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The 20 best free Photoshop Scripts
The 20 best free Photoshop Scripts
You know about Photoshop Actions - well, Scripts can do so much more! We've rounded up 20 of the best...
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Photoshop is well known for its support for Filters and , but there's a third way to increase the functionality of Adobe's image editing tool & Scripts. Photoshop Scripts are a little like Actions, but rather than simply being able to replay a series of steps, Scripts can make conditional decisions during processing to enable them to be more intelligent. They also have access to the whole set of Photoshop functionality, including elements not easily accessible to mere actions, so they can do things simply not possible with actions alone. In fact, many of the features you already use in Photoshop are actually Scripts & take the Image Processor function, for example. This is found under the File&Scripts menu inside Photoshop, and allows you to quickly convert an entire folder of images from one format to another, resizing as you go and adding meta data. This is just one example of a Photoshop Script, and accurately demonstrates the power of Scripts. So, with all that in mind, check out our selection of the top Scripts to add functionality to Photoshop, and let us know if you've found any useful Scripts we haven't mentioned in the comments below!
Round the corners of any polygon with this handy free Photoshop ScriptThis handy little Script makes it simple to round the corners of any polygonal shape, and allows you to set different options per corner, allowing you to generate complex shapes quickly and efficiently.
This Script from Trevor Morris converts and saves an image to black-and-white using 20 different approaches. Once the 20 variations have been saved, they can be automatically re-opened in Photoshop for comparison, and you can add your own variations to the mix to increase the comparison options!
Isolate contiguous groups of pixels on a layer with this free Photoshop ScriptThis useful Script simply isolates contiguous groups of pixels on a layer, and promotes each group to a new layer. Very handy for situations where you've got multiple elements on a single layer but need to separate them out.
Russell Brown offers a good variety of useful Scripts and extensions on his website, as you might expect from one of Adobe's ambassadors. This particular Script allows you to quickly grab a texture to use in your open document.
This super-useful Script from Mike Hale allows you to remove the word copy from the layer name of duplicated layers inside Photoshop. It can apply the removal across multiple layers simultaneously, or just the currently active layer.
Generate a calendar for a month of your choosingThis Script allows you to generate a calendar for any given month of your choosing. Simply run the Script, choose your month and year, and the Script will generate everything for you.
Another of Russell Brown's Scripts, this one allows you to combine multiple exposures into one completed image & ideal for astro-photography where details need to be extrapolated from multiple captures rather than just one.
If you use sprites for your background images in web design, you'll love this Script that allows you to automatically generate a sprite and all the associated CSS required to use it, simply by choosing a folder of images.
This Script allows you to create diptychs, triptychs and ntychs quickly and easily inside Photoshop. Choose the number of rows and columns, and how the source images should be composited, and let Tych Panel do its thing!
This Script allows you to easily export individual parts of a PSD document as separate, cropped files by naming layers according to the filename you'd like to save with. For example, name a layer 'background.jpg' and run this Script to save that one layer out, while hiding all other layers. Next page: 10 more free time-saving Photoshop Scripts
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官方公共微信JAVA Scrip、JAVA EE,和JAVA有什么区别。我该先学哪个呢?哪个入门比较好?_百度知道
JAVA Scrip、JAVA EE,和JAVA有什么区别。我该先学哪个呢?哪个入门比较好?
javascript 类前台脚本语言直接运行效用做网站网页添加些态效(做态网站态网站指jsp/asp/php/.net)Java 种设计语言运行前需编译包括j2ee(企业版)j2me(微型版)j2se(标准版).j2ee做些企业管理软件j2me随着高端手机增现逐渐苹、塞班系统及android替代.般用手机游戏发.要做网站PHP要做手机选择新技术选择android.关于java没前景做太认做java做C/C++
java 发平台发环境 javaeejava企业级应用 javascript 页面种执行代码
应该先习java入门 解javaweb应用 面网页javascript东西javaee其实java新名字已
java是开发语言,java EE是开发平台,一般是公司里用的,javascript是脚本语言,在页面上用的,先学java,然后剩下的就容易上手了
java是一个总称,主要分基础部分也叫j2se和应用部分如java ee javame等,java ee是企业级应用开发,现在主要有两个分支java ee和java me,也就是说这两个是学java是以后的发展方向,所以肯定得先学java的,并且建议你如果要从事java方面的开发的话,选javaee比较主流,基础很重要,先学j2se打好基础,再看发展方向选哪个方向再学。至于javascript本身和java没有太大联系,只是名字上带&java”而已(希望像java一样流行),它是一种脚本语言,做网页特效什么的,现在网页基本上都要用到它或者是用它做成的框架,这个没有先后的,你想学就学其他语言一样,入门不是很难,但最好先学html,这样会好点。好多东西都是相通的,相信你在学习的过程中会慢慢明白的,IT界就是名词多,其实入门不是很难的。加油!
JAVA是一门语言,JAVA EE是JAVA的应用,就像数学,你先认识加、减、乘、除(JAVA)才能学数学应用题(JAVA EE);JAVA Scrip是脚本语言,是做WEB前端的,也就是做界面的。学习JAVA EE必需有JAVA的基础,同时也要有HTML和Java Script等这些基础,不然根本没法学下去,我也是刚学J2EE不久,希望我的理解可以帮到你,当然也希望高手能在此指点指点,将感激不尽~~
第一章 JavaScript (基础)
第二章 JavaScript(高级)}


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