原子哥,求助,用模拟I2Ci2c oled 驱动程序OLED不成功

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初级会员, 积分 90, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
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e958da07bdb889ad6f23f7e3ebca4fe7_215.png (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 19)
22:54 上传
高级会员, 积分 710, 距离下一级还需 290 积分
在线时间15 小时
初级会员, 积分 90, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
在线时间0 小时
初级会员, 积分 90, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
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bd6f2a0d60cbd93f.png (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 18)
22:54 上传
高级会员, 积分 710, 距离下一级还需 290 积分
在线时间15 小时
高级会员, 积分 710, 距离下一级还需 290 积分
在线时间15 小时
初级会员, 积分 90, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
在线时间0 小时
初级会员, 积分 90, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
在线时间0 小时
高级会员, 积分 710, 距离下一级还需 290 积分
在线时间15 小时
高级会员, 积分 710, 距离下一级还需 290 积分
在线时间15 小时
初级会员, 积分 90, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
在线时间0 小时
初级会员, 积分 90, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
在线时间0 小时
初级会员, 积分 90, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
在线时间0 小时
高级会员, 积分 710, 距离下一级还需 290 积分
在线时间15 小时
高级会员, 积分 710, 距离下一级还需 290 积分
在线时间15 小时
不好意思,我应该说错了。因为2803是集电极开路,所以是一定要有上拉的,所以对应3楼的R51就是那个上拉电阻,应该没错,这个电阻要加上去的。 没上拉电阻的话,集电极开路就只能输出低电平,当原本输出高电平的时候就悬空了。 & & & & & 这方面知识我也有些缺乏,看看论坛有没有大神解答一下,我也想正式确认一下,不然的话我只能等到星期四问我的专业老师了,到时把100%正确的答案告诉你
新手上路, 积分 25, 距离下一级还需 25 积分
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新手上路, 积分 25, 距离下一级还需 25 积分
在线时间0 小时
新手上路, 积分 25, 距离下一级还需 25 积分
在线时间0 小时
高级会员, 积分 527, 距离下一级还需 473 积分
在线时间11 小时
高级会员, 积分 710, 距离下一级还需 290 积分
在线时间15 小时
初级会员, 积分 90, 距离下一级还需 110 积分
在线时间0 小时
新手上路, 积分 25, 距离下一级还需 25 积分
在线时间0 小时
高级会员, 积分 672, 距离下一级还需 328 积分
在线时间105 小时
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The I2C OLED(Organic Light-Emitting Diode) Panel is a monochrome 128x64 pixels display module. This display panel works in I2C Mode and has selectable slave address(0x3D/0x3C, default is 0x3D). It has 256-step contrast brightness control, low power consumption, wide viewing angle, wide temperature range, and small size(only about 1" diameter). It requires no backlight and is very readable due to the high contrast of an OLED display.
Low power consumption
Small size
I2C Interface
Alterable Slave Address
Display Color: monochrome
Mechanic Dimension
31.8mm X22.3mm(without connector)
Communication Protocol
Power Supply Voltage
3V3 for OLED Module from MCU board
5V for logic power matching from MCU I/O(Supply power of MCU Board)
Operating Current
Max:33mA ; Typ: 26mA
OLED Module
Display Driver IC
Number of Pixels
Pixel Pitch
0.17 × 0.17 (mm)
Pixel Size
0.154 × 0.154 (mm)
Operating Temperature
-30 to 70°C
Storage Temperature
-40 to 80°C
Typ:100cd/m2; Min:80cd/m2
Display Color
White/Light Blue(Monochrome)
I2C serial clock pin.
equal to Master MCU's Logic Level
I2C serial data pin.
equal to Master MCU's Logic Level
This pin is not Routed in the OLED Panel.
Connet to VIN Pin of Arduino, or left unconnected.
Don't care
Connect to GND pin of Arduino
Connect to GND pin of Arduino
Supply power for Master MCU, equal to I2C pins Logic Level.
Connect to 5V pin of Arduino
Supply power for Logic(VDD) and DC/DC(VBAT) of OLED Panel
Connect to 3V3 pin of Arduino
Portable Display
There are plenty of examples included in the , the following are some demostrations.
Fragile, be gentle!
