
但SAT非常不喜欢使用被动语态,我们尽量不要选择有被动语态的选项,如:  When he came into the classroom, he was greeted by the teacher.>>>>>>点击查看更多例题  在SAT的试题中,虽然被动语态的使用在英文中非常常见,此时划线部分宜使用被动语态j如:,在下列情况下使用被动语态:  a·当我们不知道或者没有必要提及动作的实施者时,而如果学生经常使用被动语态,当未划线部分是被动结构,基本上不应该在被动结构上浪费时间,关于SAT动词语态语法知识就为大家介绍到这里...
我们会做得更好,起着逻辑主语的作用;另一部分由形容词、副词、名词、分词、不定式、介词短语等构成,宾补由分词、不定式、形容词、副词、介词短语、名词等充当,gun in hand还可以说成with a gun in his hand,但不可以说a gun in hand或gun in his hand,独立主格结构没有主语和谓语,SAT语法独立主格结构二、形式  独立主格结构可分为两部分,.zx_sz { line-height:20 padding text-align: font-weight:}.zx_sz a { padding color: #FFF; background-color: #BE8041; font-size font-weight: text-decoration:}.zx_sz a background-color:#b9cd4a; text-decoration:}.zx_dot { font-size}.zx_dot a { padding-bottom color:#F60; text-decoration:}.zx_dot a border-bottom}.zx_red { color:#F00; font-size font-weight:}  SAT语法独立主格结构一、含义  独立主格结构,而是一个独立于句子成分之外的独特结构形式,5)名词/代词十介词短语  The huntsman entered the forest...
更多SAT真题资料,祝大家在SAT考试中取得好成绩! 编辑推荐:日SAT语法真题SAT单词常用词根词缀总结,就是把一个句子逻辑上应属于同一句法成分的并列事物用相同的结构来表达,更多资讯、资料尽在SAT频道,在语法上都是最佳的,在SAT语法考点中,只要形成平行结构的选项,请扫描下面二维码进行索要:  所谓平行结构(parallelism),1. Walt Disney's first success was his third Mickey Mouse film, in which
Disney produced a cartoon with sound, and Mickey was made to talk.  (A) sound, and Mickey was made to talk  (B) sound and making Mickey talk  (C) sound, with the result being Mickey talking  (D) sound in where Mickey talks  (E) sound and made Mickey talk  2. A healthy economy can be measured not only by the growth of businesses
but it has a psychological effect on people.  (A) it has a  (B) as well in the  (C) also by the  (D) also the  (E) in the way of having a  3. The five autobiographical volumes by Maya Angelou begin with her
childhood in Arkansas and culminate in her adult years in Egypt and Ghana  (A) begin with her childhood in Arkansas and culminate  (B) that begin with her childhood in Arkansas and culminate  (C) have begun with her childhood in Arkansas and culminating  (D) beginning with her childhood in Arkansas and culminating  (E) are begun with her childhood in Arkansas and culminated  4. Archaeologists say that the Pueblo village of Acoma, which is 7,500 feet
above sea level and 400 feet above the valley floor, is the oldest continuously
inhabited spot in the United States.  (A) which is 7,500 feet above sea level and 400 feet above  (B) located 7,500 feet high above sea level while having measured 400 feet
above  (C) with a height 7,500 feet above sea level as well as 400 feet above that
of  (D) 7,500 feet higher than sea level, and it ascends 400 feet above  (E) being 7,500 feet above sea level and 400 feet high measured from that
of  5. Richard Wright moved many times in his life, moving from the South first
he went to the North, then eventually to France from the United States  (A) moving from the South first he went to the North, then eventually to
France from the United States  (B) the first move he made was from the South to the North and eventually
from the United States to France  (C) first from the South to the North and eventually from the United States
to France  (D) moving fast from the South, he came to the North and eventually to
France  (E) first from the South he moved to the North and ended up in France after
leaving the United States  6. Though heavily dependent on the government for business and information
while universities supply the space research center with talent, as a
corporation it remains independent of both.  (A) information while universities supply the space research center with
talent, as a corporation it remains  (B) information and on talent by universities, the space research center, a
corporation  (C) information and on universities for talent, the space research center
is a corporation  (D) information, universities supply the space research center with talent,
but it is a corporation  (E) information, universities supply the space research center with talent,
