如何解决fatal error in action number 1 of step event0 for objectsony rollyypolly

QTP Tips - TIB - 博客园
1、Object Spy的Tips
Hold the CTRL key to change the window focus or perform other mouse operations
安装Microsoft Script Debuger即可
Dim rs,sq,pkeyset conn=createobject("adodb.connection")set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")' 需要安装Oracle客户端conn.open "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Persist Security Info=FUser ID=Data Source=Password=Extended Properties=;Host=;Port=1521;Service Name=" sql="SELECT * FROM TAB"rs.open sql,connrs.MoveFirstDo While rs.Eof&&trueMsgbox rs.Fields(0)rs.MoveNextLooprs.closeset rs=nothingconn.closeset conn=nothing
Dim oWebChkDesc
Set oWebChkDesc = Description.Create
oWebChkDesc("micclass").value = "WebCheckBox"
oWebChkDesc("html tag").Value = "INPUT"
' 获取所有匹配描述的对象
Dim allCheck, oCheckBox
Set allCheck = Browser("Web Tours").Page("Web Tours").ChildObjects(oWebChkDesc)
For i = 0 to allCheck.Count - 1
&&&&&& Set oCheckBox = allCheck(i)
&&&&&& oCheckBox.Set "ON"
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Service Pack 1
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0
在主Action里面 给变量赋值
Tools -& View Options
Dim qtApp 'As QuickTest.Application ' Declare the Application object variable
Dim qtTest 'As QuickTest.Test ' Declare a Test object variable
Dim qtResultsOpt 'As QuickTest.RunResultsOptions ' Declare a Run Results Options object variable
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object
qtApp.Launch ' Start QuickTest
qtApp.Visible = True ' Make the QuickTest application visible
' Set QuickTest run options
qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "OnError"
qtApp.Options.Run.RunMode = "Fast"
qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = False
qtApp.Open "C:\Tests\Test1", True ' Open the test in read-only mode
' set run settings for the test
Set qtTest = qtApp.Test
qtTest.Settings.Run.IterationMode = "rngIterations" ' Run only iterations 2 to 4
qtTest.Settings.Run.StartIteration = 2
qtTest.Settings.Run.EndIteration = 4
qtTest.Settings.Run.OnError = "NextStep" ' Instruct QuickTest to perform next step when error occurs
Set qtResultsOpt = CreateObject("QuickTest.RunResultsOptions") ' Create the Run Results Options object
qtResultsOpt.ResultsLocation = "C:\Tests\Test1\Res1" ' Set the results location
qtTest.Run qtResultsOpt ' Run the test
MsgBox qtTest.LastRunResults.Status ' Check the results of the test run
qtTest.Close ' Close the test
Set qtResultsOpt = Nothing ' Release the Run Results Options object
Set qtTest = Nothing ' Release the Test object
Set qtApp = Nothing ' Release the Application object
使用反斜杠字符 ( \ )
匹配任意单个字符 ( . )
匹配列表中的任意单个字符 ( [xy] )
匹配不在列表中的任意单个字符 ( [^xy] )
匹配某个范围内的任意单个字符 ( [x-y] )
特定字符的零次或多次匹配 ( * )
特定字符的一次或多次匹配 ( + )
特定字符的零次或一次匹配 ( ? )
对正则表达式进行分组 ( ( ) )
匹配几个正则表达式中的一个表达式 ( | )
在一行的开始进行匹配 ( ^ )
在一行的结尾进行匹配 ( $ )
匹配包括下划线在内的任一字母数字字符 ( \w )
匹配任意非字母数字字符 ( \W )
SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName "excel.exe"
On error resume next
&&Set Obj = GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
& If Not Obj Is Nothing Then&&&&&&
& Obj.Quit&&&&&
& Set Obj = Nothing
' To kill excel application
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "taskkill /f /im excel.exe"
'To check if excel is running use this function
msgbox "Excel is Running:" & FindProcess("EXCEL.EXE")
Function FindProcess(ByVal ProcessName)
& FindProcess= False&&&
& Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")&&&&&&&
& Set ShellResult = Shell.Exec("TaskList")&&&&&&&&&
& While Not ShellResult.StdOut.AtEndOfStream&&&&&&& &
&&& If Instr(UCASE(ShellResult.StdOut.ReadLine),UCASE(ProcessName)) Then
&&&&& FindProcess = True&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&&&&& Exit Function&&&&&&&&&&&& &
&&& End If && &&&&&
End Function
hwnd = Browser("Browser").GetROProperty("hwnd")
window("hwnd:=" & hwnd).Click 12,6,micRightBtn
' Disable the Firewall
Set objFirewall = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr")
Set objPolicy = objFirewall.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile
objPolicy.FirewallEnabled = FALSE
Set objPolicy = Nothing
Set objFirewall = Nothing
&& Dim fso, msg,fldr
&& fldr = "D:\books"
&& Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
&& If (fso.FolderExists(fldr)) Then
&&&&& msg = fldr & " exists."
