updates.   Pricing: Cost is 44000 Euros + Housing and postop training (5000 Euros approx. per month, with training in a World Excellence Center of the FIFA).   Recovery: Optimal security is insured when you stay full time in the rehab center for the full duration of the lengthening. If not, risks of fracture increase strongly. Time to get 7 cm is 2 months.   It depends on your body, and that must be evaluated. Some patients stop at a 5 cm gain, while others may go to 9 or 10 cm. All patients do not have the same body or psychological capacities. In Dr. Guichet’s practice, the average gain is 68 mm in cosmetic lengthening (115 cases).   It depends also of your job and various parameters (preoperative preparation, aimed gain, etc.) that we will discuss at the consultation after the examination.   If you wish to get an initial evaluation clinic, the first step is to complete the joined form and return it WITH a copy of your passport (bring ALL originals with you at the consultation).   Yours sincerely,   Contact Info:   Jean-Marc Guichet, MD, PhD, Doct. Sci.   SELARL du Docteur Jean-Marc Guichet   Centre Phocea, 14 Bd Ganay   13009 Marseille - France   Office: +33.491.777.547   Office (mobile): +33.664.163.890   Fax: +33.491.777.547   E-Mail: jeanmarcguichet@sfr.fr &
  Web: www.allongement-os-grandir.com & http://www.leglengtheningclinic.com/   回贴一,   My plan is to do LL with Guichet eventually, so I decided to contact him.   This is what I have:   Hello *,   Thank you for your interest in the internal Guichet nail leg lengthening technique. With all of our patients, we work with strict confidentiality and privacy on the procedure we offer. The Guichet nail is completely internal. Once surgically inserted, there is no exterior evidence (besides minor scars).   We advise all patients to come to Milan for an initial consultation and evaluation which can determine what your personal potential can be.   Our patients gain up to 10 cm (4 inches) in one operation on either the thigh (femurs) or legs (tibias).   The timeline for lengthening is 1 mm /day. 7 cm are gained in 2 months. Patients wishing to go to 10 cm should plan for 3.5 months, sometimes a bit quicker depending on the patient.   Here is the schedule for lengthening:   1) Operation: 6 hours   2) Hospital stay: 4 days. From the first post-operative day, you will resume full weight-bearing and walking, and bicycling.   3) Lengthening: according to your desired height.   4) Return home   5) Consolidation: down to 15 days per cm, but you can walk and resume daily life and some sports during this period.   All of our patients ......  -----------------------------  你好善良。 看来你是时差党 国内啥资料也查不到。买了个翻墙软件 速度慢的我抓狂。谢谢你啊。 你英语那么好。能查查有没有老外发帖说做失败的?
天涯好人多! 太感动了   
19:07:24  其实也不能说德国骨科不好,这个医生我搜索了下,的确是有诊所的,而且也隶属于一个公立医院。就是我看了下德国人的讨论,一般都是翘脚,就是2个腿不一样长的人去做手术,这个是可以保险付钱的。毕竟好像术后恢复需要穿的一个袜子还是靴子类的东西,就要1万欧元,,有个人和保险公司在撕逼,就为了这个康复的东西也要进保,,   如果全部私人付费的话,估计很贵很贵,,但是,德国这里,医生普遍喜欢私立保险和直接付钱的。因为公保来钱慢啊,,  -----------------------------  嗯嗯! 你德文这么棒。能帮我看看有人在betz这做手术失败的吗。
我能加你微信吗? 到时候我想先去德国旅游咨询一下。当面问问。 我想找一个翻译 能请你帮忙吗。我会付钱的。感激不尽!!!  
19:07:24  其实也不能说德国骨科不好,这个医生我搜索了下,的确是有诊所的,而且也隶属于一个公立医院。就是我看了下德国人的讨论,一般都是翘脚,就是2个腿不一样长的人去做手术,这个是可以保险付钱的。毕竟好像术后恢复需要穿的一个袜子还是靴子类的东西,就要1万欧元,,有个人和保险公司在撕逼,就为了这个康复的东西也要进保,,   如果全部私人付费的话,估计很贵很贵,,但是,德国这里,医生普遍喜欢私立保险和直接付钱的。因为公保来钱慢啊,,  -----------------------------  我站短你我的微信号。 希望你能帮助我 加我一下 谢谢亲爱的!!!  
