insight,comprehension ecrite,apperception.有什么不同

the act or process of .
the state of being .
perception or understanding:
His comprehension of physics is amazing for a young student.
capacity of the mind to per
ability to know.
Logic. the connotation of a term.
late Middle English
1400-50; late Middle English < Latin comprehēnsiōn- (stem of comprehēnsiō), equivalent to comprehēns(us) (past participle of comprehendere to ) + -iōn-
miscomprehension, noun
noncomprehension, noun
precomprehension, noun
supercomprehension, noun
uncomprehension, noun
UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, (C) Random House, Inc. 2017.
Examples from the Web for
Contemporary Examples
Wouldn't we rather hear from someone steeped in knowledge of the place who could advance our comprehension?
November 30, 2008
This is nostalgia as a recording exercise rather than a lesson in empathy or comprehension.
June 16, 2014
It was a small step in learning to stick to my guns, but a leap in my comprehension of phonetics.
November 9, 2014
Nothing defeats my powers of comprehension like the deliberate harm of a child.
June 19, 2014
That a company would even consider such a plan is beyond my comprehension.
April 1, 2013
Historical Examples
The cleavage between the two attitudes is too sharp for the comprehension of other nations.
Coningsby Dawson
Most important is the comprehension of the structural implications of literacy.
Mihai Nadin
It had not entered her comprehension that the real facts could be unknown, though they had never been communicated to herself.
F. Marion Crawford
Sara had inherited all the amazement, but she owned, as well, its comprehension.
John Oliver Hobbes
Instinct leads us to a comprehension of life that intellect can never give.
James Huneker
British Dictionary definitions for
the act or capacity of understanding
the state of including or
(education) an exercise consisting of a previously unseen passage of text with related questions, designed to test a student's understanding esp of a foreign language
(logic, obsolete) the attributes implied by a g connotation
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition (C) William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.
(C) HarperCollinsPublishers , , ,
Word Origin and History for
mid-15c., from Middle French comprehénsion (15c.), from Latin comprehensionem (nominative comprehensio) "a seizing, laying hold of, arrest," figuratively "perception, comprehension," noun of action from past participle stem of comprehendere (see ). In reading education, from 1921.
Online Etymology Dictionary, (C) 2010 Douglas Harper
in Medicine
comprehension com·pre·hen·sion (k?m'pr?-hěn'sh?n)n.
The American Heritage(R) Stedman's Medical DictionaryCopyright (C) , 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
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例句与用法Article analysis , apperception and reading comprehension语篇分析认知阅读理解Many new apperceptions can be obtained from the research : 1本文研究取得以下新的认识: 1 Apperception is mere important than teaching感悟重于解读Second , finding questions positively , inspiring apperception with questions二是鼓励学生积极发现问题,以疑问激发感悟。 Research on stationarity of apperception - based digital watermark to audio informations基于感知数字水印对音频信息稳健性影响的研究The high - grade apperception that protect skin makeup article collect limits to be made separately高档护肤类化妆品征收范围另行制定。 I would love you with all my apperceptions towards life and human nature if there ' s right karma between us如果我们有缘份,我会以我对生命和人性的全部理解来爱你! Third , think of questions carefully and deepen apperception . teacher should accelerate students " thinking会思是学好语文的必备条件,教师要想法促进学生的思维。 The essential characteristics of agent , such as apperception , autonomy , cooperativity are clarified and emphasized阐述了agent最本质的特征,即感知性、自主性和协作性。 In the modern education , making a point of teaching the students " apperception is feasible and of great meaning在现代教育的大背景下,重视在语文教学中学生感悟能力的培养既具有可行性,更具有重要意义。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
英文解释the process whereby perceived qualities of an object are related to past experience
Copyright &
All rights reservedapperceptions - 必应 词典apperceptions是apperception的复数美&#160;英&#160;[&#230;p?'sep?(?)n] n.【哲】统觉;明觉(作用);【心】借助老经验来理解新概念;触类旁通复数:&#160;&#160;n.1.〔教〕统觉;类化理解2.领悟3.【哲学】统觉;明觉(作用)4.【心理学】借助老经验来理解新概念;触类旁通1.〔教〕统觉;类化理解2.领悟3.【哲学】统觉;明觉(作用)4.【心理学】借助老经验来理解新概念;触类旁通1.