&&&&& msg = fldr & " doesn't exist."
&& Msgbox msg
Dim WshShell, bKey
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ON Error Resume Next
bKey = WshShell.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WinRAR\")
If bKey = vbEmpty Then
&&&&&& Msgbox "Key Not Exists!"
Set WshShell=Nothing
Set pop3 = CreateObject("JMail.POP3")
pop3.Connect "xxx","xxx",""
Print& "邮件总数:" & pop3.Count
Set msg = pop3.Messages.Item(1)
Print msg.Subject
Print msg.FromName
Print msg.Body
Set pop3 = Nothing
例如在D:\test下面有10个txt文件,文件名分别为1.txt&& 2.txt&& 3.txt依次类推
Set objWsh = CreateObject("Wscript.shell")
objWsh.Run "winrar a D:\test\test.rar D:\test\*.txt",0,True
objWsh.Run "winrar x -o+ D:\test\test.rar *.txt D:\test\",0,True
Set objWsh = Nothing
Const&& ssfCONTROLS&& =&& 3&&
& sConnectionName&& =&& "无线网络连接"&&
& sEnableVerb&& =&& "启用(&A)"&&
& sDisableVerb&& =&& "停用(&B)"&&
& set&& shellApp&& =&& createobject("shell.application")&&
& set&& oControlPanel&& =&& shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS)&&
& set&& oNetConnections&& =&& nothing&&
& for&& each&& folderitem&& in&& oControlPanel.items&&
&&& if&& folderitem.name&&&& =&& "网络连接"&& then&&
&&&&&&& set&& oNetConnections&& =&& folderitem.getfolder:&& exit&& for&&
&&& end&& if&&
& if&& oNetConnections&& is&& nothing&& then&&
&&& msgbox&& "未找到网络和拨号连接文件夹"&&
&&& wscript.quit&&
& end&& if&&
& set&& oLanConnection&& =&& nothing&&
& for&& each&& folderitem&& in&& oNetConnections.items&&
&&& if&& lcase(folderitem.name)&&&& =&& lcase(sConnectionName)&& then&&
&&&&&&& set&& oLanConnection&& =&& folderitem:&& exit&& for&&
&& &end&& if&&
& if&& oLanConnection&& is&& nothing&& then&&
&&& msgbox&& "未找到&& '"&& &&& sConnectionName&& &&& "'&& item"&&
&&& wscript.quit&&
& end&& if&&
& bEnabled&& =&& true&&
& set&& oEnableVerb&& =&& nothing&&
& set&& oDisableVerb&& =&& nothing&&
& s&& =&& "Verbs:&& "&& &&& vbcrlf&&
& for&& each& &verb&& in&& oLanConnection.verbs&&
&&& s&& =&& s&& &&& vbcrlf&& &&& verb.name&&
&&& if&& verb.name&& =&& sEnableVerb&& then&&&&
&&&&&&& set&& oEnableVerb&& =&& verb&&&&&&
&&&&&&& bEnabled&& =&& false&&
&&& end&& if&&
&&& if&& verb.name&& =&& sDisableVerb&& then&&&&
&&&&&&& set&& oDisableVerb&& =&& verb&&&&&&
&&& end&& if&&
& 'debugging&& displays&& left&& just&& in&& case...&&
& 'msgbox&& s&& ':&& wscript.quit&&
& 'msgbox&& "Enabled:&& "&& &&& bEnabled&& ':&& wscript.quit& &
& 'not&& sure&& why,&& but&& invokeverb&& always&& seemed&& to&& work&&&&
& 'for&& enable&& but&& not&& disable.&&&&&&
& 'saving&& a&& reference&& to&& the&& appropriate&& verb&& object&&&&
& 'and&& calling&& the&& DoIt&& method&& always& &seems&& to&& work.&&
& if&& bEnabled&& then&&
& '&&&& oLanConnection.invokeverb&& sDisableVerb&&
&&& oDisableVerb.DoIt&&
& '&&&& oLanConnection.invokeverb&& sEnableVerb&&
&&& oEnableVerb.DoIt&&
& end&& if&&
& 'adjust&& the&& sleep&& duration&& below&& as&& needed...&&
& 'if&& you&& let&& the&& oLanConnection&& go&& out&& of&& scope&&
& 'and&& be&& destroyed&& too&& soon,&& the&& action&& of&& the&& verb&&
& 'may&& not&& take...&&
wscript.sleep&& 400&
' 使用XMLUtil对象的CreateXML方法来创建XMLData对象
Set doc = XMLUtil.CreateXML()
' 加载XML文件用于检查
doc.LoadFile "Test.XML"
'检查XML文档是否满足指定的XML schema
ans = doc.Validate ("D:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\dat\ObjectRepository.xsd")
If ans Then
&&&&&& MsgBox "XML文件匹配指定的Schema!"
