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总则 1.拼写普通话基本上以词为书写单位。例如: rén(人)pǎo(跑) hǎo(好)nǐ(你) sān(三)ɡè(个) hěn(很)bǎ(把) hé(和)de(的) ā(啊)pēnɡ(砰) fúrónɡ(芙蓉)qiǎokèlì(巧克力) māmɑ(妈妈) pénɡyou(朋友) yuèdú(阅读) wǎnhuì(晚会) zhònɡshì(重视) dìzhèn(地震) niánqīnɡ(年轻) qiānmínɡ(签名) shìwēi(示威) niǔzhuǎn(扭转) chuánzhī(船只)dànshì(但是) fēichánɡ(非常) dīnɡdōnɡ(叮咚) āiyā(哎呀) diànshìjī(电视机) túshūɡuǎn(图书馆) 2.表示一个整体概念的双音节和三音节结构,连写。例如: quánɡuó(全国)zǒulái(走来) dǎnxiǎo(胆小)huánbǎo(环保) ɡōnɡɡuān(公关)chánɡyònɡcí(常用词) àiniǎozhōu(爱鸟周)yǎnzhōnɡdīnɡ(眼中钉) èzuòjù(恶作剧)pòtiānhuānɡ(破天荒) yīdāoqiē(一刀切)duìbuqǐ(对不起) chīdexiāo(吃得消) 3.四音节及四音节以上表示一个整体概念的名称,按词或语节(词语内部由语音停顿而划分成的片段)分写,不能按词或语节划分的,全都连写。例如: wúfènɡɡānɡɡuǎn(无缝钢管)huánjìnɡbǎohùɡūihuà(环境保护规划) jīnɡtǐɡuǎnɡōnɡlǜfànɡdàqì(晶体管功率放大器) ZhōnɡhuáRénmínGònɡhéɡuó(中华人民共和国) ZhōnɡɡuóShèhuìKēxuéyuàn(中国社会科学院) yánjiūshēnɡyuàn(研究生院) hónɡshízìhuì(红十字会)yúxīnɡcǎosù(鱼腥草素) ɡāoměnɡsuānjiǎ(高锰酸钾)ɡǔshēnɡwùxuéjiā(古生物学家) 4.单音节词重迭,连写;双音节词重迭,分写。例如: rénrén(人人)niánnián(年年) kànkɑn(看看)shūoshuo(说说) dàdà(大大)hónɡhónɡde(红红的) ɡèɡè(个个)tiáotiáo(条条) yánjiūyánjiū(研究研究)shānɡliɑnɡshānɡliɑnɡnɡ(商量商量) xuěbáixuěbái(雪白雪白)tōnɡhónɡtōnɡhónɡ(通红通红) 重迭并列即AABB式结构,连写。例如: láilaiwǎnɡwǎnɡ(来来往往)shuōshuōxiàoxiào(说说笑笑) qīnɡqīnɡchǔchǔ(清清楚楚)wānwānqūqū(弯弯曲曲) fānɡfānɡmiànmiàn(方方面面)qiānqiānwànwàn(千千万万) 5.单音节前附成分(副、总、非、反、超、老、阿、可、无、半等)或单音节后附成分(子、儿、头、性、者、员、家、手、化、们等)与其他词语,连写。例如: fùbùzhǎnɡ(副部长)zǒnɡɡōnɡchénɡshī(总工程师) fùzǒnɡɡōnɡchénɡshī(副总工程师)fēijīnshǔ(非金属) fēiyèwùrényuán(非业务人员)fǎndàndàodǎodàn(反弹道导弹) chāoshēnɡbō(超声波)lǎohǔ(老虎) āyí(阿姨)kěnìfǎnyìnɡ(可逆反应) wútiáojiàn(无条件)bàndǎotǐ(半导体) zhuōzi(桌子)jīnr(今儿) quántou(拳头)kēxuéxìnɡ(科学性) shǒuɡōnɡyèzhě(手工业者)chénɡwùyuán(乘务员) yìshùjiā(艺术家)tuōlājīshǒu(拖拉机手) xiàndàihuà(现代化)háizimen(孩子们) 6.为了便于阅读和理解,某些并列的词、语素之间或某些缩略语当中可用连接号。例如: bā-jiǔtiān(八九天)shíqī-bāsuì(十七八岁) rén-jīduìhuà(人机对话)zhōnɡ-xiǎoxué(中小学) lù-hǎi-kōnɡjūn(陆海空军)biànzhènɡ-wéiwùzhǔyì(辨证唯物主义) Chánɡ-Sānjiǎo(长三角〔长江三角洲〕)Hù-Nínɡ-HánɡDìqū(沪宁杭地区) Zhè-GànXiàn(浙赣线)Jīnɡ-ZànɡGāosùGōnɡlù(京藏高速公路) 基本规则 1.分词连写规则 1.1名词 1.1.1名词与后面的方位词,分写。例如: shānshànɡ(山上)shùxià(树下) ménwài(门外)ménwàimiɑn(门外面) héli(河里)hélǐmiɑn(河里面) huǒchēshànɡmiɑn(火车上
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86 Cards in this Set
amor est bonus
Love is good.
