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Sing a Song
Words of love, dedicated to the most beaurtiful woman on this blue globe.
Yes, I love her -- still & yes, I do, I do, I do.
And she's oh so current and conquering, peace in Eire.
Who would have ever imagined?
Time knows, I think.Breathing in and out
.... that's what it's all about!\And it still is, now boxed breathing in and out ... .Tears Come – True Is It TonightI feel as I’ve been banished again.The best stories tell of how you’ve come back again.You did once.
Who, then, is as happy as us together?What’s worse, this time apart, (do we come together again?),Is the knowing surely, in my own head, we are True Love.Christ denied, said Yes, said No, says Maybe. Mary, too.Maybe your Mom, like mine, threw in a wrench or a towel for us.God I’m sweet, yes, and passionate, and willing to go blind.If I could get rid of this cold and just die with you on my mind,And, why not, in your arms?
The bible’s old. Yeah, and God.But hey, the Living water’s old. I’m old, I believe.Off to nowhere, it seems.
With some friends, aye.There, it’s just the rain.&3 DaemuryI'd Be With YouSlightly Roguish Moon RisingThe moon mysteriously moves upWith a tear, groaning to give joy.I’ve a night to remember, only you.Cats play to most hidden, not to me.The world’s born again, why not from us.This moon, like me, feels tired tonight.This moon, like me, knows we’re apart.Oh, baby, I miss you so, very less for the distance.Thanks for the rising, white rider of the skies,For aiming high, joyfully slow, ever a smile.If it weren’t more than freezing, like 10-degrees,I’d love to lie down and smile back at you.I’ll curl up and hope you wake to dream me.&3 DaemuryPurchase BookletteDreaming MeMight you taste me in this dream?I can almost smell you at the door.I can hardly wait to taste you.Taste me, goodness for all you.Oh Reality, you’re so good, so true.I hope not whether change will be,I hope so whatever change will be.Might dreams really have taste, oh, really!Get real, oh, for Pete’s sake, wake-up, dang it!Taste the softness of the cover, of the underlay,The sweetness of well-strewn petals, lavender strung,I hope not whether change will be,I hope so whatever change will be.Am I but not awake, just that top-shelf pinch,Yes, it’s all so real, so true, so deliciously all so good,Slipping, sliding, sidereal springing, oh joy, oh joy.No sniffles, all great haleness fulfills me, all hale,I take the draught of sweet softness, and your touch.I hope not whether change will be,I hope so whatever change will be.&3
DaemuryManifest LonelinessGod, I miss you. I last saw you over a day ago.Your miraculous presence, the very gift of you,The wonder and joy I so fully feel when with you —I don’t feel them now.
I feel so empty, so bereft.I don’t feel like telling you I’m so obsessing on you,I don’t feel like telling you I’m so in-love with you.I think you don’t want to know that I do,I think you don’t want to know that I do.I am rising above the very sinking into a morass of loss,I am rising above the not-linking to you here-and-now,I know I cannot claim you for my own, this is your choice.I think we really ought not to commit right now, but I need to.I need to tell you this, how wonderful I find you, I love you. I don’t feel like telling you I’m so obsessing on you,I don’t feel like telling you I’m so in-love with you.I think you don’t want to know that I do,I think you don’t want to know that I do.Thus, therefore, I am alone, so empty, so bereft,Unless I tell somehow this feeling to you some way,Reaching out in the dark my fingers extended,Grasping for the connection I have felt so well,I don’t feel like telling you I’m so obsessing on you,I don’t feel like telling you I’m so in-love with you.I think you don’t want to know that I do,I think you don’t want to know that I do.So I write and manifest you, not not-you,I feel you drawing nearer, feel you melting too.I tell this feeling of lonliness only to see I'm not,That I have you in my consciousness, in mind,That is much more than enough to feel you.I feel like telling you I’m so obsessing on you,I feel like telling you I’m so in-love with you.I think you'd want to know that I do,I think you'd want to know that I do.&3 DaemuryStuck Up I’m just sleepless, unable to lie abed,Another coffee a’fore what I dread,to love you unreasonably with care.你所在的位置:
Sing a Song
Sing a Song
发布时间: 17:12:46
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You know the clip on YouTube featuring&&singing “I Dreamed a Dream” on&Britain’s Got Talent?&&I’m sure you do. It has over 177 million views, and I think at least 50 of those are mine. This is my go-to video, the one I watch anytime I want a pick-me-up or I feel the need to believe anything is possible. It’s positively brilliant, as the Brits would say.
Here is this middle-aged woman who looks like your goofy neighbor, and she shocks the audience by nailing a very difficult Broadway ballad. It’s the ultimate underdog story starring an artist. And it’s full of wonderful clichés: don’t judge it’s never too late to you can slay the dragon (Simon Cowell).& And then there’s the lovely irony of a woman whose dreams are coming true as she sings a song about dying dreams.& Perfect!
I recently read an interview with this year’s Caldecott winner, Dan Santat, in which he described always wanting to feel “as good as.”& If getting one of the highest honors in children’s literature doesn’t let you know you’ve arrived, nothing will.& Can you imagine his excitement as he accepted that award?
Frankly, I think that is what life is all about — those moments when
when our faces threaten to split because we when we shake our head when we c when we laugh so hard we can’ when we fall in love so deeply it dazzles.
And it doesn’t matter what those moments look like to you. Many of us felt them when our children arrived or the first time we flew solo or finished a marathon. Most of us recall a thrill when we kissed someone we thought might be “the one.”
No matter how old we get, we must never become so set in our ways, so tired and complacent, so overworked and cynical, that we stop reaching for our dreams. Strive for achieving those moments in your art and in your lives.& If you can’t do that for yourselves, do it for us. Because the best part of the Susan Boyle video isn’t her miraculous voice, it’s the reaction from an audience that is experiencing magic. Inspire us, please!Looking for more of the latest headlines on LinkedIn?Access denied | www.who-sang- used Cloudflare to restrict access
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