&&&&&& errNo = doc.GetValidationErrorsNumber
&&&&&&& For i = 1 to errNo
&&&&&&&&&&&&& errStr = doc.GetValidationError(i)
&&&&&&&&&&&&& MsgBox errStr
&&&&&& Next
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") ' 创建XMLDOM对象
xmlDoc.async = False&&
xmlDoc.load "test.xml"&&&&& ' 加载XML文档
' 检查XML文档是否有错误
If xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode && 0 Then&&
&& Set myErr = xmlDoc.parseError
&& MsgBox("XML Loads Failed. " & myErr.reason)
&&&&&&& Set rootNode = xmlDoc.documentElement
&&&&&&&&&& ' 修改XML指定节点的某个属性的值
&&&&&&&&&& rootNode.childNodes(0).childNodes(0).childNodes(0).attributes(4).nodeValue = "E-Mail"
&&&&&&&&&& Print rootNode.childNodes(0).childNodes(0).childNodes(0).attributes(4).nodeValue ' 打印修改后的节点值
&&&&&&&&&& rootNode.childNodes(0).childNodes(0).childNodes(0).attributes(5).nodeValue = "hello!"& '修改节点值
&&&&&&&&&& Print rootNode.childNodes(0).childNodes(0).childNodes(0).attributes(5).nodeValue& '打印修改后的节点值
&&&&&&&&&& ' 保存xml数据到另外一个文件
&&&&&&&&&& xmlDoc.save "test_save.xml"
Set xmlDoc = Nothing
/c/270-Formal-Special-Occasion-Dresses&&& 这个网址,点击&add to cart&后按钮变成&check cart&就是这个按钮过不去。
这是对象动态 变化了
add to cart已经被智能识别出来了,check_cart_icon是后面动态生成的对象,之前加个Wait语句等待它生成即可:
Browser("China Wholesale Formal,").Page("China Wholesale Formal,").Image("add to cart").Click
Browser("China Wholesale Formal,").Page("China Wholesale Formal,").Image("check_cart_icon").Click
Do until Browser("China Wholesale Formal,").Page("China Wholesale Formal,").Image("check_cart_icon").Exist(2)
[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1042C& 发生意外的系统错误。& SQLSTATE=58004
I have a problem in connecing QTP to DB2 and fetch query results.
My script goes like this: (sample POC)
connection_string = "Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};Database=Hostname=;Port=50000;Protocol=TCPIP;Uid=Pwd="
msgbox db_connect (curSession, connection_string)
Function db_connect( byRef curSession ,connection_string)
dim connection
on error Resume next
' Opening connection
set connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
If Err.Number && 0 then
db_connect= "Error # " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
Exit Function
connection.Open connection_string
If Err.Number && 0 then
db_connect= "Error # " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Description
Exit Function
set curSession=connection
End Function
This script is popping up this error msg:
[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1042C An unexpected system error occurred. SQLSTATE=58004
For the other connection string type,
data_DSN = "QAProd" 'dsn created in control panel
data_usr = "admin"
data_pwd = "adminqa"
data_alias = "ecomdb" 'name of the database
connection_string = "DSN="&data_DSN&";""UID="&data_usr&";""PWD="&data_pwd&";""DBALIAS="&data_alias&";"
i am getting same error or another error saying
password error - not able to reproduce when posting this thread
and other threads in this forum discussing about QTP-DB2 connection, but couldn't find out the answer for my problem.
help me to untie this problem.
