
&&iPhone5s 越狱教程_iPhone5s 越狱新手扫盲_苹果越狱教程
iPhone5s 越狱教程_iPhone5s 越狱新手扫盲_苹果越狱教程
关键字: &&&&&&
&&&&&&&&?基带?有锁机?这些在教程中频频出现的名词是不是搞到你头大呢?今天就来对这些名词做一个汇总教程,让你再看教程时不再迷惑。&&&&&iPhone5s 越狱Jailbreak&&&&&&&&iphone5S越狱就是解除一些原版固件的限制,最大的好处是可以安装破解的软件,这些软件都是收费的,比如一些游戏和实用程序。越狱后还可以对系统主题进行更换,这些在原版固件上是不可能实现的,还有其他诸如此类的好处也不必说全了。通过越狱也可以进行软件的破解。支持,并且提供大量,iPhone5S,需要的童鞋可以查阅。&&&&&cydia:&&&&&&&&每一篇iPhone5S中都会提到Cydia。大家都知道没越狱的手机都只能从app&store下限免或者付费的软件,iPhone5S越狱之后,可以通过Cydia下载App&Store&上无法提供的软件和。在Cydia可以找到网上许多稳定的数据包,也可以添加额外的数据库,十分方便用户。&&&&&激活&&&&&&&&激活就是通过iTunes或者无线网络使得iPhone5S可以正常使用的过程。无锁版可以直接激活,有锁版需要进行iPhone5S越狱或者使用万能激活卡,请参考iPhone5S。&&&&&基带baseband&&&&&&&&官方解释:在传输系统特定的输入点和输出点上由一个信号或若干个已复用信号所占有的频带。&&&&&&&&白话解释:基带其实就是手机里起到调制解调功能的一个电路。&&&&&&&&不过对于需要iPhone5S越狱的童鞋来说,基带有需要注意的地方。一般iPhone5S越狱教程中都会提到基带只能升级不能降级。&&&&&固件:&&&&&&&&iPhone5S固件是指iPhone5S中运行的操作系统,也就是iOS系统。目前最新的是,XY提供各版本的。&&&&&有锁/无锁&locked/unlocked&&&&&&&&其实,有锁机就是国外绑定运营商的合约机,无锁机就是没有绑定运营商的裸机。iPhone5S的有锁机想要使用必须进行破解。一般美版、大部分欧版都是有锁机,像港版、新西兰版、意大利版等基本都是无锁的。&&&&&破解(解锁)&&&&&&&&解锁包括软解和硬解两种方式&&&&&&&&软解:对机器硬件没有损伤,通过修改机器软件系统达到破解手机的目的。解锁软件包括黄雪(YellowSn0w)、红雪(Redsn0w)等软件&&&&&&&&硬解:拆机对机器内部硬件进行修改达到硬降基带的目的,对机器有一定伤害的破解方式。&&&&&恢复&&&&&&&&恢复(刷机)恢复这个词取自iTunes里对机器进行固件恢复的这个过程,恢复其实是在iphone5S的系统出了问题或者版本较老,从而将iphone的系统升级或者重新刷机的过程&&&&&砖头/砖机:&&&&&&&&意思是指有锁版机器误刷无软解基带的固件,此类机器要么借助卡贴实现电话功能,要么只能当iTouch用。虽然机器的硬件没有任何损害,但是电话功能成了摆设。&看完全文,是不是对这些iPhone5S越狱教程中出现的名词有所了解了呢?相关推荐:iPhone&越狱::iPhone5s&越狱::
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iOS 9.0.2完美越狱图文教程
iPhone5S教程  准备工作:支持7.0/7.0.1/7.0.2/7.0.4系统,iPhone和iPad操作类似。如果用户设置了开机密码或者TouchID指纹锁,请在&设置&中取消掉,同时取消iTunes备份密码,再来进行越狱。  请去掉此项的复选框越狱详细教程:  第一步:将下载到的ZIP包解压到任意位置,打开evasi0n7.exe(请使用管理员身份运行),然后连接设备到电脑。&  如果你是第一次与这台PC连接,请点击iOS设备上出现的信任按钮,才可以继续越狱哦。  第二步:点击程序主界面的Jailbreak(开始越狱)按钮,其他什么都不需要做,然后就是等待设备自动重启了。  第三步:请根据提示打开设备上的evasi0n7图标,等待即可,程序会自动继续。  此时设备会自动重启,并显示如下画面(以iPhone为例):  之后会自动进入桌面,看到了久违的出现了吧?为了方便大家越狱之后更方便的下载游戏,在越狱成功之后,我们还会看到&搜苹果&,它提供了十万多的游戏和工具,并支持下载超多金币BT修改版,而且完全免费、绿色安全,最主要的是超快的下载速度,秒杀其他助手!现在打开&搜苹果&去体验无限金币的快感吧!  重要提醒:越狱成功之后,首次进入程序,一定要等待它自动重启退出,万万不能手动退出!  在最后再次提醒下大家,目前iOS7越狱刚刚发布,输入法、来电显示、主题以及更换字体的插件都尚未更新适配iOS7,大家不要轻易安装不确定的越狱插件哦,很可能会导致白/黑苹果的哦!
大家都在搜HomeSubscribeHey guys!Thanks for your recent questions about jailbreaking the iPhone 5 (you know who you are). I went through the same thing (surfing the complex internet maze of information for the best jailbreaking software) before I came across my top picks. I will share my experience with you here today!Just a quick side note: if you are thinking about trying to jailbreak your phone on your own, you need to know that it is quite risky. My sister-in-law tried it, and found out the hard way what bricking means! If you are unfamiliar with the term, “bricking” your iPhone means that you have made it completely useless – like a brick! My sister-in-law lost all of her apps, all of her contacts, everything! I have a sneaky suspicion that next time she will use the software I recommend here! Anyway, the point here is that you can do it yourself, but I wouldn’t recommend it because it is highly uncertain. It is definitely not worth having to buy a new phone.The programs I will list below will jailbreak your iPhone in a matter of minutes, which is another advantage of using the software instead of tryi minutes versus hours. You can do it in just a couple of steps, plus you have technical support to guide you, instead of making an educated guess. Personally, I like the idea of having someone to fall back on in case I make a mistake. So, without further delay, here are my top picks (in order from favorite to least favorite):1) iJailbreak Pro (Editor Rating: 10 out of 10)iJailbreak Pro is one that I ran across pretty recently and it quickly became my top pick. I have mostly used this one to help friends out with the iPad mini and the iPhone 5, but they support older versions of iDevices like iPhone 4, 4s, iPad 2 etc as well if you need them. Their Jailbreak takes around 3.5-4 minutes (that’s considered blazing fast by the way). I have a pretty full schedule, so the fact that I can use this software to complete a jailbreak in the time it takes me to make coffee in the morning really sets it above everything else I have used.Not only is it fast, but it does both jailbreak and unlock, which most software won’t do.I’ll quickly go over the difference between jailbreaking and