
it is across f▁ no,拜托了.the new children&#39.急急急.13 middle school. they all like the children&#39there is a n▁
children's library.it is very b╯ library in our c▁.children like to read and do t╯ library has four f▁, history and other s▁.there are different kinds of b▁ for children can l▁ about science
写掉了补充一下:you can also f▁ newspapers,magazines and VCDs.
big, floorsnew, from, city, their, books, subjects, learn
new city from big floors books learn subjects their
new;city;from;big / beautiful;floors;books;learn;subjects;their。
出门在外也不愁提问者:匿名 & 时间:
>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>
10-12-6自己写的(中文为六年级,英语有的难,不过没事,加油!!!Children's Day, suggests that it is for children over the holidays, many children are eagerly looking forward to Children's Day, I was no exception."Mummy, is Children's Day and the day after tomorrow or the weekend, where we play?" I curiously asked her mother. I was also very small, only seven years old, so the Children's Day is very important to me. Mom decided to let me and my best friend to the playground and some other interesting places.Children's Day to that day morning, I drowsily opened his eyes, smelling the scent smelt, it is the taste of bacon. Up, get dressed, brush your teeth, I found my best friend Rose has been sitting in our house gnawing ham bread on the table. Mother is going to let me spend with her from morning till night a happy Children's Day. After breakfast, we went to the playground.Where we played roller coaster, I was almost crying out of fear it! Later we went to the haunted house, but for Rose, holding me, I may really be scared out of their wits. We play darts and subsequently lose the ball game, who knows, I am having a good, actually shot with the darts one thing, they won the arrival of a plush toy. "Wow, you are so good!" Rose cried, I was not good at listening to other people's recognition of "Shucks." I scratched his head with embarrassment, but my mind was secretly delighted, and sure enough, I have never followed lost in before. Because the weather......
六一儿童节小短文& 记住密码
& 急急急!!!考托口语到底应该怎么准备?
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&&托福口语的备考过程中,交流对话是一个不错的练习方法。但是,也有备考学生由于担心自己的表达能力,也并不会把托友间的相互交流作为口语提升的首选方法。&&从客观的角度来说,托福口语的要求真的很低,相比于托福的阅读和听力的要求来说,如果说达到100+托福的阅读和听力是七八十层那么 高的楼的话,托福口语的要求,其实也就七八层楼高,关键是之前我们说的太少了,其实托福口语只要是听力过关,然后潜心准备1-2个月,达到大多数学校所要 求的口语线真的是超简单的。
& && &那么托福口语的关键是什么?是内容?是思路?其实我们忽略了一个很重要的主题,就是“说”!这是一个口语考试,又不是作文考试,内容固然可贵,但是 一个顺畅的、自然地表达才是口语考试的关键所在!我们现在有太多的考友都喜欢在练习的时候,将准备说的内容写出来,为的就是追求内容的完美无缺,但是在考 试的时候,我们怎么可能有这么多的时间呢?想一想准备的时间只有短短的几十秒,根本没有给我们这么多的准备时间。
最后登录&注册时间&威望0 &活跃度420 ℃&金币23 枚&积分23&精华0&帖子4&主题0&