Problem Description: Error: "[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL 1042C An unexpected system error occured. SQLSTATE=58004"
The user receives a "[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL 1042C An unexpected system error occured. SQLSTATE=58004" error message when trying to connect to an IBM DB2 client using a Database Checkpoint or ADODB statements within the script.
Diagnosis: The existence of the &Quicktest Professional&/bin/QTPro.exe.Local file conflicts with the ability of ADODB to open the DB2 client.
Solution: Rename the QTPro.exe.Local file in the bin directory
The QTPro.exe.Local file is used for redirection of DLLs that QuickTest Professional loads. In the case of coexistence problems with other Mercury products, the file instructs Windows API to load DLLs from the &QuickTest Professional&\bin directory instead of other directories. This is important for the coexistence between QuickTest Professional, LoadRunner, and old versions of Astra LoadTest.
Renaming this file should solve the problem. QuickTest Professional will work fine without QTPro.exe.Local, unless LoadRunner or Astra LoadTest are installed on the machine.
1. Close QuickTest Professional.
2. Open Windows Explorer, and navigate to the QuickTest Professional installation directory.
3. In the bin directory, locate the QTPro.exe.Local file, and rename it (for example, QTPro.exe.Local.old).
4. Restart QuickTest Professional.
After renaming the file, QuickTest Professional should be able to connect to the database and work with it as expected. If the error continues, try removing unneeded parameters in the connection string.
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = True
Set objWorkbook1= objExcel.Workbooks.Open("D:\1.xls")
Set objWorkbook2= objExcel.Workbooks.Open("D:\2.xls")
objWorkbook2.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").PasteSpecial'Paste =xlValues
set objExcel=nothing
Extern.Declare micInteger,"EnableWindow","user32.dll","EnableWindow",micHwnd,micIntegerwindowName="计算器"hWnd = Extern.FindWindow(null,windowName)Window( "hwnd:=" & hwnd ).Activate micLeftBtn
buttonHwnd = Window( "hwnd:=" & hwnd ).WinButton("text:=1").GetROProperty("hwnd")
Extern.EnableWindow buttonHwnd,False
BHOManager Class插件的问题。文件名是BHOManager.dll,部分人的机器上该插件被禁用或删除掉了,猜测原因可能是使用了某些清理ie的工具导致。
如果是被禁用了,只要重新启用即可;如果是被删除掉了,可以重新安装qtp,或者从别处拷贝BHOManager.dll文件过来,用regsvr32 BHOManager.dll注册后就可以了。
QTP脚本开发,每次都要打开文件夹,却总是默认从C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\Tests来找文件,
1, HKEY_current_user\software\MI\QTP\mictest\TestsDirectory
2, HKEY_local_machine\software\MI\QTP\mictest\TestsDirectory
using System.Runtime.InteropS
namespace ScreenDisplaySetting
&&& public class ChangeResulution
&&&&&&& [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
&&&&&&& public struct DEVMODE
&&&&&&&&&&& [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
&&&&&&&&&&& public string dmDeviceN
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmSpecV
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmDriverV
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmS
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmDriverE
&&&&&&&&&&& public int dmF
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmO
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmPaperS
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmPaperL
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmPaperW
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmS
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmC
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmDefaultS
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmPrintQ
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmC
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmD
&&&&&&& &&&&public short dmYR
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmTTO
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmC
&&&&&&&&&&& [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
&&&&&&&&&&& public string dmFormN
&&&&&&&&&&& public short dmLogP
