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what a mystery是什么意思
what a mystery是什么意思 what a mystery在线翻译 what a mystery什么意思 what a mystery的意思 what a mystery的翻译 what a mystery的解释
what a mysterywhat a mystery 双语例句1. Embarking again and crossing over, they worked their way up the stream in this manner, while the moon, serene and detached in a cloudless sky, did what she could, though so far off, to help till her hour came and she sank earthwards reluctantly, and left them, and mystery once more held field and river.&&&&这样,他们来回划着,溯河而上。那轮皓月,静静地高悬在没云的夜空,尽管离得这样远,却尽力帮他们寻找。等到该退场的时辰到了,她才依依不舍地离开他们,沉入地下。神秘又一次笼罩了田野和河流。2. Of this mystery athlete, much less knew how to pronounce his given name. What a difference four years make.&&&&怎么读。四年磨一剑,在北京,25岁的刘翔将和篮球运动员姚明一起,成为强大的中国军团中的标志性人物。3. I am Dali of Yunnan, as a soldier in Tangshan, Tangshan feeling particularly good, very memorable place, especially when I am there to eat the pie, that is, The kind of leek filling, the filling of fennel, cabbage filling, the meat, filling-fifty cents is one of eight meat of a hair, also called box is not it, I believe that a friend of Tangshan know what I am talking about, Since leaving after the Tangshan did not have to eat, really want to eat, own it, not even once made in the past, that is, do not understand the mystery here who really want to do pie Friends for supporting me Zhi Zhao, and I do the existence of a number of issues, that is the case, I do pie pan, into the outside will be turned into a hard shell, but there will not be cooked, the fillings are Health, and basically every time the outside is very hard, the whole cake is very hard, and my face is hot Tang Mian, and then put started 20 minutes, the plane did not add anything inside, and no-fat Face-off, with Famian done, but always from vesicles, is also not in Tangshan, now I really want to do this cake, please know that friends teach me when I succeed I will By mail to express their gratitude to you, send you a set of postcards Dali scenery, you know a friend, please help ah&&&&我是云南大理的,在唐山当过兵,对唐山的感觉特别好,很留恋那个地方,尤其是我在那儿时候常吃到的馅饼,就是那种韭菜馅的,茴香馅的,白菜馅的,肉馅的,素馅就是五毛一个,肉馅八毛一个,也是叫盒子是吗,相信唐山的朋友一听就知道我说的是什么了,自从离开唐山后就没有再吃到过了,真的很想吃,自己动手吧,一次也没有做成过去,就是不明白其中的奥秘,在这里真的希望有哪位会做馅饼的朋友为我支支招吧,我做的存在几个问题,是这样的,我做的馅饼放入油锅里就会外面变成一个硬壳,里面却不会熟,馅料都是生的,基本上每次做的都是外面很硬,整个饼也是很硬,我的和面是用热水烫面,然后放二十分钟开始做,面里面没有加任何东西,也没有发过面,也用发面做过,但是总是起小泡,一点也不像唐山的,现在我真的很想再做这个饼,请知道的朋友教教我吧,当我成功后我会用邮寄的方式向你表达感谢的,给你寄一整套的大理风光明信片,好吗,知道的朋友请帮忙啊4. Life's mystery seems so faded i can go where no one else can go i know what no one else knows here i am just a-drownin'in the rain with a ticket for a runaway train and everything seems cut and dried day and night earth and sky somehow i just don't believe it runaway train never going back wrong way on a one-way track seems like i should be getting somewhere somehow i'm neither here nor there bought a ticket for a runaway train like a madman laughing at the rain a little out of touch a little insane it's just easier than dealing with the pain runaway train never going back wrong way on a one-way track seems like i should be getting somewhere somehow i'm neither here nor there runaway train never coming back runaway train tearing up the track runaway train burning in my veins i run away but it always seems the same&&&&我要去一个人迹难至的地方,我知道别人不知的东西。这里,我在滂沱大雨中,手执车票正去搭乘迷失列车。诸事似乎早有注定,就好像白昼与黑夜,大地与天上。然而,我总是难以置信。迷失的列车不回头,任它行驶在单程道,我仿佛也要去一个地方,它既不在这儿,也不在那儿。买票搭乘迷失列车,就像傻子在雨中发笑,愚不可及,近乎癫狂。但这总比痛苦煎熬来得好受些。迷失的列车不回头,任它行驶在单程道,我仿佛也要去一个地方,它既不在这儿,也不在那儿。迷失的列车不回头,迷失的列车会脱离轨道,迷失的列车在我血液里燃烧,我欲逃离过去,但此情却挥之不去。5. We have a duty to labor over the human soul, to defend the mystery against the miracle, to adore the incomprehensible and reject the absurd, to admit, as an inexplicable fact, only what is necessary, to purify belief, to remove superstitions from a to clear God of caterpillars.&&&&我们有责任,要为人类的灵魂工作,保护玄义,反对奇迹,崇拜未知,唾弃邪说,在不可理解的事物前只接受必然的,使信仰健康起来,除去宗教方面的迷信,剪除上帝左右的群丑。6. 