
Minecraft Comes Alive 1.11.2/1.10.2/1.9.4 | Games Utilities
Good news! The Minecraft Comes Alive is officially released by the developer. Minecraft Comes Alive (or MCA) is a non-player character mod that modifies computer controlled villagers and gives them a better artificial intelligence. In layman terms, MCA mod gives them life and you can interact with them for your own benefits. You can give them tasks, build relationships with them and you can even marry! The latest version supports Minecraft.
Description: A custom mod for Minecraft to improve NPC’s.
Author: WildBamaBoy
Last Release date: 7th July, 2016
Filesize: 3.15 MB
Compatible: Single Player, LAN, Forge on Windows, Mac OS and Linux
Supported version: v.1.10.2
Download Minecraft Comes Alive Mod for Minecraft:
For 1.10.2 (Direct) –
For 1.10.2 (Direct) –
For 1.9 (Direct) –
For 1.9 (Direct) –
For 1.8.9 (Direct) –
For 1.8.9 (Alternate) –
For 1.8.9 RadixCore (Direct) –
For 1.8.9 RadixCore (Alternate) –
For 1.8.5 (Direct) –
For 1.7.10 (Direct) –
For 1.8 (Curse)
Last Updates on 4th February 2016
Features of Minecraft Comes Alive:
Villagers are no longer “Caveman Squidwards”. MCA replaces them with male or female humans that have many unique skins.
Villagers can be interacted with. You can talk to them, ask them to follow you, set their home, give them gifts, etc.
You can build a relationship with villagers. Get your relationship with one high enough and you can marry them. You can have children with the villagers that you marry.
Your children will grow over time and do chores for you. They will eventually grow into adults who can get married and have their own children.
How to install Mincraft Comes Alive:
Download and install
and run Minecraft once to complete its installation.
Download and unzip Minecraft Comes Alive Mod file
Put Minecraft Comes Alive Mod zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it.
Put MCA Mod Config into your config folder (Just right click in your .minecraft and click new folder, then rename that folder to config.)
Minecraft Comes Alive – Change Logs:
Fix: Game no longer crashes a dedicated server when villagers are spawned.
Feature: Minecraft Latest Version is now supported.
Feature: Mobs will now attack villagers.
Feature: Guards and children can now attack mobs from other mods.
Feature: The original trading system is now accessible from MCA villagers.
Feature: Added skins by FluffyBunny1089, AxelZabrak, and Wulfyk.
So folks have fun playing Minecraft and keep coming here to check the latest updates of your favorite game online here.. If you are facing some issues related to this tool please report comment section.
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---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
WARNING: coremods are present:
&&SHLoadingPlugin ([更多生命]ScalingHealth-1.10.2-1.0.2-34-CN.jar)
&&IvToolkit ([更多??前置]IvToolkit-1.2.9-MC1.10.2.jar)
&&SpongeCoremod ([海?核心]spongeforge-1.10.2-.0-BETA-1752.jar)
&&FMLPlugin (InventoryTweaks-1.61-58.jar)
&&MalisisCorePlugin ([更多?前置]malisiscore-1.10.2-4.2.9.jar)
Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge
// I let you down. Sorry :(
Time: 17年2月5日 下午5:00
Description: Exception in server tick loop
java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loop
& & & & at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
& & & & at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
& & & & at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
& & & & at
& & & & at Source)
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- System Details --
& & & & Minecraft Version: 1.10.2
& & & & Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
& & & & Java Version: 1.8.0_111, Oracle Corporation
& & & & Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
& & & & Memory:
bytes (1138 MB) /
bytes (3063 MB) up to
bytes (3063 MB)
& & & & JVM Flags: 2 -Xmx3072M -Xms3072M
& & & & IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 12, tallocated: 94
& & & & FML: MCP 9.32 Powered by Forge 41 mods loaded, 41 mods active
& & & & States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & mcp{9.19} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.10.2-
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.10.2-