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00:17 编辑
口语& && && && &&&口语是最难的部分。说它难,不是因为它的考题多变,而是对于广大中国考生而言,口语本身就是弱项,加之新托考口语的形式很机械,使得考生必须做充分的准备。口语分三个部分。& && & 第一部分问两个日常话题(比如你喜欢看什么书,平时做什么运动),15秒准备,45秒回答。
第三部分是两个‘听+说’的考题。第一个题是campus life related。内容一定(我说一定是因为我看了两年的机经,都是这个模式)是一个人遇到一个问题,另一个人提出两个解决方法。问你的问题是说一下遇到了什么问题,有什么解决方法,哪个好。在回答哪个好的时候可以加自己的经历或是观点,但不是一定要加。20秒准备,60秒回答。最后一题academic topic,听一段lecture,然后回答问题,这个题的形式就不确定了,有精力的可以研究一下机经,说不定有我没发现的规律~同样,20秒准备,60秒回答。回答口语的基本要求是要有detail,有时还要有example。
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先报下分数吧: 29+ 29 +29 +28=115
& &&&我推荐的阅读组合是这样的:OG+Delta,OG是自测用的,了解题型,找到弱点;Delta是查缺补漏用的。有人说Delta出题思路和真题差别太大,但我感觉里面的专项练做得还是不错。没有必要每个专题都复习,挑自己的弱点就行了。
& & 下面说说考试的过程吧。平时练习阅读的时间在每篇10分钟左右,所以我在考试的时候就有意放慢了进度,每篇都15分钟做完剩下5分钟检查。我极力支持阅读的时候做笔记,尤其是对于我这种记忆力不太好的人来说。托福阅读的框架性很强,把那条主线抽取出来列在草纸上可以加深对文章的印象,而且许多题看着笔记就能答。平时做阅读练习时,我大概要花6、7分钟在阅读文章上,但做题时候就会非常从容。
口语是另一个让我比较意外的section。29分,3个good。我对自己的口语还算有信心的,因为找了个网上外教,天天跟外教说英语,跟外教模拟过托福口语考试,很有语感,所以考试时不紧张,另外外教经常给我反馈,所以我在口语方面犯的错误很快就能得到纠正,这个是那个外教网的地址, ,有免费的试听课,价钱也不贵,一节课也才20块这样,性价比比较高。
& &&&通过跟外教的模拟,我发现口语任务其实对考生的要求是简单而直接的,它不需要你把一件事情说得滴水不漏,对于独立任务来说,你说得明白,他们听得懂,就行了;对于综合任务,你说明白,让他们知道你听得懂看得懂,也就行了。在这种情况下每一个观点都要用尽可能简洁直接的方式去表达,你可以试着去同义替换,来体现对语言的掌握,但如果没有这个能力还要勉力为之,你会眼看着时间加速地流走,自己对着电脑只顾张口结舌嗯嗯啊啊。
& && &考前三天的时候我用口语真经做了一遍全真的练习。那是很艰难的感觉。从一开始的时候,我说到严重的口误时候就会突然停下来说不下去,或者3点的问题我说了2点时间就已经到了。我一整天练了20多个口语,不断地强迫自己。其实说到后来就又感觉了,自己看着表的指针走到哪里就会很本能的反映出现在应该说到哪一点,虽然没看过模版却在练习中磨合出了一套自己的“表达习惯”,没有特别要求开头说什么结尾说什么,只是很自然地成为了一种习惯,这也是得益于平常跟外教练英语。口语记模版是一件比较无聊的事。我感觉到现场上去想模版,甚至因为紧张忘了一句模版就说不下去是很不值得的。如果不放心,就记下自己平时说的习惯。毕竟别人说的模版不是自己的,说起来总会很拗口,还不如自己总结。
& &&&Tip:不要停下来。对着话筒不停地说,连贯性非常重要。哪怕你不知道说什么,也要对着话筒勇敢地讲。这种勇气在练习的时候可以强迫自己练出来。如果没有时间练习,在考试的时候也要尽全力不要让自己的回答间断或有太多语气助词。
  一开始对听力没什么信心。虽说平时看的英文电影和电视剧不少,而且Harry Potter的四、五、六部原版磁带我都是利用上学路上的时间听下来的,但是一碰到理解性的题立刻就开始发晕了,尤其是学校考试,几乎每次都扣分,托福听力也是这样的,语速不快,口齿清晰得很,全听懂对于大部分考生没有问题,但一到答题就开始困惑了。
  Tips:托福设计成现在这个样子是有它的道理的。它旨在让考生能更好的适应北美校园生活,也便于北美学校选出那些更容易适应校园环境的学生。顺着ETS的路子走不会有错。把conversation当作你上学路上听到身边经过的美女或帅哥的谈话,或者是任何一个你感兴趣的人,你就不会觉得听力那么难懂。你只是在试图了解他们的生活。对于lecture也是一样,不要看到botany class就头大,把它当成北美校园里的一堂试听课,把屏幕上的那张脸当作你真正的老师,记botany class的笔记,而不是枯燥的英语课考前复习。听力会变得轻松很多。
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Copyright &求6篇初二上册的英语小短文!急急急急急啊!!_百度知道
No telephone or e-mail orders(订购)during the sale. He is Mr Cool’s friend. the Olympic Games for people with disabilities(残疾). B【解析】简单计算题、营业时间及服务态度和自己的购物情况.(
)2。1, shorts,且第一个字母需大写, like cakes. to get better soon
A, apples. 故答案是expensive. cheap
C. There are many
for boys and girls in the store,可知应选C. It may be an interesting experience. 1. held in Beijing in 2008
C:174 难度系数. Even reckoning makes long friends.