unlocking. I assume you are already familiar with what jailbreaking does. Jailbreak makes apps and modifications possible on your phone that you won’t get through Apple. It opens you up to thousands of downloadable songs as well and a lot of free stuff that may not have been free before (but please, have respect for the artists and creators and avoid piracy).Unlocking, though, is different than jailbreaking. Unlocking means that you can use your phone with different providers than the one you bought it under. Basically, the company doesn’t get to dictate your usage of your own phone. That means you can actually use any service provider you want to. That’s the best thing about unlocking your phone! And that’s the one thing most people don’ you don’t have to be a slave to one certain provider. You do actually have a choice! And with iJailbreak Pro – when you buy their solution, you get your iPhone unlock for free. How awesome is that!The iJailbreak Pro guys in fact have a 30 day money back guarantee and a lifetime membership, which honestly is the reason I gave them a shot in the first place. And I am really glad I did! With the lifetime membership, I can jailbreak new iOS versions immediately, a huge plus in my book.One last thing- these guys have awesome customer service. They went over everything I wanted to know very patiently, and offered a lot of helpful advice that I would never have even thought to ask about.Yes, they are $5 more expensive than some the guys below, but when the $5 is the difference between being able to get a quick response to any customer support email (regardless of how silly the question is) from someone who actually speaks proper English and getting a slow response to only urgent questions in broken English, then I’m happy to pay it.Bottom line: Great software that works super fast, with awesome customer service. They score 10 out of 10 points with me. Check out there site here.2) Jailbreak Unlock (Editor Rating: 7/10)These guys are decent. I actually used to use them all the time before I found iJailbreak Pro. They get the job done, but they are no longer my first choice.The main thing I don’t like about using this software is that it takes more time to complete the Jailbreak. Sometimes they take around 15 minutes, and I have too much to do to wait around on them every time I update my iOS. Also, their customer support isn’t really the greatest. They will get back to you, but it may not be until the next day. They don’t have a phone number where you can talk to someone live, so you have to e-mail them. It just seems a little impersonal to me. Overall, they are ok but not great. If for some reason iJailbreak Pro site wasn’t working, I would still use them though.All in all, I would rate them 7 out of 10. You can check them out here.3) iJailbreak Tool (Editor Rating 5/10) – UPDATE: iJailbreak Tool is not selling anymore.Well, er…. It works. That’s about the best that can be said about this software. I used them back in the day (when iPhone 4 first came out) but I found better software and kinda left them in the dust. I would use them as a last resort just because I know the software does what it is supposed to do, despite their files being oddly formatted and instructions being a bit overly complex. Also, they don’t update their software for latest iOS versions as quickly as my first choices. Still, they are better than a lot of services I have come across, which is why they got a spot in my review.Customer service is somewhat of a joke in my opinion. They have an overseas customer service line that you can call, but I absolutely refuse to pay the long distance charges, so I never called them. I feel like it’s absolutely outrageous to sell a product and not even have a support system in the same country! (Phew! Sorry, I’m done ranting now…)These guys only get 5 out of 10 from me.