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fact of life英 [faekt ?v laif] 美 [faekt ?v la?f] 第三人称复数:fact of life 基本解释无法更改的事实;fact of life 相关例句ph.1. It is a fact of life and you must face it.&&&&这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。fact of life 网络解释1. 1. 无法更改的 事实:Facts are stubborn. [谚]事实是不可否认的.
| fact of life 无法更改的 事实 | 现代英汉词典factfact of life 双语例句1. fact of life的反义词1. In fact happiness is just at our side -- in the life of our sidelight.&&&&其实幸福就在我们的身边,在我们点点滴滴的生活中。2. 2. Technology is a matter of fact, while life is a kind of art.&&&&技术是一件实事,生活是一种艺术。3. When you focus on just one aspect of the future – say, the identity of the President – you give this fact more prominence than it will actually have in your life.&&&&当你只关注与未来的仅仅一个方面--例如,总统是谁--你就给与了它大于实际生活中的显著真正具备的重要性。4. For most of us work is the central, dominating fact of life.&&&&工作与平等对我们大多数人来说,工作是我们生活中处于中心的占统治地位的事实。5. Obviously, they seem to fail to takeinto account the basic fact that a person's education is a mostimportant aspect of his life.&&&&显然,他们忽视了教育是人生重要部分这一基本事实。6. In fact, she cannot stop swimming for the first several weeks of a newborn's life.&&&&事实上,她在新生一个生命的头几个星期内是不能停止游动的。7. In addition, all projects are small units advertised their hotel-style management and perfect service facilities, in fact, constitute a single induction cooker kitchen simply can not meet the most basic living needs, so spend reservation, money laundry, etc. become small units of life must be.&&&&此外,所有项目都是小单位宣传其酒店式管理和完善的服务设施,实际上构成一个单一的电磁炉厨房根本无法满足最基本的生活需要,因此花费的保留,洗钱等成为小单位必须的生活。8. In fact, no matter Beixi, those who drink In the wine in the pursuit of life is freedom, forget the life and death for whom the honor easily, in the wine itself to be a real, I think this is what most people understand the essence of the spirit of wine in it!&&&&其实无论悲喜,醉酒者在酒中所追求的是生活的自由、忘记生死利禄荣辱的轻松,在酒中做一个真正的自己,我想这也是大多数人对酒精神的精髓理解吧!9. In autumn, overwhelmed by nature`s selfless generosity toward humanity, I will find myself at a loss, looking upon the corn stalks robbed of their frui the crop stalks and weeds swaying in the wind disturb me profoundly, Nature, however. soon makes me realize that all of these are just a fact of life. The beauty that begs description turns out to be the ultimate truth. It has gradually come to me that the artistic portrayal is actually a manifestation of the artist`s inner world. In other words, the subject serves as a medium for the painter to create a spiritual realm, which is based on the unceasing exploration of nature a well as the boundless, passionate imagination on the part of the artist.&&&&在同一季秋天,我曾感受过大自然对人类的慷慨奉献之情,又看到了那些被剥去果实又割下头穗的玉米残茬,在那夕阳下,在风中伫立着的秸秆,枯草,我的心也随之长久的不平静,然而大自然又让我顿悟了,这也无法改变的真实,不可言喻的美丽动人便是真实的一切,我越来越觉得,艺术的描写实在是艺术家心智的自白,是借助你描写对象而创造出来一各精神境界,这各精神境界不仅源于艺术家对自我的关注与捕捉,更有赖于艺术家无限的霞想和热烈的情怀。10. In fact, I want to say that the life is full of a lot of frustration and failure.&&&&其实我的意思是说:人的一生中,充满了无数次的挫折和失败。11. Every individuals all have the life that themselves want, in fact, person and the basicest difference of animal depend on person has wild ambition, but animal does not have then.&&&&&&每一个人都有他们自己想要的生活,其实人和动物最根本的区别在于人有野心,而动物则没有。12. Consequently, he is greatly victimized: immersed in the world of thoughts for long, he has no as a result, he is done in by his wife and best friend --- they have committed adultery for years but Herzog has been totally kept in the dark and is divorced without kno after being informed about the twofold betrayal of his wife and best friend, he is caught by irresistible reasoning and thinking, trying to reconsider life and humanity with the help of knowledge i nonetheless, it is not until he truly confronts reality that he discerns no theoretic work can give total explanations of the complex humanity and transforming the world with mere theories is no
