dotnet4.0 il editor 怎么修改

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Just to ask if anyone knows of an open source alternative to RedGate's ?
I'm interested in checking out how a tool similar to Reflector actually works.
Note, if you know of a free but not open source alternative to Reflector, you can answer the following related question:
Summary - Updated 11th May 2011
A quick round-up of the various open source projects and tools that have been suggested:
( as of April 2011)
The following resources may also be of interest:
Jason Haley's notes on
summarising a number of Reflector alternatives, including several options not mentioned below.
Mark Lichtenberg's detailed
comparing several of the open source alternatives (DILE, ILSpy and Mono Cecil using MonoDevelop) to Reflector.
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2 options I know of.
Mono Cecil
These wont give you C# though.
Updated 13th December 2011
The following open source tools are available:
from the SharpDevelop team. Thanks to
highlighting the tool.
(a disassembler)
- a .NET Reflector alternative written in Silverlight 4 as an Out-of-Browser Silverlight Application.
post for details.
Another replacement would be . JetBrains announced it as a free tool. It will probably have more features when used with their
but even when used alone it works very well.
User experience is more like MSVS than a standalone disassembler. I like code reading more than in Reflector. Ctrl+T navigation suits me better too. Just synchronizing the tree with the code pane could be better.
All in all, it is still in development but very well usable already.
Telerik today released a Beta of their own decompilation tool, . Closed source, but free and looks promising.
ILSpy Works great!
As far as I can tell it does everything that Reflector did and looks the same too.
Actually, I'm pretty sure Reflector is considered a disassembler with some decompiler functionality.
Disassembler because it reads the bytes out of an assembly's file and converts it to an assembly language (ILasm in this case).
The Decompiler functionality it provides by parsing the IL into well known patterns (like expressions and statements) which then get translated into higher level languages like C#, VB.Net, etc.
The addin api for Reflector allows you to write your own language translator if you wish ... however the magic of how it parses the IL into the expression trees is a closely guarded secret.
I would recommend looking at any of the three things mentioned above if you want to understand how IL disassemblers work: Dile, CCI and Mono are all good sources for this stuff.
I also highly recommend getting the Ecma 335 spec and Serge Lidin's book too.
The main reason I used Reflector (and, I think, the main reason most people used it) was for its decompiler: it can translate a method's IL back into source code.
On that count,
would be the project to watch. It uses Cecil, which does the reflection, and Cecil.Decompiler, which does the decompilation. But Monoflector layers a UI on top of both libraries, which should give you a very good idea of how to use the API.
Monoflector is also a decent alternative to Reflector outright. It lets you browse the types and decompile the methods, which is 99% of what people used Reflector for. It's very rough around the edges, but I'm thinking that will change quickly.
Well, Reflector itself is a .NET assembly so you can open Reflector.exe in Reflector to check out how it's built.
I am currently working on an open-source disassembler / decompiler called Assembly Analyzer.
It generates source code for methods, displays assembly metadata and resources, and allows you to walk through dependencies.
The project is hosted on CodePlex =>
The Reflector tool uses Reflection.& - apparently this is not correct.
You asked for two things - code that shows what reflector does, and also an alternative to reflector.
Here's an example, much simplified from what Reflector does, but it shows the technique of reflection:
I don't have a suggestion for an open-source Reflector replacement.
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.net编辑利器,一款.NET的 IL中间语言调试(DILE),可用于IL动态调试.NET 程序,是帮助修改.NET程序集的编辑软件
本类推荐资源Dotnet IL Editor是一款.NET平台反编译工具,可以反编译.NET程序集文件为IL代码,并且可以执行,调试反编译后生成的IL代码。它的设计出发点比较直观,新建一个项目,添加程序集文件,设置断点(F9),然后就可以调试反编译后的程序集文件,Step Into,Step Out均可,以此原理,可以找到系统的瓶颈代码,也可以深入的学习MSIL微软中间语言。
public class TestEditor
public static int Sum(int a, int b)
return a +
public static void Main(string [] args)
执行程序Dile.exe, 新建一个项目,在项目浏览器中点右键添加程序集,一层层的展开该程序集,如下图所示
与Visual Studio的解决方案浏览器相似,它按照命名空间展开,列出了程序集中的方法,双击该方法,可以在编辑器中打开IL源代码,IL编辑器窗口是只读的。
public class TestEditor
public TestEditor(string str)
public static int Sum(int a, int b)
return a +
public static void Main(string [] args)
TestEditor类型现在有一个自定义的构造方法,带一个字符串参数。再次到IL Editor中打开,看看它生成的IL代码
再来验证一条知识点,const常量会被以常量的形式编译到程序集中,因而它的效率很高。再修改C#源代码,编译,IL Editor中打开,C#的源代码现在看起来是这样的
public class TestEditor
const string ProductName=&Enterprise Solution&;
public TestEditor(string str)
public static int Sum(int a, int b)
return a +
public static void Main(string [] args)
string productionName = ProductN
对应的.NET IL代码是
call int32 ILEditorLibrary.TestEditor::Sum(int32, int32)
call void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(int32)
IL Editor的调试功能是它的亮点之一,可以在打开的IL代码中直接设置断点(F9, Toogle breakpoint),然后点击工具栏中的Run,启动调试。调试程序的几个要点,看堆栈Stack, 看变量值Watch,IL Editor都可以做到。
IL Watch窗口
IL Editor的作者列举出了一些经过测试,演示的表达式代码,他们是
1 + 2 * 3 - 10 / 5 * 5
(1 + 2 * 3 - 10 / 5 * 5).ToString()
new object() + &a&
TestApplication.DebugTest.CreateOperatorTest4(&op1&) | true
TestApplication.DebugTest.ParamsTest2(5, 6)
System.String.Format(&{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}&, &a&, &b&, &c&, &d&, &e&)
new object[] {4, &a&, 5}
TestApplication.GenericClass&int, System.DateTime&.StaticMethod&string&(&test&)
new TestApplication.TestClass&int, string&[] {new TestApplication.TestClass&int, string&(1, &one&)}
TestApplication.GenericClass&int, string&.NestedGenericClass&System.Type&.StaticMixedMethod&System.DateTime&(System.DateTime.Now, 5, null)
IL Editor的作者肯定想到IL语言不容易记住和熟悉,当你在IL Editor中移动鼠标时,随着鼠标当前行显示的IL代码的不同,在IL Instructions窗口中,会及时的显示它的方法注释,并显示MSDN地址,可以直接点击进入该IL方法的文档。
Click here直接挑到MSDN网页中。
IL Editor支持命令行方式的调用,命令行的参数列表如下所示
dile [/p &Project name&] [/a &assembly path&] [/l &project name.dileproj&]
    /p    Optional. When DILE is loaded, a new project will be created with the given name.
    /a    Optional, can be repeated. When DILE is loaded, a new project will be created and the given assemblies will be added to it.
    /l    Optional. DILE will load the given dileproj file. If this parameter is given then /p and /a will be ignored. If a parameter is followed by a name/path which contains spaces then it should be written between quotes
创建一个Test project的项目
dile /p &Test project&
创建一个Test project的项目,并给它添加程序集
dile /p &Test project& /a TestAssembly.exe
dile /a TestAssembly.exe /a &c:\assemblies\My test.dll&
dile /l TestProject.dileproj
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