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & ivtoolkit{1.2.9} [IvToolkit] (minecraft.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & spongeapi{5.0.0-SNAPSHOT-e4df1d5} [SpongeAPI] (minecraft.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & sponge{1.10.2-.0-BETA-1752} [SpongeForge] ([海?核心]spongeforge-1.10.2-.0-BETA-1752.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & fyberbackpack{1.0.2} [Just Backpacks] (%5B?化-背包%5Djustbackpacks-mc1.9.4-1.0.2.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & movillages{1.5.2} [Mo' Villages] ([1.9.4]Mo' Villages-1.5.2.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & recipehandler{0.5} [NoMoreRecipeConflict] ([不再有合成?突]NoMoreRecipeConflict-1.10.2-0.5-CN.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & twentyticks{1.1.0} [Twenty Ticks] ([垃圾清理]twentyticks-v1.1.0.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & flammpfeil.slashblade{mc1.10.2-r30} [SlashBlade] ([拔刀?]SlashBlade-mc1.10.2-r30.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & SilentLib{1.1.0} [Silent Lib] ([更多生命前置]SilentLib-1.10.2-1.1.0-23.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & scalinghealth{1.0.2} [Scaling Health] ([更多生命]ScalingHealth-1.10.2-1.0.2-34-CN.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & reccomplex{1.2.4} [Recurrent Complex] ([更多??]RecurrentComplex-1.2.4-MC1.10.2.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & malisiscore{1.10.2-4.2.9} [MalisisCore] ([更多?前置]malisiscore-1.10.2-4.2.9.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & malisisdoors{1.10.2-5.1.6} [MalisisDoors] ([更多?]malisisdoors-1.10.2-5.1.6-CN.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & villagebox{0.5.0} [Village Box] ([村庄盒子]villagebox-1.10.2-0.5.0.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & weaponcaseloot{4.0.1} [WeaponCaseLoot] ([武器箱?利品]weaponcaseloot-1.10.2-4.0.1-CN.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & JEI{} [Just Enough Items] (jei_1.10.2-
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & abyssalcraft{} [AbyssalCraft] ([深??度]AbyssalCraft-1.10.2-
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & levels{r4.1.3} [Levels] ([等?系?]Levels-1.10.2-r4.1.3-CN.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & InfernalMobs{1.7.1} [Infernal Mobs] ([精英怪]InfernalMobs-1.10.2-CN.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & levelup{${version}} [Level Up!] ([脹撰夔薯]LevelUp!-0.12-MC1.10.2-CN.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & bamboomod{Minecraft1.10.2 var3.} [bamboomod] (Bamboo-
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & bloodmoney{0.3.2} [BloodMoney] (bloodmoney-5.0.0-0.3.2.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & commandsigns{1.3.1} [CommandSigns] (CommandSigns-API-6.0.0-1.3.1.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & D3Core{} [D糧Core] (D3Core-1.9.4-
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & inventorytweaks{1.61-58-a1fd884} [Inventory Tweaks] (InventoryTweaks-1.61-58.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & journeymap{1.10.2-5.3.2} [JourneyMap] (journeymap-1.10.2-5.3.2.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & Lumberjack{} [Lumberjack] (Lumberjack-1.9.4-
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & RadixCore{1.10.2-2.1.3} [RadixCore] (RadixCore-1.10.2-2.1.3-universal.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & MCA{1.10.2-5.2.3} [Minecraft Comes Alive] (MCA-1.10.2-5.2.3-universal[番茄dada?化].jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & nbtedit{$version} [NBTEdit] (NBTEdit-0.3.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & customcommands{1.0} [CustomCommands] (PermissionManager-2.5.3-API-5.X-6.X.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & permissionmanager{2.5.3} [PermissionManager] (PermissionManager-2.5.3-API-5.X-6.X.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & pore{1.0.0-backport} [PoreRT] (PoreRT-1.0.0-backport.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & roughMobs{1.0} [Rough Mobs] (roughMobs1.0.7-1.10.2.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & shincolle{} [Shinkeiseikan Collection] (ShinColle-
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & slashblade.exblades{mc1.10.2-r3} [Slashblade-ExBlades] (Slashblade-ExBlades-mc1.10.2-r3.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & totaleconomy{1.5.3} [Total Economy] (TotalEconomy-v1.5.3.jar)
& & & & UCHIJAAAA& & & & adminshop{1.8.2} [AdminShop] (【?化】AdminShop-1.10.2-1.8.2-universal.jar)
& & & & Loaded coremods (and transformers):
SHLoadingPlugin ([更多生命]ScalingHealth-1.10.2-1.0.2-34-CN.jar)
IvToolkit ([更多??前置]IvToolkit-1.2.9-MC1.10.2.jar)
SpongeCoremod ([海?核心]spongeforge-1.10.2-.0-BETA-1752.jar)
FMLPlugin (InventoryTweaks-1.61-58.jar)
MalisisCorePlugin ([更多?前置]malisiscore-1.10.2-4.2.9.jar)
& & & & D3Core: Debug: false Silliness: true AprilFools: true PastPost:true
& & & & Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
& & & & Player Count: 1 / 10; [EntityPlayerMP['asdffgg'/95243, l='world', x=-417.53, y=64.00, z=426.00]]
& & & & Is Modded: D Server brand changed to 'fml,forge,sponge'
& & & & Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)
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help wanted
In All The Mods v.1.60b as far as I tested generators using normal fuel and liquid fuel generate energy to adjacent TechReborn machines without using any fuel.