&&&&&&&&& &&public int dmBitsPerP
&&&&&&&&&&& public int dmPelsW
&&&&&&&&&&& public int dmPelsH
&&&&&&&&&&& public int dmDisplayF
&&&&&&&&&&& public int dmDisplayF
&&&&&&& [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
&&&&& &&static extern int ChangeDisplaySettings([In] ref DEVMODE lpDevMode, int dwFlags);
&&&&&&& [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
&&&&&&& static extern bool EnumDisplaySettings(string lpszDeviceName, Int32 iModeNum, ref DEVMODE lpDevMode);
&&&&&&& public void ChangeRes( int width,int height ,int frequency ,int BitsPerPel)
&&&&&&&&&&& DEVMODE DevM = new DEVMODE();
&&&&&&&&&&& DevM.dmSize = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DEVMODE));
&&&&&&&&&&& mybool = EnumDisplaySettings(null, 0, ref DevM);
&&&&&&&&&&& DevM.dmPelsWidth =//宽
&&&&&&&&&&& DevM.dmPelsHeight =//高
&&&&&&&&&&& DevM.dmDisplayFrequency =//刷新频率
&&&&&&&&&&& DevM.dmBitsPerPel = BitsPerP//颜色象素
&&&&&&&&&&& long result = ChangeDisplaySettings(ref DevM, 0);
&&&&&&& }&&
Set var_CreateInstance = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("ScreenDisplaySetting.ChangeResulution","E:\ScreenDisplaySetting.dll")
var_CreateInstance.ChangeRes ,32 ' 参数分别代表 宽、高、刷新率、颜色质量
Set var_CreateInstance = Nothing
Extern.Declare micLong,"InternetOpen","wininet.dll","InternetOpenA",micString,micDWord,micString,micString,micDWord
Extern.Declare micLong,"InternetConnect","wininet.dll","InternetConnectA",micLong,micString,micInteger,micString,micString,micDWord,micDWord,micDWord
Extern.Declare micInteger,"FtpGetFile","wininet.dll","FtpGetFileA",micLong,micString,micString,micInteger,micDWord,micDWord,micDWord
Extern.Declare micInteger,"FtpPutFile","wininet.dll","FtpPutFileA",micLong,micString,micString,micDWord
Extern.Declare micInteger,"InternetCloseHandle","wininet.dll","InternetCloseHandle",micLong
hInternet = Extern.InternetOpen("QTP_FTP",OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT,vbNullChar,vbNullChar,0)
If hInternet=0 Then Print("QTP_FTP:Failed to setup FTP environment.")
hConnection = Extern.InternetConnect(hInternet,"",DEFAULT_FTP_PORT,"user1","user1",1,0,0)
If hConnection =0 Then Print("Failed to setup FTP environment")
' bRetval = Extern.FtpPutFile(hConnection,sLocalFile,sRemoteFile,0)
bRetval = Extern.FtpGetFile(hConnection,"/Mercury/QuickTest/QTP crack.rar","D:\QTP crack.rar",0,0,1,0)
If Not CBool(bRetVal) Then
&&& Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"FTP:FtpGetFile function","Failed to open download file."
&&& Print("FTP:File :QTP crack.rar downloaded successfully")
&&& 'Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"FTP:FtpPutFile function","FTP:File"&sLocalFile&"upload successfully."
29、QTP webtable单元格赋值问题
可以用Set objLink = objTable.ChildItem(intRow, intCol, "WebElement" , 0)获得对象,因为点击后,此单元格变成可写的webedit类型,即objLink 这个对象直接set值肯定不行,目前不知道怎么去实现?
Set objLink = objTable.ChildItem(intRow, intCol, "WebElement" , 0)
30、QTP能不能自动加上with...end with 语句?
一大堆代码要手动改成with...end with 语句来提高执行效率, 问一下QTP有没有这个功能可以自动修改呢?
Edit --& Advanced --& Apply "With" to script...
while (Window("Text:=Yahoo! - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "index:="&i).exist)
&& Window("Text:=Yahoo! - Microsoft Internet Explorer", "index:="&i).close
&&& Dim oBrowserDesc, oBrowsers, iBrowserCount, iBrowserIndex, sBrowserName
&&& Set oBrowserDesc = Description.Create
&&& oBrowserDesc("micclass").Value = "Browser"
&&& Set oBrowsers = Desktop.ChildObjects(oBrowserDesc)
&&& iBrowserCount = oBrowsers.Count
&&& If iBrowserCount = 0 Then
&&&&&&&&&& 'Print "当前没有浏览器打开"
&&&&&&&&&& 'Print "浏览器个数: " & cStr(iBrowserCount)
&&&&&&&&&& For iBrowserIndex = 0 To iBrowserCount - 1
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 'sBrowserName = oBrowsers(iBrowserIndex).getroproperty("name")
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 'Print "正在关闭: " & sBrowserName
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& oBrowsers(iBrowserIndex).Close
&&&&&&&&&& Next&&&&&&
&&& End If
&&& Set oBrowsers = Nothing
&&& Set oBrowserDesc = Nothing
32、描述性编程时,QTP 无法识别带问号的网址URL?
