
fisticuffs ['fisti?k?fs]
1. SIT-INS, blockades and fisticuffs are routine distractions in the Rada, Ukraine's parliament.But this week's chaos was unusual even by Ukrainian standards. 静坐、路障、推桑这些都是让乌克兰国会分心的事情,但即使按照乌克兰标准,这周的混乱也是不正常的。 2. The idea was to make it less chaotic and prone to fisticuffs. 其目的是为了减少“立法院”的混乱和经常上演的全武行。 3. And anyone who knows me will tell you that I frown upon fisticuffs. 每一个认识我的人,都会告诉你我不喜欢打斗。 4. Settle your disputes in a reasonable way, must you always resort to fisticuffs? 有什么事好好地说,干吗动不动地就讲打? 5. Be rowdy and engage in fisticuffs 拿拳打架 6. This was not the sort of thing country boys did when they played at fisticuffs and Jack was furious. 这不是乡下小伙子斗殴时的那种搞法,杰克火冒三丈了。fisticuff的海词问答与网友补充:
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英文翻译dlinlinkelly:&&&&lin-lin chen:&&&& linlin fan:&&&&gui linlin:&&&&lin-lin guo:&&&&linlin hu:&&&&maggie lee:&&&&lin-lin liu:&&&&shi linlin
例句与用法Li hongliang , guo guolin , gui linlin李洪亮,郭国霖,桂琳琳Artist name : lee , lam lam艺人名称:李琳琳Female artist lee , lam lam女艺人李琳琳Hu linlin , who won weifang hongqi scholarship in 2002 and was admitted to tsing hua university胡琳琳: 2002年获潍坊市“鸿启”奖学金,考入清华大学。 Heroic bloodshed director chang cheh reunites with alexander fu sheng , david chiang , and the stars of five venoms as all hell breaks loose with far - ou . .张彻导演在本片选角方面,刻意撮合两对银坛夫妇,傅声与甄妮及姜大卫与李琳琳演对手戏。 All courses are specially designed by our great chiefs . besides providing you with regular breakfast , lunch , and set meals , you can also select from a variety of popular malaysian food食谱全部由名厨精心安排,除应有之早餐、午餐及精心配制之各款套餐外,更添设琳琳总总的各式马来美食。 Heroic bloodshed director chang cheh reunites with alexander fu sheng , david chiang , and the stars of five venoms as all hell breaks loose with far - out fisticuffs , bringing new meaning to the art of death张彻导演在本片选角方面,刻意撮合两对银坛夫妇,傅声与甄妮及姜大卫与李琳琳演对手戏。 In the early morning of march 11 , all the scientists and keepers gathered around lin lin ' s cage , it waiting for the mating between experience male lin lin and the no natural mating experience female fei fei , but after about half hour trying , failed日早上,还没有来得及打扫和喂食,所有的科研人员和饲养员就已经聚集到了琳琳圈外,今天早上是经验丰富的雄性大熊猫琳琳和没有自然交配经验的雌性大熊猫妃妃的交配尝试,经过了近半个小时的“太极拳”式的较量,最终以失败告终。 &&
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All rights reservedn. 术语;学期;期限;条款
vt. 把…叫做
n. (Term)人名;(泰)丁
考 研 CET6
术语,措辞,学期,期限来自 term-,边界,终端,引申词义术语,措辞,期限等。比较 define,finish.
term: [13] The etymological notion underlying the word term is of a ‘limit’ or ‘boundary’, and hence of an ‘end’. It comes via Old French terme from Latin terminus ‘boundary, limit’, which was also borrowed into Welsh as terfyn ‘boundary’ and directly into English in the 17th century as terminus ‘finishing point’ (it was first applied to railway stations in the 1830s).The notion of a ‘time limit’ led to its use for a ‘period of time’, the sense in which it was first used in E the particular application to a ‘period in which a school, law court, etc is in session’ emerged in the mid 15th century. The sense ‘word or phrase expressing a particular idea’ arose (through Greek influence) in medieval Latin from the concept of ‘limiting’ the application of an expression.Also from Latin terminus come English determine, exterminate [16], terminal [15], terminate [16], and terminology [19].=& , , , c. 1200, terme "limit in time, set or appointed period," from Old French terme "limit of time or place, date, appointed time, duration" (11c.), from Latin terminus "end, boundary line," in Medieval Latin "expression, definition," related to termen "boundary, end" (see ). Old English had termen "term, end," from Latin. Sense of "period of time during which something happens" first recorded c. 1300, especially of a school or law court session (mid-15c.).
 The meaning "word or phrase used in a limited or precise sense" is first recorded late 14c., from Medieval Latin use of terminus to render Greek horos "boundary," employed in mathematics and logic. Hence in terms of "in the language or phraseology peculiar to." Meaning "completion of the period of pregnancy" is from 1844. Term-paper in U.S. educational sense is recorded from 1931."to give a particular name to," 1550s, from
(n.). Related: Termed; terming.
1. This is something of a grudge match against a long-term enemy.
这可以说是一场与宿敌你死我活的比赛。 来自柯林斯例句 2. The country had confounded the pundits by electing a fourth-term Tory government.
该国国民连续四次选举托利党来执掌政府,这令专家们困惑不已。 来自柯林斯例句 3. Felipe Gonzalez won a fourth term of office in Spain's election.
费利佩·冈萨雷斯在西班牙选举中获得第4次连任。 来自柯林斯例句 4. There was a net outflow of about ?50m in short-term capital.
短期资金净流出额大约为5,000万英镑。 来自柯林斯例句 5. The agreement should have very positive results in the long term.
从长远来看,这个协议将会产生非常积极的影响。 来自柯林斯例句
[ term的用法, term 造句 ]fisticuffs是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
a fight with bare fists
fighting with the fists
The idea was to make it less chaotic and prone to fisticuffs.
And anyone who knows me will tell you that I frown upon fisticuffs.
Settle your disputes in a reasonable way, must you always resort to fisticuffs?
This was not the sort of thing country boys did when they played at fisticuffs and Jack was furious.
AS MOST parents know, boys are more likely than girls to use fisticuffs to sort out disputes.
We were on the verge of fisticuffs but Mikael Silvestre, Fabien Barthez and Robert Pires got there just in time and intervened.
Fifty years of fisticuffs had flattened his nose.
出自:B. Chatwin
fisticuffs&:&斗拳 ...


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