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  随便贴几个吧。    Should Yao Ming be in the Hall of Fame?  姚明应该进名人堂吗?    by Storm Surge on Fri Jul 08,
pm    If not because of his nba playing career, but for his contributions to the sport of basketball globally    如果不是因为他在NBA的职业生涯,因为他对篮球这项体育运动在全球的贡献?      by some_rand on Fri Jul 08,
pm  yes    应该    by RojanRando on Fri Jul 08,
pm    He's a borderline HOFer mainly because of his international play  If it came down to me voting him in I wouldn't, but I wouldn't really get angry if he did get in because hes extremely close to having a definite HOF career.    他可能刚好够资格主要因为他的国际上的表现。如果我选的话我不会投票给他,但是如果他真的入选我也不会很生气因为他的表现已经非常接近了。    by That Nicka on Fri Jul 08,
pm    No way    不可棱    by Jaykoolzboy on Fri Jul 08,
pm    I think so, because he opens up 1 trillion people to the NBA or basketball.    我觉得会,他给NBA和篮球带来了万亿的观众。    by redux46 on Fri Jul 08,
pm    It's difficult to asses how influential he's been in promoting basketball in asia since I have very little knowledge in the area. Indeed, his only real case for the HOF is if he made very significant contributions to promoting basketball globally.    鉴于我手上资料不够,很难评估姚明在亚洲对普及篮球运动的影响。 他进名人堂的唯一机会在于他是否真的对全球篮球运动的普及有深远的影响。      by jayks1 on Fri Jul 08,
pm    Yes, the Chinese basketball hall of fame    中国名人堂应该没有问题。      by bigball123 on Fri Jul 08,
pm    I would say so. His contributions to the NBA's presence around the world has been great! He is a real ambassador for the league, and should be rewarded for being so    我觉得可以。身为NBA大使,姚明在全球普及篮球功不可没。      by smith2373 on Fri Jul 08,
pm    In China he averaged 23.4 PPG and 15.4 RPG, in the NBA he averaged 19.0 PPG and 9.2 RPG. He's an 8x All-Star, 5x All-NBA, MVP of the , & 2005 FIBA Asian championships. The guy is the greatest Asian basketball player of all-time. How much of an impact he had on the NBA globally.    Yao is a HOF.      blablabla, 姚明应该入选名人堂      Should Yao Ming be in the Hall of Fame?  by WhateverBro on Fri Jul 08,
pm    No doubt.    不质疑。    by Evans Is King on Fri Jul 08,
pm    If Rocky can make the Boxing HOF, there is no doubt Yao should be in Basketball HOF. Dude is a global Icon and helped change the international game forever.    这个哥们永久性的改变了篮球运动。    by Kariya on Fri Jul 08,
pm    /nba/news?slug=a ... nba_070811    He’s 30 years old, played parts of nine seasons in the NBA, and yet he’ll be remembered as a historic icon. In a Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame full of political appointees as ‘contributors’ to the game, Yao deserves enshrinement for a global impact perhaps impossible to measure. You can’t write the history of basketball without Yao Ming, and that’s why his legacy ought to someday be recognized in Springfield.      I agree with Woj    今年30岁的姚明在NBA打了9年球,他将会作为一个历史性的标志人物而被人们铭记。
        你是说虽然成绩和表现很糟糕,但作为一个身高2.23米的推销员,Y很成功?      那么斯特恩、张卫平、孙正平都应该进名人堂。      篮球需要推销吗?难道在中国,只有靠一个身材畸形的大个子圈钱好手才能推广nba吗?    为什么不能多修建一些免费的户外篮球场?为什么只能靠这种标杆效应?为什么中国篮球鼠目寸光地只看重身高?      这不是荣耀,而是耻辱。      篮球的耻辱,也是中国的耻辱。  