6. Nature's mystery of hit the mark with a single comment. Li Ning tightens the hand of cinch Chen Yongyan, the person of full engine room wins in what go up for the Asia Game and orgiastic, everybody did not notice last youth of that pair of happiness.&&&&李宁紧紧握住陈永妍的手,满机舱的人都在为亚运会上的胜利而狂欢,谁也没有注重到最后一排那对幸福的年轻人。7. Unique to the ancient Chinese practice of gossip is indeed very Acer Otis philosophy, but because of the age-old practice of nosy people said today, is a fascinating mystery: Is the practice of nosy what inspired by how creation?&&&&中国独有的古老的太极八卦图确实有着很宏奥的哲理,但是,由于年代久远,古老的太极八卦图对今天的人说来,仍是一个引人入胜的谜:太极八卦图究竟是受了什么启发怎么创造出来的?8. After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.&&&&从那以后,琥珀屋的去处变成了一个谜。9. After that, what happened to the Amber Room remain a mystery.&&&&从那以后,琥珀屋的去处便成了一个迷。10. 10. There is a desertization land in the northwest of china, he has been filled with the tinge of mystery and the advanced civilization like Pompeii in history, nobody has known what he should be like, but was named LOLA.&&&&中国的西北有一片被沙漠化的土地,历史中他象庞贝一样充满了神秘的气息和高度的文明,没有人知道应该是什么样子,他叫做楼兰。11. We, who do not believe what these women believe, but who, like them, live by faith, --we have never been able to think without a sort of tender and religious terror, without a sort of pity, that is full of envy, of those devoted, trembling and trusting creatures, of these humble and august souls, who dare to dwell on the very brink of the mystery, waiting between the world which is closed and heaven which is not yet open, turned towards the light which one cannot see, possessing the sole happiness of thinking that they know where it is, aspiring towards the gulf, and the unknown, their eyes fixed motionless on the darkness, kneeling, bewildered, stupefied, shuddering, half lifted, at times, by the deep breaths of eternity.&&&&&&至于我们,虽不相信这些妇女所信之事物,却也和她们一样是生活在信仰中的,当我们想到这些心惊胆战而又充满信心和诚意的女性,这些谦卑严肃的心灵,她们敢于生活在神秘世界的边缘,守在已经谢绝的人世和尚未开放的天国之间,朝着那看不见的光辉,仅凭心中一点所谓自知之明而引为无上幸福,一心向往着万仞深渊和未知世界,两眼注视着毫无动静的黑暗,双膝下跪,胸中激动,惊愕,战栗,有时一阵来自太空的长风把她们吹得飘飘欲起,当我们想到那些情形时,总不免愀然动容,又惊又敬,如见神明,悲悯和钦羡之情油然而起。12. All in all, it is a mystery team. So what we should do is maintain sharp vigilance to them.&&&&&&总之是一个神秘的队伍,要保持警惕,经常观察他们的动向。13. 13. In China, under in a veil of mystery, what type condition they is living by?&&&&&&在中国,在神秘的面纱下,他们以什麽样的状态在生活着?14. But what makes it even harder to call this a Bermuda Triangle mystery is that it the ship was nowhere near the Triangle -- it was found off the coast of Portugal.&&&&&&但是什么偶数规定时间更辛苦地调用这一座百慕大群岛三角形秘密是它船无处接近三角形--它被发现断开发现本葡萄牙的海岸。15. First episode, big villain Dr John Ure is a Chinese, the film released in 1962, October 5, after 15 days, the Sino-Indian border conflict broke out, four years after the Cultural Revolution in China to further its own closed, mystery The Red Storm from the East in general into the sky, swept the entire world, and those rages hoarsely roaring of the leftist students in fact did not know then what is taking place in China.&&&&&&007第一集,大反派诺博士是个中国人,这部电影上映于1962年的10月5日,之后15天,中印边境冲突爆发,4年之后,文革中的中国进一步封闭了自己,谜一般的红色风暴自东方而起,席卷了整个世界,而那些嘶喊吼叫着的左派学生们其实并不知道当时的中国在发生着什么。16. what a mystery的翻译16. But what the change means for the rest of the world may well remain a tantalising mystery.&&&&&&但是这个变化对世界意味着什么却还是我们要不断猜测的谜团。17. 17. Although loneliness has always been a i'm leaving my life in your hands, people say i'm crazy and that i am blind, risking it all in a gla how you got me blind is still a mystery; i can't get you out of my head, don't care what is wr as long as you're here with me, i don't care who you are, where you' what as long a who you are, where you're from, don't care what you did&&&&&&孤独一直是我的朋友,自从你离开我的生活,朋友都说我疯了,怎么如此盲目,可是激情总是短暂的,但我仍然不知道你为何让我如此盲目,我就是无法忘了你,我不在乎你过去的所有,只要你能陪在我身边!我也不在乎你是个什么样的人,你从哪里来,你做过什么,只要你爱我就好,所有你说过的话和做过的事情,都深深烙印在我心里,我甚至不在乎你是否就要离开,我仍旧以为我们是一对……我试着把感情隐藏起来不让任何人知道,但我无法不流露真情,当你凝视我时,我不在乎,只要你爱我就好18. Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine I'm leaving my life in your hands People say I'm crazy and that I am blind Risking it all in a glance How you got me blind is still a mystery I can't get you out of my head Don't care what is written in you history As long as you're here with me I don't care who you are Where you're from What you did As long as you love me Who you are Where you're from Don't care what you did As long as you love me Every little thing that you have said and done Feels like it's deep within me Doesn't really matter if you're on the run It seems like we're meant to be I've tried to hide it so that no one knows But I guess it shows When you look in to my eyes What you did and where you're comin from I don't care, as long as you love me, baby.&&&&&&虽然寂寞一直有朋友离开我的生活,我在你们手中的人说我疯而这一切,我冒着失明了,你怎么看我,仍是一个谜盲我无法摆脱你不在乎我的头书写历史只要你他我再与我不在乎你是谁,从那里你做什么,你只要你爱我你是谁,从那里你不在乎你只要你爱我的每一点东西你说,喜欢做的深我无所谓,如果你对在逃仿佛就要我的意思是隐瞒,让大家都不知道,但我猜它显示,当你在看我的眼睛,而你却进来从你我不小心,只要你爱我,婴儿。19. Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine i'm leaving my life in your hands people say i'm crazy and that i am blind risking it all in a glance how you got me blind is still a mystery i can't get you out of my head don't care what is written in you history as long as you're here with me i don't care who you are where you're from what you did as long as you love me who you are where you're from don't care what you did as long as you love me every little thing that you have said and done feels like it's deep within me doesn't really matter if you're on the run it seems like we're meant to be i don't care who you are where you're from what you did as long as you love me who you are where you're from don't care what you did as long as you love me as long as you love me as long as you love me i've tried to hide it so that no one knows but i guess it shows when you look in to my eyes what you did and where you're comin from i don't care, as long as you love me, baby.&&&&&&虽然孤独一直是我的朋友我要离开你的手在我的生活人们说我疯了,我很盲目这一切的危险一目了然你如何让我盲目仍是个谜我不能让你出我的头不关心什么是你书写历史只要您与我在这里我不在乎你是谁你是从哪来你做什么只要你爱我你是谁你是从哪来不关心你做什么只要你爱我每一个小东西,你说,做感觉就像是在我深其实并不重要,如果你正在运行这好像我们的意思是我不在乎你是谁你是从哪来你做什么只要你爱我你是谁你是从哪来不关心你做什么只要你爱我只要你爱我只要你爱我我试图掩盖它,没有人知道但我猜它显示当你看在我的眼睛你做了什么和地点由你科曼我不在乎,只要你爱我,孩子。20. 20. As long as you love me 歌手:张杰 although loneliness has always been a friend of mine i'm leaving my life in your hands people say i'm crazy and that i am blind risking it all in a glance i can't get you out of my head how you got me blind is still a mystery don't care what is written in you history as long as you're here with me i don't care who you are where you're from what you did as long as you love me who you are where you're from don't care what you did as long as you love me every little thing that you have said and done feels like it's deep within me doesn't really matter if you're on the run it seems like we're meant to be i don't care who you are where you're from what you did as long as you love me who you are where you're from don't care what you did as long as you love me i've tried to hide it so that no one knows but i guess it shows when you look in to my eyes what you did and where you're comin from i don't care, as long as you love me, baby.&&&&&&虽然寂寞,一直是朋友矿井我离开我的生命在你的手中人们说我疯了,并说,我是盲人冒这一切在一瞥我不能让你出我的头你如何让我失明仍是一个谜不关心什么是写在你的历史只要你在这儿跟我我不在乎你是谁当您从你们只要你爱我你是谁当您从不关心什么,你做只要你爱我每一小东西,你曾经说过,并做感觉就像它的深处,我这都不重要,如果您对我们来说好像我们正在打算我不在乎你是谁当您从你们只要你爱我你是谁当您从不关心什么,你做只要你爱我我曾经尝试过,以隐藏它,所以,没有人知道不过,我猜想这表明当你在看我的眼睛你们的,而您从comin 我不在乎,只要你爱我,宝宝。what a mystery 单语例句1. But its physiological mechanisms, its purpose and what survival value it might have are a mystery.2. But admitting a mistake is still not enough to unravel the mystery of why the Shanxi center did what they did.3. For Xu Liyi, what the Bird's Nest looks like has been a big mystery until now.danci.911cha.comwhat a mystery是什么意思,what a mystery在线翻译,what a mystery什么意思,what a mystery的意思,what a mystery的翻译,what a mystery的解释,what a mystery的发音,what a mystery的同义词,what a mystery的反义词,what a mystery的例句,what a mystery的相关词组,what a mystery意思是什么,what a mystery怎么翻译,单词what a mystery是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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