carmen est bonum
The song/poem is good.
cīuitās est bona
Citizenship/The state is good.
corpus est bonum
The body is good.
homō est bonus
The man is good.
labor est bonus
Labor/Work/Toil is good.
litterae sunt bonae
Literature is good.
mōs est bonus
The custom/habit is good.
nōmen est bonum
The name is good.
pāx est bona
Peace is good.
rēx est bonus
The king is good.
tempus est bonum
The time is good.
uxor est bona
The wife is good.
uirgō est bona
The virgin/young woman is good.
uirtūs est bona
Virtue/Courage is good.
amōrem tuum laudō
I praise your love.
carmen tuum laudō
I praise your song/poem.
cīuitātem tuam laudō
I praise your state/citizenship.
corpus tuum laudō
I praise your body.
hominem bonum laudō
I praise the good man.
labōrem tuum laudō
I praise your labor/work/toil.
litterās tuās laudō
I praise your letter/missive.
mōrem tuum laudō
I praise your custom/habit.
mōrēs tuī sunt bonī
Your character is good.
mōrēs tuōs laudō
I praise your character.
nōmen tuum laudō
I praise your name.
pācem perpetuam laudō
I praise perpetual peace.
rēgem bonum laudō
I praise the good king.
tempus bonum laudō
I praise the/a good time.
tempora bona laudō
I praise good times.
uxōrem meam laudō
I praise my wife.
uirginem bonam laudō
I praise the good virgin/young woman.
uirginēs stultās nōn laudō
I do not praise the foolish virgins.
uirtūtēs sunt bonae
Virtues are good.
audeō uirtutem laudāre
I dare to praise uirtue.
mē necās
You are killing me.
litterās amō
I like/love literature.
rēgīna est pulchra
The queen is beautiful.
terra est nostra
The land is ours.
terram nouam laudō
I praise the new land.
post bellum est ōtium
After a war there is peace.
post tē est dōnum
Behind you is a gift.
dōnum est sub librō
The gift is under a book.
carmina tua amō
I like/love your songs/poems.
nōmen rēgīnae est Elizabeth
The name of the queen is Elizabeth.
philosophia est amor sapientiae
Philosophy is the love of wisdom.
ualē, amor!
Goodbye, love!
homō est bellus
The man is handsome.
Parua Bella Victōriae Rēgīnae est liber magnus
_Queen Victoria's Little Wars_ is a great book.
īnsidiās tuās, homō male, tolerāre nōn possum
I cannot tolerate your treachery, evil man.
īnsidiās uestrās, hominēs malī, tolerāre nōn poteram
I was not able to tolerate your treachery, evil men.
puerī malī mē iuuant
Bad boys delight me.
culpāsne mē culpīs meīs?
Do you blame me because of my faults? OR: Do you blame me for my faults?
culpāsne mē propter culpās meās?
Do you blame me because of my faults? OR: Do you blame me for my faults?
amor nouus est pulcher
New love is beautiful.
uīta multī labōris plēna est
Life is full of OR filled with much labor.
uīta multō labōre plēna est
Life is filled with OR full of much labor.
adulēscentia est tempus amōris
Youth is the time of love.
carmina Graecōrum antīquōrum sunt pulchra
The songs/poems of the ancient Greeks are beautiful.
Jesse James multōs hominēs necāuit
Jesse James killed many men.
necāre est malum
To kill is bad.
audēsne deam uocāre?
Do you dare to summon the goddess?
multās fēminās fōrmā superās
You surpass many women in beauty.
Rōmānī Graecōs superāuerint
The Romans will have conquered the Greeks.
librōs antīquōs cōnseruāre dēbēmus
We ought to preserve ancient books.
Bellum et ?tium est liber magnus.
_War and Peace_ is a great book.
paucī librī mē satiāuerant
Few books had satisfied me.
audēbāsne dē amōre cōgitāre?
Were you daring to think about love?
mōrēs bonōs et multās uirtūtēs rēgis bonī laudāuerās
You had praised the good character and many virtues of the good king.
Deus est amor
God is love.
manēte in amōre
Remain in love.
magister officiō cūram dat
The teacher gives attention (OR: pays attention) to his duty.
dī hominibus dōna damus
We gods (OR: We the gods) give gifts to men.
uxōrem tuam, fīlī mī, amā
Love your wife, my son.
sub caelō cēnābimus
We will dine under the sky.
cīuitās nostra est lībera
Our state is free.
pāx est uirtūs
Peace is a virtue.
nōlī laudāre perīcula bellī
Do not praise the dangers of war.
litterae mē iuuant
Literature delights me.
corpus uirī sub terrā est
The body of the man is under the earth.
America est terra pulchra
America is a beautiful land.
sī uxor est uirgō, uir nōn ualet
If the wife is a virgin, the husband is not strong/well/influential.
dā, amīce mī, fīliābus tuīs et uxōrī tuae rosās
My friend, give roses to your daughters and to your wife.
nōlī errāre dē tempore
Do not make a mistake about the time.
quandō amor mē superābit?
When will love overcome me?
amor animī amōrem corporis superat
Love of the soul surpasses love of the body.
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