In fact you can just put the machine right next to a generator that never recieved any fuel and it will instantly be full of energy and stay full while processing items. Works from all sides (have not tested top or bottom however).
Connecting the machines with cables however works as intended.
Updated 15/02/
Notes from PR:
I added the possibilty that if a weakening storm moves over a warm biome (or ocean) it might start strengthening again, the proper setting for that is
NOTE: I am not sure if I broke it, however I managed to mess up the GUI EZ Config, so maybe I would create a new fork for this one as it might cause issues.
EDIT: Recommended Values for Storm_oddsTo1OfStormRegenerationBase is somewhere in between 0.05 and 0.005:
1 Causes immortal storms in warm biomes (or oceans)
0-1 is the probability (odd to 1) to start strengthening again if in warm biomes (or again, oceans)
0 gives and incredibly small chance of regenerationg (however it is still there)
-1 disables it
Updated 17/02/
Version: roots-0.208
Pack: All the Mods Expert
Currently any energized stones that use the same incense, (verdant sprig, infernal bulb, wheat and a bark) all create acceleration standing stones. The type of bark you use doesn&t seem to register. If I use birch for example which should create a grower stone I still get an acceleration stone, same for all stones with only the bark variation for incense.
This happens in SSP and MP.
ATM expert adds bark oredicting, I suspect this may potentially be the issue? Here is a copy of their roots_expert.zs script
Updated 14/02/
Doesnt work
railcraft support
Updated 23/01/
Mods that are currently in:
Deadly Monsters
Dynamic Surroundings
Natural Pledge
ProjectE (heavily gated behind several other mods)
Baubles stuff
Chisels And Bits
Ice and Fire (Beta 6)
Recurrent Complex
Wearable Backpacks
Aqua Creepers
Aura Cascade
CodeChickenCore and Lib
Cooking For Blockheads
Doomlike Dungeons
Dragon Mounts
Epic Siege Mod
Librarian Lib
Tabby Chat
Roguelike Dungeons
Storage Drawers
Additional Banners
Akashic Tome
AppleCore and AppleSkin
Ars Magica 2
Base Metals Golems
Base Metals
Better Agriculture
Biomes O' Plenty
Blood Arsenal
Blood Magic
Tough As Nails
Crafting Harmonics
Custom NPCs
Extra Alchemy
Extra Golems
Flat Colored Blocks
FTBLib and Utilities
Stellar Sky
Hardcore Darkness
Hardcore Wither
Infernal Mobs
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chest
Lycanites Mobs
Mowzies Mobs
Nature&s Compass
No More Recipe Conflict
OreSpawn (Required for Base Metals, not the crappy orespawn with every single thing)
Primitive Mobs
PSIonic Upgrades
Quintessential Creatures
Reptile Mod
Rough Mobs
Runes of Wizardry
Soul Shards The Old Ways
Stellar API
Spice of Life
Sound Filters
Storage Drawers Extras
Wings Horns and Hooves
Plants by Shadows_Of_Fire
Mods that the pack is waiting on:
Thaumcraft 6
Ice and Fire full release
Various Thaumcraft addons
Mods that probably won&t make it:
Growthcraft (my personal port and the port from the team I have left are taking a very long time to produce.)
