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A river bisecting a jungle biome. At the top right is a forest.
A river running through a mesa biome with mesa plateaus, with a savanna biome in the bottom right.
In case you don’t know what a “biome” is, it’s a climate zone used in the game to set what kind of surface the ground has (sand? grass?), whether it should rain or snow, what trees grow there, and sometimes also what kind of animals that are allowed to spawn there.
Biomes are regions in a
world with varying geographical features, , , temperatures, humidity ratings, and sky and foliage colors. Biomes separate every generated world into different environments, such as forests, jungles, deserts, and taigas.
Biomes have a temperature value that determines if it snows, rains, or does not have either. The required values are less than 0.15 for snow, 0.15 - 0.95 for rain, or greater than 1.0 for neither. These values can be used to determine the heights that snow generates in different biomes. The temperature also drops 0.(1⁄600) per meter above the default sea level (Y=64), but does not change below sea level. For example,
generate snow at Y=95, due to highland climate, as the base value is 0.2, and
do not experience rain or snow due to their heat. The "sea level" setting of a
world does not affect this.
Biomes are split into 5 categories based on their temperature: snow-covered, cold, medium, dry/warm, and neutral. They were separated to prevent biomes with huge temperature differences being placed side-by-side (such as cold taiga next to a desert), and to allow biomes with similar temperatures to be placed next to each other more often. (Such as forest and swampland)
There are 38 main biomes in the
(with two being unused), one in , one in
and 22 technical biomes, bringing the total number to 62 distinct biomes. Biomes can be distinguished by the grass and leaf colors in the biome, along with the types of blocks present (e.g. types of trees or other plants like cacti, sand coverage in deserts). Biomes are pseudo-randomly generated using the map .
Biomes are separated into 5 categories. The snow-covered biomes are marked in blue, cold in green, medium/lush in orange and dry/warm in red. The biomes which are not labeled are either neutral or unknown. Temperatures are given at sea level.
In these biomes, it snows at any height. The foliage and grass is a dark aqua-green.
Biome Name and ID
Ice Plains12
Temperature: 0.0
White and some Black & White ,
An expansive, flat biome with a huge amount of snow. All sources of water exposed to the sky are frozen over. Sugar cane will generate in this biome, but can become uprooted when chunks load as the water sources freeze to ice. There are very few natural oak and spruce trees in this biome. No passive mobs other than
and the rare
are able to spawn, however it is one of the few biomes where
appear. Due to the biome's size, snow and ice cover, and scarcity of wood and animals, initial survival becomes difficult in comparison to other biomes. This is one of only two biomes where igloos naturally generate.
Ice Plains Spikes140
Temperature: 0.0
White and some Black & White ,
A rare variation of the Ice Plains biome that features large spikes of , as well as packed ice 'lakes'. Usually the spikes are 10 to 20 blocks tall, but some long, thin spikes can reach over 50 blocks in height. All grass blocks in this biome are replaced with blocks of . Like the regular ice plains, no passive mobs other than
and the rare
are able to spawn and
appear at night.
Cold Taiga30
Temperature: -0.5
White and some Black & White ,
Much like the regular taiga, the cold taiga is a relatively flat biome with large expanses of spruce trees. Ferns, and their taller variants, generate here quite commonly, although regular tall grass can still be found. It is one of the few places where wolves will naturally spawn. One may also find an igloo nestled between the trees, making it one of only two biomes where igloos naturally generate.
Cold Taiga M158
Temperature: -0.5
White and some Black & White
The cold taiga M is not nearly as flat as its regular counterpart. Compared to regular taiga hills, the hills found in this biome are much steeper and more erratic. This large height differences make navigating the cold taiga M biome quite dangerous. Also unlike its normal variant, igloos do not generate here.
Frozen River11
Temperature: 0.0
A river with a layer of ice covering its surface. It represents a separation of two cold biomes, but can also divide single biomes. Frozen rivers would connect to frozen oceans, before the latter was removed. Frozen rivers will not generate where a cold biome
regular rivers will generate instead.
Cold Beach26
Temperature: 0.05
Like a regular beach, one can find plenty of sand in this biome. However, this sand is covered in a layer of snow. Cold beaches are often found when a cold biome borders an ocean biome. No passive mobs will spawn in this biome.
In these biomes, it begins to snow over a certain height, but before the 256 block height limit. Otherwise, it rains. The foliage and grass is an aqua-green.