亲兄弟.“Why do you buy things here. My English teacher’sB主题. They came home by taxi because they wanted to save money. A 【解析】细节判断题。
E篇【内容提要】本文主要讲述了威尔逊夫人领着两个孩子去一家超市购物。4. Because she broke her neck and couldn’t play any more. You can make a phone call to order the things you want。根据Some of are nice and they are not expensive. my teacher
词数.Please try it.Open hours:00 in the morning to 20.“Well done. Some of the T—shirts are nice and
!”Mrs Wilson added everything up and found her children were right. C【解析】词义理解题. $ 8.
A. Because she didn’t like it any more。4。由降价的时间及降价前后的商品价格表可知。1,介绍了网上购物的好处以及对网上购物未来的展望,在十二月二十二日块卖8,在广告词中对商品的价格。介绍了服装店的情况.
) 4,” but we came home by taxi because we had too much to carry.”根据短文内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F) (
) 1. What sport did Sang Lan play before,明算账。
C篇【内容提要】本文主要向人们推荐网上购物.:3分钟My friends.
C. my mother
B. So long as she has the will to take up pingpong games.90. 中not wealthy 意思就是poor. C【解析】综合理解题. D【解析】细节判断题.计算可知.2Sale starts on December 22 and ends on December 30.
“I will return to competition in 2008: Monday to Friday
9∶00 am to 8∶00 pm Saturday to Sunday
10∶00 am to 6∶00 pmAddress。2.
D篇【内容提要】本文主要介绍了自己家附近的一家大商店。目的是培养学生实际购物尤其网上购物的能力! And it will even be a part of your life. A 【解析】由短文第一句There is a big shop near my home.
C。1. Online shopping may be an interesting
, my mother buys a white T—shirt and a black skirt:93 难度系数.
A.in this store. F【解析】由文中The cost (花费)of the taxi was more than the money you saved, COUNTRY& MOVIES.
一分钱难倒英雄汉, “next time we will do shopping near our home。2:4分钟
There is a big shop near my home, the goods are nice and cheap here?
A. I can also buy some food and drink.”Mrs Wilson said.
A. With his help. twenty(
) 5.5。4?” Truly asked,根据四个选项句意及短文中的时间可知只有A正确. SangLan hopes _____。中考阅读理解对本话题考查是通过阅读小短文理解大意.【解析】由第二段最后一句At the same time.
C. $ 9、时间。
4. pingpong2? 购物【话题解读】本话题是谈论购物.”可知. She bought some groceries (杂货) in the supermarket, DISCO.且not expensive为cheap之意。体裁. Honesty is the best policy. He is Mr Cool’s friend, Mum. We’re very happy. 4. We like it very much, when you want to buy something,进行现场购物. They went to the supermarket in the new shopping mall (购物中心). C【解析】由第二段第四句I often help my father and mother buy things in the shop:广告词
D. Only movies VCDs
A,而又由but转折推出“不贵”,并遇见了英语老师!体裁. It is easy and quick for you to go shopping online.5 $ 8. I like them very much。 【阅读训练】A主题. I meet my English teacher Mr Liu in the store?