AppleMilkTea2 (no signs of a port in progress)
CopperTools (Redundant, also no port in progress)
Plant Mega Pack (Bloated beyond belief)
Witchery (Will be added if Emoniph appears)
Intangible (Will be added if Emoniph appears)
Ye Gamol Chattels (No sign of a port in progress)
Harvest The Nether (No sign of a port in progress)
Wild Caves (Biomes O' Plenty has pretty much replaced this in functionality)
Dungeon Mobs (I&m pretty sure the dev works for NASA now)
Mods that might be added if they come along:
Twilight Forest
Runic Dungeons
Exotic Birds
Vegan Option
Hunger Overhaul
Floating Ruins
Better Records (will be gated behind a combination of embers, thaumcraft, and maybe biomes o' plenty)
Fossils and Archaeology (will be gated behind a combination of embers and thaumcraft)
Grimoire of Gaia
Mods that need a replacement:
Accidentally Circumstantial Events
Balkon&s Weapons
[ ] Loremongering. Lots of it.
[ ] New structures.
[ ] Add many new recipes.
[ ] Tweak all the things.
[ ] NPCs everywhere.
[ ] Search for any relevant mod.
[ ] Release on Technic, ATLauncher is a bit painful to set up, and Curse has crappy policies. CM2 will be released as a separate pack from CM1.
[ ] Lag reduction due to the massive amount of changes between 1.7.10 and 1.10.2. (semi-complete, enforcement of related java-arguments will be done during the initial release on Technic)
[ ] Tweak mob spawns. Heavily. Make mobs from Deadly Monsters rare for instance, to scare players. Also those babies scare the hell out of me.
[ ] Stay on 1.10.2 for as long as possible, as it is not feasible to produce a bunch of packs for each MC update. Update the pack on every major version concerning mods, unless porting becomes easier.
Updated 30/01/
Updated 04/02/
On logs with the bark texture on all 6 sides, the bark knife does not work.
Updated 26/01/
Using the SkyFactory 3.0.4 pack placing and breaking chorus flowers consecutive still yields dragon eyes. This means that you will have infinite dragon eyes/ender pearls at relatively no cost. I have yet to test this with only Roots installed.
Preferably chorus flowers should only drop dragon eyes when it has reached age 5 (fully grown).
Updated 10/01/
Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] If this option is enabled the option to give a player a copy of the book must be enabled
- [ ] Add option to disable crafting recipe if Soul Bound option is enabled
- [ ] Book does not duplicate in grave or with popular mods like Gravestone
- [ ] Book returns to player inventory upon respawn
Example code for soul bound can be found here:
Updated 09/01/
Fusion Reactor: JEI Recipes seem wrong for the outputs and isn&t 4RF = 1EU? But I attached a full Vibrant Capacitor Bank (25M RF) to the Reactor and it had then 100M EU so it seems the conversion rate is here vice versa.
Updated 04/01/
Distillation Tower / Plasma Generator: has no GUI and doesn&t connect to cables, so it seems unfinished. Will they be implemented?
Updated 04/01/
Implosion Compressor / Vacuum Freezer: works but still says &Incomplete Multiblock& even though it is built correctly
Updated 23/01/
Sawmill: I was figuring out how it works, it seemed to need liquids, but as I inserted water with an EnderIO Fluid Tank the game crashed and even corrupted my world. I had to delete the block with MCEdit, so this is a major bug. /LvsPRqYD
Updated 06/01/
See summary.
Fixes #151.
Updated 09/01/
Create basic unit tests to get code coverage to 50%
Updated 02/01/
When player is in another dimension or dies, EMC info is temporarily wiped from the player until he/she relogs.
