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阅读(...) 评论()SetPixel function
The SetPixel function sets the pixel at the specified coordinates to the specified color.
_In_ COLORREF crColor
A handle to the device context.
The x-coordinate, in logical units, of the point to be set.
The y-coordinate, in logical units, of the point to be set.
crColor [in]
The color to be used to paint the point. To create a
color value, use the
Return value
If the function succeeds, the return value is the RGB value that the function sets the pixel to. This value may differ from the color specified by crColor; that occurs when an exact match for the specified color cannot be found.
If the function fails, the return value is -1.
This can be the following value.
Return codeDescription
One or more of the input parameters is invalid.
The function fails if the pixel coordinates lie outside of the current clipping region.
Not all devices support the SetPixel function. For more information, see .
Minimum supported client
Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Wingdi.h (include Windows.h)
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© Microsoft 2017What is resolution? - Definition
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The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is United States federal legislation that promotes accuracy, fairness and privacy for data used by consumer reporting agencies.
In computers, resolution is the number of s (individual points of color) contained on a display monitor, expressed in terms of the number of pixels on the horizontal axis and the number on the vertical axis. The sharpness of the image on a display depends on the resolution and the size of the monitor. The same pixel resolution will be sharper on a smaller monitor and gradually lose sharpness on larger monitors because the same number of pixels are being spread out over a larger number of inches.
A given computer display system will have a maximum resolution that depends on its physical ability to focus light (in which case the physical dot size - the
- matches the pixel size) and usually several lesser resolutions. For example, a display system that supports a maximum resolution of 1280 by 1023 pixels may also support 1024 by 768, 800 by 600, and 640 by 480 resolutions. Note that on a given size monitor, the maximum resolution may offer a sharper image but be spread across a space too small to read well.
Display resolution is not measured in dots per inch as it usually is with printers. However, the resolution and the physical monitor size together do let you determine the pixels per inch. Typically, PC monitors have somewhere between 50 and 100 pixels per inch. For example, a 15-inch VGA (see ) monitor has a resolution of 640 pixels along a 12-inch horizontal line or about 53 pixels per inch. A smaller VGA display would have more pixels per inch.
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