Whatwhy do you think soof the vacation in Sanya?的同义句

& Unit知识点 & “What would it be lik...”习题详情
What would it be like to take a walk on the surface of Mars? If you could design the tallest building in the world, what would it look like? Do you dream of being the next J.K. Rowling? This summer, you can experience all of these things, and more. All you need is an Internet connection and your imagination.A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that kids spend an average of 1 hour and 29 minutes online each day. Many kids like to use that time to chat with friends, play games or check e&mails. But the next time you get on the Web, try exploring the world instead. “With the Internet, you can go back 11,000 years in time, or go 11,000 kilometers across the planet.” said Russell, Web search expert of Google. “The whole scope of history and the world is open to you.”There is a wealth of information to be found online. For example, if your family is going on vacation somewhere,do a quick online search on the area before you even get in the car. “What's the bac what's the history?” says Russell. “I like to tell my kids, ‘Whenever you have a question, whenever you have a doubt, search it out.’”Ready to launch a virtual journey of your own? Here are a few starting points to get you thinking and to help you on your way. You can invite your parents along for the ride, too. Always ask for permission before downloading programs and software onto your computer. And check with a parent or an adult before visiting a new Web site.Navigate the world in 3&D with Google Earth. Begin in outer space and zoom(快速移动) into the streets of any city, from Hong Kong to San Francisco. Or visit ancient monuments, watch the changing rainforests over time, and dive underwater to explore tropical reef.With the Moon in Google Earth tool, you can walk in Neil Armstrong's famous footsteps. Take a guided tour of the moon's surface with Armstrong's fellow shuttle mate astronaut Buzz Aldrin.When you're exploring that part of the solar system, hop on over to the Red Planet with Google Mars. There, you can move very quickly around the surface and see images from the Mars Rovers.【小题1】The author uses questions in the first passage to &&&&.A.introduce the topic of the paragraphB.question the possibility of realizing the dreamC.attract the readers' attentionD.let the readers answer it【小题2】How do you travel around the world in a day according to the passage?A.By taking the time shuttle.B.By making use of the InternetC.By watching 3&D films.D.By finding a tourism company in Google.【小题3】Russell thought &&&&.A.the students spent too much time on the InternetB.the students shouldn't chat and play games onlineC.the students could solve their problems through the lineD.the students should learn knowledge instead of chatting online【小题4】What's the purpose of the passage?A.Encourage the kids to spend more time online.B.Encourage the kids to do some research on science.C.Encourage the kids to learn to use the computer.D.Encourage the kids to explore the world online.C&
习题“What would it be like to take a walk on the surface of Mars? If you could design the tallest building in ...”的分析与解答如下所示:
【小题1】C 推理判断题。本文开头用了几个有吸引力的问题,主要的目的是吸引读者的注意力。故答案选C项。【小题2】B 细节理解题。根据文章的第二段的“...Web search expert of Google. ‘The whole scope of history and the world is open to you.’”以及倒数第三段中的“Navigate the world in 3&D with Google Earth...visit ancient monuments...”可知,本文鼓励孩子们通过利用网络上的资源用3D参观这些地方,而不是真正坐时光穿梭机、去影院看电影或找旅游公司。故答案选B项。【小题3】C 细节理解题。由第三段最后一句“Whenever you have a question, whenever you have a doubt,search it out.”可知,孩子们可以通过因特网解决问题。故答案选C项。【小题4】D 作者意图题。由全文的内容及本文第一段的“This summer,you can experience all of these things,and more.All you need is an Internet connection and your imagination.”及第二段第三句“...try exploring the world instead.”可知,本文的主要目的是鼓励孩子们通过网络探索世界。故答案选D项。疑难词汇解读1.launch v.发射、发动launch a rocket发射火箭launch a campaign发起一项运动2.virtual adj.实际的,实质上的A virtual state of war exists between the two countries.这两国间实际上处于战争状态。
What would it be like to take a walk on the surface of Mars? If you could design the tallest buildin...
