sardina pilchardus后面加walbaum字体下载是什么意思

&&&purse seine
the catch proportions of purse seine, longline, baitboat and other gears are 42%, 29%, 22% and 7% respectively.
按渔具分围网(42%)、延绳钓(29%)、饵钓(22%)、其它渔具(7%)。 同时分析了不同海域的渔获种类、渔获量波动情况和原因。
A Study on Prospect of Purse Seine after Depletion of Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum)
关于沙丁鱼Sardina pilchardus(Walbaum)衰退后机轮围网发展前景的探讨
Based on the world catch statistic data of tuna purse seine fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean(WCPO) from 1984 to 2003, the temporal and spatial variations of tuna purse seine fishery resources were analyzed using GIS qualitative analysis and numerical analysis.
根据中西太平洋年金枪鱼围网渔业的渔获量统计资料,利用G IS定性分析方法和数值分析方法对中西太平洋海区的金枪鱼围网渔场的时空变动进行研究。
Based on the catch statistics from the main fishery corporations of light purse seine fishery in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea from 1998 to 2002, the distribution description and the inter-annual comparison of the fishing grounds of Pnunmatophorus japonicus and Decapterus maruadsi are made by the software Marine Explorer, and the inter-annual weight position changes of the yields for the northern and southern fishing grounds are compared by using the spatial distance cluster method.
The spatial-temporal analysis of the yellowfin tuna catch data by purse seine in WCPO was made to describe the trend and development of the fishery.
Based on the investigation from June,2002 to May,2003 in the Central-Western Pacific,the catch operations by A and B tuna purse seine vessels are reported.
Based on the operating statistics by months, the composition of catch, the structure of spawning population and the occurrence of young fish in the purse seine fisheries with light attraction on the Minnan - Taiwan Bank Fishing Ground from 1987 through 1995, the pelagic fish resources were monitored and studied.
Expressionism and Pragmatism of Seine Villa
Stydy on cytology of shepherd's purse
Study on the Culture Technics of Shepherd's-Purse
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为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&& The distributional behavior of the mackerel inhabiting the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea bears a close relation to environmental factors such as sea condi- tions and weather.This paper,based on the collected data about fishing conditions, sea conditions and weathers during the years from 1972 to 1979,describes the relationship between the distribution of mackerel and the environmental factors such as water temperatures,water systems,thermal layers,food organisms,wind, atmospheric pressures and moon's age. 1.The... The distributional behavior of the mackerel inhabiting the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea bears a close relation to environmental factors such as sea condi- tions and weather.This paper,based on the collected data about fishing conditions, sea conditions and weathers during the years from 1972 to 1979,describes the relationship between the distribution of mackerel and the environmental factors such as water temperatures,water systems,thermal layers,food organisms,wind, atmospheric pressures and moon's age. 1.The time when the mackerel began to make a spawning migration into the Yellow Sea was positively correlative with the surface temperatures of the Yellow Sea and East China Si.e.,at a favorably high temperature the mackerel would begin to migrate into the Yellow Sea at an earlier time than usual.If the anomaly value X of the surface temperature obtained on the first day of May in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea and the first purse seining operation Y(on a Y day of May) conducted in the middle part of the Yellow Sea could be rea- sonably considered as an index,its expression should be Y=9.8X; r=0.678; r>r_(a=0.05)=0.666 S=3.22 days Therefore the surface temperatures in the two areas during the period from the end of April to the begining of May might as well be regarded as important data for predicting the time when the mackerel migrate into the Yellow Sea for spawning. 