
收获是什么意思 收获在线翻译 收获什么意思 收获的意思 收获的翻译 收获的解释 收获的发音 收获的同义词 收获的反义词 收获的例句
收获 基本解释911查询·英语单词收获[shōu huò]词典收割;收成;收获季节;结果词典获得;赢得;增加;(钟、表)走快词典利润( gain的名词复数 );[土木工程]腰槽;获益词典收获词典后果,结果( result的名词复数 );成绩(包括比分、得票、获胜者或当选者名单等);成功实现的事收获 汉英大词典收获[shōu huò](取得成熟的农作物) reap:  例:在葡萄收获季节        收获期间下雨了。    It rained during the harvest.(比喻心得、战果等) gains:  例:一次很有收获的访问。    a     她的努力很有收获。    Her efforts have been fruitfull.; Her efforts have yielded good results.收获 网络解释1. 1. reap:于是,在Linux社群中,就有人站出来说,IBM跑出来收获(reap)Linux的果实了.
当今,Linux发展进入了一个新的阶段,由自然人的个性驱动,演变为由企业( 法人)的理性驱动;由以个人为中心变为企业为中心. 刚刚进入HP的开源运动的2号人物,2. gain:有些作家对商业行为冷眼旁观,比如菲利普.罗斯经过冷静思考后创作的<>(AmericanPastora)和理查德.鲍威尔斯创作的<<收获>>(Gain)就显得弥足珍贵.收获 双语例句1. 2在驻马店市驿城区申庄村进行农作物洪水影响田间试验,用玉米作为试验材料,选取3 d、5d、7d三个淹没天数和拔节期、抽雄期两个淹没阶段分别对其进行人工灌水,田间采取常规管理,在作物收获后对玉米的各个性状及产量数据做记录并和对照区进行对比,进而分析和评估洪水灾害发生时对农作物的影响情况。&&&&Experiments on the effects of flood for agricultural crops were done in Zhumadian. corn was selected as the experimental material, and choosing 3 days, 5 days and 7 days submerged days and the jointing stage, tasselling stage for artificial irrigation respectively. The field was given conventional management. After harvest, we recorded various characters and production data, and then compared them with the controlled areas. Then analysis and assessment of the impact of main flood factors on the crops were built.2. 表1的数据也证明随着种植密度的提高,收获植株的数量下降,这是植物竞争的直接结果。&&&&This is a direct effect of plant competition.3. 这六个月,是指从我们把种子储存起来准备播种算起;在这儿热带地区,从播种到收获是不需要六个月的。&&&&You know, says he, the Children of Israel, though they rejoyc'd at first for their being deliver'd out of Egypt, yet rebell'd even against God himself that deliver'd them, when they came to want Bread in the Wilderness.4. 4. 我们共同收获橄榄;参加彼此的婚礼;当年我为父亲举行葬礼时,得尔加里尔村一半的人都去了。&&&&We sha we go to each other' when I buried my father, half of Deir Jarir was there.5. 5. 田 间笼养供试成虫,以实际取食日计取食时间,用目测法和收获法进行牧草生长量测定,用相关方差分析进行数据处理。&&&&The test adults of O. Infernalis were reared in field cages, to use the number of feeding days as feeding time and apply ocular estimation and actual mowing for determining the increment of grass.6. 农民收获的这些草坪块大小各异,最大的能达到一米宽。&&&&Farmers harvest it in pieces of various lengths and up to one meter wide.7. 7. 我想起了卢托斯拉夫斯基-----一个为自己虚拟出来的敏感而理想化的听众进行创作的作曲家所说的话,他说:我这个`虚拟的听众`被人格化了,我希望通过满足他的要求,能比其他艺术家利用那些较真实的东西实现与他人进行沟通的方式得到更多的收获。&&&&I am approaching more than in any other way an artist`s most important goal of lending that most genuine form to what he has to communicate to another man.8. 在西班牙的维拉达,一位农民正在展示他的一架雪橇状的农用器具。在收获的季节里,他将用这个来粉碎秸秆和打开埃及豆的豆荚。&&&&A farmer in Velada, Spain, displays a traditional toboggan-like device that is used to crush straw and open garbanzo bean pods during harvest.9. 地黄根际土壤SMBC无明显变化,但是基础呼吸和代谢商显著高于非根际土壤;相反,基于Biolog碳源培养分析的地黄根际土壤微生物的AWCD和Shannon指数均有显著的下降,同时,AWCD和SMBC具有随季节变化的相似特征,在地黄生长发育的旺季高,而在收获季节低。&&&&Soil basal respiration and metabolic quotient were significantly higher in R. glutinosa cropping soils than in the non-cropping controls. On the contrary, the Shannon index and the average well color development from the Biolog data set were lower in R. glutinosa cropping soils, and we also found a seasonal change in AWCD and soil microbial biomass carbon, higher in cropping season but lower in harvest season.10. 已经将银胶菊商品化的Yulex公司,每年每公顷收获橡胶才400公斤。&&&&Yulex, a firm that has commercialised guayule, gets an annual crop of 400 kilograms per hectare.11. 水很谦卑,它总是向下、向下,可它却流成了江河湖海;山很谦卑,它总是沉默、沉默,可它却在无言中耸立成一座风景;春很谦卑,它总是在凌厉的冬后悄然而至,可它却温暖了生命;秋很谦卑,它总是在喧闹的夏后静静到来,可它却带来了收获,保持一颗谦卑的心,生命就有了一种无法言传的尊严和价值。