  @tigerwool  16:51:00                你是说虽然成绩和表现很糟糕,但作为一个身高2.23米的推销员,Y很成功?    ......  -----------------------------    你还说对了,斯特恩确实有很大机会进NBA名人堂,难道你以为名人堂是最佳球员集合地的意思?    张卫平肯定不行,因为他对NBA来说就完全是一个陌生人,NBA几乎没人认识他。    姚明则机会不大,但也不是完全不可能,就看评审委员会如何看待他在亚洲尤其是中国对NBA促进作用的问题了。事实就是由于姚明在NBA有实质性的表现,从而大量增加了NBA中国球迷的数量和对NBA的了解,而NBA球员与中国的互动也由此开始频繁起来,可这点是否足以打动评审还有点存疑,毕竟他个人的成就离名人堂级别还差得很远。    不过,无论姚明是否能通过评审,他能挤入这个话题是因为他是中国人里在NBA发展得最好的,而并非因为他是中国人里最高的,我不明白耻辱在哪里?名人堂本来就不仅仅考量战绩和数据,他们如果真的开始评审姚明的资格,你到底觉得他进名人堂是中国的耻辱,还是不进名人堂是中国的耻辱?或者这种评审本身就是中国的耻辱?    平平常常一件事,评审也好,不评也好,通过也好,驳回也好,都只是每年NBA例行的一件事,你偏要升华到国格的高度上。姚蜜吹捧姚明,弄到最后就要上升到道德和国格,姚黑谩骂姚明,弄到最后也要上升到道德和国格。呵。  
  作者:ztalan 回复日期: 22:40:58   回复     @tigerwool  16:51:00                        你是说虽然成绩和表现很糟糕,但作为一个身高2.23米的推销员,Y很成功?      ......    -----------------------------        你还说对了,斯特恩确实有很大机会进NBA名人堂,难道你以为名人堂是最佳球员集合地的意思?        张卫平肯定不行,因为他对NBA来说就完全是一个陌生人,NBA几乎没人认识他。        姚明则机会不大,但也不是完全不可能,就看评审委员会如何看待他在亚洲尤其是中国对NBA促进作用的问题了。事实就是由于姚明在NBA有实质性的表现,从而大量增加了NBA中国球迷的数量和对NBA的了解,而NBA球员与中国的互动也由此开始频繁起来,可这点是否足以打动评审还有点存疑,毕竟他个人的成就离名人堂级别还差得很远。        不过,无论姚明是否能通过评审,他能挤入这个话题是因为他是中国人里在NBA发展得最好的,而并非因为他是中国人里最高的,我不明白耻辱在哪里?名人堂本来就不仅仅考量战绩和数据,他们如果真的开始评审姚明的资格,你到底觉得他进名人堂是中国的耻辱,还是不进名人堂是中国的耻辱?或者这种评审本身就是中国的耻辱?        平平常常一件事,评审也好,不评也好,通过也好,驳回也好,都只是每年NBA例行的一件事,你偏要升华到国格的高度上。姚蜜吹捧姚明,弄到最后就要上升到道德和国格,姚黑谩骂姚明,弄到最后也要上升到道德和国格。呵。    同意。    前面说畸形的,姚明是在NBA打球,然后名人堂的选举也是美国人的事,是不是说NBA本身就很畸形啊
  再贴一些吧,也不知道下一个让人讨论进入名人堂的中国人会是谁了        by rottenzombie on Fri Jul 08,
pm    redux46 wrote:  It's difficult to asses how influential he's been in promoting basketball in asia since I have very little knowledge in the area. Indeed, his only real case for the HOF is if he made very significant contributions to promoting basketball globally.      Not much actually.    The Chinese watched him out of pure nationalistic fervor, most of them didn't care about the sports of basketball or NBA. And outside of China, I would wager few, if anyone got into basketball because of Yao. Nationalism and xenophobia are both huge components of the oriental psyches, people outside of China would view Yao as just another foreigner, and thus unworthy of paying attention to.    姚明的影响其实不是那么大。  中国人关注姚明纯属对同胞的热情,许多人其实根本不在乎NBA或者篮球。在中国以外,我打包票如果有也会是非常少的人会因为姚明关注篮球。民族主义和排外在东方国家都很普遍,对于除了中国的其他亚洲国家的人来说姚明只是一个外国人,因此也不值得关注。    360 wrote:  Yao is not a HOF. He is very likeable, and I think that many of you are letting that sway your opinion. Most of you who will say he belongs in the Hall were probably the same ones swearing up and down that Zo doesn't belong in the HOF because he was an a-hole. Sentimental voting.    姚明进不了名人堂。虽然很有可能,但我认为大多数人都是摇摆不定的。那些说他可以进名人堂的人可能就是那些赌咒zo不属于名人堂因为zo是一个SB。具有感情色彩的投票。     Should Yao Ming be in the Hall of Fame?  by Striders on Fri Jul 08,
pm    Easily. His contributions to basketball should be enough for him to be first ballot.    当然。姚明对篮球的贡献应该足以让他第一轮投票就通过。      Should Yao Ming be in the Hall of Fame?  by inquisitive on Fri Jul 08,