2.During the fishing season in the spring the location of the spawning ground of mackerel in the Yellow Sea was closely linked with the distribution patterns of water systems.The fish usually chose as its spawning ground the confluence between the open sea and the inshore waters.When the open sea waters tended to flow strongly northward,the mackerel,when its resources were stable,would go northward seeking when the open sea waters flow sou- thward,the fish would go southward.Another way to forecast spawning grounds was based on the isohaline of 32‰ and the distributional patterns of the open sea and inshore waters. 3.The Yellow Sea mackerel lived mainly on Euphausia pacifica,Themisto gracilipes and Engraulis japonicus.Usually the formation of nursery grounds occured near the area rich in food organisms such as Euphausia pacifica before the fish migrated there for feeding.Since the formation of nursery grounds preceded the entry of mackerel into them,the areas rich in food organisms near nursery grounds could be regarded as an important index for detecting the fishing grounds of mackerel. 4.In the area where thermal layers were distinct,the school formed by the moving-up of the mackerel on the upper part of the thermal layers was stable, thus forming desirable fishing grounds for purse seine operations.Besides,the distinct thermal layers could control the vertical movement of mackerel. 5.The moving-up of the Yellow Sea mackerel bore some relationships with the wind direction,wind velocity,atmorpheric pressure and moon's age.When the wind blew south ward or west ward,and the wind was of the Beaufort-scale 2—4,a large number of mwhen the wind blew north ward and was of the Beaufort-scale 6 or higher,the fish could not easily move upward. Changing atmospheric tressures,especially pressures changing from low to as high as over 1,000 mb often made the fish move upward.When the atmospheric pressures were below 994 mb or above 1010 mb,it would be hard for the fish to move up.The moving-up of mackerel usually occured at the time close to new moon or between new moon and full moon,but it was not frequently found on the full moon day or in the last quarter.黄、渤海鲐鱼的行动分布与海况,气象等环境因素有密切关系,本文根据年渔况、海况和气象等资料,分别对水温、水系、跃层,饵料生物以及风、气压、月龄等环境因素与鲐鱼行动分布的关系进行初步探讨,结果表明:1.鲐鱼产卵洄游进入黄海时间与黄、东海表层水温呈正相关系,即水温高鲐鱼进入黄海的时间提早。以黄、东海5月1日表层水温距平值x和黄海中部围网初渔期y(5月y日)为指标,其关系式为:y=9.8x,r=0.678,r>r_(α=0.05)=0.666,S=3.22天。因而4月末至5月初黄、东海表层水温可以作为预测鲐鱼产卵洄游进入黄海时间迟早的重要依据。 2.春汛黄海鲐鱼产卵场的位置与水系分布关系密切。鲐鱼产卵场通常在外海水与沿岸水等不同水系的交汇区。在鲐鱼资源比较稳定的情况下,外海水向北伸展的势力强,鲐鱼产卵场偏北,反之产卵场偏南。而32‰等盐线以及外海,沿岸水系的分布可以做为预测产卵场位置的重要指标之一。3.黄海鲐鱼主要摄食太平洋燐虾(Euphausia pacifica)、细脚蜮(Themisto gracili-pes)和鳀鱼(Engraulis japonicus)等。其索饵场的...黄、渤海鲐鱼的行动分布与海况,气象等环境因素有密切关系,本文根据年渔况、海况和气象等资料,分别对水温、水系、跃层,饵料生物以及风、气压、月龄等环境因素与鲐鱼行动分布的关系进行初步探讨,结果表明:1.鲐鱼产卵洄游进入黄海时间与黄、东海表层水温呈正相关系,即水温高鲐鱼进入黄海的时间提早。以黄、东海5月1日表层水温距平值x和黄海中部围网初渔期y(5月y日)为指标,其关系式为:y=9.8x,r=0.678,r>r_(α=0.05)=0.666,S=3.22天。因而4月末至5月初黄、东海表层水温可以作为预测鲐鱼产卵洄游进入黄海时间迟早的重要依据。 2.春汛黄海鲐鱼产卵场的位置与水系分布关系密切。鲐鱼产卵场通常在外海水与沿岸水等不同水系的交汇区。在鲐鱼资源比较稳定的情况下,外海水向北伸展的势力强,鲐鱼产卵场偏北,反之产卵场偏南。而32‰等盐线以及外海,沿岸水系的分布可以做为预测产卵场位置的重要指标之一。3.黄海鲐鱼主要摄食太平洋燐虾(Euphausia pacifica)、细脚蜮(Themisto gracili-pes)和鳀鱼(Engraulis japonicus)等。其索饵场的位置往往在鲐鱼尚未进入索饵期时,临近产卵场的太平洋燐虾等饵料生物丰寓的海区,在鲐鱼进入索饵期后,由于鲐鱼大量摄食而使索饵鲐鱼渔场中心通常出现在饵料生物密集区的边缘或附近。因而,鲐鱼进入索饵期以前,临近产卵场饵料生物丰富的海区,以及鲐鱼索饵期饵料生物密集中心的边缘附近海区,是探察索饵鲐鱼渔场的重要指标之一。4.有明显温跃层的海区,栖息在跃层上方的鲐鱼起群比较稳定,可能形成良好的围网作业渔场,而明显的强度较大的温(盐)跃层对鲐鱼的垂直移动有制约作用。5.黄海鲐鱼的起浮与风向、风速、气压及月龄有关。偏南、偏西风,风力2~4级的天气适宜鲐鱼大量起浮,而北向风或6级以上大风不利于鲐鱼起浮。鲐鱼大量起浮往往出现在气压发生变化,特别是由低气压转向高气压,气压在1000毫巴以上的天气,气压过低(低于994毫巴)或过高(超过1010毫巴)不适于鲐鱼大量起浮。另外,鲐鱼大量起浮日又多出现在近月朔期以及月朔与月望之间,而较少出现在月望时和下弦期。 