&RecapSo, just a quick recap. All of the software I have mentioned above works well to Jailbreak iPhone 5, but the quality of service is not equal. iJailbreak Pro is my go to service. The others work, but they have some drawbacks, so keep all of the information I’ve given you in mind if you decide to use them. I hope this has helped you.So go get started! Break free from the rule of the Apple dictatorship, or the bondage of your current service provider, and enjoy your new iPhone freedom!Your iPhone Jailbreak man, Mike TutorJust how can you spy on someone phone without being caught? There are various mobile phone spy applications apps on the market for one to choose from. Almost every single one of them is asserting to be the most suitable mobile phone tracker, best mobile number locator, etc. One of the most effective applications is the Highster cell application.Use Highster Program to EASILY Track your entire Kid’s Activities in their mobileWhat or worried about your children cell phones activities your adolescent normally do with his or her cellphone? The Highster Mobile spy software for cell phone may be utilized as cell phone tracker apparatus of an individual. You understand the placement of the telephone utilizing the spy software, and can see the text messages, hear your kids cell phones dialogs. You will get the entire information regarding your kid as the portion of the life since the youth is using the telephone. Using the spy software is quite helpful but may be used for other purposes. You are able to ensure that the kids aren’t at the wrong place of organization.Make use of the Application to Display the Partner’s TelephoneHow to spy on someoneThe Highster Mobile spy software for cell phone could also be utilized as the spy instruments to track your partner’s action. You’ll comprehend it instantaneously, whether your partner is cheating on you or maybe not. See the Highster movie review below to find out how this woman could catch, assemble all the required information she desired before confronting her adulterous husband to the level the guy openly admitted that he’s been cheating on her.Make use of the Program to Monitor the Worker’s mobile PhoneIs Highster APP a great cellular phone tracking software? The Highster Mobile spy software for mobile phones is an excellent tool to understand the activity of your workers. You’re going to get the advice what your workers desire for his or her business. You might get the whole information regarding phone histories your workers’ messaging, plus the internet histories. Actually, you’re able to receive the data with merely an account and install the applications in the mobiles. Companies are employing as the tool to command their employees correctly together with the employees this Highster Mobile spy software’s approval. So if you’re searching for a reputable and good phone tracker device, Highster mobile cell phone tracking software will surly do the work at affordable price additionally for you personally.Backup Your CellphoneTake the advantages of utilizing Highster Mobile sp you should make use of this application to backup the information of your own cellular telephone. The data including the text messages, call record, and internet browser history could be supported, and the info may be procured by you when you want along with your report.Typically, the mobile phone is restricted with the memory that is cellular telephone. Utilizing the spy application, you don’t have to get mistaken with that particular difficulty since you are able to keep all your old data using the Highster Mobile total edition 3.0.Clarify the Billing by way of your PhoneUsing the spy application, it really is possible to comprehend making use of your cellphone in all facets in the text messaging before the the phone call background. Because the evidence using the info, you’ll be able to prevent the overcharging from your personal cell phone supplier.Cell Phone Location TrackingYou may get the area of your kid or your love using the spy software helps. You could always comprehend the phone target’s precise place, following the application program is installed in the target phone. It is easy for you without being stressed of the business to focus on your children as well as your partner. Now you too can take the advantages of mobile phones exploiting, tracking and monitoring software application and make the most effective use of it.Purloined TelephonesMobile Location Tracker: Is it possible to track a cell phone with Highstermobile APP? Only lost your mobile phone? No problems at all… thanks to Highster mobile phone locator device included together with your purchase of the full model of Highster Mobile 3.0 download… You are able to get it