
异乡是什么意思 异乡在线翻译 异乡什么意思 异乡的意思 异乡的翻译 异乡的解释 异乡的发音 异乡的同义词 异乡的反义词 异乡的例句
异乡 基本解释异乡[yì xiāng]词典:异国。词典:异乡。词典place other than one's hometown:异乡。异乡 汉英大词典异乡[yì xiāng] place other than one's hometown:  例:死于异乡    die among the strangers异乡 网络解释1. Barbara:Aurora, 奥萝拉 拉丁, 黎明神 | Barbara 芭芭拉 希腊, 外地来的,异乡;异族.
| Beatrice, 碧翠丝 拉丁, 为祈福或使快乐的孩2. 911查询·英语单词2.fremdaloko:异教徒:herezulo | 异乡:fremdaloko | 抑制:deteni3. encu gaxan:encu demun/异端 | encu gaxan/异乡 | encu gurun/异国异乡 双语例句1. 1. 那绽放于异乡水域的是我家乡的碧莲,她飘送的清香依旧,只是换了个名字。&&&&The same lotus of our clime blooms here in the alien water with the same sweetness, under another name.2. 卡德摩斯谢过神明,躬身亲吻这片异乡的土地,然后举目眺望四周的群山。&&&&Greeted the surrounding mountains. Wishing to offer a sacrifice to Jupiter, Cadmus sent his servants to3. danci.911cha.com3. 卡德摩斯谢过神明,躬身亲吻这片异乡的土地,然后举目眺望四周的群山。&&&&Down, kissed the foreign soil, then lifting his eyes, greeted the surrounding mountains.4. 在我们异乡人的想象中,叫魂仪式应该是神圣的庄严的。&&&&In my imagination the ritual should be sacred and solemn.5. 多年异乡漂泊,这位商人积累了惊人财富,聊以慰怀-2 Finance&&&&3 After years away from home, this merchant now dips into his master's profits as compensation.6. 所有流落异乡的人都会回家过节。&&&&All the people who flying over other cities will go home to celebrate with their families.7. 有很多将士甚至连姓名都没有留下,他们有很多人的尸骨还流落在异乡不能回归故土。&&&&Many officers and men are not even names left, they have a lot of people living in a foreign land also remains can return to homeland.8. 喜欢上流落异乡的妓女小芳,对方却只是想骗他的钱。&&&&He falls in love with an immigrant prostitute who only wants to cheat his money, and Jiajun also attempts to make use of him.9. 尽管战争带走了他们的一切,使他们流落在异乡,但他们身体里流淌的依然是贵族的血液,不败的是他们的精神,不朽的事他们的荣耀。&&&&Despite the war took away everything form them and made them lived there is still blue blood in their body. The undefeated t the eternal one is their glory.10. 我的腿纤细瘦长,布满了黑白相间的花纹,很多蜘蛛都把我当成是来自异乡的小昆虫。&&&&My leg is fine and gangling, bestrewed the decorative pattern of black and white alternate with, a lot of spiders regard me as is the gnat that comes from foreign land.11. 与《奥德塞》的相通性:《荷马史诗》中的奥德修斯从特洛伊的10年战争后起航返乡,因特洛伊战争中为希腊联军献木马记而冒犯海神波塞冬,在海上遇难,滞留异乡。&&&&&&Famous Names: Desmond's full name is Desmond David Hume. David Hume was an 18th century Scottish philosopher of the Enlightenment.12. 以前常怪某人不会善用台湾的大众运输工具。来到英国才发现,原来到了异乡,即使语言上不成问题,还是需要很大的勇气啊!&&&&&&I used to moan at Jason for not taking advantage of the public transport systems in Taiwan, but it was only until I arrived here, did I realise that it can be a very big deal for an expat, even if you have no language barrier!13. 异乡在线翻译13. 关怀这群几乎过著原始生活的异乡客,慈济志工希望能帮助张兰念书,志工马不停蹄拜访学校让张兰入学,补助她伙食费、学费,还去挑选文具,削铅笔机张兰没用过。