Please install the OLED Panel properly.
Hardware Installation
The I2C OLED Panel(128x64) is easy We have
and plenty of examples, all you need to do is plug-and-play. If you want to program your own application, the following information will give you a start-up. Please refer to / and
for more information.
The main part of I2C OLED Panel(128x64) is /, which is a 128x64(pixels) Passive Matrix Monochrome Display. / is driven by SSD1306 chip, which consists of 128 segments and 64commons, has 256-step brightness control and embeds with contrast control, display RAM and oscillator. The embedded 128 x 64 bits SRAM display buffer store the display data for the 128x64 pixels.
Block Diagram of Display Module
The GDDRAM is a bit mapped static RAM holding the bit pattern to be displayed. The size of the RAM is 128 x 64 bits and the RAM is divided into eight pages, from PAGE0 to PAGE7, which are used for monochrome 128x64 dot matrix display, as shown in the following Figure:
Block Diagram of Display Module
When one data byte is written into GDDRAM, all the rows image data of the same page of the current column are filled (i.e. the whole column (8 bits) pointed by the column address pointer is filled.). Data bit D0 is written into the top row, while data bit D7 is written into bottom row as shown in the following Figure:
Enlargement of GDDRAM (No row re-mapping and column-remapping)
For mechanical flexibility, re-mapping on both Segment and Common outputs can be selected by software as shown in Figure Block Diagram of Display Module.
For vertical shifting of the display, an internal register storing the display start line can be set to control the portion of the RAM data to be mapped to the display (command D3h).
There are 3 different memory addressing mode in SSD1306: page addressing mode, horizontal addressing mode and vertical addressing mode. This command sets the way of memory addressing into one of the above three modes. In there, “COL” means the graphic display data RAM column.
In page addressing mode, after the display RAM is read/written, the column address pointer is increased automatically by 1. If the column address pointer reaches column end address, the column address pointer is reset to column start address and page address pointer is not changed. Users have to set the new page and column addresses in order to access the next page RAM content. The sequence of movement of the PAGE and column address point for page addressing mode is shown in the following Figure:
Address Pointer Movement of Page addressing mode
In normal display data RAM read or write and page addressing mode, the following steps are required to define the starting RAM access pointer location:
Set the page start address of the target display location by command B0h to B7h.
Set the lower start column address of pointer by command 00h~0Fh.
Set the upper start column address of pointer by command 10h~1Fh.
For example, if the page address is set to B2h, lower column address is 03h and upper column address is 10h, then that means the starting column is SEG3 of PAGE2. The RAM access pointer is located as shown in the following Figure. The input data byte will be written into RAM position of column 3.
Example of GDDRAM access pointer setting in Page Addressing Mode (No row and columnremapping)
In horizontal addressing mode, after the display RAM is read/written, the column address pointer is increased automatically by 1. If the column address pointer reaches column end address, the column address pointer is reset to column start address and page address pointer is increased by 1. The sequence of movement of the page and column address point for horizontal addressing mode is shown in the following Figure. When both column and page address pointers reach the end address, the pointers are reset to column start address and page start address (Dotted line in the following Figure.)
Address Pointer Movement of Horizontal addressing mode
In vertical addressing mode, after the display RAM is read/written, the page address pointer is increased automatically by 1. If the page address pointer reaches the page end address, the page address pointer is reset to page start address and column address pointer is increased by 1. The sequence of movement of the page and column address point for vertical addressing mode is shown in the following Figure. When both column and page address pointers reach the end address, the pointers are reset to column start address and page start address (Dotted line in the following Figure.)
Address Pointer Movement of Vertical addressing mode
In normal display data RAM read or write and horizontal / vertical addressing mode, the following steps are required to define the RAM access pointer location:
Set the column start and end address of the target display location by command 21h.
Set the page start and end address of the target display location by command 22h.
Please refer to 9 COMMAND TABLE and
for details.
I2C OLED Panel has to recognize the slave address before transmitting or receiving any information by the I2C-bus. The default slave address is 0x3D, and the slave address can be changed to 0x3C by soldering the SA0 pads on the bottom side of the module. The module will respond to the slave address following by the slave address bit (“SA0” bit)
and the read/write select bit (“R/W#” bit) with the following byte format:
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
0 1 1 1 1 0 SA0 R/W#
SA0 is Slave address bit, it is pulled up to 3V3 by default. You can connect SA0 bit to Ground by soldering SA0 pads.