Biome Name and ID
Extreme Hills3
Temperature: 0.2
A highland biome (with some mountaintops reaching y=130 or even higher) with a few scattered oak and spruce trees. Cliffs, peaks, valleys, waterfalls, overhangs, floating islands, caverns, and many other
exist, offering outstanding views.
This is one of the few biomes where
spawn naturally. Snowfall also occurs above certain heights, thus creating "snow caps" on the top of the mountains. Falling is a significant risk, as there are many steep ledges large enough to cause severe fall damage or even death. Extreme hills are the only biomes where
can be found naturally.
Extreme Hills M131
Temperature: 0.2
The mountains in this biome are slightly higher than in their regular counterpart, many of which reach into the clouds and are covered by snow peaks. The terrain here is composed mainly of gravel, with small patches of grass here and there. Due to the low amounts of grass, the population of spruce and oak trees in this biome is much more sparse.
Extreme Hills+34
Temperature: 0.2
This biome, usually found in the middle of regular extreme hills, generates much taller mountains, most of which will therefore be covered by snow. The slopes are quite steep, which makes scaling these mountains difficult and dangerous. The peaks feature a much higher concentration of grass and spruce trees, forming a small forest at the top.
Extreme Hills+ M162
Temperature: 0.2
This variant of the extreme hills + biome removes its signature spruce tree covered peaks in favor of terrain covered mostly by gravel and stone, similar to the extreme hills M biome. Larger and deeper valleys are carved into the relatively barren landscape - only a few isolated trees can be found here.
Temperature: 0.25
Brown, salt & pepper and black ,
A predominantly flat biome covered by a forest of spruce trees. Ferns and large ferns grow commonly on the forest floor. One may find packs of wolves here, along with small groups of rabbits. Villages may ge naturally, the houses in these villages are built of spruce wood.
Taiga M133
Temperature: 0.25
Brown, salt & pepper and black
The taiga M also features large spruce forests, but these forests are overlayed onto mountainous terrain. Unlike regular taiga hills, these mountains tend to be larger and more difficult to climb. Perhaps owing to the rough nature of this biome, no villages can be found here.
Mega Taiga32
Temperature: 0.3
Brown, salt & pepper and black ,
The mega taiga is an uncommon biome composed of spruce trees, much like the standard taiga biome. However, some trees are 2×2 thick and very tall, not unlike large jungle trees. Moss stone boulders appear frequently, brown mushrooms are common and
can be found on the forest floor. There are also patches of , which will not grow grass.
may also spawn here, as they do in normal taiga biomes.
Mega Spruce Taiga160
Temperature: 0.25
The terrain in this rare biome is almost exactly the same as in its regular counterpart. But the most striking feature of this biome is its giant spruce trees, which are essentially a scaled-up version of regular spruce trees. One can easily differentiate this from a normal mega taiga by observing how the leaves almost completely cover the tree trunks, whereas in normal mega taigas, leaves only tend to cover the top.
Stone Beach25
Temperature: 0.2
True to its name, this stone-covered biome often appears where extreme hills biomes meet the ocean. Depending on the height of the nearby land, stone beaches may generate as medium slopes or huge cliffs, its tops tall enough to be covered by snow. No passive mobs will generate here.
In these biomes, it begins snowing over the 256 blocks height limit. Otherwise, it rains. The foliage and grass is a vibrant light green, except swamps and roofed forests, which have a dark green grass. Rivers are also exempt from this, as they have a dull blue hue.
Biome Name and ID
Temperature: 0.8
A relatively flat and grassy biome with rolling hills and few trees. Gullies, water holes, and NPC villages are common. Cave openings and water or lava springs are easily identifiable due to the flat unobstructed terrain. Passive mobs spawn of this biome and its variants are also one of the only biomes where horses spawn naturally.
Sunflower Plains129
Temperature: 0.8
Usually found within normal plains, this biome is the only place where sunflowers naturally generate, hence its name. They grow in abundance, making yellow dye a widely available resource to those who live here. Villages will not generate in this biome. There are no other notable terrain differences from the normal plains biome.
Temperature: 0.7
A biome with a lot of oak and birch trees, occasional hills, and a fair amount of tall grass. Mushrooms and flowers can occasionally be found here. This is one of the most preferred biomes to start out in, due to the abundance of wood. However, the frequency of trees also makes it dangerous to navigate at night, due to obscured vision. Forest biomes are also one of the smallest biomes.