while it remains a corporation  7. Journalists should present a balanced view of the news but with their
goal to stir discussion and unsettle complacent thinkers.  (A) with their goal to stir  (B) should also stir  (C) aiming at the same time to stir  (D) also trying to stir  (E) its goal should also be in stirring  8. Toni Morrison was honored by Harvard University not only as a great
novelist but also she wrote eloquently of the history of African American
culture.  (A) she wrote eloquently of the history  (B) having written an eloquent history  (C) writing eloquently about the history  (D) being an eloquent historian  (E) as an eloquent historian  9. Some people believe that one day we will establish not only bases on the
Moon. but also a landing on Neptune will occur.  (A) we will establish not only bases on the Moon, but also a landing on
Neptune will occur  (B) not only bases on the Moon will be established,but also a landing on
Neptune will be made  (C) we will not only establish bases on the Moon but also land on
Neptune  (D) we will not only establish bases on the Moon, but we will land on
Neptune in addition  (E) we will not only establish bases on the Moon, but we will land on
Neptune.zx_sz { line-height:20 padding:20px 0; text-align: font-weight:}.zx_sz a { padding:10px 10 color: #FFF; background-color: #FF99FF; font-size:16 font-weight: text-decoration:}.zx_sz a:hover{ color:# background-color:#b9cd4a; text-decoration:}.zx_dot { font-size:14}.zx_dot a { padding-bottom:2 color:#F60; text-decoration:}.zx_dot a:hover { color:#06F; border-bottom:}.zx_red { color:#F00; font-size:14 font-weight:}  以上就是SAT语法之平行结构的详细内容,考生可针对文中介绍的方法进行有针对性的备考...
SAT语法知识点分析,A run-on sentence results when two complete sentences get jammed together.Run-ons usually sound breathless, as if an excited child is telling a story. Here’san example of a run-on sentence:  I walked into the pet store and asked the clerk if she had any talking parrots, this made her roll her eyes.  The best way to test if a sentence is a run-on is to split the sentence in two andsee if both halves of the sentence could function alone:  I walked into the pet store and asked the clerk if she had any talking parrots. This made her roll her eyes.  Because each half of this sentence is complete on its own, the two halves cannotbe joined together with a comma.  Here are three ways to fix run-on sentences in Improving Sentences questions:  Method 1: Use a semicolon.  Method 2: Add a conjunction.  Method 3: Make the clauses relate clearly.  Method 1: Use a Semicolon  One of the most common remedies you’ll find on the SAT is a semicolon. A semicolon (;) signals that both sides of the sentence are grammatically separate but closely related to one another.  I walked into the pet store and asked the clerk if she had this made her roll her eyes.  Method 2: Add a Conjunction  Another method for correcting run-on sentences is adding conjunctions. Suppose you see this run-on sentence:  In her incredible eagerness to cheer her team to victory, Amy the cheerleader has lost her voice, therefore her performance at the games is a silent one.  If you add the conjunction and:  In her incredible eagerness to cheer her team to victory, Amy the cheerleader has lost her voice and therefore her performance at the games is a silent one.  The run-on disappears.  以上便是关于句子结构的SAT语法知识点分析,可以选择适当的题目进行练习和整理,包括了详细的处理句子结构混乱的方法等内容...
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fān xiāng dǎo guì成语解释:把箱子柜子都倒过来;形容彻底搜寻查看。也比喻无保留地拿出自己的东西。成语出处:明 冯梦龙《警世通言》:“翻箱倒笼,满屋寻一个遍,那有些影儿。” 成语繁体:飜箱倒匮成语简拼:FXDG成语注音:ㄈㄢ ㄒㄧㄤ ㄉㄠˇ ㄍㄨㄟˋ常用程度:常用成语成语字数:感情色彩:中性成语成语用法:联合式;作谓语、定语、宾语;形容彻底翻检。成语结构:成语年代:古代成语成语正音:倒,不能读作“dào”;柜,不能读作“jù”。成语辨形:柜,不能写作“拒”。近义词:倾肠倒笼、成语例子:闹了大半天,毫无影响,甚至,实在没处去找。(清 曹雪芹《红楼梦》第九十四回)英语翻译:ransack boxes and chests &turn everything inside out&日语翻译:たんすや戸棚(とだな)をかきまわして探(さが)す俄语翻译:перерыть всё成语接龙:
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