  送你两字 傻逼   
20:07:44  送你两字 傻逼  -----------------------------  用得着骂人吗。 一个人一个想法和执念。有些人就想整容 有些就想减肥。
我是来求建议和信息的 不是来求骂的。  
20:43:31  看了下发帖日期竟然是今年的帖子。。。这个手术失败残疾的新闻还不够多么。。。之前天涯就有一个楼主做了然后残疾了,然后女朋友跑了事业垮了。。。。  -----------------------------  你们在哪看到相关的新闻的呀?我之前都没听说过这个手术,也是后来在天涯上看到才知道还有这种恐怖的手术……
  risk  thorough research on the subject by the patient is advisable.  Risks associated with limb lengthening are much lower at the Leg Lengthening Clinic as Dr. Guichet develops all methods and ensures all improvements are available to his patients right away. Dr. Guichet is paving the way for new standards of quality in limb lengthening. Although internal nails have fewer risks of complications than external fixators, it is still important to understand possible risks, including but not limited to:  Pain. Fairly consistent, however much lower than what can be expected with an external fixator. Patients who have had experience with both methods of lengthening have been very clear about the difference in pain.   Infection. However, rare with nails (especially femoral).   Joint and/or Muscle Stiffness.   Muscle Lesions.   Early/Premature Bone Fusion or Absence/Delay of Bone Fusion.   Bone or Material Fracture.   Paralysis. However this has not be observed in the statistics of femoral lengthening by Dr. Guichet  Vascular/ Skin Problems, Weight Loss/Gain, Depression, etc.   Professional Job Impairment.
However, much lower risk than with external fixator.   To date, in the femoral lengthening in the practice of Dr. Guichet NO infection (osteitis, osteomyelitis), final stiffness, or paralysis, has occurred.  以上介绍了风险,lz自己查一下!保险肯定跟你无缘了。只要有钱,这都不是事儿。
20:43:31   看了下发帖日期竟然是今年的帖子。。。这个手术失败残疾的新闻还不够多么。。。之前天涯就有一个楼主做了然后残疾了,然后女朋友跑了事业垮了。。。。   -----------------------------  @且共疏狂
21:15:56   你们在哪看到相关的新闻的呀?我之前都没听说过这个手术,也是后来在天涯上看到才知道还有这种恐怖的手术……  -----------------------------  说起恐怖。 我都感觉没有削骨手术可怕。不过也确实是个大手术了。 为了美。 你都不知道。我的心情。 我有个朋友一米七三 大长腿 天天在朋友圈晒他的腿。完事还要配句话。好胖呀。好短呀。再长点就好了。
  Costs  There are many factors that will affect the price of your surgery and the price of your stay during the recovery process. The cost varies by what you want such as how many limbs, or which bone(s), how much length wanted, and what options are decided on.  During your consultation, you will be told the estimated cost of your surgery. Other c personal trainer, category of hotel or accommodations, length of time (the longer you stay, the more length you can expect to gain), the current exchange rate ect. An accurate quote with options will be delivered after your consultation.  Initially we request that a Consultation Fee be deposited in the value of EUR 305.00. After the initial Consultation, we request that a EUR 5,000.00 Initial booking fee be paid in order to secure your procedure. Please only deposit the Booking Fee once cleary instructed to do so by the Leg Lengthening Clinic.   