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& & & &南通职业大学始建于1973年,坐落在江海交汇、人文荟萃的江苏省南通市,是一所经省政府、教育部批准设置的具有工、文、管理和艺术类的综合性全日制普通高校,是全国办学历史最长的高等职业院校之一。学校面向江苏、浙江、安徽、山西、河南、重庆、四川、广东等八省招生,校园总面积1000多亩,建筑面积40多万平方米,现有教职工800多人、各级各类在校生近18000人。
& & & 学校遵循高等职业教育的办学规律,办学特色鲜明,教育教学改革成果丰硕。现建有机械工程、电子信息工程、化学与生物工程、建筑工程、汽车与交通工程、经济管理、艺术设计、国际合作教育、技师、继续教育、海门等11个学院;设有58个专业;拥有省级品牌、特色专业(建设点)9个,国家和省级精品课程12门,省级精品教材17套,省级优秀教学团队3个;建有各类专业实训基地、实验室100多个,其中国家级实训基地4个、省级高职实训基地4个。学校还是教育部、建设部联合确定的建设行业技能型紧缺人才培养基地,江苏省高等教育人才培养模式创新实验基地。
& & & 学校实施&人才强校&战略,建有一支高素质、高水平的&双师型&教师队伍。专任教师中正、副教授比例达到41.8%,在全省高职院校中位于前列;青年教师中硕、博士研究生比例达到69.38%,已相当于一般本科院校的水平;具有&双师&素质的教师占到近90%。学校依托&名师工程&、&教授工程&,培养和集聚了一批有突出贡献的名师、专家、学术带头人和高层次人才。学校先后荣获&江苏省师资队伍建设先进单位&、&南通市人才工作先进单位&等称号。
& & & & 学校致力于服务地方,积极开展对外科技服务与校企合作。学校建有南通地区唯一的国家级化工行业特有工种技能鉴定站,江苏省农药废水处理与资源化技术研发中心,建筑节能及保温技术、数控机床加工精度两个市级重点实验室,数控技术、建筑工程、精细化工、楼宇弱电系统科技服务四个市级公共服务平台,电子信息、项目管理、应用化工、环境工程、民营企业五个研究所。学校与众多行业、企业建有稳固的校企合作关系,与振华港机、国核维科等大型企业签订了&订单式&培养协议,与南通建工集团、南通科技、罗莱家纺、林洋电子合作分别建有南通华夏建筑工程学院、南通科技机械学院、罗莱商学院和林洋电子学院,与江山农化、南通星辰被评为南通市职业教育校企合作示范组合,与南通科技被评为南通市十大校企合作示范基地之一。学校在职业教育与社会教育为南通经济社会发展服务&双百&竞赛活动中被表彰为标兵集体,2009年启动实施的&百名企业家进校园,百名教授进企业&的&双百工程&更是在省内外产生了广泛影响。
& & & & 学校始终坚持&以就业为导向&的办学理念,将毕业生就业创业作为检验办学质量的重要标准。多年来,毕业生就业率一直保持在98%以上,用人单位满意度达到93.6%,连续七次被评为&江苏省毕业生就业工作先进集体&,实现了该项荣誉的&大满贯&。学校创立了南通市首家高职院校创业教育孵化基地,首次组队参加全国&挑战杯&创业计划竞赛,即喜获高职院校中的唯一大奖。电子信息工程学院组队参加的&全国大学生电子设计竞赛&中,勇夺三个全国一等奖。学校是&江苏省大学生创业教育示范校&、&南通市创业孵化基地&。
& & & & 学校坚持走国际化、开放式办学道路,与加拿大、美国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国等国家的大学和机构建立了良好的合作关系。
& & & & 近年来,学校贯彻落实科学发展观,坚持质量立校、人才兴校、特色强校,实现了规模、质量、效益的和谐发展。学校先后荣获全国高职高专人才培养工作水平优秀院校、省示范性高职院校建设单位、省高职高专院校基层党建工作考核优秀单位、省职业教育先进集体、省文明单位、省高校和谐校园、省平安校园、省教育收费规范高校、省公共卫生管理合格高校等称号。学校还是中国高职教育研究会常务理事单位和基础课改革工作委员会主任单位、江苏省高职教育研究会副理事长单位和人事分配体制改革委员会主任单位。学生技能证书获证率达到95%,计算机和英语考试通过率遥遥领先于全省平均水平,在数学建模、高等数学、电子设计、大学英语、服装设计等各级各类大赛中,获奖级别和获奖数量均名列全省同类院校前茅。
& & & Nantong Vocational University (NTVU) is located in Nantong, Jiangsu. NTVU was founded in 1973. Nantong, (a prefecture level city) lies along the Yangtze River at the mouth of the Yellow Sea in southeast China. The city historically is considered the cradle of modern education in China. NTVU covers over 667,000 square meters. The campus facilities cover over 400,000 square meters. NTVU accounts for scholars primarily from the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shanxi, Henan, Chongqing, Sichuan and Guangdong. The student body is estimated at 18,000. The university employs over 800 staff and faculty members. NTVU is a full-time comprehensive post-secondary technical school accredited by Jiangsu Provincial Government and Ministry of Education. Majors offered include matriculations in applied sciences, fine arts, liberal arts, visual arts and business. NTVU was nominated &The Model of Higher Vocational Institutions in Jiangsu.& The university was named &Outstanding National Higher Vocational Institution for Personnel Education.& NTVU was five times awarded &The Provincial Excellent Institution for Graduate Employment.& The university&s motto is &Pursuing noble, moral and visionary aspirations while studying the phenomena of nature to acquire knowledge.&
