
1段短短的自我介绍,其实是为了揭开更深入的面谈而设的。 一分钟的自我介绍,犹如商品广告,在短短60秒内,针对“客户”的需要,将自己最美好的一面,毫无保留地表现出来,不但要令对方留下深刻的印象,还要即时引发起“购买欲”。 自我认识想一矢中的,首先必须知道你能带给公司什么好处。当然不能空口讲白话,必须有事实加以证明。 最理想就是能够“展示”过去的成就。例如你曾为以往的公司设计网页,并得过奖项或赞扬。当然,这些例子都必须与现在公司的业务性质有关。 职位愈高,自我认识就愈重要,应将个人的成败得失,尽录在日记中。这样,就可以时刻都清楚自己的弱点与强项。 投其所好清楚自己的强项后,便可以开始预备自我介绍的内容:包括工作模式、优点、技能,突出成就、专业知识、学术背景等。 好处众多,但只有短短一分钟,所以一切还是与该公司有关的好。如果是一间电脑软件公司,应说些电脑软件的话题;如是一间金融财务公司,便可跟他说钱的事,总之投其所好。 但有一点必须紧记:话题所到之处,必须突出自己对该公司做出的贡献,如增加营业额、减低成本、发掘新市场等。 铺排次序内容的次序亦极重要,是否能紧握听众的注意力,全在于事件的编排方式。所以排在头位的,应是你最想他记得的事情。而这些事情,一般都是你最得意之作。与此同时,可呈上一些有关的作品或记录增加印象分。 身体语言不管内容如何精彩绝伦,若没有美丽的包装,还是不成的。所以在自我介绍当中,必须留意自己在各方面的表现,尤其是声线。切忌以背诵朗读的口吻介绍自己。最好事前找些朋友作练习对象,尽量令声线听来流畅自然,充满自信。 身体语言也是重要的一环,尤其是眼神接触。这不但令听众专心,也可表现自信。 曾有一项报告指出,日常的沟通,非语言性的占了70%。所以,若想面试成功,便应紧记注意一下你的身体语言。
【网络综合 - 英文写作翻译】★以下是无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《英语面试:怎样在一分钟做出精彩的自我介绍》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。  面试的第一步,一般都是做一个一分钟的自我介绍,根据公司不同,有时候也会要求做一分半钟、三分钟、五分钟的自我介绍;外企或与外语关联度较大的公司会要求做英语自我介绍。  不少面试者不太重视自我介绍部分,除了像调查户口似地“汇报”一下自己的姓名、专业、毕业院校/曾经的工作单位之外,就再也说不出什么能吸引面试官的内容了。其实,面试官需要知道的恰恰是你没有说出来的那些信息,毕竟能从简历上看到的内容,面试官都已经知道了。你要说的应该是简历中没有写出来或者没有具体写的事情。  一分钟的面试自我介绍怎么做才精彩?  第一步:认识自己。  Brainstorm your qualities and accomplishments. For an interview introduction, briefly cover your major accomplishmentsand qualifications, such as certifications.  仔细想想自己都有哪些特点,取得过哪些成就。面试自我介绍,需要简单提及自己取得过的重大成就,以及获得的主要资质,比如某个证书。 小编:想要在一分钟内引起面试官的兴趣,就必须一击即中。最好的方式就是展示自己过去获得过的成绩,自己有什么样的能力,从而可以为公司带来什么样好处。切记,公司不是慈善机构,不会因为你快交不起房租了,上有老下有小就雇佣你,公司要看的是你能创造多大的价值和利益。  第二步:投其所好  Choose a personal anecdotethat illustrates your personality in a creative way. Employers want to hear about your accomplishments, and a personalized story helps you stand out. The story should take about 20 seconds to complete.  用有趣的方式讲一个能体现个人特点的故事。雇主想要听的是你取得的成绩,个性化的故事能帮助你脱颖而出。个人故事的时间最好控制在20秒内。  小编:讲故事是让你区别于其他求职者的好方法,故事的主题最好就是你在第一步中确定的自己的优势。但你的故事必须要和应聘公司的企业文化、应聘的职位相关,这就是所谓的投其所好。你还要在故事中再一次突出你的强项:领导能力、沟通能力、学习能力、开拓能力等等。记住,你的故事一定是你最想让面试官记住的内容,一定是对应聘公司有利的事情,一定是你最得意的成绩。  第三步:事先演练  Practice your speech with a timer to make sure it is less than a minute. Read it to family and friends and solicitsuggestions. Record and review your speech using a video camera. Pay attention to your mannerismsand projection of your voice. Smile and speak clearly.  做一次计时的面试自我介绍演练,确保你的讲话不会超过1分钟。向你的家人朋友做一次模拟练习,并收集反馈意见。用摄像机拍下你做面试自我介绍的过程,注意自己讲话是不是够礼貌,说话的声音是不是合适。记得微笑,还要吐字清晰。英语面试一分钟自我介绍
  Good morning, my name is CNrencai, you can also call meSweety.I am 25 years old and I'm from Jiangxi Province. After graduating from Jiangxi Management of Economy Cadre Institute, the trade economical specialty since 2001, I started to work. So now I have already had more than 6years' working experience.
  The knowledge I have learned in college and the 6year's working lead me to a person with strong responsiblity and high working efficiency. besides, i am ambicious and flexible. I am not only able to finish the task alone but also to cooperate with other people very well which requires good ablity of communication.