&&&&&&Caring for this group of newcomers living in primitive conditions, Tzu Chi volunteers hope to send Zhang Lan to school. After making countless trips to the school to make it possible, the volunteers succeed in covering her tuition and meal fees.14. 我站在窗边望着月亮,她太冷淡而不辉煌,但我爱她,月亮是我的故人,城市在异乡。&&&&&&She is thin and lustreless, but i love her.15. 旅行对于他们来说是最为快乐的,在异乡的旅途中死去最为崇高,这是他们永恒的归宿。&&&&&&It is the best joyful for them to travel, it is the best lofty for them to die in nonlocal.16. 我的亲爱的朋友,当你和女友亲密地走在校园的小道上时,你是否想到分一点关心给你的父母呢;当你和你的同学开心地在外面玩时,你是否想到匀一份欢乐给你的父母呢;当你和你的朋友开怀畅饮时,你是否想到舀一勺佳肴给你的父母呢……当你在异乡时,你是否像他们想你一样想念他们呢?&&&&&&My dear friends, when you walk in the roads of campus with your girlfriend intimately, have you ever thought about alloting a little solicitude for yo when you play with your classmates happily in the open field, have you ever thought about distributing a little happiness for yo when you are eating delicious food jubilantly with your friends, have you ever thought about dividing a little delicacies for your father and mother?17. 我一个人背起行囊,行走在异乡的途上,我穿过一个个城市的大街小巷,感受着一种陌生却也熟悉的气息,还有一点点的凄美与苍凉。&&&&&&I have a pack on her own people, passers-by walking in a foreign land, I pass through the city streets one by one, feel a strange but familiar with the atmosphere, have a little bit of beauty and desolation.18. 18. 你知道,你在那里是个异乡人,所以人们对此有点感兴趣。&&&&&&You know, you are foreign there, so there`s a bit of interest with that.19. 19. 你知道,你在那里是个异乡人,所以人们对此有点感兴趣。&&&&&&You know, you are foreign there, so theres a bit of interest with that.20. 20. 这就是为什么对于它们来说我不是异乡人的原因,它们是我的云。&&&&&&That s why I was no foreigner to them, they were my clouds.异乡是什么意思,异乡在线翻译,异乡什么意思,异乡的意思,异乡的翻译,异乡的解释,异乡的发音,异乡的同义词,异乡的反义词,异乡的例句,异乡的相关词组,异乡意思是什么,异乡怎么翻译,单词异乡是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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曝#周立波被捕# 被警察...
你想过普通生活,就会遇到普通挫折,你想过最好生活,就会遇上最强伤害,如果生活处于低谷,那么大胆走,因为一定会向前。做一个勇敢的人,只要在 路上,就没有到不了的地方。在异乡,忍受孤独寂寞,生活困窘,工作压力,让你倍感无力 ...... 但是,不管现实多惨不忍睹,都要相信自己,这只是黎明前的短暂黑暗。每一天努力,都是为了接近理想的自己。尽管这种努力看似微乎其微,但时间会告诉你,所 有的隐忍和坚持,终将成就一个更优秀的你。
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釦[龠羅無昇]把妳的溫柔當成壹種習慣痛芯瘋、焚音劳资、要の璦妳给卟⑦元宵和情人撞脸了 i曾經,也衹是曾經@淩晨兩點半,妳我在路燈下你没事瞎瘠薄发什么光iゞ_早已忘记心痛的感觉つ爱情是个゛冷笑话去你妹的眉目iン作业请你远离我゛゜隨風而去太爱闹i爱他成瘾 ^!旧梓巷闺蜜,你床叫真厉害i萌哒哒的小小怪是我呀i你好耀眼i柠檬树下三年的忘、こ 空心印っ℡妳丨猜卜透&????°心若相依ら你的独白@萌女i傻瓜狠痴情丶ai,是最终结果你就像风伴随着我女汉子是最坚强的隐梦£.7m親手埋葬愛情茶余流香心里的歌[ 海曾是哭蓝的天]天會黑、人會變。幼稚丶诠释了涐扪旳青春〃他的笑是满天星辰i水到渠成毁硪夢者/.爱╰放肆旳青春丶丢了灵魂﹌我是奇葩中的霸王花i放肆的青春诠释了悲伤英语你回家吧不要客死异乡冷爱說過至死不渝、華麗的虛假待君久不至-难诀别這樣的我們無欲無求i你的独白@失心疯?な傻傻愛你
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