easily and back track your cellphone’s location.My Closing IdeasDoes Highster Mobile mobile phone spy software really worth giving a trial offer? Yes in my own notions and from my expertise using the program, Highster Mobile works and value’s every penny you invest in buying the app the complete edition and don’t get deceived by online scammers attempting their very best to reap you off your hard earned cash by assuring Highster Mobile 3.0 free download offers online. If you’d like to get a lawful and completely operational version that won’t add any spyware on you pc, you certainly should purchase Highster Mobile FULL version 3.0.If you’re looking for reliable info on how to spy on some one without being caught, trying to find the very best mobile phone tracker software, the best cell phone tracking software that actually works best based on real reviews and review from happy customers which were using this application for a long time. Do consider giving a risk-free trial to Highster Mobile APP yourself. I hope that this Highster mobile reviews article post was helpful? Enjoy your day’s rest.September marks a new chapter for Apple devices, particularly with iPhones as the newest and by far the grandest evolution in phones has just been released. The iPhone 5S, which will be available in space gray, gold and silver colors and as previous rumors about having a 128GB storage capacity, it seems that Apple has passed for that option for this phone.Available at a contract price of $199 for the 16GB, it’s sold for $299 for the 32GB and $399 for the 64GB which will be available only with AT&T, Sprint and Verizon. If one wants to have an unlocked iPhone 5S, SIM-free or pre-installed with T-Mobile SIM, the price of 16GB is at $649, 32GB is at $749 and 64GB is at $849.A significant number of phone reviewers pronounced that this is the most beautiful thing that ever happened for iPhone evolution. The latest iPhone is equipped with the latest processor A7 chip which is based on a 64-bit mobile architecture, supported with a co-processor called M7 which is designed to take the task for accelerometer, gyroscope, and compass. It works from the main processor thus freeing it to make it more efficient on other tasks.A technologically advanced feature integrated with the latest iPhone 5S is the fingerprint identity sensor which can read beneath the outer layers of the owner’s skin to get a detailed print and unlock the phone. These are just two of the latest innovations that Apple has created and there are a couple more which can suffice the desires of any iPhone fanatics.But then if you want to have an iPhone 5S and you seem not to be satisfied with what Apple has integrated that you would like to have some more features you think can be handled by the phone, then consider jailbreaking your idevice. Jailbreak tool for iPhone 5S is now being developed and will be ready weeks after the release of the latest mobile operating system, the iOS 7. In fact, hackers and programmers who are creating the latest jailbreak tool hinted that this new program will be bigger than jailbreak alone though they did not specify any details.There’s also a hint that all jailbreak tools for previous iOS versions will be integrated with the upcoming jailbreak tool. So for those who are still unable to buy the latest iPhone can jailbreak their currently phone using the upcoming jailbreak tool.With a jailbroken phone, users will be able to access tons of apps to choose from in Cydia that can easily satisfy what they are looking for. Just like the old days when iPhone owners are bored to death for apps that should have not been part of the apps offered by Apple via App Store.With a jailbroken iPhone, tons of apps, themes and extensions will be readily available for download. And now with the latest technology that Apple integrated on the latest iPhone, no wonder more and more apps will be developed to satisfy the needs of would-be iPhone 5S users, even better that what Apple currently offer.September 11th was a historic event for Apple when it unveiled two iPhones as this was the first time ever that they have released two devices of the same mold, the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. And it does not stop there – they also introduced the long awaited new operating