pm    Zoe should be in also. Yao will be in the HOF in 5yrs...guaranteed. He led all centers in total pts scored from . In his brief time, he was very good. Also, the NBA made alot of money in China because of Yao. Getting into the HOF isn't all about stats either. The impact was phenomenal!    zoe当然也应该进名人堂。我保证姚明在5年内应该可以进名人堂。从2002年到09年他的得分在中锋中是数一数二的。在他在NBA的短的时间里,他表现出色。同时因为姚明NBA赚了不少的钱。进入名人堂并非完全在于统计数据。姚明的影响力很了不起。      by Kariya on Fri Jul 08,
pm    360 wrote:  Yao is not a HOF. He is very likeable, and I think that many of you are letting that sway your opinion. Most of you who will say he belongs in the Hall were probably the same ones swearing up and down that Zo doesn't belong in the HOF because he was an a-hole. Sentimental voting.      Drazen Petrovic is in the HOF.    If he can make it, why shouldn't Yao?      Drazen Petrovic在名人堂。  如果他可以,为什么姚明不可以?      by Schadenfreude on Fri Jul 08,
pm    Yes. Easily. In baseball, it's referred to as Smoky Joe Wood syndrome, where a player who'd undoubtedly have posted HOF-worthy counting stats has their career ended early by injury. If healthy, there wouldn't
Yao's prime ranks along anyone. As such, he shouldn't be denied entry based on the brevity of his career.    当然。很容易的事情。在棒球界,这个称为Smoky Joe Wood现象,即一个选手由于伤病过早退役然后没有达到他理应达到的名人堂水准的统计数据。如果他们不是因为伤病,进入名人堂是没有任何疑问的。姚明的巅峰时期可以藐视任何对手。如此说来,他过短的职业生涯不应该阻止他入选名人堂。    by xprt on Fri Jul 08,
pm    Kariya wrote:  360 wrote:  Yao is not a HOF. He is very likeable, and I think that many of you are letting that sway your opinion. Most of you who will say he belongs in the Hall were probably the same ones swearing up and down that Zo doesn't belong in the HOF because he was an a-hole. Sentimental voting.      Drazen Petrovic is in the HOF.    If he can make it, why shouldn't Yao?    Petrovic had fiba world champsionhip gold, fiba europe champ gold,bronze, 2 olympic silver medals,1 bronze. He was 6 time European player of the year. It is HOF of basketball not nba and Petrovic was 10 times more succesfull in international level than Yao...    Petrovic有FIBA世锦赛金牌,欧锦赛金牌和铜牌,两次奥运会银牌一个铜牌。他是6次欧洲篮球先生,这个是篮球名人堂而不是NBA名人堂,在国际赛场上petrovic比姚明成功10倍。      by inquisitive on Fri Jul 08,
pm    xprt wrote:  Kariya wrote:  360 wrote:  Yao is not a HOF. He is very likeable, and I think that many of you are letting that sway your opinion. Most of you who will say he belongs in the Hall were probably the same ones swearing up and down that Zo doesn't belong in the HOF because he was an a-hole. Sentimental voting.      Drazen Petrovic is in the HOF.    If he can make it, why shouldn't Yao?    Petrovic had fiba world champsionhip gold, fiba europe champ gold,bronze, 2 olympic silver medals,1 bronze. He was 6 time European player of the year. It is HOF of basketball not nba and Petrovic was 10 times more succesfull in international level than Yao...      