Google Chrome 谷歌浏览器 稳定版chrome 55.0.2883.877怎么样

Google Chrome稳定版55.0.2883.75正式发布-红联Linux系统门户
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Google Chrome稳定版55.0.2883.75正式发布
&&字号: &&&&(网友评论&0&条)&
As usage of the mobile web grows, it is increasingly important for sites to react well to touch input. Historically, this meant handling MouseEvent and TouchEvent separately, which can be difficult to maintain. Chrome now enables unified input handling by dispatching PointerEvents. PointerEvents lead to more responsive pages, as they don’t block scrolling by default. To achieve the same performance with TouchEvent, pages can use passive event listeners.
Chrome also now supports two new ways to respond to input. The touch-action CSS property enables sites to react to gestures such as panning. For mouse buttons, the new auxclick input event type allows sites to manage the click behavior of non-primary buttons.
Asynchronous JavaScript can be difficult to reason about. Promises help avoid the nesting problem of callbacks, but Promise-based code can still be difficult to read when a site has large chains of asynchronous dependencies. Chrome now supports the async and await JavaScript keywords, allowing developers to write Promise-based JavaScript that can be as structured and readable as synchronous code.
Fetching a URL and logging the response using Promises:CODE:function logFetch(url) { return fetch(url)
.then(response =& response.text())
.then(text =& {
}).catch(err =& {
console.error('fetch failed', err);
}The same code using async and await:CODE:async function logFetch(url) { try {
const response = await fetch(url);
console.log(await response.text());
catch (err) {
console.log('fetch failed', err);
}CSS 自动连字
Formatting text to fill available space can be a challenge across devices and screen sizes. Chrome now supports CSS automatic hyphenation, one of Chrome’s most frequently requested layout features, on Android and Mac. CSS hyphenation allows the browser to hyphenate words when line-wrapping, improving the visual consistency of text blocks. Hyphenation support will be extended to other platforms in future releases.
A paragraph rendered with and without automatic hyphenation
The once event listener option enables callbacks to be invoked only once before removing the event listener.
Sites can now mark web storage as persistent, preventing Chrome from automatically clearing storage for that site.
Cross-origin iframes now require a user gesture to start audio playback using the Web Audio API on Android, matching the behavior of the
The TLS stack now implements GREASE, a mechanism to help prevent problems with buggy TLS servers.
Developers can create a MediaStreamTrackEvent in an alternative way with its new JavaScript constructor.
RSA-PSS signature algorithms have been added to TLS to prepare for TLS 1.3.
To improve load times and prevent failed navigations, cross-origin and parser-blocking scripts injected using document.write() will no longer load over 2G connections.
AudioNode constructors of the form new AudioNode(context, options) are now available, making it simpler to manage audio from scripts.
When the media player is too narrow to show every button, an overflow menu will appear to provide the hidden functionality to users.
Chrome media controls will now display a download button when the playback is associated with a file that can be downloaded.
The Web Share API is available for experimentation as an origin trial.
BaseAudioContext will replace AudioContext in the Web Audio API to conform to spec.
CSS Clipping Path properties no longer require the webkit prefix.
The MediaStream constructor is now available without prefix alongside the existing webkitMediaStream.
Non-script MIME types will no longer trigger script execution.
have been updated to count each line break as one character, instead of two.
The webkit prefix has been removed from the imageSmoothingEnabled property of CanvasRenderingContext2D.
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> Chrome谷歌浏览器手机版 55.0.2883.79 苹果版
本次闪电下载吧小编分享的Chrome谷歌浏览器手机版是一款谷歌开发的简单高效的网页浏览器。谷歌浏览器iOS版支持多标签浏览,Google Chrome基于更强大JavaScript V8引擎,一个标签页面的崩溃也不会导致其他标签页面被关闭。您既可从在您输入内容时即会出现的搜索结果中随意选择,也可快速访问之前访问过的网页。让你随心所欲地打开任意多个标签页!
Google Chrome,又称Google浏览器,是一个由Google(谷歌)公司开发的网页浏览器。
Google Chrome的特点是简洁、快速。GoogleChrome支持多标签浏览,每个标签页面都在独立的&沙箱&内运行,在提高安全性的同时,一个标签页面的崩溃也不会导致其他标签页面被关闭。此外,Google Chrome基于更强大的JavaScript V8引擎,这是当前Web浏览器所无法实现的。
& 在多部设备间保持同步 - 已打开的标签页和已保存的书签会在笔记本电脑、手机或平板电脑上保持同步,可让您在所有设备上顺畅地访问和开启
& 更快速地浏览 - 您既可从在您输入内容时即会出现的搜索结果中随意选择,也可快速访问之前访问过的网页
& 语音搜索 - 借助 Google 语音搜索的强大功能,您无需输入任何文字即可随时随地获得所需答案
& 网页翻译服务 - 您可以轻松地阅读以任何语言显示的网页
& 任意数量的标签页 - 您可以随心所欲地打开任意多个标签页,并像浏览一副纸牌一样快速浏览它们
& 隐私保护 - 当您使用隐身*模式浏览网页时,系统不会保存您的任何浏览记录
1. 从 iOS 主屏幕向下或向右滑动即可执行搜索。搜索&语音&或&隐身&可让您相应在&语音搜索&模式下或在新的隐身标签页中启动 Chrome。请注意,Spotlight 搜索结果的外观仅适用于支持 Spotlight 操作的设备。
2. 应广大用户的要求,我们已从&书签&视图中移除了名为&所有书签&的文件夹。现在,您只需点击其他文件夹即可访问您的所有其他设备的&书签&。
Copyright © . All Rights ReservedChrome 55.0.-bit)一个https后面有“安全”,一个没_chrome吧_百度贴吧
Chrome 55.0.-bit)一个https后面有“安全”,一个没收藏
为什么Chrome 版本 55.0.-bit)一个https后面有“安全”字样,一个没有?有的另一台上最近更新的,55.0.2883.87 m (64-bit),“m”说是自动更新意思吧,同一个版本,怎么是这个不同呢?
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或哪个版本的可以登录工行,我是 55.0.2883.87的版本_chrome吧_百度贴吧
哪个版本的可以登录工行,我是 55.0.2883.87的版本收藏


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