  Even though, my job in the past six years didn't require English skills that much, I am always very interested in it. What's more, I never stop learning English in my spare time. In my opinion, people improve in the process of work, they also learn from the job.I am a quick learner. So I am totally confident that I can do this job very well. I will try my best to take the responsibilty and do everything as good as I can. Please trust my loyalty and effort, you won't be let down.
  Thank you very much for interviewing me.
  Good afternoon and nice to see you at this sunny afternoon.
  I am very glad to be here for interview.
  My name is CNrencai . I come from DLUFL and my major is english special lised in business.
  Computer, books, films and climbing moutains are my favourite.
  I have been a class president for nearly 4 years, and I also have been an interpreter at Dalian Garment Fair for twice.
  I think all these exprience and my responsibility, creating thinking and passion would make me qualify for this job.
  And what&s more, my laptop computer is HP, so I have a better way to recgonize HP.
  I believe that it would be a challenge and a chance for me to be a HP man.
  That&s all ,Thank you so much!
- 自我介绍 】
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  Hello, My mame is Ada. I am 11 years old. I am a quiet girl. I study in Lin Pu No.1 Primary School. My favourite food is ice cream. It&s sour. My favourite teacher is
teacher. My favourite class is art class. My favourite animal is squirrels. My favourite drink is juice. My favourite fruit is strawberries, because it&s sour.I am helpful at home. I can sweep the floor, cook the meals, clean the bedroom, water the flowers, empty the trash, set the table, make the bed, do the dishes, wash the clothes and put away the
  Can you be my friend ?
  My name is xxx, from Class 2, Grade six,xxxx Primary School. I'm doing well in my study, besides I'm the monitor of my class and I get on well with my classmates. I'm a happy and talented girl. I'm good at drawing and many of my drawings have won prizes. At the same time, I like telling stories. I'm interested in learning English very much, and I believe that I will do well in future. I won't let you down!
  Good morning teachers and classmates,i'm glad to be here for self-introdution.My name is ** and i come from grade seven class ** .I have a family of four,my mother ,farther ,brother and me.we are getting along with each other ,i usually help my mother do house work when my farther is out of home and i am a deligted person and willing to help others while in trouble.I like watching TV and playing basketball with my partners in part time .I also need others encuragement while i don't pass eaxminaion .so i fee that we should help each other.Thank for giving me a chance of makng a


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