You're forgetting that China didn't really invest in heavily into the sport like the Europeans during the 80s-early 90s, so the Chinese or Asia were hardly mentioned as international bball powers. The Chinese didn't have the best trainers or bball mentors from Americans, etc. at the time. You have to get a good infrastructure in place to develop the youth. This takes years and the Chinese were way behind the Europeans. All we know is how Yao played in the NBA and he was the best center in his brief career with good numbers. Again, it is also about impact which the NBA made alot of money from his presence too.    你要知道中国在80年代至90年代早期对篮球的投入并不如欧洲,中国甚至亚洲那是从来不被认为是世界篮球的力量,中国人在那时候没有从美国引进新最好的篮球教练。发展年轻人需要好的基础设施,这个是个漫长的过程所以中国人那时候要远远落后于欧洲。  我们所知道的是在姚明短暂的职业生涯中他是最好的中锋并且拥有完美的数据统计。同时,NBA通过姚明的影响赚了很多钱。        
  本人酷爱打篮球,可是在我们的这座小城市找不到可以打篮球的地方!  你应该知道为什么中国篮球的未来了。  哥好多年都没打球了。。。
  @边城阿涛  12:56:00    本人酷爱打篮球,可是在我们的这座小城市找不到可以打篮球的地方!    你应该知道为什么中国篮球的未来了。    哥好多年都没打球了。。。  -----------------------------  别说什么小城市了,就算大城市如北京上海等地,也不是你想打篮球就能找得到场地的
  姚明打球的成绩确实不怎么地  亚洲的成绩还不如wzz呢
  @tkzhdby  16:32:55    NBA也不是美国最有影响的比赛吧?一群黑人独霸的比赛,你想在美国能有多大影响力?可能中国人能知道姚明的都不很普遍!我是农村的,还是大城市农村,问问四十以上的,知道姚明的还真不多,何况是美国!  -----------------------------  是不是最有影响不知道。但至少是最有影响的之一。美国最popular的三项运动项目:美式橄榄球,棒球,蓝球。不要说NBA,就是NCAA的篮球赛照样很多人看,俗称“三月疯march mad&
  谢谢好心人贴了个图片上去。不过好像链接没了。      作者:curling2011 回复日期: 11:14:35  回复
      又不是选全明星,能不能入选名人堂不是你我这些球迷所能决定的,我相信那些掌握投票资格的人们比你我能更客观,所以现在都拭目以待等着就行了。别没事在这唧唧歪歪装B    这个当然不是我们可以决定的。但是一群和姚明毫不相关的外国人,把一个唧唧歪歪的帖子顶到11页,这是国际主义精神啊。        作者:mdj0009 回复日期: 23:15:06  回复
      当名人堂是公共厕所呢      这么恨姚明啊。姚明的影响力真的不小,上次纽约时代广场的中国宣传片,里面还真没有几个名人老美认识,但是姚明是其中一个例外。
  再贴一段关于王治郅的吧。美国人也不是无原则的崇洋媚外。      by bigboi on Fri Jul 08,
pm     Huh? How can people say Yao is in the HOF, but not TMac?    啊?你们怎么可以讨论姚明进名人堂,而不是TMac?    by HEAT33 on Fri Jul 08,
pm     I would of said no, but after reading some posts here I changed my mind and will have to say yes    我本来打算说不应该的,但是看了这么多回帖我改变主意了,我觉得应该。    by 5DOM on Fri Jul 08,
pm     Just a question, but would he make the HOF if he weren't Chinese?    如果他不是中国人,他可能进入名人堂吗?    by Scorpion King on Fri Jul 08,
pm     Guys remember this is basketball hall of fame not NBA hall of fame.    He will get in for his international play and opening up China and his influence      大家要记住这个是篮球名人堂而不是NBA名人堂。他会因为他在国际赛场上的表现和他对中国市场的影响进入名人堂。    by LikeABosh on Fri Jul 08,
pm     I think he should, but I wouldn't be that surprised if he didn't.    我觉得应该,但是如果进不了我也不会觉得惊奇。    by inquisitive on Fri Jul 08,
pm     “Yao built the bridge for all of us,” -Kobe Bryant    科比曾经说过: 姚明给我们所有的人搭建了桥梁。    by teamny1 on Fri Jul 08,
pm     5DOM wrote:  Just a question, but would he make the HOF if he weren't Chinese?    Considering he'll definitely make the HOF mainly because of his influence as a Chinese person introducing the game of basketball to the world's biggest population, taking his Chinese heritage out of the equation would most likely make this answer a no. Unless his alternate ego heritage is Indian or something similar, then it'd be a yes.    如果他不是中国人他估计没希望,除非他来自印度或类似的国家倒是有可能。      Rallyks on Fri Jul 08,