与“What would it be like to take a walk on the surface of Mars? If you could design the tallest building in ...”相似的题目:
Wang Jianlin, chairman of Dalian Wanda Group, &&&& the Forbes China Rich List with personal wealth of $14 billion, which surprised all of us.ranked toppedawardedtitled
ExperienceChallenging posts
in industry for gap year students. Use your academic and interpersonal skills
to improve a product or service provided by a top name company-and get paid
for it! Camp WorldWork in camps for
young people in one or more of the five continents. You help organize sports
activities and other outdoor pursuits and you could end up with a
qualification as an instructor.C.D.Community CareVolunteer work at
home and abroad with the physically and mentally handicapped, the homeless,
the elderly and orphans. You’ll need to be committed, patient and sensitive
to others. Academic Study
YearSpend a whole year
studying at a foreign university in Europe, the USA or even further afield,
without the pressure of exams. Accommodation with local families. Grants
InternationalConservation and
research work with teams of volunteers on nature reserves in South America and
Africa. Projects include monitoring wildlife, path building and water and
soil conservation.&Language Teachers
AbroadTeach your own
language or English in almost any country in the world. Class sizes vary from
one to one hundred and resources can be basic, but your students will welcome
you with open arms.&&【小题1】I grow up in a very big family. My parents have raised twelve kids and I am their first-born. It has been my duty to help my mom take care of my brothers and sisters. To handle them, often I have to organize an outdoor activity, like a softball game. I must say that I have the potential to work as an instructor. 【小题2】Last year, my dog got crippled after losing the fight to my neighbor’s bulldog. I rinsed its wound with some lotion and tied its leg with a stick. I had him take medicine every day for a full month. Finally he recovered. I think I can help the elderly and the disabled as well. I feel so good when I can offer help.【小题3】I am a film buff. A big fan of Antonio Banderas. He is so wild and charming. Because of him, I fell in love with Spain. The Latin dance and the bullfight are really exciting. Oh, if only I could stay in Spain as an exchange student! I would be learning Spanish so well that I can watch a Spanish film with the dubbing.【小题4】 I had the experience of working as a social worker in Switzerland last summer. I love the country and its people. There are great mountains for climbers and the local people are so nice to strangers. I helped the kids with their English. My teaching skills improved greatly during my stay. Now I’m well prepared to work as a language instructor.【小题5】I spent my gap year traveling all over Africa last year. It was definitely an eye- opening experience. The exotic clothes and tribal dances of the people really fascinated me. But I was most amazed by the wildlife there. I really took great pleasure in watching those animals hunting their prey. You know, I specialize in zoology, and I’m a good observer.&&&&
Running like the wind, roaring (咆哮) like thunder, tigers have long been feared and respected as a king of the animal world. But last week a report said that there are no more than 30 wild tigers left in south China. This was the conclusion of a team of scientists from China's State Forestry Administration and the World Nature Fund. The South China tiger, also known as the Chinese tiger, is native to southern China. In the 1950's, there were over 4000 tigers found in mountain forests in the country. But due to the destruction of their natural habitat and uncontrolled hunting, it has been pushed on to the list of the world's top ten most endangered species. Sixty&six of the big cats can be found in the cages of a dozen zoos around China. But they are nothing like their wild cousins. They have lost their natural skills such as hunting and killing. If they were set free they could not look after themselves. “Breeding has damaged the quality of the species”, said Pei Enle, deputy director of the Shanghai Zoo. To reintroduce the species into the wild, the country started a programme to send five to ten young tigers to South Africa. Four of them have already arrived. Progress has been made as two elder tigers have recovered some of their instincts(本能) and can hunt wild animals by themselves at the African base. “South Africans are very experienced in reintroducing big animals to the wild. The country has very good natural conditions for the tigers to learn in”, said Lu Jun, office director of the National Wildlife Research and Development Center.“We tried in Fujian Province, but it was not successful as there was not a complete eco&chain(生物链) and there was a lack of space.” The tigers should return to China in 2007 when the reservations in Fujian are ready.【小题1】What is the main reason for the South China tiger becoming one of the world's top ten most endangered species?A.Because it has lost its natural instincts.B.Because there is not a complete eco&chain.C.Because there is no space for it.D.Because uncontrolled hunting has destroyed its natural living conditions.【小题2】How is the programme of sending several tigers to South Africa getting on?A.Its effect still remains to be seen.B.Two tigers can already compete with their wild cousins.C.Some of the tigers are already on the road to recovering their natural skills.D.The tigers should be able to recover their instincts completely by 2007.【小题3】By saying “but they are nothing like their wild cousins”,the writer means that&&&&.A.they are no longer feared by other wild animalsB.they don't know how to hunt or killC.a complete change has resulted in the species because of breedingD.to reintroduce them into the wild has become an urgent task【小题4】What is the purpose of sending young tigers to South Africa?A.To help the tigers recover their ability to live in the wild.B.To provide them with a better environment.C.To get the tigers to go on a tour.D.To find a complete eco&chain for them.【小题5】Which one is NOT the reason for South Africa being chosen as the training place?A.Because the tigers can hunt wild animals by themselves at the African base.B.Because South Africans are skilled at dealing with the tigers.C.Because there is a complete eco&chain and enough space there.D.Because the country has good natural conditions for the tigers to learn in.&&&&