Round secad (Decapterus maruadsi), a widely distributal one of the main targets for purse seine fishing in China. This study is based onobservation of scales and otoliths of 644 fishes collected from commercial catches offZhejiang coast from January of 1981 to March of 1983. The results are summarized asfollows: 1. The scales and otoliths are reliable in age determination of this species. Newrings are formed once a year, and they usually appear in May and June. 2. The body length and the scale... Round secad (Decapterus maruadsi), a widely distributal one of the main targets for purse seine fishing in China. This study is based onobservation of scales and otoliths of 644 fishes collected from commercial catches offZhejiang coast from January of 1981 to March of 1983. The results are summarized asfollows: 1. The scales and otoliths are reliable in age determination of this species. Newrings are formed once a year, and they usually appear in May and June. 2. The body length and the scale length prescnt a linear relation: L=1.259R-2 .691.The correlation equation of the body length and weight is W=1.652×10~(-5)L~(2.947). 3. The growth rate of the fish is uneven within a year. The growth is rapidfrom May to Oct. and is slow from Nov. to April. 4. The general law of growth between years may be expressed by von Dertalanf-fy growth equation. The changing feature in the growth process is charanacterized bythe body length and weight tending towards the asymptotic value with the increase oftime. The growth rew and acceleration tend to the zero gradually, The length seemedto be more rapid tending to the terminal than the weight.蓝圆鲹在东、黄、南海均有分布,是围网渔业的主要捕捞对象,本文将分布于东海北部一个数量较大的群体进行了年龄和生长的研究。基础材料取自1980年5月到1983年4月浙江海域围、拖网等渔获物中共2727尾渔获物样品,选择其中644尾的鳞片和耳石作了年龄鉴定和生长研究。结果表明:蓝图鲹的鳞片和耳石显示的年轮特征均甚清晰,都是一年形成一次,出现年轮的时间大部在5—6月;蓝圆鲹体长与体重的关系式为:W=1.652×10~(-6)L~(2.947),其生长规律可用von Bertalanffy的生长方程描述,求得长度生长方程的各个参数是:L_∞=361毫米,K=0.276,t_0=-1.846;求得重量生长方程的各个参数是:W_∞=570克,K=0.282,t=-1.80,其重量生长曲线的拐点位于t=2.098龄处。 The purse seine with hexagonal mesh was first tested & researched successfully in Norway, it has been more currently used in several countries in the north Europe in catching capelin, mackerel, herring,coalfish etc for over ten years. In catching operation, this new-type purse seine has demonstrated the superior fishing performances to a conventional purse seine, the purse seine with rhombic mesh. This paper analyses the characteristics of purse seine with hexagonal mesh theoretically... The purse seine with hexagonal mesh was first tested & researched successfully in Norway, it has been more currently used in several countries in the north Europe in catching capelin, mackerel, herring,coalfish etc for over ten years. In catching operation, this new-type purse seine has demonstrated the superior fishing performances to a conventional purse seine, the purse seine with rhombic mesh. This paper analyses the characteristics of purse seine with hexagonal mesh theoretically on the basis of the comparision with conventional rhombic purse seine. These characteristics are ones about the netting material consumption, the netting height after having pursed, the twine tensions, the deformation of the headline circle, and time for netting to take on the most height after starting to purse, meanwhile, points out the theoretical evidences how to utilize the hexagonal mesh properties to design the parameters of a purse seine with hexagonal mesh, as the choice between N to T and the determination of hanging ratio.六角形网目围网首先在挪威试验研究成功,十几年来在北欧几个国家中较普遍使用,围扑毛魿鱼、鲐鱼、鲱鱼和鳕鱼等.这种新型围网在作业中显示出比传统的四角形网目围网更良好的渔捞性能.本文采用与四角形网目围网对比的方法.在理论上分析了六角形网目围网的网线用量、工作高度、网线张力、上纲网圈变形,网衣形成最大高度时间等特性,指出了如何利用六角形网目的特点设计六角形网目围网技术参数的理论依据。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
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