Flower Forest132
Temperature: 0.7
Brown, salt & pepper and black
This forest variation has fewer trees, but more than makes up for it - it is almost overflowing with nearly every type of flower and tall plant in the game,
will only grow in this biome. Therefore, this biome is optimal for harvesting and farming dyes. No wolves will spawn in the flower forest, although rabbits will spawn occasionally.
Birch Forest27
Temperature: 0.6
A forest in which only birch trees generate. If one prefers to build with only a single wood types, and that wood type happens to be birch, they will certainly find themselves at home here. Unlike in the regular forest, no wolves will spawn in this biome.
Birch Forest M155
Temperature: 0.6
Birch trees grow much taller than usual in this uncommon variant of the birch forest biome. Whereas normal birch trees grow up to 7 blocks tall, these trees often exceed 10 blocks in height. This makes deforestation a much more difficult task, although it provides the player with far more birch resources.
Roofed Forest29
Temperature: 0.7
This biome is composed of dark oak trees, a mostly closed roof of leaves, and occasional large mushrooms. Trees in this forest are so plentiful and so close together, that at some spots it may become dark enough for hostile mobs to spawn, even during the day. On very rare occasions, a woodland mansion may spawn. Therefore, the roofed forest is the only biome in which the
mobs and the
can be found.
Roofed Forest M157
Temperature: 0.7
A variation of the roofed forest where large hills dominate and scatter the canopy. While increased light in the forest means slightly less mobs, the steep cliffs lining this biome still make it dangerous to navigate on foot. Unlike regular roofed forests, no woodland mansions will spawn here.
Temperature: 0.8
A biome characterized by a mix of flat, dry areas around sea level and shallow pools of brackish green water with floating lily pads. Clay, sand, and dirt are commonly found at the bottom of these pools. Trees are often covered with dark green vines, and can be found growing out from the water. Mushrooms and sugar canes are very abundant. Witch huts generate exclusively in swamps. Slimes will also spawn naturally at night, most commonly on full moons, making this an especially dangerous biome at night. Temperature varies randomly within the biome, not affected by altitude, causing foliage and grass colors to vary.
In , huge mushrooms will also spawn in this biome, and the water is dark gray instead of blue. Visibility is also extremely low when the player is below the surface of the water
Swampland M134
Temperature: 0.8
While there is no "Swampland Hills" biome, this uncommon biome could be considered the closest contender, since it is represented by areas where small hills rise in slopes of varying degrees, surrounded by flatter marshes.
do not generate in this biome, unlike the normal swampland biome.
Temperature: 0.95
A very dense, but rather uncommon tropical biome. It features large jungle trees that can reach up to 31 blocks tall with 2×2 thick trunks. Oak trees are also common. The landscape is lush green and quite hilly, with many small lakes of water often nestled into deep valleys, sometimes above sea level. Leaves cover much of the forest floor—these "bush trees" have single-blocks of jungle wood for trunks, surrounded by oak leaves. When inside a jungle, the sky will become noticeably lighter. Vines are found alongside most blocks and may cover the surface of caves. Ocelots, jungle temples, melons, cocoa plants, and parrots can be found exclusively in this biome. Melons generate in small patches, similar to pumpkins.
Jungle M149
Temperature: 0.95
Much more mountainous version of the normal jungle, with foliage so thick that the ground is barely visible. A very resource-demanding biome. One may confuse this with the jungle hills biome at first glance, but the hills in the jungle M biome tend to be sharper and more erratic. Due to the combined height of the terrain and of the tall jungle trees, trees in the jungle M frequently reach into and go above the clouds. Extremely dense foliage and treacherous terrain make this a very difficult biome to navigate, especially at night.
Jungle Edge23
Temperature: 0.95
This biome represents a smooth transition between jungles and other biomes. In stark contrast to the wild and overgrown vegetation of the jungle biomes, the jungle edge consists of a few small and isolated jungle trees, with groups of melons here and there. The terrain is relatively flat, with some small rises in elevation. All mobs that spawn in the jungle, including parrots and ocelots, will also spawn in the jungle edge.
Jungle Edge M151
Temperature: 0.95
One of rarest biomes in the game. The jungle edge M is difficult to find because it requires that a jungle edge generate against a jungle M (an already rare biome in itself), which does not happen often since jungle M biomes are usually fully encompassed by normal jungles. Because of the strict conditions required to generate, this biome is often no more than 100 blocks in length and/or width, making it one of the smallest biomes as well. It features slightly steeper hills than normal, with very few to no tall trees. Like the normal jungle edge, jungle mobs like parrots will also spawn in this biome. Melons are also in abundance - a sort of gift to the player who manages to find this exceedingly rare biome.