&&&&&&Water is very humble, it is always down, down, may it flow i Hill is very humble, it is always silent, silent, be it in the stands the spring is very humble, It is always fierce winter to hotels specifically catering, be i autumn is very humble, it is always in the quiet after the noisy arrival of summer, it can be brought about gains and maintain a humble heart, Life there is a dignity and value can not be conveyed in words.12. 12. 文章作者Anne Mangen,是位于斯塔万格市的挪威大学的副教授,认为在线阅读不象阅读纸板读物那样有效、收获大。&&&&&&Study author Anne Mangen, an associate prof of literacy studies at Norway's University of Stavanger, says she discovered that reading online may not be as rewarding – or effective – as the printed word.13. 2009年的10月又是个金秋的十月,又是个装满收获的季节。&&&&&&In October is a golden autumn of October, but also a full harvest season.14. 金秋十月,正是收获的季节啊,我都连续加班一个多月了。&&&&&&The golden October is for ingathering, and I have worked overtime for more than a month.15. 然后写出糖酵解的收获阶段的总方程式。到中国译典经典版本中查找关于payoff的最新解释和例句。。。。&&&&&&Then write the overall or net equation for the payoff phase of glycolysis (with lactate as the end product), including the net standard free-energy change.16. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD16. 所有这一切,我都一无所有,但我还是做成了面包。这些事我将在下面再告诉读者。但在当时,我总算有了自己的粮食,这对我是极大的安慰,为我的生活带来了更多有利的条件。前面提到,没有适当的工具,一切事情做起来特别吃力,特别费时间,可是也没有办法。同时,我也没有浪费时间。我把时间分配得很好,每天安排出一定的时间来做这些事。我已决定等我收获了更多的粮食后再做面包,所以我还有六个月的时间;在这半年中,我可以运用我全部的精力和心血,设法制造出加工粮食各项工序所需要的各种工具。到时,有了足够的粮食,就可以用来制造面包了。&&&&&&When the Fire-wood was burnt pretty much into Embers, or live Coals, I drew them forward upon this Hearth, so as to cover it all over, and there I let them lye, till the Hearth was very hot, then sweeping away all the Embers, I set down my Loaf, or Loaves, and whelming down the Earthen Pot upon them, drew the Embers all round the Out-side of the Pot, to keep in, and add to the H and thus, as well as in the best Oven in the World, I bak'd my Barley Loaves, and became in little Time a meer Pastry-Cook into the B for I made my self several Cakes of the Rice, and P indeed I made no Pies, neither had I any Thing to put into them, supposing I had, except the Flesh either of Fowls or Goats.17. 这次出国考察,他的收获很大。&&&&&&He has gained a great deal from this trip overseas.18. 收获的解释18. 秋天凉爽,是一个收获的季节。&&&&&&Autumn is cool, is a season of harvest.19. 19. 照此看来,今年对她来说是一个繁忙的一年,所以我希望韩雪能够在这一年里取得收获。&&&&&&If like this, it must be a busy year for her. So I hope she can gain harvests at the end of this year.20. 20. 第一次到北京找工作意味着要逐步降低期望值和对能拿回家的收获进行重新评估。&&&&&&A first visit to Beijing to look for work means a gradual lowering of expectations and a reevaluation of the prize they can bring home.收获是什么意思,收获在线翻译,收获什么意思,收获的意思,收获的翻译,收获的解释,收获的发音,收获的同义词,收获的反义词,收获的例句,收获的相关词组,收获意思是什么,收获怎么翻译,单词收获是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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  形容收获的成语  1、秋收东藏:秋天收获,冬天存储。泛指常规的农事活动。  2、稇载而归:稇载:满载;归:返回。东西装得满满地回来。形容收获极丰富。  3、宝山空回:走进到处是宝物的山里,却空手出来。比喻根据条件,本来应该有丰富的收获,却一无所得(多指求知)。  4、名利兼收:收:收获。又有名又得利。  5、满载而归:载:装载;归:回来。装得满满地回来。形容收获很大。  6、硕果累累:硕果,大的果实。累累,形容积累很多。形容收获很多。也比喻巨大的成就。  7、稳吃三注:四人赌博,一个人赢三个人的赌注。比喻凭空的大量收获。  8、满车而归:满:满满地;归:返回。东西装得满满地回来。形容收获极丰富。  9、俯拾仰取:低头拾地上的东西,抬头拿上面的东西。形容一举一动都有收获。  10、亡羊得牛:丢掉羊,得到牛。比喻损失小而收获大。  11、不虚此行:虚:空、白。没有空跑这一趟。表示某种行动还是有所收获的。  12、受益匪浅:指意识形态方面有很大的收获。  13、左右采获:左手右手都有收获。比喻研究学问,多采材料。  14、先难后获:难:艰难,劳苦;获:收获。()先付出劳动然后再取得收获。比喻不坐享其成。  15、所得无几:得到的没有多少。指收获很小。  16、稼穑艰难:稼穑:播种和收获。指农事劳苦。  17、一树百获:树:种植。种一次收获一百次。比喻培植人才能长期获益。  18、开花结果:原指经播种耕耘后有了收获。现比喻工作有进展,并取得了成果。  19、年谷不登:年谷:一牛收获的谷物;登:成熟,完成。指年成很差,荒年。  20、以蚓投鱼:用蚯蚓做鱼饵钓鱼。比喻用较小的代价换得较大的收获。  21、满载而归:装得满满地回来。形容收获很大。  22、师逸功倍:师:;逸:安闲。比喻善于学习的人,用时不多,收获很大。
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