pm     LovetheNBA1 wrote:  Hollinger's and threads like this is why im convinced the young generation knows little ball.    A 7'6 center who was a bust more then a hall of famer. His prime was literally 04 to 09, and he won 1 playoff series.    Are we serious? We do not give sam bowie, and greg oden injury excuses. Its sad he got hurt, but he did not live to the number 1 pick hype.    Did you miss the part where he would be inducted based on his contributions and not on his NBA career?    Do you people not read?    what the ****?    难道你没有看到他靠他的贡献而不是NBA职业生涯进入名人堂的那部分?  难道你们不看贴的吗?  我艹      by inquisitive on Fri Jul 08,
pm     5DOM wrote:  Just a question, but would he make the HOF if he weren't Chinese?    If he was white, 7' 6& and was able to get billions of Chinese to watch and buy NBA merchandise and have mobs of people following around everywhere he goes....sure he would make the HOF.     就算他是白人,如果他有7尺6寸,能够吸引上亿的中国人看NBA买NBA商品,走到哪里都有人围观,也是可以进名人堂的。    by ThreeYearPlan on Fri Jul 08,
pm     Wasn't Wang Zhizhi the 1st Chinese player to open up China to the NBA though?    难道不是王治郅第一个给NBA打开中国市场的吗?      by Rallyks on Fri Jul 08,
pm     ThreeYearPlan wrote:  Wasn't Wang Zhizhi the 1st Chinese player to open up China to the NBA though?    To open up China?    
    no. he was the first chinese player. thats all.    王治郅打开中国市场?  有没有搞错。  不是,他仅仅是第一个NBA的中国球员。    by ThreeYearPlan on Fri Jul 08,
pm     Rallyks wrote:  ThreeYearPlan wrote:  Wasn't Wang Zhizhi the 1st Chinese player to open up China to the NBA though?    To open up China?    
    no. he was the first chinese player. thats all.  that's pretty important man    同学,这个很重要的      by Prop on Fri Jul 08,
pm     evidently, it's not that important if you're a terrible player.  显然如果你是个糟糕的运动员这个就不重要了。    Contributions ? Kobe made more of a contribution for the chinese then Yao. He literally made not a drop in the NBA landscape. The chinese fans did not even give Yao a loud ovation at the opening events in the Olympics. I lived with 2 chinese people, and they told me Yao was never good because he was always hurt.    Its not his fault, buts its reality.    贡献?科比在中国市场上比姚明的贡献更大,科比的贡献不是一星半点。在奥运会上中国球迷都没有给姚明热烈的掌声(真的吗?)。我和两个中国人住在一起,他们说姚明从来就不行,总是受伤。    Rallyks on Fri Jul 08,
pm     LovetheNBA1 wrote:    Contributions ? Kobe made more of a contribution for the chinese then Yao. He literally made not a drop in the NBA landscape. The chinese fans did not even give Yao a loud ovation at the opening events in the Olympics. I lived with 2 chinese people, and they told me Yao was never good because he was always hurt.    Its not his fault, buts its reality.    Laughable.    &I lived with 2 chinese people and they told me Yao was never good because he was hurt.&    Is this supposed to convince me of something?      可笑。  “我和两个中国人住在一起,他们说姚明从来就不行,总是受伤。”  这句话能说明什么?      ZhiZhi being the 1st Chinese player in the NBA was also important since nobody got screwed by his country more than him    王治郅作为NBA的第一个中国球员更重要的一点是没有谁比他被自己国家的篮协整的更惨。 (原来他们也知道这个事情)
  回复第6楼(作者:@ztalan 于
22:40:58)   @tigerwool 6:51:00   你是说虽然成绩和表现很糟糕,但作…… ==========说的对!现在的某些人真心让人蛋疼!