my apperceptions
karma between 必应词典应用准确权威无广告下 载 手 机 版 必 应 词 典体 验 P C 版 必 应 词 典Survey of source code comprehension tools
Source Code Comprehension Tools
Below is information about and links to (in alphabetical
order) some tools/software that make a code maintainer's job (and a developer's job too!)
easier. All software mentioned support the C programming language and may support other
languages too. Note that free stuff is usually -ed and that
evaluation versions may have incomplete functionality or may be time-limited.
Please follow licensing restrictions of software
that you download. All standard disclaimers apply -- you use all downloaded software at
your own risk. I have not used all the software, nor do I recommend anything in particular
for your purposes. I strongly do recommend scanning the downloaded software for viruses.
(Software prefixed by an asterix '*' are heavy-weight
commercial products. These products come with good commercial support and are usually
expensive (some may have discounted programs for non-commercial use).)
Chris Felaco, Unix, C, Uses ,
generated database) Graphical source
code browser/searching tool. This is a neat and simple-to-use tool that uses the databases
created by
to present the same information in a GUI. This
tool is good if you are simply going through some source code. Since it uses
and works on a
database, it can potentially work on any platform (including
Windows NT/95/98) that
works for. ; you will need
to also have
installed on your machine.
(Commercial - , OS/2/Windows, C/C++) Source code comprehension and documentation
software. Includes support for source browsing (visual and text), generating documentation
(HTML, RTF, Windows Help format, ASCII), generating wall-size tree charts and graphic file
exports of all tree charts. Also has a API interface to the symbol database generated by
it's analyzer module so that you can write custom software for your purposes. A number of
compilers and editors are supported. .
C Exploration Tools: (Shareware
Windows, C) Command-line based set of tools for examining functions and the
structure of C source code. You can scan and analyze source code to print out (in HTML or
RTF) the function call hierarchy and data structure relations. .
Cflow: (Commercial
usually - different vendors, Unix, C/C++/Lex/Yacc) This program analyzes
C/C++/Lex/Yacc/Assembler source/object files and writes a chart of their external function
references as a suitably indented text-only diagram. All versions do not support C++.
Requires the compiler or the lex/yacc programs as the source is preprocessed before
analysis for symbols.
: (Non-commercial/Evaluation
Solaris/Sun4/SGI, C/C++/Java/HTML/Others) A graphical navigator for software
and document repositories. .
is the commercial product (see below).
(probably needs X, non-commercial/evaluation)
(Commercial - ,
Solaris, C) C Program analysis and comprehension software. Has a dependence
analyzer that lets you analyze dependency among the various parts of your code. Supports
pointer analysis, web-like navigation of code and integration with Emacs. Has a scripting
language for customisation. .
: (Commercial - ,
Solaris/Sun4/SGI, C/C++/Java) Graphical navigation tool to explore source
: (Open Source, Unix,
C/Lex/Yacc) Cscope is a popular tool that goes through your source code and
creates a symbol database. Using this database, cscope lets you quickly search for and
jump to definitions, declarations, usages of functions, variables and other symbols. Other
nice things are possible too. Integrates easily with the Vi editor. .
Ctags: (Commercial
- different vendors, Unix, C) This utility generates what is known as a tag
file after looking through your sources. The tag file is an index of objects in your
sources and when used with an editor that supports it, lets you quickly locate objects
(function definitions, variable definitions, etc). Usually Vi and Vi clones
(Nvi/Vim/Elvis/Steve/Xvi), NEdit, Emacs/Xemacs, etc support the use of tags. Emacs
supports it's own style of tags file and comes with it's own utility to generate tags.