meanwhile, he comes to see that his potency in the world of thoughts turns out to be impotence in life and that his obsession with thinking after his divorce is in fact an evasion of reality and is attributed to his hatred f eventually he has to admit that his over-reliance on theories is responsible for his victimhood in life.&&&&&&简而言之,赫索格的极端唯智论思想使得他无法正确认识现实,有效应对生活中的问题,以致深受其害:长期沉浸在思想的世界之中,他并不具备对现实的洞察力,因而遭到了妻子和好朋友的蒙骗——他们私通长达几年之久,而赫索格对此一无所知,与妻子不明不白地离了婚;得知妻子和好朋友双双背叛的真相后,他不可抑制地陷入理性思考之中,试图通过他的学术知识来重新审视生活与人性,可是直到真正接触现实他才意识到任何一种理论框架都无法完全解释复杂的人性,单纯靠理论来改变世界不过是一场空想而已;同时,他认识到,在思想世界的强大却使得他在现实生活中极其无能,离婚后一味执迷于思考实际上是对现实的逃避,是痛恨自己无能的结果;最后,他不得不承认,对理论的过分依赖导致了他在生活中的受害地位。13. It is a fact of corporate life that legal departments are cost centers, not revenue generators.&&&&&&对于现实的企业生活而言,法务部门是花钱中心,而非赚钱机器。14. 14. In fact the greenness of life style has already touched some people and been spreading across the world.&&&&&&实际上,绿色的生活方式已经接触了一些人并且传播到世界各地。15. 15. The fact have been proved that we must solve these problems, allocate land reasonable and make intensive utilization of land resource in order to quicken up the citify process and improve the life quality of people. The process of urbanization should be the process of intensified utilization of lands. The phenomenons of extensive exploitation of land, irregular market and the lack of management have already obstructed the reusable source of land and the fast development of the citys economy. Therefore, it has become the urgent affairs to build up the indicator system of measuring the intensive use of urban land and look for a way to carry out.&&&&&&实践证明,城市化要加快,人们生活质量要提高,就必须解决合理配置、集约利用城市土地资源问题,城市化过程应是土地集约化利用的过程,当前城市发展中出现的土地利用粗放、市场不规范及管理乏力现象,已严重阻碍了城市土地资源的可持续利用及城市经济的快速发展,因而建立衡量城市土地集约化利用的指标体系及寻求实现城市土地集约化利用的途径已成为当务之急。16. 16. In fact, I mean:it is full of frustration and failure in one's life.&&&&&&其实 我的意思是说:人的一生中,充满了无数次的挫折和失败。17. It is a fact of life and you must face it.&&&&&&这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。18. 18. It is a fact of life.&&&&&&这是生活中的严酷事实。19. It's a fact of life.&&&&&&这是一个不争的事实。20. 20. I'm just saying it's a fact of life.&&&&&&我只是说,这就是生活的真相。fact of life 词典解释1. (令人不快却又无法改变的)生活现实&&&&You say that something which is not pleasant is a fact of life when there is nothing you can do to change it so you must accept it.&&&&e.g. Stress is a fact of life from time to time for all of us.&&&&&&&&&&&对我们所有人来说,精神压力常常是无从逃避的生活现实。2. (教给儿童的)性知识&&&&If you tell a child about the facts of life, you tell him or her about sexual intercourse and how babies are born.&&&&e.g. There comes a time when children need to know more than the basic facts of life.&&&&&&&&&&&是时候孩子们了解更多性知识了。fact of life 单语例句1. Considering the fact that he has spent most of his life studying art, the argument against his credentials as a historian does hold some validity.2. Like the fabled frog who drowsily fails to jump from the warming saucepan, we accept this scandal as a fact of life.3. In fact, surveys show the majority are most concerned about economic and quality of life issues.4. But the fact is that without migrant workers'help the life of urban dwellers today can easily be thrown out of gear.5. They see the sharing of power as a fact of life rather than an anomaly.6. While most players look down on those who buy their way into more powerful characters, it is an accepted fact of virtual life.7. The sad fact is that when such a mentality guides practice, it often leads to the heavy loss of life.8. She stressed that crocodiles were a fact of life in northern Australia and that any management plan would not prevent attacks.9. In fact I was looking for a new challenge, but without the intense pressure of the Hong Kong life.10. They choose to be oblivious to the fact that most people in Tibet lived in ignorance and life did not improve for hundreds of years.fact of life是什么意思,fact of life在线翻译,fact of life什么意思,fact of life的意思,fact of life的翻译,fact of life的解释,fact of life的发音,fact of life的同义词,fact of life的反义词,fact of life的例句,fact of life的相关词组,fact of life意思是什么,fact of life怎么翻译,单词fact of life是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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