Temperature: 0.5
A biome that consists of water blocks that form an elongated, curving shape similar to a real river. Unlike real rivers, however, they have no current. Rivers cut through terrain or separate the main biomes. They attempt to join up with ocean on the other side, but will sometimes loop around to the same area of ocean. Rarely, they can have no connection to the ocean and form a circle. They have a dull green grass hue, much like the ocean, and trace amounts of oak trees tend to generate there as well. Rivers are also a reliable source of . These biomes are good for .
Temperature: 0.8
Generated where oceans meet other biomes, beaches are composed primarily of sand. Beaches penetrate the landscape, removing the original blocks and placing in sand blocks. Some beaches generate with gravel instead of sand. These are also useful for fishing. Passive mobs do not spawn on beaches. For the history of beaches, see the
Mushroom Island14
Temperature: 0.9
No Hostile Mobs
This rare biome consists of a mixture of flat landscape and steep hills and has mycelium instead of grass as its surface. However, if you do place down grass, it is a very bright green color, not unlike that of the jungle. Mushroom islands are most often adjacent to an ocean and are often found isolated from other biomes, and they are typically a few hundred blocks wide. It is one of the only biomes where huge mushrooms can generate naturally, and where mushrooms can grow in full sunlight.
Technically no mobs other than
spawn naturally in this biome, including the usual night-time hostile mobs. This also applies to caves, abandoned mine shafts, and other dark structures, meaning exploring underground is supposedly safe. However,
will still spawn mobs, and the player will also still be able to breed animals and spawn mobs using .
Mushroom Island Shore15
Temperature: 0.9
No Hostile Mobs
Mushroom shores represent the transition between mushroom islands and the ocean, forming long strips along the edge of the mushroom island as a sort of beach, hence the name. The terrain of this biome is much flatter and shallower in elevation than the main mushroom island biome, though it contains many of the same features, such as a mycelium surface layer, huge mushrooms, and lack of hostile mobs.
Temperature: 0.5
This biome is used to generate . The , and large amounts of , spawn in this biome. Most of the End's structure is provided by the dimension itself rather than the biome. It does not rain or snow in this biome unlike the other low temperature biomes. The outer islands in the End can be accessed using the
after the ender dragon has been defeated. These contain endermen,
and . End cities are the only place where
naturally spawn. If the biome is used for a superflat world, the sky will be dark gray and an ender dragon will spawn at 0,0 coordinates in the Overworld. Only endermen will spawn at night.
will explode if used in this biome.
In these biomes, it neither rains nor snows at all, but the sky will still turn overcast during inclement weather. The foliage and grass is an olive color, except mesa biomes, which have brown grass.
Biome Name and ID
Name Features
Temperature: 2.0
A barren and inhospitable biome consisting mostly of sand dunes, dead bushes, and cacti. Sandstone, and sometimes fossils, are found underneath the sand. The only passive mobs to spawn naturally in deserts are gold rabbits, their coloring well-camouflaged against the sand. At night, husks usually spawn in the pla the lack of visual obstruction makes hostile mobs highly visible. Sugar cane can be found if the desert is next to an ocean or river biome. Desert villages, desert wells and desert temples are found exclusively in this biome. This biome sometimes appear as edge of mesa biome.
Desert M130
Temperature: 2.0
Unlike in normal deserts, patches of water can be found in this biome, and the terrain is slightly more rough. Although desert wells can be found, desert temples and villages will not generate in this biome.
Temperature: 1.2
A relatively flat and dry biome with a dull-brown grass color and scattered acacia trees, although oak trees may generate now and then. Tall grass covers the landscape.
can generate in this biome, which are constructed almost entirely of acacia building materials. It is the only biome where both
spawn naturally.
Savanna M163
Temperature: 1.1
Unlike the flat and calm terrain of the savanna biome, the chaotic terrain of this uncommon variant is wracked by gigantic mountains covered in coarse dirt. The mountains in the savanna M biome are extremely steep, jutting out at 90 degree angles, making it almost impossible to climb. On top of that, they dwarf the extreme hills in height - they can rise far above the clouds, and even to the world height limit, without using the
world type. Massive waterfalls and lavafalls are quite common here. The unforgiving terrain means villages will not generate in this biome.