A,真是得不偿失啊。5,” she said:★★★
The shop is open from 9. to take part in 2008 Paralympic Games. sells CDs only
B,买到货真价实. I am
B, the children said. You needn’t come out of your room.
A, and white. I also see some skirts. Te word “dear” means
. People in the shop are very friendly.9美元的商品在降价前是卖9。5. We don&#39, where will you go,学会和售货员打交道. at any time from Monday to Sunday
C. Which of the following is TRUE:00 in the evening every day. You can order(订购) through Internet, like pens, VCDs and DVDs by yourself!可知没省钱. my father and mother(
) 4.【解析】由文中第二段第三句可知答案是easy!体裁.3:5分钟One day Mrs Wilson took Trudy and Ben to go shopping. Which of the following sentence is true.可知应选A. I go shopping with
today:00 in the evening every day。此题是考查对时间的理解. in the morning
D. at 8 am Thursday evening
B. A gold medal in Beijing Olympics is all I want: 108 Culture Street根据短文内容选出正确的答案(
B.The shop is open
.9 $ 11. It sells a lot of things. It has lots of T-shirts for boys and girls. at 8 o’clock Saturday morning
D. my father(
) 2. “Help me check (检查)the prices, those who have lost their hands still have the ability to play with an arm:115 难度系数。由The shop is open from 9. All of them(
)3, erasers and exercise-books.The shop is
. I can buy things on my way home.
shopping is a new way to go shopping:★★★
建议阅读时间. At the same time.”“Of course I did.【解析】根据第二段一二句可知答案是online, but it is not dear. How much should you pay for the same CD on November 30th. It is big. T【解析】根据首段可知此句正确:00 in the evening every day. I often help my father and mother buy things in the shop. near my home
B。体裁. This is online shopping. At the same time. With
词数, COUNTRY& MOVIES可知, pencils。这就要求学生在日常生活中多注意. A【解析】 语句理解题.可知.
B。F:4分钟The Video Shop’s Winter Sale (大减价) on every CD。5,对所有的光碟进行了大降价. expensive
B,VCD and DVD. You needn’t come
of your room if you go shopping online。由于前面说到遇见了英语老师. is having a sale on everything
C: 我的收获做对(个)
单词 做错(个)
短语 错误原因
经典句式 改进决策
阅读方法 【英语万花筒】1. 根据短文内容完成下列各题1. is closed(
)2. I often help
buy things in the shop:记叙文
词数, JAZZ。2?Here is a new way to go shopping. One day Mrs Wilson took Trudy and Ben to the supermarket in the new shopping mall. Because she will take part in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games。3.【解析】由第二段第五句You needn’t come out of your room. Only rock CDs
B.5,她们回家乘出租车的费用却超出了购物省下的钱,” said the children,妈妈买到了合适的服装.
A,赶快去看一下吧;t know,在老师的帮助下. to play at Goodwill Games again5.
A.When they got home. Sang Lan will win a gold medal in Beijing Olympics
D, the goods are nice and cheap here. You may pay $8.可知:★★
建议阅读时间. C 【解析】 细节判断题.
2,故可推出是在老师的帮助下, then you can choose what you like.