“What would it be lik...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“What would it be like to take a walk on the surface of Mars? If you could design the tallest building in the world, what would it look like? Do you dream of being the next J.K. Rowling? This summer, you can experience all of these things, and more. All you need is an Internet connection and your imagination.A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that kids spend an average of 1 hour and 29 minutes online each day. Many kids like to use that time to chat with friends, play games or check e&mails. But the next time you get on the Web, try exploring the world instead. “With the Internet, you can go back 11,000 years in time, or go 11,000 kilometers across the planet.” said Russell, Web search expert of Google. “The whole scope of history and the world is open to you.”There is a wealth of information to be found online. For example, if your family is going on vacation somewhere,do a quick online search on the area before you even get in the car. “What's the bac what's the history?” says Russell. “I like to tell my kids, ‘Whenever you have a question, whenever you have a doubt, search it out.’”Ready to launch a virtual journey of your own? Here are a few starting points to get you thinking and to help you on your way. You can invite your parents along for the ride, too. Always ask for permission before downloading programs and software onto your computer. And check with a parent or an adult before visiting a new Web site.Navigate the world in 3&D with Google Earth. Begin in outer space and zoom(快速移动) into the streets of any city, from Hong Kong to San Francisco. Or visit ancient monuments, watch the changing rainforests over time, and dive underwater to explore tropical reef.With the Moon in Google Earth tool, you can walk in Neil Armstrong's famous footsteps. Take a guided tour of the moon's surface with Armstrong's fellow shuttle mate astronaut Buzz Aldrin.When you're exploring that part of the solar system, hop on over to the Red Planet with Google Mars. There, you can move very quickly around the surface and see images from the Mars Rovers.【小题1】The author uses questions in the first passage to ____.A.introduce the topic of the paragraphB.question the possibility of realizing the dreamC.attract the readers' attentionD.let the readers answer it【小题2】How do you travel around the world in a day according to the passage?A.By taking the time shuttle.B.By making use of the InternetC.By watching 3&D films.D.By finding a tourism company in Google.【小题3】Russell thought ____.A.the students spent too much time on the InternetB.the students shouldn't chat and play games onlineC.the students could solve their problems through the lineD.the students should learn knowledge instead of chatting online【小题4】What's the purpose of the passage?A.Encourage the kids to spend more time online.B.Encourage the kids to do some research on science.C.Encourage the kids to learn to use the computer.D.Encourage the kids to explore the world online.”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“What would it be like to take a walk on the surface of Mars? If you could design the tallest building in the world, what would it look like? Do you dream of being the next J.K. Rowling? This summer, you can experience all of these things, and more. All you need is an Internet connection and your imagination.A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that kids spend an average of 1 hour and 29 minutes online each day. Many kids like to use that time to chat with friends, play games or check e&mails. But the next time you get on the Web, try exploring the world instead. “With the Internet, you can go back 11,000 years in time, or go 11,000 kilometers across the planet.” said Russell, Web search expert of Google. “The whole scope of history and the world is open to you.”There is a wealth of information to be found online. For example, if your family is going on vacation somewhere,do a quick online search on the area before you even get in the car. “What's the bac what's the history?” says Russell. “I like to tell my kids, ‘Whenever you have a question, whenever you have a doubt, search it out.’”Ready to launch a virtual journey of your own? Here are a few starting points to get you thinking and to help you on your way. You can invite your parents along for the ride, too. Always ask for permission before downloading programs and software onto your computer. And check with a parent or an adult before visiting a new Web site.Navigate the world in 3&D with Google Earth. Begin in outer space and zoom(快速移动) into the streets of any city, from Hong Kong to San Francisco. Or visit ancient monuments, watch the changing rainforests over time, and dive underwater to explore tropical reef.With the Moon in Google Earth tool, you can walk in Neil Armstrong's famous footsteps. Take a guided tour of the moon's surface with Armstrong's fellow shuttle mate astronaut Buzz Aldrin.When you're exploring that part of the solar system, hop on over to the Red Planet with Google Mars. There, you can move very quickly around the surface and see images from the Mars Rovers.【小题1】The author uses questions in the first passage to ____.A.introduce the topic of the paragraphB.question the possibility of realizing the dreamC.attract the readers' attentionD.let the readers answer it【小题2】How do you travel around the world in a day according to the passage?A.By taking the time shuttle.B.By making use of the InternetC.By watching 3&D films.D.By finding a tourism company in Google.【小题3】Russell thought ____.A.the students spent too much time on the InternetB.the students shouldn't chat and play games onlineC.the students could solve their problems through the lineD.the students should learn knowledge instead of chatting online【小题4】What's the purpose of the passage?A.Encourage the kids to spend more time online.B.Encourage the kids to do some research on science.C.Encourage the kids to learn to use the computer.D.Encourage the kids to explore the world online.”相似的习题。Where did you go on vacation? 同步测试
)&&&&& 2. (&&&& )&&&&&& 3. (&&&& )&&&&& 4. (&&&& )
) 5. Where did the boy go on vacation?