Temperature: 2.0
6 colors of Terracotta,
Above ground ,
A rare biome wherein large mounds of terracotta and stained terracotta will generate.
will also generate here instead of regular sand, with occasional
and . No passive mobs will spawn in this biome, even if all other spawning conditions are met. Mineshafts will generate at a much higher altitude than normal - now and then one may come across a mineshaft jutting out of the slope of a mesa. Gold ore is also a much more frequent occurrence, since ore veins generate within mesas at a higher Y-level than the usual 32. The composition of this biome is useful when other sources of terracotta and gold are scarce. However, finding mesa biomes can be difficult due to their rarity. On the other hand, it offers great variety - there are a total of 6 variations of this biome to explore.
Mesa (Bryce)165
Temperature: 2.0
6 colors of Terracotta
This rare biome generates unique terrain features that are similar to the . Tall and narrow spires of colorful terracotta rise out of the floor of the canyon, which, like all other mesa variants, is covered in red sand.
Mesa Plateau F38
Temperature: 2.0
6 colors of Terracotta
One might not notice the subtle transition from the normal mesa plateau to this rare variation, were it were not for the layer of grass blocks and the small forests of oak trees that generate atop these plateaus. The color of the grass and leaves is a dull green-brown hue, giving it a dried and dead appearance. These trees are a rare source of wood when living in the otherwise barren and lifeless mesa.
Mesa Plateau F M166
Temperature: 2.0
6 colors of Terracotta
This biome features grass and oak trees on top of plateaus, much like its counterpart. However, the plateaus that generate here are generally smaller, allowing far less foliage to generate. The terrain is more erratic in general, and can be compared to that of the similar mesa plateau M biome, having an old and eroded appearance.
Plateau36, 39
Temperature: Same as their respective base biomes.
These biomes are similar to the hills biomes, but only generate within savanna and mesa biomes, and are flattened at the top, much like real-life plateaus. They come to rest at an elevation of about 20 to 30 blocks above sea level. One may discover the entrance to a mineshaft within the tall slopes of a mesa plateau.
Plateau M164, 167
Temperature: Same as their respective base biomes.
Two rare variants of the plateau biomes, which are variants themselves. However, neither of these biomes closely resemble their counterparts.
Compared to the average mesa plateau, this rare variant features more variable terrain and smaller plateaus, as if a larger plateau was weathered down over time.
The terrain of the savanna plateau M biome is much less tame than its normal counterpart. It features incredibly large and steep mountains that jut out of the terrain, similar to the savanna M biome, albeit slightly smaller and gentler in comparison.
This is the biome used to generate the Nether. Within this biome spawn mobs such as , packs of
and the occasional
and . Certain structures, such as ,
veins, and
will only generate in the Nether. While water cannot be placed in the Nether dimension,
can, and water
(and other Overworld structures) can still generate if the Nether is used in a superflat preset.
will explode if used in this biome.
These biomes are usually covered with water and have very little land exposed. Either that, or they have many variants of themselves which are also variants of other non-neutral biomes.
Biome Name and ID
Temperature: 0.5
A large, open biome made entirely of water going up to y=63, with underwater relief on the sea floor, such as small mountains and plains, usually including gravel. Oceans typically extend under 3,000 blocks in any direction, around 60% of the Overworld's surface is covered in Ocean. Small islands with infrequent vegetation can be found in oceans. Passive mobs are unable to spawn on these islands, but hostiles can.
spawn in the water, and in Bedrock Edition, ocean biomes are the only place where squid can be found.
entrances can be found infrequently at the bottom of the ocean. In the Console versions, they surround the edges of the map.
Deep Ocean24
Temperature: 0.5
A variation of the Ocean biome. In deep ocean biomes, the ocean can exceed 30 blocks in depth, making it twice as deep as the normal ocean. In contrast to default oceans, the ground is mainly covered with .
generate in deep oceans. Therefore, deep oceans are the only place where
naturally spawn, and where sponge and prismarine blocks naturally generate.
The Void127
Temperature: 0.0
A completely empty biome that generates only a single structure: a 33×33 stone platform with a single block of cobblestone in the center. No mobs (passive or hostile) can spawn without ,
or . Can only be accessed through The Void .
Hills13, 17, 18, 19, 22, 28, 31, 33, 156, 161
Temperature: Same as their respective base biomes.
Hills are generated within certain biomes (including some of their variants) and are referred in the F3 menu with Hills or Mountains added to their name.
