
& 在北京哪里可以看到足球比赛
19:00& 北京市民讲外语活动组委会
  Where can I see a football match in Beijing?
  A Where can I see a football match in Beijing?
  A 在北京哪里可以看到足球比赛?
  B Usually there’s a match at the Worker’s Stadium.
  B 通常在工人体育馆有足球比赛。
  A On what day?
  A 星期几有?
  B Usually Sundays.
  B 通常在周日。
  A Is the Stadium far?
  A 体育馆远吗?
  B No. Twenty minutes in a taxi.
  B 不远。乘出租车20分钟就到。
  A Well, I might go there.
  A 哦,我可能去那里。
  B I can check if there is a match. I will try and get you tickets.
  B 我看看那里有没有比赛。我会尽力给你弄到票。
  Notes 注释
  1 Remember how to ask where you can do something, or see something, or where something is: Where can I see a football match in Beijing? / Where can I see a football match in Beijing?
  记住怎样说你可以在哪里做某事、看某物或者某物在哪里。Where can I see a football match in Beijing? /在北京哪里能够看到足球比赛?
  2 If something occurs commonly at a certain time, you can say Usually . . . / Usually . . . e.g.: Usually there’s a match at the Worker’s Stadium / Usually there’s a match at the Worker’s S Usually on Sundays / Usually on Sundays.
  如果某事通常在某个时间发生,你可以说Usually . . . / 通常 . . . 例如: Usually there’s a match at the Worker’s Stadium / 通常在工人体育馆有比赛; Usually on Sundays / 通常是周六。
  3 If you want to ask if a place is far or near, you can say: Is the Stadium far? / Is the Stadium far?; Is the Stadium near? / Is the Stadium near?
  如果你想问某地是近还是远,你可以说:Is the Stadium far? / 体育馆远吗?; Is the Stadium near? /体育馆近吗?
Key phrases and sentences
Where can I see a football match in Beijing?
Usually there’s a match at the Worker’s Stadium.
On what day?
Usually on Sundays.
Is the Stadium far?
Twenty minutes by taxi.
I might go there.
I can check if there is a match.
I will try and get you tickets.
热 点 专 题
(/ 18:58)(/ 18:55)(/ 18:53)(/ 16:13)(/ 19:39)
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