PageURL = "/frame.php?frameon=yes"
Browser("version:=inter.*").Navigate PageURL
If Browser("version:=inter.*").Page("url:=/frame.php\?frameon=yes").Exist Then
&&& Print "OK"
&&& Print "NOT OK!"
Msgbox GetRandomChar2
Function GetRandomChar()
&&& Dim StrArray
&&& StrArray = Array("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z")
&&& Randomize
&&& ub = Ubound(StrArray)
&&& idx =Int( ( ub - 0 + 1 )& * Rnd +0)
&&& GetRandomChar = StrArray(idx )
End Function
Function GetRandomChar2()
&& &&&& Randomize
&&& idx =Int( ( ub - 32 + 126 )& * Rnd +32)
&&& GetRandomChar2 = Chr(idx)
'&& For I = 32 to 126
'&&&&&&&&& Print I &" :" &Chr(I)
'&& Next&&&&&&
End Function
If& Window("XXX").WinToolbar("XXX").GetItemProperty(1,"enabled") = False& Then
Dim num,A(6),Redvalue
Redvalue = 0
While num&6
&&& newnum = Int(20 * Rnd + 1)
&&& iR = False
&&& For I = 0 To num
&&&&&&& IF A(I) = newnum Then
&&&&&&&&&&& iR = True
&&&&&&& End IF
&&& If iR = False Then
&&&&&&& A(num) = newnum
&&&&&&& num = num + 1
&&& End If&&&
Msgbox A(0) & " " & A(1) & " " & A(2) & " " & A(3) & " " && A(4) & " "& A(5)
36、如何使用HTML DOM进行自动化测试?
Dim oIee, objedit
Dim oPagtxt
Set oIee = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
oIee.navigate (".hk")
oIee.Visible = True
Do While oIee.readystate && 4
Set oPagtxt = oIee.document
set objedit = oPagtxt.getelementsbyname("q")
objedit(0).value = "QTP自动化测试进阶"
set objbutton = oPagtxt.getelementsbyname("btnG")
Set oIee = Nothing
37、为什么QTP录制了网页的 后退 功能后,回放时运行出错?
工具-&Internet选项-&程序-&管理加载项,选择&Internet Explorer 已经使用的加载项&,查找&BHOManager Class&,在下面的&设置&中选择&启用&,重启IE就可以了。
Browser("百度一下,你就知道").Page("百度一下,你就知道").WebEdit("wd").Set "QTP"
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "%({LEFT})"
Set WshShell = Nothing
Msgbox GetRandomChars(10)
Function GetRandomChars( length )
For I = 0 to length
&& &&&& Randomize
&&& idx =Int( ( ub - 32 + 126 )& * Rnd +32)
&&& str = str & Chr(idx)
GetRandomChars = str&&&&&
End Function
Set obj_Menu = VbWindow("frm_main").WinMenu("Menu")
GetNamesRec "", obj_Menu
' Open All Menus and Sub-Menus and Write the Menu Names in the Results
Function GetNamesRec(itemPath, menuObj)
&&&& ret = 0
&&&& lbl = menuObj.GetItemProperty(itemPath, "Label")
&&&& Reporter.ReportEvent 0, itemPath & " label", lbl
&&&& ret = menuObj.GetItemProperty(itemPath, "HasSubMenu")
&&&& If ret Then
&&&&&&& cnt = menuObj.GetItemProperty(itemPath, "SubMenuCount")
&&&&&&& Reporter.ReportEvent 0, itemPath & " sub-menu items", cnt
&&&&&&& For n = 1 To cnt
&& &&&&&&&&Path = menuObj.BuildMenuPath(itemPath, n)
&&&&&&&&&& GetNamesRec Path, menuObj
&&&&&&& Next
&&& End If
End Function
If VbWindow("frm_main").WinMenu("Menu").CheckItemProperty("FOpen" , "Exists" , True, 1000 )& && True Then
&&& Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"找不到指定菜单项","找不到 " & Menu
dim time1,time2,time3
Msgbox DateDiff("s",time1,time2)
DataTable.ImportSheet "D:\XX-Project\data\Flight.xls","Resource","Global"
The DataTable.ImportSheet operation failed. File contains a feature not supported by Formula One.