& & & NTVU consists of 58 majors belonging to 12 schools, which are: School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Electronics and Information Engineering, School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, School of Textile and Garments, School of Management (Business and Finance), School of Applied Humanities and Tourist Management, School of Arts and Design, School of Foreign Languages (School of International Co-education), Technician College, School of Continuing Education and Haimen School. NTVU has 9 provincial brand and characteristic specialties, 12 national or provincial excellent courses, 17 provincial excellent textbooks and 3 provincial excellent teaching teams. NTVU facilitates 100 provincial research centers including the state-of-the-art National Training Bases, Provincial Demonstration Center of Experimental Teaching, Training Base of Construction Personnel&s and Innovative and Experimental Center of Jiangsu Higher Education.&
& & & NTVU faculty members in precept are cultivated and dedicated professors and associate professors. 69.38% hold either a master or doctorate degree. This level is university standard throughout China. &Bi-experienced Teachers& are faculty with both work and teaching experiences. &Bi-experienced Teachers& constitute approximately 90% of the faculty at NTVU. Administrators and faculty members collectively extend their academic expertise by voluntarily participating in the &Scholar Project& and &Professor Project.& Most faculty members are also members of the Pioneering Group of Personnel&s in Nantong City and Pioneering Group of Faculty in Jiangsu Province.&
& & & NTVU strives to serve the local business community, promote scientific research and technological development. The university has the National Special Skill Testing Station of Chemical Industry, the only one in Nantong city. Also, the university has Agrochemical Wastewater Treatment & Technical and Development Center of Jiangsu, Laboratories of Energy Conservation & Insulation Technology and Computer Numerical Control & Process of Accuracy, 4 Public Service Platforms( Numerical Control Technology, Construction Engineer, Refined Chemicals and Technological Service of Weak Current System of Buildings), and 5 research centers( Electronic Information Technology Center, Project Management Center, Application of Chemical Engineering Center, Environmental Engineering Center, Private Firms Center).&
& & & NTVU maintains solid relationships with corporations in various industries to extend employment opportunities to graduates. The agreement is titled the &Order Form.& Participating corporations are Zhenhua Port Machinery Company and State Nuclear WEC Zirconium Hafnium Co., Ltd. Nantong Construction Group Company was instrumental in unveiling the School of Nantong Huaxia Construction Engineering. Nantong Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals Co., Ltd. and Nantong Xingchen Company in collaboration were distinguished as the &Model of University-Enterprise Cooperation.& Nantong Technology Company was recognized as the &Top Ten Distinguished Models of University-Enterprise Cooperation.& NTVU received rave reviews as a &Model Group& after participating in the Double Hundred Contest. The university&s presenters (from practical and theoretical standpoints) demonstrated in detail how vocational education can best serve society overall and promote economic development in Nantong. The Double Hundred Projects was later launched and aimed at the intellectual exchange of entrepreneurial ideologies between highly regarded scholars and business leaders.