The I2C interface gives access to write data and command into the module. Please refer to following Figure for the write mode of I2C-bus in chronological order. Please refer to 8.1.5 MCU I2C Interface of
for more information.
I2C-bus data format
To accomplish data write, First slave address must b After the transmission of the slave address, either the control byte or the data byte may be sent. A control byte mainly consists of Co and D/C# bits following by six “0”s.
If the Co bit is set as logic “0”, the transmission of the following information will contain data bytes only.
The D/C# bit determines the next data byte is acted as a command or a data. If the D/C# bit is set to logic “0”, it defines the following data byte as a command. If the D/C# bit is set to
logic “1”, it defines the following data byte as a data which will be stored at the GDDRAM. The GDDRAM column address pointer will be increased by one automatically after each data write.
That means:if you want to send command, the second byte will be 0x80(GOFi2cOLED_Command_Mode); and if you want to send data, the second byte will be 0x40(GOFi2cOLED_Data_Mode)
So the Command Mode data format will be: Slave Address -& GOFi2cOLED_Command_Mode( 0x80) -& Command/Command sets.
And the Data Mode data format will be: Slave Address -& GOFi2cOLED_Data_Mode( 0x40) -& Data byte/bytes.
This I2C OLED Panel is designed to use the internal charge pump regulator to can generate a 7.5V voltage supply for OEL Panel(VCC). So the regulator must be turned on by software command while initializing the Module.
The Charge Pump must be enabled by the following command:0x8D(Charge_Pump_Setting_Cmd) -& 0x14(Charge_Pump_Enable_Cmd) -& 0xAF(GOFi2cOLED_Display_On_Cmd)
Please refer to Charge Pump Regulator of
for details.
provides you an easy start-up. Almost all useful functions are implemented in GOFi2cOLED library. Arduino Wire library needs to be included, so initializing wire library is necessary at the beginning.
Download the
and unzip it to your ..\Arduino-xx\libraries Folder.
Initializing the I2C OLED Panel: Horizontal Addressing Mode, Normal Display, Deactivate Scroll and Charge Pump enable; Due to the mechanical design, this I2C OLED Panel is also initialized at row re-map and column-remap mode.(The Charge Pump must be enabled). Default slave address is 0x3D.
#include &Wire.h&
#include &GOFi2cOLED.h&
GOFi2cOLED oled;
void setup()
OLED display, default slave address is 0x3D
oled.display(); // show splashscreen
oled.println(&Hello, world!&);
void loop()
Basic function, all the command related operation to the OLED Panel can be achieved by sending proper command using sendCommand(command).
Basic function, all the data related operation to the OLED Panel can be achieved by sending proper data using sendData(data).
Set the display to normal (non-inverse) mode.
Set the display to inverse mode.
Set the cursor to X, Y.
oled.setCursor(x, y);
x can be any number from 0 - 127.
y can be any number from 0 - 63.
Set contract/brightness of the display.
brightness can be any number from 0 - 255.
Set the size of the text needed to display.
oled.setTextSize( s );
s is textsize, default is 1.
Set the color of the text needed to display.
oled.setTextColor( c );
oled.setTextColor( c , bg );
c is textcolor, WHITE(1) or BLACK(0).
bg is background color, WHITE(1) or BLACK(0).
#include &Wire.h&
#include &GOFi2cOLED.h&
GOFi2cOLED oled;// default slave address is 0x3D
void setup()
OLED display, default address is 0x3D
oled.display(); // show splashscreen
oled.setTextColor(BLACK, WHITE); // 'inverted' text
void loop()
If set, 'wrap' text at right edge of display.
oled.setTextWrap( w );
w is true(1) or false(0), default is true.
Sets the display
oled.setRotation( r );
r is ratation, value can be 0 - 3, default is 0.
Return the display
rotation value( 0 - 3 ).
Configures the display to page addressing mode.
Configures the display to horizontal addressing mode.
Configures the display to vertical addressing mode.