Updated 06/01/
If you set up a Carpenter and add Energy Conduits or a Capacitor Bank next to it it won&t update till you open the carpenters interface
Updated 30/12/
Updated 29/12/
When clicking too much inside a Tier 3 crafter while it&s ongoing and it has remembered layout on, it can cause the server to crash:
```Time: 12/29/16 6:31 PM
Description: Ticking block entity
java.lang.NullPointerException: Ticking block entity
at mcjty.lib.container.InventoryHelper.mergeItemStackInternal(
at mcjty.lib.container.InventoryHelper.mergeItemStackSafe(
at mcjty.lib.container.InventoryHelper.insertItem(
at mcjty.rftools.blocks.storagemonitor.StorageScannerTileEntity.injectStackInternal(
at mcjty.rftools.blocks.storagemonitor.StorageScannerTileEntity.func_73660_a(
at mon.event.tracking.TrackingUtil.tickTileEntity(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
Updated 29/12/
First issue :1st_place_medal: !
Loamy Farmland from Biomes O' Plenty
(tiled Loamy Dirt/Grass) is not compatible with Tomatoes Seeds and probably other seeds/plants from Lots Of Foods mod.
LOF plants/seeds works only with vanilla tiled soil.
Updated 29/12/
Hello lads, I was playing around a bit in creative trying out the mod (assembling a modpack for me and a friend o'mine) when I ran across a visual appearance which ought to be a bug of sorts. It is a white totem approximately 2 blocks high with no hitbox.
My mod list:
I have already verified that OptiFine is not the cause. Method of verification: remove OptiFine, cast spell.
EDIT: Hardcore Darkness is also not the cause. Same method.
Updated 10/01/
While using Roots in my pre-alpha 1.10 mod-pack I caught a friend (and mod-pack tester) in the splash of an electric spark spell. He tried to hit me with a Solar Smite and his client crashed. The log of the crash indicates it happened in the application of the spell effect.
&summary>Top of the stack trace is in this nice spoilerish block, full log from his crash-reports directory will be added as a link to pastebin.&/summary>
&p>java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error
at ponentSunflower.doEffect(
at elucent.roots.item.ItemCastingBase.doEffect(
at elucent.roots.item.ItemCastingBase.cast(
at elucent.roots.item.ItemCastingBase.func_77615_a(
EDIT: The NPE is still an error - because there is nothing on the indicated line that should error, even though PVP on my test server is turned off.
Updated 10/01/
Created a Projectile Staff with several spells, tried using the Acceleration spell on a furnace filled with raw porkchop to see how fast it would speed up, and my client crashed.
My server did not crash though.
Updated 10/01/
As soon as the spell impacts a target, the caster takes damage. I&m pretty sure that&s not how the spell is supposed to work.
Updated 10/01/
It&d be nice to know what potency, efficiency, and area do exactly for each spell. For instance, I assumed that adding potency to Infection would increase the damage per tick, but it actually slightly increases the duration. It would also help with testing and adding issues to the tracker to know exactly how a spell should function vs its actual effects :)
Updated 10/01/
Haven&t tried this one without a projectile staff yet, but casting insanity on mobs with the projectile staff has no effect!
Updated 10/01/
Using a projectile staff with the Solar Smite spell, damages the caster as well as the target when the spell collides with an enemy. If the projectile misses, it doesn&t hurt the caster.
Also lights the caster on fire if it connects with an undead target.
Updated 10/01/
Just a couple of problems I have seen with energy transfer. Please forgive me if these are already known issues or have been decided on already.
Two TechReborn MFE&s connected face to face as per the below screenshot will blow up the receiving MFE.
Weirdly this only occurs when the rear MFE already has stored energy if both MFEs are empty and directly connected as per the above screenshot and I then connect a generator of some kind to the rear MFE the front one doesn&t blow up. On the flip side if the rear MFE is empty and I charge it with a battery then the front MFE will blow up so it seems to only happen when the MFE has a lot of stored energy to quickly discharge.
This does not occur if connected via TechReborn cables of any tier. This also does not happen with Battery Boxes it only occurs with MFE&s and MFSU&s from what I can see.
Connecting an MFE/MFSU directly to a standard coal generator that already has energy in its buffer will also cause the MFE to explode but if the generator has no energy its buffer and then I burn some coal the MFE charges happily. Again does not happen if I use a TechReborn cable of any tier to connect to the Generator.
Connecting TechReborn blocks together via IC2 cables produces all the same results above in the same scenarios. However connecting two TechReborn Battery boxes via IC2 cables works perfectly fine just like connecting two TechReborn Battery boxes face to face works fine.