A, bananas and oranges.5$ 13。由广告词的第一句话The Video Shop’s Winter Sale (大减价) on every CD. near my school
C. T—shirts(
) 3, DISCO. C【解析】逻辑推理题. 根据短文内容选出正确的答案(
) 1. My father wants to buy a fridge. C【解析】由此句I meet my English teacher Mr Liu in the store. Mrs Wilson saved money by going to the supermarket there。3。使学生了解购物的途径. Mr Cool’s
C.” Sang said:记叙文 词数. My mother is
C,对所有的光碟进行了大降价. 【本周盘点】我的成绩. skirts
B, the goods are nice and not
here. Why didn’t she go on her sport profession. $ 0.” Said Mrs Wilson. Time is money,VCD and DVD?LIST
PRICE$ 9. You can buy shirts. is having a sale on CD。2.The shop is open for about
时间就是金钱, ROCK、性能. Sang Lan may join in like matches with opponents of her same grade.(F)Sang Lan May Appear in Pingpong Games
Twenty-two-year-old Chinese woman gymnast Sang Lan,通过比较质量和价格, has lately expressed the desire to take up table tennis as her second sport profession and hopes to take part in 2008 Paralympic Games. tennis
B, she may join in like matches with opponents of her same grade, 故正确. It is
and quick for you to go shopping online:89 难度系数。2。4. T【解析】由第三段答语“Because they are cheaper than those at the corner store. Because she found pingpong more interesting. every day
B篇【内容提要】本文主要介绍了某个音像店进行了冬季促销活动. table tennis
C,多观察父母或他人如何购物. B【解析】词义理解题. expensive
E主题.【解析】由第三段第二句可知答案是experience. A man without money is no man at all。【答案与评析】答案与解析
做人诚信为本.“Because they are cheaper than those at the corner store。根据本句The shop is open from 9,VCD and DVD, green. to take part in 2008 Beijing Olympics
C.”“We know.
A, pants,可知。由句子The Wilson were not wealthy (富有的) and Mrs Wilson was always careful with her money。2.90 for a music CD on December 22. Snag Lan broke her neck at the Olympic Games in 1998. It’s 1800 yuan. The Paralympic Games is ____.可知答案是out. Just click your mouse (鼠标), according to Paralympic medical classification.60. C【解析】细节判断题、商店地址等进行了说明:3分钟Today I go to Mr Cool’s Clothes Store with my mother,从出售的商品到营业时间及服务态度都做了说明, “We don’t think you saved money by going to the supermarket there.”The Wilson were not wealthy (富有的) and Mrs Wilson was always careful with her money。体裁、称心如意的商品.可知. 再由由于cheap即not expensive.
In the past Paralymic Games. The cost (花费)of the taxi was more than the money you saved. You should go to the shop for the CDs. I find a very good fridge, JAZZ:本文介绍了家附近的一家大商店的情况, VCD and DVD
D. She looked carefully at the prices of things. A【解析】由文中的一句可知是和妈妈去购物.(
)5. F【解析】根据文中we came home by taxi because we had too much to carry可知不正确. The things in the supermarket are cheaper than those at the corner store (
) 3. ______are on sale.9$ 11 $ 9,谈生意:92
难度系数.My English teacher is(
) 5. Sang Lan has taken up table tennis. eleven
C!D主题, rulers、价格以及购物步骤.
A. T【解析】词义理解题.
A. liked by Sang Lan 4. Only jazz and country DVD
C. B【解析】细节判断题. The shop _______, “everything was cheap there。1. my father
B. very far (
) 2. From the shop I can buy many school things?
B. in the afternoon(
) 3:00 in the morning to 20。由广告词的第一句话The Video Shop’s Winter Sale (大减价) on every CD,却不料打的费用超出了购物省下的钱, according to Sang Lan.5美元. They are in black:本文讲述了小作者与妈妈一起购买衣服的经历。3:★★★
建议阅读时间。3。根据此句No telephone or e-mail orders(订购)during the sale. big(
) 4. 3, POP MUSIC.
A, ROCK.。4. at 8 o’clock Sunday evening
C主题。由第三句It has lots of T—shirts for boys and girls可知. Some of are nice and they are not expensive,但是经过孩子们的计算. You can write a letter to order CDs or something.
Mr Cool’s friend? To the supermarket or other places. The Wilson were so poor that Mrs Wilson was always careful with her money.50,商品倒是比其他商店便宜.可知是说营业是每天从早上九点到下午八点: 某个音像店进行了冬季促销活动. the Olympic Games for people with no hands
) 5。根据前面提到好冰箱并且很大,然后走进市场或网络. You can buy CDs
C:00 in the morning to 20.根据短文内容选出正确的答案(
) 1. my mother
B。详细说明了出售的商品. good
C. gymnastics
D, who broke her neck at Goodwill Games in 1998是阅读理解题吗, my mother buys a white T—shirt and black skirt for only 50 yuan.


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