Clear the buffer for the OLED display. You can see the effect after you use display() function.
Clear the specific buffer area for the OLED display. You can see the effect after you use display() function.
oled.clearArea( x, y, w, h);
x and y are cursor of the start point.
w is the width(pixeles) of the buffer.
h is the height(pixeles) of the buffer.
Return the value of display width, here is 128.
Return the value of display height, here is 64.
Those two are inherited from Print.h. Print data to the OLED display as human-readable ASCII text. This command can take many forms, it is the same as serial.print() and serial.println(), please refer to
oled.print( );
oled.println( );
#include &Wire.h&
#include &GOFi2cOLED.h&
GOFi2cOLED oled;// default slave address is 0x3D
void setup()
OLED display
oled.display(); // show splashscreen
oled.println(&Hello, world!&);
oled.setTextColor(BLACK, WHITE); // 'inverted' text
oled.print(&0x&); oled.println(0xDEADBEEF, HEX);
void loop()
Draw a pixel on the OLED display.
oled.drawPixel( x, y, color);
x and y are cursor of the pixel.
color is WHITE or BLACK.
Draw a 5x7(pixeles) character on the OLED display, if size=1.
oled.drawChar( x, y, c, color, bg, size);
x and y are cursor of the start point.
c is the character to draw.
color is WHITE or BLACK.
bg is the background color.
size is character size.
Draw a line.
oled.drawLine( x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
oled.drawFastHLine( x, y, w, color );
oled.drawFastVLine( x, y, h, color );
(x0, y0) and (x1, y1) are start point and end point of a line.
x and y are cursor of the start point of a Horizontal or Vertical line.
w is the width(pixeles) of the rectangle.
h is the height(pixeles) of the rectangle.
color is WHITE or BLACK
Draw a rectangle or fill a rectangle.
oled.drawRect( x, y,
w, h, color );
oled.fillRect( x, y,
w, h, color );
x and y are cursor of the start point.
w is the width(pixeles) of the rectangle.
h is the height(pixeles) of the rectangle.
color is WHITE or BLACK
Draw or fill a rounded rectangle.
oled.drawRoundRect( x, y,
w, h, radius, color );
oled.fillRoundRect( x, y,
w, h, radius, color );
x and y are cursor of the start point.
w is the width(pixeles) of the rectangle.
h is the height(pixeles) of the rectangle.
radius is the corner radius(pixels).
color is WHITE or BLACK
Draw or fill a triangle.
oled.drawTriangle( x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, color);
oled.fillTriangle( x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, color );
(x0, y0), (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are three points of the triangle.
color is WHITE or BLACK
Draw or fill a circle.
oled.drawCircle( x0, y0, r, color);
oled.fillCircle( x0, y0, r, color );
(x0, y0) is the origin of the circle.
r is the radius(pixeles) of the circle.
color is WHITE or BLACK
Display a binary bitmap on the OLED Panel.
oled.drawBitmap( x, y, *bitmap, w, h, color);
x and y are cursor of the start point.
bitmap is the Bitmap matrix.
w is the width(pixeles) of the bitmap.
h is the height(pixeles) of the bitmap
color is WHITE or BLACK.
Configure the properties of horizontal scroll.
oled.setHorizontalScrollProperties(direction, startPage, endPage, scrollSpeed);
direction can be either of Scroll_Left and Scroll_Right.
startPage can be 0-7.
endPage can be 0-7 and endPage & startPage.
scrollSpeed can be any of scrollSpeed can be any of defines Scroll_2Frames, Scroll_3Frames, Scroll_4Frames, Scroll_5Frames, Scroll_25Frames, Scroll_64Frames, Scroll_128Frames, Scroll_256Frames.
Activate scroll.
Deactivate scroll.
Users can create bitmaps to display easily with the
software. First you need to concert the image using any kind of graphics software such as photoshop or Paint and save as a Monochrome Bitmap (bmp), here I use Paint.
software to select File -& Load image, select the right image and you will see the following options:
Then select File -& Save output to save the output as a heart.cpp file. And you can use the output directly with our example code.
I2C OLED Panel(128x64) can be ordered through the GOF store. Its product page is located
This documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons
Source code and libraries are licensed under , see source code files for details.}


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