I justI want oneto say that you are a perfect person.

第I卷(客观题 共50分)
1. A smile costs ________, but it gives so much. So we should learn to smile.
A. nothing
B. something
C. anything
D. everything
2. —How nice that Lucy has been invited to the evening party too!
—Well, Lucy________ not come. She is not allowed to go out in the evening.
3. Don't you agree that every tourist should have good ________?
A. methods
C. manners
4. —How can you be excused for such a _________ reason?
—I don’t care whether you accept it or not.
A. special
C. serious
5. What you should do ________ you don’t like a thing is to change it. Don’t complain.
6. —As we know it’s difficult to live in a foreign country.
—_______if you don’t understand the language there.
A. Exactly
B. Naturally
C. Usually
D. Especially
7. Tim told us that his company ________ robots to do some of the work.
B. will use
C. has used
D. would use
8. —I can't think of any other actress who is more beautiful than Audrey Hepburn.
—You've got the point. Her beauty is
D. without
9. The exam __________ to be harder than we expected. I really regretted that I didn't practice more before it.
A. turned out
B. found out
C. put out
D. broke out
10. —It's foggy! I'm afraid of driving in such bad weather.
—Don't worry. The rising sun will quickly
B. require
D. receive
11.It's nice to hear from a close friend , _________ , we last met more than thirty years ago.
A. What`s more
B. That is to say
C. In other words
D. Believe it or not
12. —Well, yesterday I hurt my left foot, I broke my glass and I got my wallet stolen.
—__________. But at least you won the writing competition, didn't you?
A. It never rains but it pours
B. A good miss is as good as a mile
C. It’s easy to be wise after the event
D. It is never too old to learn
13. East or west, Guilin landscape is the best. But I am still wondering ______.
A. what was the best time for visitors to go to this beautiful city
B. that mountains stand in different shapes all around the city
C. why is the Reed Flue Cave praised as the “Art Palace of Nature”
D. whether it lies on the two sides of the Lijiang River
14. —Do the dishes, Mike, or I will tell mum!
— _________ , Sue!
A. Mind your own business
B. You are welcome
C. It’s your duty
D. Never mind
Several years ago, I was at a train station in Amsterdam. I saw a young homeless man
___15___ people for money so he could buy breakfast. Most of the ___16___
simply took no notice of the young man or gave him a dirty look. There was one exception though: an older, well-dressed lady. When the young homeless man moved ___17___
this elegant lady, she turned and looked straight into his eyes and ___18___ asked, "How much do you need?" I couldn't hear what the young man said but watched ___19___ the old man pulled several bills from her wallet and ___20___ them in the young man's hands.
I don't know whether the young man actually used this money for breakfast or for some other purpose. What I do know is that I saw two completely different reactions(反应) to the same ___21___. I saw people who were either afraid or annoyed or distrustful(猜疑的). And then I saw this old lady who ___22___ the homeless man as her brother. I decided then and there that, even though we have to be ___23___ in this world, I would rather be like her.
Every day may bring us many chances for ___24___ . The key is to do it or not.
15.A. asking
B. calling
C. disturbing
D. kidnapping
16.A. guests
B. audience
C. neighbours
D. travellers
17.A. from
18.A. softly
D. hopefully
19.A. because
D. although
20.A. cheeked
C. covered
21.A. location
C. situation
D. programme
22.A. ordered
B. treated
C. required
D. recommended
23.A. famous
B. creative
C. careful
D. successful
24.A. richness
B. happiness
C. fitness
D. Kindness
Mini dictionary: 1. register v. 注册,登记 2.sponsor n. 赞助人
25. The poster encourages people to join Book Aid International by ________.
A. offering them some books for free as a reward
B. showing them reading books can bring them much fun
C. telling them how many friends they can make in Sub-Saharan Africa
D. showing them they can make a great difference to lives of people in other countries
26. You can read as many books as you can in one month in order to ________.
A. have more fun
B. register at www. bookaid. Org
C. raise more money
D. improve your reading ability only
27. Book Aid International helps people in Sub-Saharan Africa ________.
A. by giving them money
B. by reading books about childhood
C. by providing books and libraries
D. by building them new bookshops
Six people are talking about two pie shops in a TV program.