It is very important that you consider the financial cost of this surgery before coming to Marseille. It is recommended that patients budget EUR58,000 to EUR65,500 depending on your spending habits and needs while living in France. Currently, the cost of the device itself makes up a large part of the total expenses, however, it is possible for those patients willing to book their surgery 11 months or more in advance and, making a full payment, obtaining 10% off of the cost of surgery. Please be sure to contact us for more information at:   NOTE: All payments are made through PayPal - please see more on our PAYMENT page  我看到付款页面里有银联的标识,但付款的时候就只能用paypal或信用卡了
21:35:47  risk   thorough research on the subject by the patient is advisable.   Risks associated with limb lengthening are much lower at the Leg Lengthening Clinic as Dr. Guichet develops all methods and ensures all improvements are available to his patients right away. Dr. Guichet is paving the way for new standards of quality in limb lengthening. Although internal nails have fewer risks of complications than external fixators, it is still important to understand possible risks, including but not limited to:   Pain. Fairly consistent, however much lower than what can be expected with an external fixator. Patients who have had experience with both methods of lengthening have been very clear about the difference in pain.   Infection. However, rare with nails (especially femoral).   Joint and/or Muscle Stiffness.   Muscle Lesions.   Early/Premature Bone Fusion or Absence/Delay of Bone Fusion.   Bone or Material Fracture.   Paralysis. However this has not be observed in the statistics of femoral lengthening by Dr. Guichet   Vascular/ Skin Problems, Weight Loss/Gain, Depression, etc.   Professional Job Impairment. However, much lower risk than with external fixator.   To date, in the femoral lengthening in the practice of Dr. Guichet NO infection (osteitis, osteomyelitis), final stiffness, or paralysis, has occurred.   以上介绍了风险,lz自己查一下!保险肯定跟你无缘了。只要有钱,这都不是事儿。  -----------------------------  你太热心了。人真好 谢谢你这么帮助我!  
  你可以打生长素啊  就是那种专门给畸形患者打的药  或者黄豆增高法  
23:48:36  你可以打生长素啊   就是那种专门给畸形患者打的药   或者黄豆增高法  -----------------------------  我都26了。别说打生长激素了。打啥也不管用啊。 那个黄豆增高法 我也看过。天涯er 很多都看过。 但貌似没有一个成功?没人反馈啊  
11:31:54  楼主怎么说了半天都不回阻止你的楼,一个劲咔咔上资料呢,广告贴吧?  -----------------------------  给国外医院做广告吗?
阻止我的。 我不知道咋回 说来说去就是我想大长腿。我不怕疼。 我知道我不矮 可是我想做。 你说咋回   
12:02:56  认识做过断骨的人,家里超级有钱,天生侏儒,做了两次,现在走路不是很正常走得慢,腿很不自然  -----------------------------  你朋友是在哪里做的呀。超级有钱是不是在国外做的?   
  165都要做??  楼主你看很多明星比例都不好啊,也没见人家去做骨头的,最多打针瘦小腿,明星是出名敢为天下先的了。。。
15:15:42  165都要做??   楼主你看很多明星比例都不好啊,也没见人家去做骨头的,最多打针瘦小腿,明星是出名敢为天下先的了。。。  -----------------------------  我要说我都结婚两三年了 还要做这个 你更觉得我有病了 哈哈。
身高就是我的执念。 我可以没有钱 不背名牌包。但就是想要大长腿 确实有病。哈哈  
05:49:25  lz我在德国啊,刚搜索了下,你指的是不是prof.betz就是betz教授做腿增长的,是在巴符州的。我们可以加下微信看看  -----------------------------  总之,增高手术是真的,也是真的有这个医生,一般治疗的都是瘸子吧,,为了长高而手术的不多,但是这个医生据说比较喜欢私保的病人  
  一路看下来,楼主是铁了心要做手术了。  但身高问题,1、可以通过形体锻炼增高,详见微博上的体态大师;2、通过穿衣打扮改变视觉效果,详见朝九晚五里的石原里美。  做手术最大的风险是后遗症。就说现在很成熟的双眼皮手术吧。我朋友刚开完觉得变漂亮了,后来出现了后遗症就说很后悔做了,再然后也不提后遗症了,因为她开都开了,无法挽回,有后遗症忍受着也就习惯了。我整过牙齿,后遗症是咬不动硬的东西了,原来我不知道这是后遗症,我还以为是岁数大了。还是那句话,后遗症忍着忍着就习惯了。  
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