This includes: Forest Hills, Taiga Hills, Cold Taiga Hills, Jungle Hills, Desert Hills, Birch Forest Hills (M), Mega Taiga Hills, Redwood Taiga Hills M, and Ice Mountains.
Most hills are gentle rolling slopes on which the usual biome terrain generates, with some sharper cliffs here and there. Ice Mountains are usually taller, with height comparable to Extreme Hills biomes, and has a lower chance of spawning passive mobs during world generation than other biomes (7% versus 10%).
Redwood Taiga Hills M are a special case, however. The game code sets the values setBaseHeight and setHeightVariation in order to define a "hilly" biome, but these values are the same for the Redwood Taiga Hills M and its non-hill variant (Mega Spruce Taiga), meaning there is absolutely no terrain difference between the two biomes.
These biomes don't generate in default worlds, but they can be accessed using the
world type.
Biome Name and ID
Frozen Ocean(10)
Temperature: 0.0
This biome is a typical ocean, with a gravel seabed and squid swimming about. However, the top layer of the water is covered by ice. It generates only where cold biomes meet the ocean. Warmer rivers occasionally run through it.
Extreme Hills Edge(20)
Temperature: 0.2
Similar to the jungle edge biome, the extreme hills edge generates exclusively at the edge of extreme hills biomes (or any variant) in order to smooth the transition between biomes. While the terrain is lower and gentler in nature, some areas may reach high enough to be covered by snow.
Main article:
Each type of biome has its own biome number, shown in the following table. These biome numbers are used when creating a
world. Main biomes have an ID number from 0 to 127, while biome variations normally have an ID number of 128 + &original biome number&. Two biomes, FrozenOcean (10) and Extreme Hills Edge (20) are no longer naturally generated.
Biome colors template for
and above.
The temperature and rainfall values of a biome are used when determining the colors of ,
(excluding the stalks of ), and other features such as
and the sky.
A biome's rainfall value is typically a value from 0.0 to 1.0, and -
- a biome's temperature starts at a given value at sea level (e.g. 2.0 for Desert or -0.5 for Cold Taiga) and decreases by 0. for each meter above sea level.
Biome grass and foliage colors are selected from two 256x256 colormap images: grass.png and foliage.png. Both colormaps, shown to the right, can be found in assets\minecraft\textures\colormap. The grass.png colormap sets the colors for the
top and sides (along with other types of grass, such as tall grass, ferns, double tall grass, etc.). Meanwhile, the foliage.png colormap sets the colors for tree leaves (with the exception of spruce and birch).
Biome colormaps use a triangular gradient by default. However, only the colors in the lower-left half of the image are used, even though the upper-right side of foliage.png is colored. Furthermore, as shown in the template image to the left, only select few pixels are considered when the colormap is read by the game, and are determined by the code below.
The adjusted temperature and adjusted rainfall values (recognized as AdjTemp and AdjRainfall in the code, respectively) are used when determining which biome color to select from the colormap. Treating the bottom-right corner of the colormap as Temperature = 0.0 and Rainfall = 0.0, the adjusted temperature increases to 1.0 along the X-axis, and the adjusted rainfall increases to 1.0 along the Y-axis. The values used to retrieve the colors are computed as follows:
AdjTemp = clamp( Temperature, 0.0, 1.0 )
AdjRainfall = clamp( Rainfall, 0.0, 1.0 ) * AdjTemp
"clamp" limits the range of the temperature and rainfall to 0.0-1.0. The clamped rainfall value is then multiplied by the 0.0-1.0 adjusted temperature value, which brings its value to be inside the lower left triangle. Some biomes' ranges are shown i the multiplication makes all the line segments point towards the lower right corner.
At borders between or among biomes, the colors of the block and its eight neighbors are computed and the average is used for the final block color.
Exact temperature and rainfall values for biomes can be found in various projects, e.g. .
Certain biome colors are hard-coded, which means they are locked into the Minecraft code and are not retrievable from any texture file. Thus, they cannot be modified without the use of , such as MCPatcher/OptiFine, that support the use of custom colormaps.
Swampland temperature, which starts at 0.8, is not affected by . Rather, a
is used to gradually vary the temperature of the swampland. When this temperature goes below -0.1, a lush green color is used (0x4C763C) otherwise it is set to a sickly brown (<span style="color:#6AA7039). In addition, the color of the water in swamplands is always multiplied by a very light green tinge (0xE0FFAE).