Lily: I’ve been going to Pie House for twenty years. Now Marie’s son is taking care of the
business, and he makes pies as good as his mother’s. I enjoy my stay there as before. My family also like the pies. We feel relaxed while staying there.
Olive: I went to Pie Corner once. Their pies were great, too. But I feel more comfortable at Pie House. I am used to the taste there, which makes me feel happy. I’m really a fan of Pie House.
Ned: Uncle Roy used to work for my mom. Later he opened Pie Corner on the next block after he got married. At the beginning, it’s not easy for him, but it is becoming more and more popular especially among young people. They think Pie Corner can often give them a surprise.
Marie: Roy was already quite avant-garde when working with me. I mean he had different, sometimes even strange, ideas about pies. There were times I thought his pies wouldn’t taste good, but they turned out magically delicious. He is really creative and can always make new pies, which attract many people.
Lee: Ned has done quite well with Pie House. His pies make you feel warm. But if you want to try something interesting, you should go to Pie Corner.
Chuck: The two pie shops are really different from each other. If eating Roy’s pies is like taking an exciting trip, then Ned’s pies are just like a sweet home you go back to after a long trip. Which one to go to depends on what you like.
28.What do we know about the six people?
A. They all have been to both pie shops.
B. They all talked about what the pies taste like.
C. Some of them are the shopkeepers of the pie shops.
D. Some of them talked about how the shopkeepers treated their workers.
29. What does ‘avant-garde’ mean in the reading?
A. Having a new and surprising way of thinking.
B. Trying to find out where the problems come from.
C. Trying to act like someone who knows everything.
D. Having many exciting life experiences.
30. Which is true about the pie shops?
A. Pie House is a family business.
B. Pie Corner is next to Pie House.
C. Pie Corner has a longer history than Pie House.
D. Pie House gives people a place to stay for the night.
Some years ago on a hot summer day in south Florida a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming lake behind his house. He ran out the back door, leaving behind his shoes, socks, and shirt as he went.
He flew into the water, not realizing that as he swan toward the middle of the lake, an alligator(短吻鳄) was getting close. The mother in the house was looking out the window and saw the two as they got closer and closer. In great fear, she ran toward the water, shouting to her son as loudly as she could.
Hearing her voice, the little boy made a U-turn to swim to his mother. It was too late. Just as he reached her, the alligator reached him. The mother caught her little boy by the arms just as the alligator pulled his legs. That began an unbelievable tug-of-war(拔河比赛) between the two. The alligator was much stronger than the mother, but the mother did her best not to let go. A farmer happened to drive by, heard their screams, rushed from his truck and helped them.
Luckily, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived. His legs were seriously scarred(疤痕) by the terrible attack of the animal. And on his arms, were deep scars where his mother's fingernails dug into his arms in her effort to pull the son she loved.
The newspaper reporter, who interviewed the boy, asked if he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his legs. And then, he said to the reporter, "Look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my Mom wouldn't let go."
31. According to the passage, which is the right order?
a. The mother saw the alligator getting close to her son.
b. With the help of the farmer, the boy was saved.
c. The mother tried not to let go.
d. The mother shouted to her son.
e. The boy swam back to his mother.
f. The boy ran out to swim.
A. f→ a→ d→ e→ c→ b
B. f→ a→ c→ b→ e→ d
C. a→ d→ f→ e→ c→ b
D. d→ b→ a→ c→ e→ f
32. From the passage we can infer(推断)______.
A. The son was proud of his scars on his legs.
B. The son was proud of his scars on his arms.
C. The mother was unwilling to let the alligator go.
D. The mother was stronger than the alligator in fact.
33. What’s the best title of the passage?
A. A Terrible Attack
B. The Scars on the Legs
C. The Scars of Love
D. An Unforgettable Tug-of-war
Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for the difference between boys and girls.
One scientist points out, "There are small genetic(遗传的) differences between the sexes(性别) at birth which may influence the subjects boys and girls choose. But the difficulty is that by the time children reach school age, there are so many other reasons that it is almost impossible to tell whether boys worker harder at science and maths, or whether girls been brought up to think of these subjects as boys'' territory".
