virginia tech 推荐信的CS不需要PS和Resume么

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&2015 开心网后使用快捷导航没有帐号?
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寄托新兵, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 -98 积分
声望2 寄托币251 注册时间精华0帖子
本帖最后由 cryingman 于
18:00 编辑
Virginia Tech CS系的一位教授招PhD+RA。有意者请速与教授联系。也可以联系我,QQ: 。具体要求如下:
Two CS GRA positions are available at Virginia Tech (National Capital Campus). The GRA is expected to pursue research on a 3-year project.
1.& && &&&Knowledge of fundamentals of data mining and machine learning
2.& && &&&Strong programming skills in one or more of following languages: Java, C/C++, .NET
3.& && &&&Experience with SQL and relational databases, such as SQL-Server and MySql
Knowledge and prior experience with any of below will be a plus:
1.& && &&&MS degree preferred
2.& && &&&Research publication
3.& && &&&Knowledge of statistics and optimization
4.& && &&&Data mining tools like Weka
5.& && &&&Math & statistical packages, e.g., Matlab
Interested applicants should apply for the PhD program by 4/23 for Fall 2012 admission &&(National Capital Region), and submit detailed resume (including GRE and TOEFL scores) and 2-page autobiography (including career statement, in either Chinese or English) to Prof. C.T. Lu ().
Project Description:
The objective of this project is to develop a prototype system for successfully alerting social, economic, and political events.&&A significant amount of information to be processed will be spatio-temporal overlays of data, e.g., twitter feeds, economic activities, and infection spreads. The GRA’s focus will be on statistical modeling, event prediction, and anomaly detection. Major techniques to be utilized include Gaussian processes, spatiotemporal linear dynamic systems, Bayesian hierarchical modeling, and topic modeling.
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最后登录在线时间47 小时寄托币251 声望2 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分248UID3272818
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最后登录在线时间47 小时寄托币251 声望2 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分248UID3272818
寄托新兵, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 -98 积分
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最后登录在线时间47 小时寄托币251 声望2 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分248UID3272818
寄托新兵, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 -98 积分
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最后登录在线时间47 小时寄托币251 声望2 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分248UID3272818
寄托新兵, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 -98 积分
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最后登录在线时间320 小时寄托币444 声望2 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分332UID2999901
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最后登录在线时间47 小时寄托币251 声望2 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分248UID3272818
寄托新兵, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 -98 积分
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最后登录在线时间47 小时寄托币251 声望2 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分248UID3272818
寄托新兵, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 -98 积分
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最后登录在线时间47 小时寄托币251 声望2 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分248UID3272818
寄托新兵, 积分 248, 距离下一级还需 -98 积分
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最后登录在线时间655 小时寄托币306 声望1 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分352UID3033645
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