system called iOS 7 that will replace the old, dysfunctional, and bug full iOS 6.From the time they announced the new iOS which will become part of the two new iPhones, Apple also released beta versions for developers. This proved to be a critical move. This gave a window of opportunity for programmers and hackers to develop a jailbreak tool for the new iOS.Weeks before the launch of the new Apple products, jailbreak programmers and hackers announced that they have already created a new jailbreak tool that has a capability not only to hack into the new iOS, but also for previous iOS versions. They said that they will be releasing the new jailbreak tool once the new iPhones becomes available in the market. September 13th marked the start of pre-order for iPhone 5C while it will be a week after for iPhone 5S.Apple boasted that App Store is not only made of thousands of apps, it now has hundreds of thousands of apps available for download. Compared that to the open-market Cydia that offers millions of apps to iPhone users, many tests the waters Apple has not even think of. Proof of this are the many new apps Apple claimed to innovate, introduce and integrate on the new iOS and iPhones, when in truth, it has been in the Cydia market for quite a long while now.They claimed to have added new categories and filters in App Store to make searches for needed apps become even more user-friendly, when in fact, they didn’t. This just proves that there are lots of opportunities for enhancements, which Apple releases batch by batch. Or Apple simply doesn’t know that it is possible to make or do, and needs to see first from a jailbroken iPhone to verify whether or not it is applicable.Some also consider the possibility that Apple is doing this piece by piece upgrade to create an atmosphere of suspense, excitement and enthusiasm. And so, when it’s their turn to make announcements for upcoming devices, just like what happened during the last event, it will make a big buzz. That’s a very good, well-drawn marketing strategy indeed.But not all will fall for the same trap all the time. People are now smarter than what they thought. This is why hackers and programmers join hands in creating a more user-friendly environment for iPhone users, especially now that the new iPhone 5S will soon to be released. A very powerful and advanced technology that will be put to waste if not maximized to its full capability.As the group of hackers once proclaimed, while Apple still has not resolved and has made available all the functionalities that iPhones and other Apple devices are capable of doing, jailbreaking will still continue to knock at their doorsteps.Apple recently announced a date for a very special event, September 10. Although there has been no specifics as to whether the latest iPhones – the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C – and the latest mobile operating system iOS 7 will be released on the said affair, still, many have been waiting for this momentous occasion including iPhone fanatics, programmers and hackers, and of course, Apple.Since the release of Apple devices, there has been this special catch-up game where programmers and hackers try and so far has successfully jailbroken the operating system of idevices.As previously announced by Apple, the latest iOS 7 is set to be released this September. This will undoubtedly become a feast for jailbreakers. Although there has been quite a few who already claimed to have jailbroken the latest operating system, it has yet to be tested on the new iPhone and for future iDevices.Surely, this will be another milestone for jailbreakers, and the continuation of fun and enjoyment for iPhone users, at least for now. Remember that the U.S. Copyright Office has recently concluded that jailbreaking still has legal basis for iPhones and will continue to have this exemption until 2015, when a new application needs to be filed, else it will expire.How are hackers able to come up with a new jailbreak tool? Thanks to the beta versions released by Apple, which has currently on its sixth release so far. Apple’s reason of releasing these beta versions is to uncover bugs and its fixes and to ensure a successful launch. On the other hand, hackers made this their nesting, hatching and testing ground for jailbreaking the