英语Mike、family发音、nice 中i发音一样吗

I’m an English boy. I’m thirteen. My name is Mike. I have a sister. Her name is Kate. She is ten. Kate and I are students. I’m in Grade One and she is in Grade Five. We are in the same school. My father is a teacher. He is a teacher of English. He is forty. My mother is a doctor. I have a nice house and a happy family.(
)16. Mike is ________.
A. in New York
C. English
D. ten years old(
)17. Mike is Kate’s ______.A. friend
D. brother(
)18. Kate and I are in _____ .A. different schools
B. different classesC. the same grade
D. the same class(
)19. Kate's ______ is an English teacher.A. father
B. brother
D. sister(
)20. ______ family are very happy.A. Mike
B. Mike’s and Kate’sC. Kate
D. Mike and Kate’s
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like right
light slight
hike kite.
扫描下载二维码nice and是什么意思_nice and在线翻译_nice and什么意思_nice and的意思_nice and的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
nice and是什么意思
nice and是什么意思 nice and在线翻译 nice and什么意思 nice and的意思 nice and的翻译 nice and的解释 nice and的发音 nice and的同义词
nice and英 [nais aend] 美 [na?s ?nd] nice and 基本解释很,挺,…得很;nice andnice and 相关例句ph.1. nice and1. It's nice and warm sitting by the fire.&&&&坐在炉火旁挺温暖舒适。nice and 网络解释1. 1. 很好而且:'Cause it would have been nice having a grandmother.|因为有一个外婆真的很好 | Nice and...|很好而且... | maybe a little less lonely.|或许不会那么孤单nice and 双语例句1. It`s a sunny and nice day.&&&&这是美好的一天,阳光明媚。2. The onather place though the fishes were crawd but under the reefs, both fishes and reefs were mixed. I yet saw a sea eel but could not pictured it with nice effetion.&&&&还有一个地方鱼多得很啊,可是在礁石中,我照来照去,照片里分辨不清鱼和礁石了,我还在海边看见了一条海鳗,但照相机照来照去,无法照出满意的效果。3. nice and3. She was of slight build with a great figure with nice bottom and breasts, a pretty face and short hair.&&&&她是轻微的建立与一个伟大的数字,与美臀和乳房,一个美丽的面及蓄短发。4. 4. When we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we retire.&&&&当当我们退休的时候,我们拿一辆好的汽车,而且能够继续进行一种好的职业的时候。5. She had tried them all, from Alziari in Nice to the United Producers of Nyons, and in her expert and considered view the oil produced in the valley of Les Baux was the best.&&&&当妻子把安莉送来的一只野兔蘸着香料和芥末烤熟的时候,我的自尊和良知早已经不知跑到哪里去了。6. I love autumn because its nice and cool.&&&&我喜爱秋天,因为它很凉爽。7. I am cool and nice looking gentleman looking a nice girl. if you consider yourself qualify please contact me immediately.&&&&性格开朗,爱好广泛,期望能有一个温暖幸福的家,那是我心灵寄托的港湾。8. 8. He seems overmatched and nervous. Henn is a nice kid who tries hard but has a 7.53 career ERA over parts of three seasons. Wright allowed a home run to Mike Lowell in April that just now landed on the Mass Pike. That was the end of him.&&&&他看来实力有段差距并且容易紧张;Sean Henn是个努力的好孩子,但他3个球季的ERA 高达7.53;Chase Wright在四月份被红袜的Mike Lowell打的那支全垒打搞不好现在还留在Mass Pike。9. I ran my eyes down that nice typewritten bill of fare, looking for something like that. But when I looked, I turned my chair over and shouted for the owner.&&&&我的眼睛在那份用打字机打得漂漂亮亮的菜单上浏览了一遍,想找蔬菜吃,我看着看着,就把椅子弄翻了,把老板喊来。10. Motai wine is the most famous strong wine in our country, it taste nice and won't make u feel faint.&&&&绍兴酒属米酒类,品之香味诱人,有点象日本的清酒。11. He has big eyes and nice hair.&&&&&&他有大眼睛和美发。12. 12. He is a very nice person and we got on very well.&&&&&&而且他是个非常友善的人,我们相处的非常好。13. 911查询·英语单词13. I saw they prepared many kinds of fruits and nice-looking food.&&&&&&我看见她们准备了很多水果和鲜美的食物。14. 14. I went to dilys's blog and i knew she had a nice birthday party with her partners. she said no matter how happy at the party or some monments, it was still a worst birthday. i can understand. i know everything and the feelings. i also had a worst birthay and a worst 20 years old. anyways, dilys is a very nice girl=very smart, very kind, very cute and so on. i think there will be many boys who like such a nice girl so dear dilys u will get your happiness.