dim conn,rst
rst.open&select * from navigate where name=&& & x & &&&,conn'此处为方便查看,将单引双引号用中文状态下书写
"select * from navigate where name=" & Chr(39) & x & Chr(39)
rst.open"select * from navigate where name='" & replace(x,"'","''") & "'"
msgbox DatePart("m",date)&"-"&DatePart("d",date)&"-"&DatePart("yyyy",date)
MSR.fbr是运行过程中屏幕录像文件,如果不需要,可以删除。或者也取消生成MSR.fbr,在QTP-Tools-Options-Run中,取消勾选Save Movie to results (QTP9.2)
  '===================================================================  ' Name: CheckAllLinkReachable  ' Summary: CheckAllLinkReachable  ' Parameters:  '& && && &strBrowser: browser name  '& && && &strPage: page name  '& && && &strURLPattern: URL pattern you wan't to check. such as: ^http.*  ' Return: None  '===================================================================  Function CheckAllLinkReachable(strBrowser, strPage, strURLPattern)  Dim blnReachable  blnReachable = True  Set objXML = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")  ' Get all link on the page  Set objDes = Description.Create  objDes("micclass").Value = "Link"  Set objLinkList = Browser(strBrowser).Page(strPage).ChildObjects(objDes)  For i = 0 To objLinkList.Count() - 1  ' Create XML HTTP Object  strURL = objLinkList(i).GetROProperty("href")  If RegExpTest(strURLPattern, strURL) Then  objXML.Open "POST", strURL, false  objXML.Send  '& && && &msgbox objXML.responseText  print (objLinkList(i).GetROProperty("href") & " Ready State:" & objXML.readyState & " Status: " & objXML.status)  If objXML.status && "200" Then  blnReachable = False  End If  objXML.abort()  End If  Next  Set objXML = Nothing  CheckAllLinkReachable = blnReachable  End Function
Call fZip("D:\testZip","D:\testZip.zip")
Call fUnzip("D:\testZip.zip","D:\testUnZip")
Function fZip(sSourceFolder,sTargetZIPFile)
&'This function will add all of the files in a source folder to a ZIP file
&'using Windows' native folder ZIP capability.
&'Returns an integer 0 if everything went ok.
& Dim oShellApp, oFSO, iErr, sErrSource, sErrDescription
& Set oShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
& Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
&& 'The source folder needs to have a \ on the End
&& If Right(sSourceFolder,1) && "\" Then sSourceFolder = sSourceFolder & "\"
& On Error Resume Next
&&& 'If a target ZIP exists already, delete it
&&& If oFSO.FileExists(sTargetZIPFile) Then oFSO.DeleteFile sTargetZIPFile,True
&& iErr = Err.Number
& On Error GoTo 0
&& If iErr && 0 Then&&
&&& fZip = iErr
&&& Exit Function
& On Error Resume Next
&& 'Write the fileheader for a blank zipfile.
&& oFSO.OpenTextFile(sTargetZIPFile, 2, True).Write "PK" & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, Chr(0))
&& iErr = Err.Number
& On Error GoTo 0
&& If iErr && 0 Then&&
&&& fZip = iErr
&&& Exit Function
& On Error Resume Next
&& 'Start copying files into the zip from the source folder.
&& oShellApp.NameSpace(sTargetZIPFile).CopyHere oShellApp.NameSpace(sSourceFolder).Items
&& iErr = Err.Number
& On Error GoTo 0
&& If iErr && 0 Then&&
&&& fZip = iErr
&&& Exit Function
&&& 'Because the copying occurs in a separate process, the script will just continue.& Run a DO...LOOP to prevent the function
&&& 'from exiting until the file is finished zipping.
&&& Do Until oShellApp.NameSpace(sTargetZIPFile).Items.Count = oShellApp.NameSpace(sSourceFolder).Items.Count
&&&& 'WScript.Sleep 500
&&& &Wait 1
& fZip = 0
&End Function
Function fUnzip(sZipFile,sTargetFolder)
& 'Create the Shell.Application object
& Dim oShellApp:Set oShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
& 'Create the File System object
& Dim oFSO:Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
& 'Create the target folder if it isn't already there
& If Not oFSO.FolderExists(sTargetFolder) Then oFSO.CreateFolder sTargetFolder
& 'Extract the files from the zip into the folder
& oShellApp.NameSpace(sTargetFolder).CopyHere oShellApp.NameSpace(sZipFile).Items
&& 'This is a seperate process, so the script would continue even if the unzipping is not done
&& 'To prevent this, we run a DO...LOOP once a second checking to see if the number of files
&& 'in the target folder equals the number of files in the zipfile.& If so, we continue.