Unfortunately although I am a developer I haven&t had any experience with Forge or Minecraft modding and the underlying mechanics so wouldn&t know where to even start.
Updated 17/12/
Hey thought I should post this.
I am using the FTB mod pack Infinity lite version 1.3.3 for minecraft version 1.10.2
The server crashes when we try to use a spell called blistering cold with the combat staff. I&ve not tried with other staves. Other spells were working without a server crash.
Attached are the crash report logs I have from the FTB server. Should you require any information, please do not hesitate to ask.
Updated 10/01/
Using the latest TechReborn 1.10.2 v1 and RebornCore and the matter fab does not work properly. It has no insert/extract support (it&s commented out) and I think the rate at which it consumes energy and uses scrap is incorrect. I&m not sure how accurate this page is (http://feed-the-/wiki/Matter_Fabricator) but it claims it takes 34 scrap and ~ 17 mil EU to make UU matter. In my testing, it took hundreds of scrap and only used about 2 million RF.
Updated 19/12/
This crash occurred when breaking an attuned standing stone that was near an altar but wasn&t put in the right place.
Crash log: /syntaxaire/df145c289a5
It crashed the server twice while removing the two attuned stones missing in this screenshot.
I was using a Tinker&s Construct pickaxe and removed the attuned standing stones by knocking out their bottom block. They did end up in my inventory after the server came back up.
There was an altar present during the first crash, I took it down before trying to remove the second stone but it still crashed.
Updated 10/01/
Abridged R5.1
Updated 24/11/
I don&t know why it is doing this, I have the mod just by itself with coroutil as well. Also a quick question, where is the advanced settings menu in the GUI?
Updated 10/01/
Minecraft version: 1.10.2
Roots version: 0.206
Forge version:
The Regeneration spell seems to have no effect in the new version. Rose&s Thorns works fine, I haven&t tested anything else yet.
Updated 10/01/
Warning from SpongeVanilla 1.11 when loading (also affects 1.10):
[21:00:36 WARN] [Sponge]: Detected plugin with invalid plugin ID 'io.github.hsyyid.essentialcmds' from mods/EssentialCmds-1.10.2-8.1.14-universal.jar. Plugin IDs should be lowercase, and only contain characters from a-z, dashes or underscores, start with a lowercase letter, and not exceed 64 characters.
Updated 06/01/
This is on forge 2125, on a server, and causes a client crash.
Updated 10/01/
My Mekanism maschines (metallurgic infuser, enrichment chamber all the way up to digital miner) occasional show up an erratic render behavior when i place them close to my forestry farm (below it, one height lvl below the hatch and below the farm area.
They suddenly turn 90° as a render issue and turn back after i opened their inventory.
I tested if this is related to the resource pack but its not, and it is reproducible for me as in if i place the block again close to the farm it happens again.
Updated 10/12/
Forge version: 1.10.2-
Roots version: 0.204.0
JEI version:
The following items are listed twice in the JEI item list with the second ones having no texture:
- Debug Wand
- Runestone Slab
- Runestone Brick Slab
- Runestone Tile Slab
- Wildwood Slab
- Otherworld Slab
- Otherworld Brick Slab
I put the Debug Wand on the JEI blacklist, but maybe you could give it a standard texture for people who don&t use the blacklist feature.
Updated 10/01/
I want to have Nether Core generating coal and diamonds in the Nether, but no other overworld ores. It would be nice to have config options for each ore to disable it without disabling all at once.
Updated 20/12/
Forge version: 1.10.2-
Nether Core version: 2.0.3
JEI version:
The Nether Furnace is listed twice with the second one missing its texture in the JEI item list.
Updated 20/12/
I have a small problem with the slabs i nethercore.
All four slab types appear the same if it&s placed in the upper half of a block, with just air in the halv block below it.
Here&s a picture. I&ve made one row with different slab types.
First a stack of 6 slabs of each, then double slabs of each, then two single slabs at the lowest half block, and then one halv block upwards for the next four.
As you can se, every slab that is placed in the upper half of a block, gets rendered as a regular nether stone slab(I don&t remember the exact name of it).
Actially, when I place the slab, it renders correctly just the first miliseconds, then it changes.
I have not managed to reproduce this in a single player, only on a multiplayer server.