Should come with the C compiler toolkit on your Unix platform.
: (Free - ,
Unix, C, Source) Generates HTML or LaTeX documentation from C source (ANSI,
K&R, others). Requires code be commented in appropriate format. Cross-references are
generated from the source. .
- Unix/Windows, C/C++/Eiffel/Java/Others, Source/Binary) -ed Ctags in source
and binary formats for various platforms.
(Commercial - , Unix/Windows, C/C++) Reverse engineering and program
comprehension tool. Provides facilities for graphical views of source code flows and
relationships between objects. Integrated source code browsing is supported and the
ability to generate documents in ASCII, HTML or RTF. .
*: (Commercial
Unix/Windows, C/C++/Java) This is a comprehensive source code engineering
tool/environment useful during all phases of software development. Supports code analysis
and browsing, project maintenance, editing, documenting, managing builds, debugging and
integrating other tools. Can support other languages including Tcl, Ada, Python, Fortran,
Cobol, VHDL, Assembler, etc. See
for more details and other hosts of features. .
: (Free - ,
Windows, C) Simple program that displays the function call relationships in
C programs. Does not require a compiler or other tools and will simply analyse a bunch of
C source files. .
*: (Commercial
- , Unix/Windows,
C/C++/Java) Source Explorer is a complete source code development
environment implemented entirely in Java. Uses a client and server approach with project
databases maintained at the server and the GUI environment provided at the Java based
client (which can also be run as an applet from within your favorite browser). The GUI
client provides extensive cross referencing support that is useful when reading code and
also when actively developing code. The usual source code comprehension features like call
tree, include tree, class browser, symbol browser, text search features, etc are
*: (Commercial
- , Windows,
C/C++/Java) Source Insight is primarily a source code editor that has been
enhanced for C/C++ and Java support. As you edit code, Source Insight generates and
maintains a database of symbolic information and presents useful contextual information
like lists of defines, symbols, enumerations, function, etc. in separate windows and
allows you sort control over them and the facility to quickly jump to the locations of
these defines/symbols/functions/etc. Has all features of a full fledged editor including
syntax highlighting and extensive customization. Can work with existing code that you have
never used Source Insight on before. .
*: (Commercial
- , Unix/Windows,
C/C++/Java/Tcl/Fortran/Cobol/Assembly) Source code comprehension and
documentation tool. This is another tool that you can point at any set of C/C++ or other
supported language source code to generate a program database using which the tool allows
enhanced source browsing, showing relationships (call/callby/include/includeby/etc.)
between the various parts of the program, class browing and even editing using the built
in editor. Supports version control software and is useful even during the development
(Commerical - , Unix/Windows, C/C++) This is a source code
comprehension and documentation tool. Point this software to any set of C/C++ source code
and it will analyse the code and provide support for showing call hierarchies, call/callby
trees and include/includedby trees. Excellent call graphs are drawn with support to
control the way the graphs are drawn. Support for generating HTML documentation, string
search using regular expressions and source code cross-referencing, a class-browser and
integration with a number of editors/IDE's round out this tool. .
: (Commercial
- , Windows, C/C++)
Visual Source Code Explorer is a simple Windows (95/NT) based source code cross reference
and documentation tool for C/C++. Allows you to associate documentation with the source
code, presents a hierarchical view of the source code, allows hyper-browsing of the source
and quick searching of symbols. .
: (Commercial - , Unix/Windows, C/Java,
Source/Binary) Xref-Speller is a editor macro package that integrates with
existing editors/IDE's and permits you to inspect your sources in the same way you browse
hypertext files. You can find symbol declaration/definitions and usages and browse forward
and backward through them. Supports name completion of function/global/etc. names that you
key in as you key them in. Also supports generating HTML-ised versions of C or Java source
code with syntax and color formatting. Editors supported included Emacs/XEmacs, Vedit and
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