A study show that in maths, at least, girls are the same as boys. A report suggests that girls only stop studying maths because of social opinions and feelings. A reporter says, "While it is socially unacceptable for people not to be able to read and write, it is still acceptable for women to say that they are 'hope-less' at maths. Although girls get marks which are as good as the boys', they have not been encouraged to do so."
The explanation for the difference, which is very clear during the teenage years, goes as far back as early childhood experiences. From their first days in kindergarten(幼儿园), girls are not encouraged to work on their own or to complete tasks, although boys are. For example, boys and not girls, are often asked to 'help' with repair work. This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve problems later on in life.
A further report on maths teaching shows that teachers seem to give more attention to boys than to girls. They think boys have more brains than girls.
Most teachers who took part in the study agreedthat they expect their boy students to do better at maths and science subjects than their girl students. All of this leads to encourage boys to work harder in these subjects, gives them confidence
and makes them believe that they can succeed.
Interestingly, both boys and girls regard maths and science as difficult. Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid maths courses, not because they are difficult, but for social reasons.
34. The underlined word "territory" in Paragraph 2 most probably means "_______".
A. natural ability
B. interesting activity
C. special hobby
D. favourite task
35. According to scientific studies, _________ .
maths is not fit for girls to learn
boys have a special sense of maths learning
girls are poorer at maths because they are the weaker sex
girls can learn maths as well as boys if given enough encouragement
36. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A. Maths and science are easy subjects to either girls or boys.
B. It seems socially acceptable for a girl not to be able to read and write.
C. There is no connection between a girl's ability in maths and her teacher.
D. It is a social problem not a problem of brains that girls are poor at maths.
37. What would be the best title for the text?
A. Maths-A Difficult Subject
B. Are Boys Cleverer than Girls
C. Who's Afraind of Maths Anyway
D. Boys Are Better at Maths than Girls by Birth
第II卷(主观题 共40分)
四、词汇运用 (本大题共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)
(A) 根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出单词的正确形式。
38. The president's behavior has made him many _________ (敌人) in recent years.
39. So far we have ________ (提交) much advice which may help create a comfortable feeling.
40. Simon has a habit of being ________ (醒着) at night, worrying about things.
41. It is ________ (广泛地) known that actions speak louder than words.
(B) 根据句意,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。
42. For me, friendship seems more _______ (value) and I feel comfortable being with my friends.
43. On April 5, the government published new rules about school bus ________ (safe).
44. The students were ________ (divide) into two groups before the games started.
45. To get the work finished _________ (smooth), we decided to invite an expert to join us.
46. Mother told me that spring _________ (follow) winter.
47. This is our first product in China and of course there _________ (be) more to come.
48.—Jack took a photo of you just now.
—Sorry! I __________ (not look) in his direction.
49. The kind old lady devoted much of her time to ________ (look) after the children in need.
50. Look! How clean the floor is! Who ________ (sweep) it?
51. — Hi, Judy. Have you graduated from college?
— Yes. I ________ (study) in Nanjing University for four years.
52. Unluckily, their house _________ (break) into when they were away on holidays.
53. The volunteers __________ (train) hard recently for the coming sports meeting.
六、阅读填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。所填单词必须写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。每个空格只能填一个单词。(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
Parents are the most important people in our life. They influence our lives in so many ways. They teach us almost everything about living, give us strength of character and make us who we are. It is because of them that we become able to do our duties. The things that we are able to do are actually their gifts to us. Right from taking care of us when we are young to guiding us whenever we need their advice, they are always there by our side.
All we can do for them is to give them love and happiness and try to make them feel proud of us. First of all, you need to follow all the good things they taught you when you were very young. It could be about eating healthily or exercising in a regular way, or it could be about helping anyone who needs help.
Not make complaints is also a good way. So don’t complain about what you don’t have. Learn to appreciate(感激) and love what y you may not know the struggles they go through in order to give you that.
Thirdly, you also need to start making your own decisions wisely and confidently. In other words, take control of your life by deciding what will be good or bad for you. Let them see that you are able to do all kinds of things without asking others for help.
More importantly, you should try to be a good person. Be polite and respectful to your family and friends. When they give you advice or a suggestion, you’d better take their ideas into consideration. Try to work as hard as you can and be modest with what you have achieved. Anyway, seeing you grow into a good person will surely make your parents proud.
Making your parents feel proud of you
What your parents can do for you ●They teach you how to make a living and develop a strong character.