The roofed forest biomes' grass color is retrieved normally, then averaged with a dark green color (0x28340A) to produce the final color.
The color of the sky in two different biomes.
All mesa biomes' grass and foliage have hard-coded colors, which are two tan colors (0x90814D and 0x9E814D respectively). These are not modifiable by grass.png and foliage.png, and are unaffected by temperature.
Several other biome colors are set into the game and currently require external tools in order to be changed. This includes blocks such as birch and spruce leaves and water (which have a hard-coded overlay set onto them), and other features such as the sky and fog.
Main article:
In-game description
Actual requirements (if different) Availability
Xbox points earned
Trophy type (PS)
Adventuring TimeDiscover 17 of the 40 different biomesVisit any 17 biomes. Does not have to be in a single world.YesYesYesWii U, Switch40GSilver
Main article:
Main article:
In-game description
Actual requirements (if different)
Internal ID
Adventuring TimeDiscover every biomeSweet dreamsVisit these 36 biomes.
Other biomes may also be visited, but are ignored for the advancement.minecraft:adventure/adventuring_time
A very old image of biomes work-in-progress. "To the right of the player is a taiga, to the left is either a forest, or woods, I can’t remember. In the distance is probably tundra." ~ Notch
The biomes graph from Notch, prior to beta 1.8. Notice the chicken scratch handwriting, as Notch was working quick to try to get the biomes update out.
The old biomes graph with linear axes.
Added . Maps now have a snowy or grassy theme randomly determined when creating the world.
A they were rain forest, seasonal forest, forest, shrubland, taiga, tundra, savanna, plains, swampland, desert, and frozen desert.
World saves remained unchanged, other than a change in the hue of the grass. If the player moves into ungenerated chunks, the new biomes would generate.
Added the Sky Dimension with its own biome. It could only be viewed through the use of mods and hacks.
Notch tweeted a screenshot of a revamped river biome.
Biomes got an overhaul, removing some biomes, such as the tundra and the taiga, and others replaced with nine fractal-based biomes that were a mix of the previous biomes and new biomes. .
Re-added tundra (as ice plains) and added Mushroom Islands.
Re-added snow in taigas, added hills and beaches.
Smoothed color transitions between biomes – swampland grass, foliage and water smoothly transition into other biomes.
tweeted a teaser screenshot of a new jungle biome.
He tweeted another jungle screenshot, showcasing the bright green foliage.
Added jungle biome.
was introduced and it allows for biomes to be stored in the world data. In contrast, the
relies on the
to dynamically calculate biome placement. This would cause biome placement in older worlds to change when the biome generation code was changed. With the current Anvil format, the biome data is stored along with the rest of the world data, meaning it will not change after the world is generated and can be edited by third-party map-editing tools. Furthermore, "edge" biomes allow for biomes to continue extend beyond the edge chunks of an old world. This allows for smooth transitions in world generation after the generation code changes in an update.
Hills in forests and deserts are taller.
Water lakes no longer generate in deserts.
Jens tweeted the first image of the mesa biome. He jokingly referred to them as "disco mountains."
Jens tweeted the first image of a mega taiga, unofficially dubbed the Redwood Forest. The name was changed following 1.7's release.
Jens tweeted the first image of a stone beach, which was then referred to as a "cliff" biome.
Mesa, mega taiga, roofed forest, birch forest, savanna, extreme hills+, deep ocean and snowless taiga biomes were added as well as variations for many of the biomes. Biomes were also separated by temperature, and snowing was added to extreme hills.
Biomes will attempt to avoid getting placed next to a biome that is too different from itself, temperature-wise.
The frozen ocean and extreme hills edge biomes no longer generate naturally.
Biome-hopping achievement "Adventuring Time" added, but it was broken until 1.8 making the goal of getting all achievements impossible in 1.7.
Marsh-like areas no longer generate in swamp biomes.
Red sand now generates in mesa biomes and their variants.
Savannas and roofed forest biomes now generate with new logs and leaves.
The End's biome name is now "The End" instead of "Sky".
Adventuring Time is now available without commands. Before, the 38 biomes had to be visited without visiting any other biomes, which made the achievement unavailable because the End has to be visited for its prerequisite, The End?. The “no other biomes” restriction is now lifted.
Visiting the frozen ocean and extreme hills edge biomes, which no longer generate since 13w36a, is no longer required for Adventuring Time.
Marsh-like areas generate again in swamp biomes.
Red sandstone now generates below red sand in mesa biomes and their variants.