new iOS, which could lead to a fast and successful jailbreak tool.Meanwhile, Apple seems to be just letting the river waters flow, testing the iOS’ capacity and security capability which might prove to be a trap for jailbreakers.There has been no clear indication as to the iPhones models and other Apple devices to be supported by the latest iOS. Reports from Apple insiders said that the manufacture of iPhone 5 will soon stop although iPhone 4S will continue. This just proves some Apple observer’s point that iPhone 4S is a runaway favorite compared to iPhone 5 which is why many still continues to support and purchase this product. However, there are strong reports that only few new functions of iOS 7 is compatible with iPhone 4S. If indeed reports are true, a new booby trap is soon to be exposed in the open.Clearly, Apple has the initial upper hand mainly because they produce the needed hardware and software. And Apple remains to have the last say in terms of decision on what’s in and what’s not, which means all possibilities remain within their grasp. But then, there’s no question that hackers can match the hype and can quickly move to make the playing field even, just like what have been done before.It has been a constant battle between the manufacturer who tries to make a monopoly and those that declares war to the monopolists. Who will prove to be the winner? We’ll soon find out.As the upcoming launch for the latest iPhone model – the iPhone 5S nears, more and more iPhone enthusiasts are lining up the queue to have the first glance of Apple’s best ever iPhone to hit the market. No doubt, the suspense of waiting for the newest model has created so much buzz for quite some time now because the leaked images sprouting all over the Internet. There is no question about it – more and more people are hooked to the wonders Apple has brought to its mobile smartphones.Lately, Android phones have been dominating the scene due to the fact that Apple has not been able to release a follow up to the iPhone 5. With the impending release of the latest iPhone model, no doubt Apple will reclaim its status as the best phone manufacturer with iPhone 5S. Although there seem to have no official announcement made thus far, the economy-friendly iPhone 5C model is also making the buzz after it was leaked that Apple will be launching on almost the same time their cheapest phone so far, with an estimated price between $360 to $500.iPhone 5S Hardware SpecificationsWith more and more photos that contain the same specification leaked over the Internet about the iPhone 5S, a clearer description of what this phone will bring is taking shape. One of the most awaited features that are believed to be included on the new iPhone is the Fingerprint Reader. This is supposed to be tied with the new security feature that is connected with iOS 7, the latest operating system developed by Apple that aims to change and bring a new look, and new features not only to iPhone 5S but to other Apple devices.It was previously leaked that the new iPhone will have increased dimensions, reportedly eyeing to have a 4.3-in screen size. But then the latest update is that the new iPhone will still have the same 4-in size but with 1136 × 640 display and a new 12-megapixel camera that includes dual LED flash. It is supposed to support a new feature that will enable iPhone users to record 1080p HD video and as well as in slow motion with its 30 frame per second rate. High Definition videos need higher storage capacity and so having a 128GB will surely be enough to compensate for it.Bigger battery capacity complements the new battery management program that Apple developed that will help maximize phone usability. It will also carry 2GB of RAM that will complement the latest quad-core SGX 554MP4 GPU, A7chipset CPU which is rumored to be 31 percent faster and better that the previous A6 chip of iPhone 5.One of the latest news is that iPhone 5S will have a new color. Units will be available in light gold, more of a champagne-colored. However, there seem to be a setback with this latest addition as new leaked videos and images show that it can withstand coin scraping but leave marks when subjected with a much sharper item. At any rate, Apple seems to have found a new ‘elegant’ way of showing off its new