●Your ___54___ to deal with things is a gift your parents give you.
●They are always there to look after you and guide you.
__55__ to make your parents feel proud of you Follow what you were taught. ●Develop a healthy habit as your parents told you.
●Help anyone in need.
Don't complain. Appreciate and be __56__ with all the things given to you by your parents.
Make decisions on your own. Make your own decisions wisely and with __57___ to show you are able to deal with everything.
Be a good person. ●Treat others politely and respectfully.
●Listen to your parents' advice.
●Work hard and not to be too proud of your ___58__.
59. 最后,校长别无选择只能承诺尽快解决这个问题。
Finally, the principal ______________________________solve the problem as soon as possible.
60. 作为一个教师,她的工作远不仅仅是传授知识。她还教我们如何做人。
As a teacher, her work _______________________ us knowledge. She also teaches us how to be a true man.
61. 你太粗心了,居然把我的语法书错认成你的了。
It's careless _________________________________ yours.
62. 由于恶劣的天气,我们将被迫缩短旅程。
We ____________________________________ because of the terrible weather.
63. Mike自从痴迷于电脑游戏,他在学习上就落后于别人了。
Mike ________________________ in his study since he was crazy about computer games.
64. 说实话,要鼓舞他们的士气有些困难,我们需要帮助。
To tell the truth, we have _______________________________. We need help.
65、书面表达 (本大题共10分)
今年春节70% 的学生参加了抢红包活动
一些学生认为 1.带来更多乐趣;
一些学生认为 1.浪费时间和金钱;
你的观点 ......
注意:1. 文章须包括表格中所有提示内容,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;
2. 表格中“你的观点”须用2~3句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥;
3. 词数90左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;
参考词汇:抢红包 grabbing red packets
Recently we've made a survey on the activity of " Grabbing red packets" in our school.
During this spring festival,70% of the students_________________________________
一、单项填空 (本大题共14分,每小题1分)
6-10 DDCAC
11-14 DADA
二、完形填空 (本大题共10分,每小题1分)
15-19 ADBAC
20-24 BCBCD
三、阅读理解 (本大题共26分,每小题2分)
34-37 ADDB
1. enemies
2. presented
5. valuable
7. divided
8. smoothly
五、动词填空 (本大题共8分,每小题1分)
1. follows
2. will be
3.was looking
4. looking
5. has swept
6. studied
7. was broken
8. are training
六、阅读填空 (本大题共5分,每格1分)
2. Way/ How
3. satisfied/ pleased
4. confidence
5. achievement(s)
七、完成句子 (本大题共9分,每句1.5分 注:凡划线部分作整体看,只要有错分值全扣)
1. had no choice but to
promise to (1+0.5)
2. is/ goes far beyond
3.of you to
mistake my grammar book for (0.5+1)
4. will be forced to cut short the journey (1 + 0.5)
5. has been behind others (1 + 0.5)
6.some difficulty/ trouble/ problems (in)
cheering them up
八、书面表达 (本大题共10分)
One possible version:
Recently we've made a survey on the activity of " Grabbing red packets" in our school.
During this spring festival,70% of the students took part in the activity. Some of them think grabbing red packets can bring them more fun. It can make it easier for them to get along well with others. The activity brings traditional Chinese culture and modern technology together. However, other students think it's a waste of time and money to grab red packets. Moreover, some students spend so much time grabbing red packets that their schoolwork is influenced.
I think this activity is really exciting, but we shouldn't spend too much time on it. Schoolwork should come first.
(90 words)
该会员上传的其它文档:41 p.24 p.25 p.40 p.20 p.13 p.15 p.13 p.18 p.20 p.29 p.13 p.41 p.19 p.16 p.30 p.11 p.11 p.31 p.40 p.38 p.84 p.九年级英语第一次模拟考试试卷本试卷分试卷和答题卷两部分,所有答案一律写在..九年级英语第一次模拟考试试卷本试卷分试卷和答题卷两部分,所有答案一律写在答题卷上。考试时间为100分钟。试卷满分为90分。 第I卷(客观题 共50分)一、单项选择
在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分)1. A smile costs ________, but it gives so much相关文档docdocdocdocdoc关于我们常见问题关注我们官方公共微信}


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