Add new biome "The Void", which is used in Superflat preset "The Void".
Plains and sunflower plains now have some trees (5% of chunks). 1&#8260;3 large oaks, 2&#8260;3 normal oaks.
Ice plains, ice plains spikes and ice mountains don't spawn passive mobs other than
and the new
In mesa biomes, terracotta no longer generates more than 15 blocks deep, if the mesa is more than 15 blocks above sea level.
In addition to the normal 2 veins of gold ore below Y=32, now attempts to generate 20 veins at elevations between 32 and 79.
Also can generate dark oak abandoned mineshafts above ground.
The outer islands of the End biome are now divided up into four separate biomes: The End - Floating Islands, The End - Medium island, The End - High island, and The End - Barren island.
All biomes as of PC version 1.7.2 have been added. These include: Jungles, mesa, plains, roofed forests, savannas, taiga, extreme hills, mushroom islands, flower forest, mega taiga, mega spruce taiga, swampland, desert, forests, and deep ocean.
Added bryce mesa, extreme hills +, and jungle M.
Mesa biomes have gold at every elevation and can generate
on the surface.Water in swamps is tinted dark gray. generate in swamps
Added birch forest M, birch forest hills M, extreme hills M, and extreme hills+ M.
Changed the default biome.
Increased the amount of gravel on extreme hills M biome.
Leaves coloring shaders are now only used when the color for a biome actually changes.
The biomes can now be viewed on
based on the
to extreme hills.
Added swampland, ice plains, extreme hills and ocean biomes
Removed rain forest, seasonal forest, savanna, shrubland and taiga.
Re-added tundra (as ice plains) and added Mushroom Islands.
Re-added beaches and snow in taigas, added hills.
Smoothed color transitions between biomes – swampland grass, foliage and water smoothly transition into other biomes.
Added jungle biome
Hills in forests and deserts are taller.
Water lakes no longer generate in deserts.
Added mesa, mega taiga, roofed forest, birch forest, forest, savanna, extreme hills+, deep ocean, snowless taiga and 20 technical biomes.
Changed generation of marsh-like areas in swamp and extreme hills biomes.
Issues relating to “Biome” are maintained on the . Report issues there.
The term biome is analogous to its scientific usage: in real life, a biome is climatically and geographically defined by distinctive communities of plants, animals and soil organisms supported by similar climatic conditions. They are often referred to as ecosystems.
The only fictional biomes are the Nether (Hell), the End and those with huge mushrooms. All the others are entirely or almost entirely based on real-life counterparts.
Notch took this screenshot while testing a revamped river biome.
The first image of a mega taiga, as tweeted by .
The same image, brightened.
This is the first picture provided of the mesa biome.
The first image of a stone beach (then called cliff) biome, provided by Jeb.
Jeb's first image of the jungle biome.
Jeb's second jungle teaser screenshot.
A rare mesa variant called Mesa Plateau F M.
An above view of a flower forest biome.
A roofed forest bordering onto a lake.
A roofed forest biome in the Pocket Edition. The stone variants ,
can also be seen in the cliff.
A large cold taiga biome, with a beach off to the side.
A mountainous mushroom island.
A variant of extreme hills, where large swaths of gravel generate.
A frozen ocean biome, with fog obscuring the distance.
A large river separating a desert and a forest.
A mesa biome as seen from the ground.
A mesa biome with a small lake nearby. An F variant can be seen in the upper corner.
A small area of a jungle with desert biome coloring data.
A desert with a jungle right beside it.
A relatively large island.
A swamp generated in the middle of an ocean, causing miscolored water and lily pads without any actual swampland.
A rare occurrence of a mushroom biome touching the mainland.
A section of a mushroom island that is a different biome.
A rare biome transition of a colder biome touching a warmer biome.(e.g. mesa and ice plains spikes.)
A mesa and jungle biome generated together. Note the exposed mineshaft in the lower right.
A river runs through a flower forest, a sunflower plains, a jungle, and a jungle edge biome.
A river that splits off into two rivers.
Two extreme hills variants. On the left is a normal extreme hills. On the right is an extreme hills+.
Jungle terrain without any trees. A jungle M can be seen to the left.
Comparison of mega taiga and mega spruce biomes. Note how the mega spruce trees are much thicker.
in a mesa biome.
A picture of a jungle taken at dawn.
A jungle sunset.
The sun setting in a mega taiga forest.
A desert sunrise.
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