port o:hitachi hts5432.cc32a7a384 s.m.a.r.t status bad,backup and rep1ace. press f1 to resume...

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&&&Hard Disk: S.M.A.R.T. Status Bad, Backup and Replace&
Try a comprehensive SMART diagnostic. Look for reallocated, pending, or uncorrectable sectors.
HD Sentinel (DOS / Windows / Linux):
HDDScan for Windows:
See this article for SMART info:
I have been working on this very same problem this very minute....
I got a hard drive that I salveged from a media player system and it has just ONE reallocation error and the threshold is 32....
I had another hard drive that was having bad cable issues(made SMART errors go thru the roof) and I found something that did something to the SMART thing, but now I can't remember what the program was, but it did do a low level format for starters.
Anyways, so far from what I can tell, you can't erase SMART data unless you go in with an RS-232 serial cable direct into the hard drives' controller... other than that... it sounds like you got sold a Lemon...
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Ugg, try this tool: HDD-Low-Level-Format-Tool from softpedia.
This was what I used. It says it recertifies the SMART. After you do the low level format monitor your hard drive with one hdd-scan like the dude above me said for any new bad sectors or other crap.
The seller accepts returns on defective parts. Would it be worth the time and money to fix it or to get the refund. Also.. I paid $60 total for this HDD.
return it and get the money, it's not worth to try to fix HDD... (actually bad SMART could be used as argument to get refund)
edit: to fix mechanical error of HDD need to be in clean dust free rooms totally not worth it IMO.....
I would just return it. IMO buying used hard drives are pretty risky. I bought a couple of 80GB IDE HDDs for $10 each which run great but have over 2,300 days of power on hours. I just wanted a couple of extra storage devices to playback videos on my older PC so it's really no big deal if one of them dies in a year or so.
I suggest however that if you do plan on buying another hard drive, used hard drives are fine for primary use but get a new one for backups and don't use it. It won't be a guarantee that the new drive won't fail but having a new drive generally has a lower fault rate compared to an older drive.
Cool... Thanks for all the advice guys. I don't really have many other people that know much about computers. I'm the only one, but this is my first desktop that I could work on so I need all the advice I can get, so I don't slip up... again... haha Thanks guys
Yeah, imo it's pretty much common sense you wouldn't want to store any important data on a old clunky hard drive or a previously owned one. Plus you won't have strange errors like i am having on an older system which i added/changed some stuff on it.
Best answer selected by icecoldsnake.
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Ad choices开机出现pri master hard disk:S.M.A.R.T. status BAD,backup and replace press F1 to resume 怎么解决_百度知道
开机出现pri master hard disk:S.M.A.R.T. status BAD,backup and replace press F1 to resume 怎么解决
  电脑开机自检时提示S.M.A.R.T. status BAD,这种情况属于硬盘的硬件故障,需要备份数据后更换硬盘。  S.M.A.R.T的全称为“Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology”,即“自我监测、分析及报告技术”。支持S.M.A.R.T技术的硬盘在电脑开机自检时,会自动通过硬盘主控内的监测软件对硬盘的磁头、盘片、马达、电路的运行情况、历史记录及预设的安全值进行分析、比较,当出现安全值范围以外的情况时,就会自动向用户发出警告,提示S.M.A.R.T. status BAD。这种情况硬盘属于硬件的物理损坏,硬盘随时可能停止工作,所以建议立即备份重要数据,并更换硬盘。
3主板电池没有电了也会造成数据丢失从而出现这个故障,备份和取代按下F1键重新开始可能是你挂了两个硬盘,后来拿掉其中一个的时候却忘记将BIOS设置改回来:硬盘,会出现这个问题。 还可能是你的IDE数据线出现了问题:主通道i的磁盘状态不好,在BIOS中设置成了双硬盘这个是你的硬盘故障翻译
这是硬盘的S.M.A.R.T.检测到硬盘发生错误,可能很快坏掉,让你备份数据并修复。可以用HD Tune Pro看一下S.M.A.R.T.数据,是哪一项发生错误,能修复应该是有坏道 。按F1可以先启动
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