  贡献?科比在中国市场上比姚明的贡献更大,科比的贡献不是一星半点。在奥运会上中国球迷都没有给姚明热烈的掌声(真的吗?)。我和两个中国人住在一起,他们说姚明从来就不行,总是受伤。    ————  哈哈
  我觉得应该把姚明和新华社,CCTV,新浪,网易,搜狐,姚之队等一起打包当作一个实体入选名人堂。    这样才能表现姚明的影响力嘛。  也让欧洲各国学学是如果包装他们的球员的
  进不进名人堂没那么重要,至少我没看见姚明本人公开发表任何渴望进名人堂的言论。进不进自然有相关协会决定。楼上把进入名人堂当成中国篮球和中国耻辱的奇葩到底有多自卑才会有这种想法?姚明和评选委员会都没发表意见之前,何苦一个人自摸到HIGH呢    至于成绩和表现很糟糕这种说法也懒得去说了,反正球是不用看的都用嘴喷就行了。
  @curling-13 13:19:41    @边城阿涛  12:56:00      本人酷爱打篮球,可是在我们的这座小城市找不到可以打篮球的地方!      你应该知道为什么中国篮球的未来了。      哥好多年都没打球了。。。    -----------------------------......  -----------------------------  土地都干了篮球场,你叫我国的圈地运动如何展开?  chi na大佬们谁管你这些小屁孩的需求。  
  回复第5楼(作者:@tigerwool 于
16:52:05)   畸形的体制、畸形的观点、畸形的现象    ==========这位网友好大的怨气!姚明的身材是畸形的?第一次听说!话说要不是姚明对中国篮球的影响、我们现在打篮球都只能在黄泥地上打!大城市市区中心寸土寸金当然很少篮球场、但是远离了中心区免费篮球场还是很多的!本人深圳的。周末的时候经常坐公交车几个站到某固定篮球场打球……球场有,主要看你肯不肯去找!问你、十年前有那么多篮球场吗?  最后、既然还有人在质疑姚明能否进名人堂……真是无语!
  回复第21楼(作者:@jiangyue1983 于
10:57:14)   其实楼主看淡一点,就算进了名人堂,也只不过是以后在介绍姚明时多一个名人堂成员这个头衔,姚明个人也…… ==========您看看当那些退役球员被批准进名人堂后泣不成声的情境就知道被一个奉献终身的事业所肯定是多么重要与高兴的事情
    作者:jiangyue1983 回复日期: 10:57:14  回复
      其实楼主看淡一点,就算进了名人堂,也只不过是以后在介绍姚明时多一个名人堂成员这个头衔,姚明个人也许都不热衷,姚明应该是有壮志的,奈何时运不济。    呵呵,其实我是看的很淡的啊,只是在这里搬运一些别人的回帖而已。只是希望什么时候这里的帖子也可以这么心平气和的讨论这个事情,姚明再怎么差也不至于是中国人的耻辱吧,不至于沦落到被大家群起而攻之的地步吧。  姚明能进名人堂当然最好了,如果不可以的话,也无所谓的,这就取决于到时候投票的人怎么看待这个问题。但无论结果如何,估计大家多少年后也都会记得有过这么一个中国人在NBA曾经叱诧风云过。姚明作为一个职业球员,虽然没有拿到应该拿到的那些荣誉,但也应该是最大的发挥了自己的价值。


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