line of phone, the iPhone 5S.Mark your calendar, September 10th will be the target launching date for the most awaited, newest iPhone to hit the town – the iPhone 5S. The just leaked photos of iPhone 5S on the Internet created much buzz about the new features included. Considered to be the best Smartphone in the market so far, will the iPhone 5 be upstaged with iPhone 5S? One might wonder the new technologies integrated with this upcoming phone. To answer that question, there are actually six new features that iPhone 5S wilA7 Chip ProcessorManufactured by Samsung with the advance Higk-K Metal Gate technology, the A7 chip processor is a dual-core 32nm, that includes a clock speed of 1.5GHz, a quad-core PowerVR SGX 544MP4 graphics, 1GB of RAM using the standard LPDDR3-1333 RAM and the memory bandwidth is 10.7GB/s. In short and simple terms – it’s amazingly more powerful than the iPhone 5 A5 chip. The same chip is rumoured to be used on the next iPad presumably called Apple A7X, with little modification on its frequencies and four graphic cores.Storage Capacity of 128GBIt was not clearly stated whether iPhone 5S will still be available in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB but in so far as the latest iPhone 5S, leaked images shows that a 128GB of internal storage will be made available. This seems to be a perfect answer for complaints of iPhone users who is seeking to have more storage for their downloaded stuff.Fingerprint scannerA new convex design made of sapphire will be placed covering the Home Key for the fingerprint scanner. This design was rumoured to easily unlock the phone and for a future authentication application for iPhones.Dual LED flash for the CameraAlthough it is still unclear whether the new phone will have an 8-megapixel or a 12-megapixel camera, a report has it that the new iPhone 5S will have a dual LED flash for better low-light performance. It’s a perfect match for the upcoming slow motion video recording feature that can catch images at 120 frames per second. It was also noted that the front-facing camera will receive an upgrade although it was not clearly stated on the kind of improvement to be applied.Near-field communicationsApple seems to have perfected the flaw previously encountered in iPhone 5; the Near-field communications (NFC) is the technology related with phone wallets and cashless payments. This technological tool used in paying for things through your phone has long been integrated on some leading competitors but encountered difficulties on previous tests made. Once proven a success, iPhone 5S will become the first iPhone to have NFC.Gold caseElegance is the word to describe the new iPhone 5S. The iPhone 5 released a couple of years ago was only offered in two colors – black & white. Now, Apple has come to realize the need to make some adjustments on its face. The new color will be elegant, similar to bubbly champagne.We have long been waiting for the new iPhone to be released, hopefully it will meet the high expectation it has generated over the past few months.What’s New with Apple’s new iPhone The latest news is that iPhone 5S (unofficial name, can very well be iPhone 6) will be out in the market, the same time that the iOS 7 will be unveiled come this fall. This seventh generation iPhone carries the much awaited and better hardware specs compared to the iPhone 5. And this perhaps will [&] Read the full article &New Slow Motion Video Feature for iPhone 5S With the launching of the new iPhone device comes nearer, leaks on latest hardware and software leads on reviewer’s note that this will be the most competitive, low cost iPhone ever to be released. With leaked images of the new iPhone, indicating that the name will iPhone 5S, sources mentioned that this will also come [&] Read the full article &Apple’s ways of Detecting Preventing Jailbroken iPhones Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, jailbreaking an iP however, this did not sit well with Apple. As an essential move to limit unauthorized access to their system, they made sure that every update they release will include a patch to address this issue, making it difficult for jailbreak community. One of the [&] Read the full article && Previous EntriesMike Tutor}


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