&&& 'WScript.Sleep 1000
&&& Wait 1
&& Loop While oFSO.GetFolder(sTargetFolder).Files.Count & oShellApp.NameSpace(sZipFile).Items.Count
&End Function
48、Some useful tip of QTP
Sharing some tip about QTP when i use QTP in myt work! i hope these can be useful, I urge the readers to share their experiences or tips they have used while working on QTP.
1) how to add constant number to datatable in QTP?
This is more to do with MS excel then QTP!! if you want to enter number of 1234567 to datatable,you can write it as&& '1234567. Just append single quotes&& before the number.
2)how can i check ckeckpoint pass or not?
you can do so!
chk_PassFail = Browser(...).Page(...).WebEdit(...).Check (Checkpoint("Check1"))
if chk_PassFail then
MsgBox "Check Point passed"
else MsgBox "Check Point failed"
3)When to use a Recovery Scenario and when to use on error resume next?
Recovery Scenario is used when you can not predict at what step(s) the error can be ocurred,"On error resume next" should be used when you know if an error is expected and dont want to raise it, you may want to have different actions depending upon the error that occurred. Use err.number & err.description to get more details about the error.
4)what to do if you can not run QTP from QC?
This is for especially for newbie!
check that you have been ticked&& "Allow other mercury products to run tests and components" from Tools--& Options--& Run Tab.
&& Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
&& Set f = fso.GetFolder("C:\")
&& Set fc = f.Files
&& For Each f1 in fc
&&&& Print& f1.name
Function zGen_Ping(sHost)
'This function checks that you can get through to the host you require
'Example usage:
'&& 'Check we have internet...
'&& If Not zGen_Ping("") Then
'&&&&&&&&& Msgbox "Not connected to Internet",vbCritical,"Fatal Error:"
'&&&&&&&&& Call ExitTest()&&&&&&&
'&& End If
&&& Print "Gen_Ping : " & sHost
&&& Dim oPing, oRetStatus
&&& Set oPing = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery ("select * from Win32_PingStatus where address = '" & sHost & "'")
&&& For Each oRetStatus In oPing
&&&&&&&&&& If IsNull(oRetStatus.StatusCode) Or oRetStatus.StatusCode && 0 Then
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Print "Gen_Ping Failed - Status code :" & oRetStatus.StatusCode
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& zGen_Ping = False
&&&&&&&&&& Else
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Print "Gen_Ping OK - Bytes&&& : " & vbTab & oRetStatus.BufferSize
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Print "Gen_Ping OK - Time(ms) : " & vbTab & oRetStatus.ResponseTime
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Print "Gen_Ping OK - TTL(s)&& : " & vbTab & oRetStatus.ResponseTimeToLive
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& zGen_Ping = True
&&&&&&&&&& End If
&&& Set oPing = Nothing
End Function
1.Using a Registry Editor such as Regedt32.exe, open this key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\StylesNote: If the Styles key is not present, create a new key that is called Styles.2. Create a new DWORD value called &MaxScriptStatements& under this key and set the value to the desired number of script statements. If you are unsure of what value you need to set this to, you can set it to a DWORD value of 0xFFFFFFFF to completely avoid the dialog.
Sub IE_ChangeScriptTimeOut()
&&&&& Dim Registry, sKeyPath, sValueName, dwValue, sComputer
&&&&& sKeyPath = "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles"
&&&&& sValueName = "MaxScriptStatements"
&&&&& dwValue = -1
&&&&& sComputer = "."
&&&&& On Error Resume Next
&&&&&&&&&&& Set Registry = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &_
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& sComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
&&&&&&&&&&& Registry.CreateKey HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKeyPath
&&&&&&&&&&& Registry.SetDWORDValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKeyPath, sValueName, CLng(dwValue)
&&&&& On Error Goto 0
&&&&& Set Registry = Nothing
IE Error: A script is causing IE to run slowly


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