& & & NTVU is committed to &Employment Orientation.& Criteria assessments are regularly mandated to gain in depth insight into the ever-fluctuating global job market and appraisal of employment opportunities for graduates at home or abroad. NTVU was six times crowned &Grand Slam& by the Jiangsu Pioneering Institute of Employment. The university also organized the &First Vocation Entrepreneurship Education Cradle.& NTVU was later awarded the &National Challenge Cup Business Plan.& The university also received accolades as the Entrepreneurship &Education Model of Jiangsu& and &Nantong Entrepreneurship Cradle.&&
& & & NTVU concertedly maintains sound relationships with accredited vocational training agencies and institutions of higher learning from overseas in its infinite pursuit of progress and applicable knowledge. Foreign faculty members with post-secondary documentation, training certification and teaching experience tenure are recruited from Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, South Korea, United Kingdom and the United States of America.&
& & & &Built with Quality&, &Prospered by Talent&, and &Strengthened by Characteristics& are but a few expressions that epitomize the achievements of NTVU. The university&s persistent large-scale implementation of the &Scientific Concept of Development& was instrumental in the university gaining further provincial recognition as the &National Outstanding Vocational Training Institute&, &Provincial Model of Building Vocational University&, &Provincial Vocational University with Outstanding Party Building Assessment&, &Provincial Advanced Institute of Vocational Education&, &Role Model in Ethical and Cultural Progress&, &Provincial Harmonious Campus&, &Provincial Safe Campus&, &Provincial University with Reasonable Charges& and &Provincial Qualified University of Sanitary Management.&&南通师范高等专科学校(江苏)
南通师范高等专科学校是一所全日制公办普通高校,肇端于1902年张謇创办的通州民立师范学校,是中国师范教育的三大源头之一。目前,学校开设了学前教育、小学教育、语文教育、数学教育、英语教育、音乐教育、美术教育、体育教育等8个师范专业和文秘、财务管理、商务英语、商务日语、计算机应用技术、计算机网络技术、应用艺术设计、电脑艺术设计、装潢艺术设计、体育服务与管理等12个非师范专业。为进一步实施“人才强校”战略,加强师资队伍建设,加快学校事业发展,现面向社会诚聘海内外人才。一、招聘岗位 具体参见《南通师范高等专科学校招聘岗位一览表》(附件1),教授岗位不受此限制。见附件二、具体条件1. 爱国敬业,师德高尚;2. 身心健康,能胜任教学、科研、社会服务等工作需要;3. 年龄不超过45周岁,学科(专业)带头人和教授(或正高级专业技术人才)放宽到50周岁。三、相关待遇 具体参见《南通师范高等专科学校高层次人才引进暂行办法(试行)》(附件2)。四、报名方式 应聘人员填报《南通师范高等专科学校招聘报名登记表》(附件3),自备详实的应聘材料(自荐书或求职信、个人学习、工作简历、各种证书复印件等)与学校人事处联系。 五、联系方式联系人:陈老师、 汪老师联系电话:61、E- mail: 学校网址:http://www.联系地址:江苏省南通市经济技术开发区育贤路2号邮政编码:226016附件:1.《南通师范高等专科学校招聘岗位一览表》 2.《南通师范高等专科学校高层次人才引进暂行办法(试行)》 3.《南通师范高等专科学校招聘报名登记表》来源:高校人才网/zhaopin/zhiyeyuanxiao/268.html相关文件南通师范高等专科学校(江苏)2016年人才招聘.doc64 K江苏省南通市职业学校2015届高三上学期第一次调研数学试卷_百度文库
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|原作者: 婷婷
考生问: 关于南通师范高等专科学校的排名,我想抛给小编姐姐几个问题哦。
小编姐姐答: 哈罗,你一下子问这么多关于专科排名的问题,肯定很有意向报考南通师范高等专科学校吧!
& 2016 zjut.cc}


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