&&&&&&现在这个时候我只想哇哈哈哈哈的狂笑一通!莫得啥子,正二八经莫得啥子,就算我吃饱了莫得事情干,我看到别个那些幸福甜蜜的人们,羡慕的冒酸水水。又能怎样?有哪些人会每天来看我的blog,默默关注我的生活我的心情?究竟我还要咋个切拌命才摆脱得到那些噩梦一般的往事和记忆?我到底还要怎样才可以变得骄傲起来?地球超人,给我力量。15. nice and的近义词15. A suggestion is put forward to adding H2SO4 or (NH4)2SO4 into the mother liquor after calcium nitrate tetrahydrate separated for a further removal of residual Ca, thus the Ca content can be decreased to 0.35% from the previous 3.4%, and the viscosity of neutralized slurry to 0.04 ~0.08 Pa·s, with nice fluidity of slurry Water soluble phosphorus accoun ts to 88%~90%, and the process improves the adaptability of phosphate rock to nitrophosphate production.&&&&&&提出分离四水硝酸钙后的母液加入H2SO4或(NH4)2SO4进一步除去母液中残钙,可使母液中钙含量由3.4%降到0.35%以下,中和器中料浆粘度可降到0.04~0.08 Pa·s,料浆流动性很好,产品中磷的水溶率可达88%~90%,并提高了硝酸磷肥生产对磷矿的适应能力。16. She likes Western clothing. She's tall and thin. She looks very nice in Western shirts and pants.&&&&&&她喜欢西部服装,她又高又瘦她穿西部衬衫和裤子很好看。17. 17. This color is not traditionally thought of as a Christmas flower, but looks nice when you have a large display of poinsettias and want to mix some different colored blooms in with the usual red.&&&&&&这不是传统色彩的思想作为圣诞花但是当你好看一品红、大展示想组合一些与平日不同的色彩红。18. 18. Give me a cup of coffee, nice and hot.&&&&&&给我一杯香浓热咖啡。19. I want my coffee nice and hot.&&&&&&我想喝味道香浓的热咖啡。20. You can also throw in your favorite bottle of barbecue sauce and a nice bottle of wine to enjoy when the grilling is done.&&&&&&你也可以投入你最喜欢的烧烤酱,一瓶瓶酒好享受当刻苦的做。nice and 单语例句1. Shrimp turns red and vegetables smell nice in a few minutes by stirring them with a pot of high temperature stones.2. I got into a nice stride and hit a few good shots coming in.3. This is what local agents call " a very nice market ", and last month their area had a week of free worldwide publicity.4. Black caviar and pickled daikon radish gave the neutral freshness of the fish a nice salty compliment.5. They said they loved the nice weather, the small town of Cedar City and hospitable friends.6. So you're kind of given a chance and it's really nice to be given that chance.7. Dinner starts with tapas - pickled green peppers, grilled cheese and steamed egg custard with mashed vegetables - a nice selection for vegetarians.8. The miner could be heard telling the Chilean president how nice it was to breathe fresh air and see the stars.9. " Deck the Halls " strains to be both naughty and nice with much clamor and not much conviction.10. I'm hitting it further and I'm hitting it straighter, which is a nice combo.nice and是什么意思,nice and在线翻译,nice and什么意思,nice and的意思,nice and的翻译,nice and的解释,nice and的发音,nice and的同义词,nice and的反义词,nice and的例句,nice and的相关词组,nice and意思是什么,nice and怎么翻译,单词nice and是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 —Hi, Mike! Nice to see you.
A.How do you do?
B.Nice to see you, too.
C.I’m fine.
试题分析: 句意: 嗨!麦克!见到你很高兴。见到你也很高兴。见面时当对方问候Nice to see you.时,要同时回答Nice to see you, too. 故答案选B。
试题“—Hi, Mike! Nice to see yo...”;主要考察你对
Did you find _____ very interesting to play Yo Yo?
A. this B. it"s C. that D. it
It"s very nice________ pictures for me.
A. of you to draw
B. for you to draw
C. for you drawing
D. of you drawing
It"s very nice _____ pictures for me.
A. of you to draw B. for you to draw C. for you drawing D. of you drawing
京ICP证050421号&京ICP备号 &京公安备110-1081940& 网络视听许可证0110531号


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