Testet on a server with only nethercore(and Mantle) installed, no other mods.
Nethercore 2.0.3
Mantle 1.1.1
Best regards,
Updated 20/12/
Create a unique generator for different ores
[ ] Copper (iron base)
[ ] Tin (iron base)
[ ] Silver (gold base)
[ ] Lead (gold base)
[ ] Osmium (iron base)
[ ] Uranium (emerald base)
[ ] Aluminum (gold base)
Should use the new configurations.
Ore generators should only be available with ore dictionary lookup for the over world ore.
Updated 20/12/
Middle clicking ore&s in creative causes them to not be picked properly, and it also causes them to not display correctly in WAILA.
I was asked to report this by @TehNut, who maintains an .
Updated 20/12/
I don&t know if this would be possible to do in any reasonable way. Even rudimentary support, such as for Biomes O Plenty flowers, would probably be appreciated by a lot of people - it&s a little annoying to see flowers all around you but not get healed by the spell because they aren&t from vanilla Minecraft.
Just a thought. Take it as you will!
Updated 10/01/
I&d like to offer this as a suggestion. As a reference for power, Ex Nihilo Omnia crucible fuel settings set Lava at 4mb/s and Magma blocks as 5mb/s.
Hope that helps with Ideas. :)
Updated 20/12/
When creating the Storage Modules for RFTools Modular Storage the recipe only accepts Oak Chests, would be helpful if this were corrected.
P.S.- Consider maybe adding a recipe to turn any chest into an Oak Chest.
Updated 01/12/
It doesn&t make much sense to have both. Somehow we should remove either the silver & lead ores, or the galena ore. Hopefully in a way without corrupting worlds. Maybe we could replace all silver and lead ores with galena ores in world?
Updated 12/12/
Updated 19/11/
Version: Minecraft 1.10.2 - Abridged B1
A simple mod that changes how some chat messages are displayed.
1.10.2 Abridged
- [ ] Better With Mods
- [ ] Blood Magic
- [x] Vanilla
- [x] CoPo
- [x] Mekanism
- [ ] Persistant Bits
1.7.10 Unabridged
- [x] Vanilla
- [x] Mekanism
- [x] Carpenter&s Blocks
Updated 07/01/
- [X] I am running the latest mod versions of MCA and RadixCore.
- [X] I can reproduce this issue with just MCA and RadixCore installed.
- [X] I can provide my Minecraft version and MCA version.
- [X] I have searched for the issue previously and it was either not previously reported, or previously fixed and I&m having the same problem.
- [] I am crashing and can provide my crash report.
&!& If your issue matches AT LEAST 4 of the criteria above, continue. &>
&!& VERSIONS - Please specify your Minecraft version and MCA version below ## Versions &>
Minecraft: 1.10.2
MCA: 5.2.2
&!& ISSUE DESCRIPTION - Please describe the issue in detail. &>
Issue Description
After giving a few villagers some armor and weapons, they seem to take it off after a certain amount of time. In order for me to put it back on, I have to go into their inventory and exit. Because they remove their armor they are more prone to dying.
&!& REPRODUCE STEPS - Please describe how I can reproduce this issue below ## Reproduce Steps. &>
Reproduce Steps
&!& ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Please post any crash reports, stacktraces, profiler reports, etc. here. &>
Additional Information
Updated 27/12/
Like, with more modifier slots used than is allowed typically, for example.
Just a thought I had, feel free to disregard if you wish.
Updated 10/01/
Cluster Size
Diamonds spawn on top/bottom, might want to set this for all?
Updated 20/12/
[ ] Party Notifications disable with config option
[ ] Works in Single Player
[ ] Works on Servers (server config overrides client)
public boolean lastStatus =
public boolean showInviteNotice(EntityPlayer player)
// Only updates the variable every 10 seconds
if(player.ticksExisted%200 != 0)
lastStatus = PartyManager.getParty(player.getUniqueID()) == null && PartyManager.getInvites(player.getUniqueID()).size() & 0;
return lastS
Updated 09/01/
[ ] Quest Notifications disable with config option
[ ] Works in Single Player
[ ] Works on Servers (server config overrides client)
Updated 09/01/
Copyright 2015}


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