s.m.a.r.t bad 修复.Status BAD怎么办解决方法

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白手起家, 积分 10, 距离下一级还需 190 积分
S.M.A.R.T Status BAD ,要[F1]才能继续。
S.M.A.R.T Status BAD 出现了多天后,突然在 windows 进入画面的地方自动重启。
曾尝试使用硬盘原厂的Diagnosis 工具来测试,找到错误,但程式声称已修复问题。重启后没再出现 S.M.A.R.T Status BAD。再用原厂工具检查,没有发现问题。但仍会在 windows 进入画面的地方自动重启。 於是把硬盤格了,重灌windows 。
但一个多星期后又再出现 月S.M.A.R.T Status BAD。进入Windows 有时候还会极慢。
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解决:开机提示 Pri Master Hard Disk: S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD, backup and replace press DEL to resume
作者 , 05-29 15:57:39
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硬件配置 硬件配置无关系
软件环境 Windows Xp Sp3
开机提示Pri Master Hard Disk: S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD,backup and replace press DEL to resume
技术分析 意思是SMART自动报告,主硬盘状态:差。经检测硬盘没质量原因,关闭检测报告。
解决方案 开机按Delete键进入BIOS:
Advanced BIOS Features --& Hard Disk --& HDD SMART:Disabled
Reply to quoted posts&&&&& &&&Receiving S.M.A.R.T. status bad backup and replace error.
You are here:
Receiving S.M.A.R.T. status bad backup and replace error
A computer giving a &S.M.A.R.T. Status BAD, Backup and Replace& Press F1 to Resume error indicates that the
is about to fail or has already failed.
is a utility that monitors the &health& of the hard drive and reports any potential problems. As an early warning system, it allows the computer owner time to back up any important files before the hard drive fails. In the above example, the error message indicates that the Pri Master or
hard drive is the drive that is bad. If there is more than one hard drive in the computer, this error may change depending on the bad drive.
If the computer can boot after pressing the
and contact the
for replacement or additional help. In some very rare cases, the S.M.A.R.T. implementation on your computer may have issues of its own and may need to be patched before replacing the hard drive.
If you press the F1 key and the computer cannot boot, one or more of the files on the computer that are required to boot may be corrupted. It may still be possible to recover some of the data on the hard drive. You need to boot from another disk like an
or Linux LiveCD, which you can create on another computer. Once you've booted to an alternate location the files may still be accessible on the bad drive, and if accessible they can be moved to an alternative location such as a .
If I get a S.M.A.R.T. error is it ok if I continue to use my hard drive?
As stated above, S.M.A.R.T. is designed to detect upcoming failures in the hard drive. While the hard drive may not fail for several months, it is still inevitable that the hard drive will fail. It is ok to continue to use the hard drive, however, we highly recommend that if you are still under warranty that you consider getting the drive replaced before your warranty runs out.
Tip: Many users can also enable or disable the S.M.A.R.T detection through their .
1720 - smart hard drive detects imminent failure
This error message is related to S.M.A.R.T and is an indication of failure. See above recommendations for additional details.
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