.&B. the USA.&&&&&& C. Sanya.
) 6. What did Michael think of the food there?
.&&& B. OK.&&&&&&&&&& C. Really good.
)7. When will they meet?
B. At 8:30.&&&&&&& C. At 8:15.
)8. Where will they meet ?
B. At the cinema.&& C. At school.
)9. Who does the girl to the piano class with?
B. Herself.&&&&&&&&& C. Her friend.
)10. What will she do at the party?
B. Cook dinner.&&&&& C. Watch TV.
)11. What does the man do every morning?
B. He runs.&& C. He plays tennis.
)12. What does the man eat a lot?
B. Eggs.&&&&& C. Vegetables.
)13. What are they talking about?
)14. Why are some students better at their lessons than others?
B. They study harder.&& C. They know how to study.
)15. What is the best way if you want to study well?
)16. How many ways are included(包括)
B. Three.&&&&&&&&&&& C. Four.
18____ ninth.
20______ the poor children, so the poor children can go to school.
 &B. teaching&& C. D. 
)3. How’s the weather in Shanghai ?&_________.&&&&&&
B. It is rain&C  
)4. It has five _______ years of history.&&&&&&&
)6. How is it going? ______.
.B. is sing so well
) 8. “You are a very beautiful girl.”&&& “________”
B. Sorry, I don’t.&& C. Thank you.&&& D. Yes, I do.
)9. He didn’t have_____ money for a taxi, ______ he walked back to the hotel.
B. much, because&& C. any, so&&&&&&& D. some, so
) 10. On Sunday morning I helped my mother ____&& the cooking.
B. to doing&&& C. does&&& D. doing
) 11.---__________ ?&---He did some reading at home.
) 12. I cleaned my classroom ____________.
B. three hours ago
D .for three hours
) 13. Did you go shopping yesterday?&_________.
B Yes, I did&C Yes, I am&D No, I couldn’t
)14._______ you ________ soccer over the weekend?
B. Do, played&& C. Did, play&& D. Did, playing
) 15. I want to go ______ this summer vacation.
B. relaxing somewhere
&&&&D. relaxing anywhere
) 16&B. worried&&&&&& C. hungry&&& &&&&&& D. thirsty
) B. turned&&&&&&&&& C. tried &&&&&&&&&D.
) &&&&&& &B. &&C. similar&& &&&&&D. proper
) &&&&&&&&&& B. laughing&&& &&&& C. D. waving
) B. &&& C. invitation &&&&&D. introduction
) &&&&&&&&& &&&&B. station&&&& &&&C. platform&&& &&&& D.
) &&&&&&&&& B. &&&C. traveled&& &&&&D. moved
) &&&&&&& &&&&B. me&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&C. him&&&&&&&&&& D. them
) 24&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&& B. hurt &&&&&&&& &&&&C. left&&&&&&& &&&& D. found
) 25B. wondered&&&&&& C. &&&&& D. cried
) &&&&&&&&&&& B. pleased&&& &&&&&& C. lonely&&&&& &&&& D.
) &&&&&&&&&&& B. we&&& &&&&&&&&& C. &&&&&&&&& D. you
&&&&B. Home Love
&D. Volunteer Help
B. 555-6669&&&&&&& C. 555-6668&&&&&&& D. 555-4663
B. 3&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& C. 6&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. 8 &
) 3A. fish&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. water&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&& &&C. ships&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&D. signals
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&B. England and America
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&D. America and Britain
)34. How long did Larry spend looking for his teacher on the Internet?
B. For 12 years.
&&& D. For 2 years.
)35. What did Larry feel sorry for?
B. Forgetting many school things.
D. Leaving the teacher’s class.
)36. What’s the writer’s conclusion in the passage?
)37. When did the things described in the first paragraph happen?
B. When Guei just finished high school.
D. When Guei already went to college.
)38. Where is he playing for now?
B. The Green High school.
D. Cambridge University.
)39. What does the writer mean by how big a team player Guei is off the court?
B. He is good at making friends.
D. He’s set a good example in life.
)40. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
B. The Most Hopeful Star
D. The Best Friend of Ours
46&& . The other frogs kept telling them to stop and wait for their death. Finally, one of the two frogs gave up and fell down. Soon he died.
49&& . An encouraging word to someone who is down can cheer him up and help him make it through difficulties. Secondly, a destructive (消极的
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