
听诊器是1816年由法国医师林奈克发明的。当时,林奈克为一胸痛的肥胖病人看病,他将耳朵贴在病人的胸前,但是病人肥胖的胸部,隔音效果太强了,听不到从内部传出来的声音。林奈克非常懊恼,在小路上漫步也在思考这个问题。正好有两个小孩蹲在一条长木梁两端游戏,一个小孩敲他那一端木梁,另一端的孩子则把耳朵贴在木梁上,静听彼端传来的声音。林奈克思路顿开,立刻返回医院,用纸卷成圆锥筒,用宽大的锥底置于病人的胸部,倾...&&所属分类 &&
听诊器是医生看病时必不可少的设备,它为医生准确地判断病情发挥了重要的作用。这里请您亲自为这个模型进行诊断,让您也来体验一下当医生的感觉。  说到听诊器,我们先来了解一下它的历史。听诊器是1816年由法国医师林奈克发明的。当时,林奈克为一位胸痛的肥胖病人看病,他将耳朵贴在病人的胸前,但是病人肥胖的胸部隔音效果太强了,听不到从内部传出来的声音。林奈克非常懊恼,就在小路上漫步思考这个问题。路边恰好有两个小孩蹲在一根长木梁两端游戏,一个小孩敲他那一端木梁,另一端的孩子则把耳朵贴在木梁上,静听彼端传来的声音。林奈克思路顿开,立刻返回医院,用纸卷成圆锥筒,用宽大的锥底置于病人的胸部,他倾听了一阵,惊喜地发现,可以听到病人胸内的声音了。  经过多次试验,林奈克先后试用了金属、纸、木等材料制成的不同长短形状的棒或筒,最后改进制成了长约30厘米、中空、两端各有一个喇叭形的木质听筒。听筒的发明使得林奈克能诊断出许多不同的胸腔疾病,他也被后人尊为胸腔医学之父。  1840年,英国医师乔治·菲力普·卡门改良了林奈克设计的单耳听筒。卡门认为,双耳能更正确地进行诊断。他发明的听诊器是将两个耳栓用两条可弯曲的橡皮管连接到可与身体接触的听筒上,听筒是一个中空镜状的圆椎。卡门的听诊器有助于医师听诊静脉、动脉、心、肺、肠内部的声音,甚至可以听到母体内胎儿的心音。  1937年凯尔再次改良卡门的听诊器,增加了第二个可与身体接触的听筒,可产生立体音响的效果,称为复式听诊器,它能更准确地找出病人的病灶所在。可惜凯尔的改良品未被广泛采用。近来又有电子听诊器问世,它能放大声音,并能使一组医师同时听到被诊断者体内的声音,还能记录心脏杂音,与正常的心音进行比较。虽然新型听诊器不断问世,但是医师们普遍使用的仍然是由林奈克设计,经卡门改良的旧型听诊器。  As an essential device, Stethoscope plays an important part for doctors to determine state of disease. Please make diagnosis with this model to experience feelings of being a doctor.   Let''s first learn something about it''s history. It was invented by a French doctor in 1816. When he made examination for a fat patient with chest ache, he placed his ear on patient''s chest, however sound from interior could not be heard because of the too strong effect of sound insulation. Being quite vexed, he thought about this problem while walking along an alley. To the moment there were two kids squatting at two ends of a long wooden beam and playing game, one kid placed his ear on the end to listen sound transmitted while another knocked the beam at his end. Enlightened by it and returning back to the hospital immediately, he made a paper taper shaped pipe, and placed the large end against patient''s chest, after listening for a while, he found with surprise that sound inside patient''s chest could be heard.   Made of materials of metal, paper and wood, pipes with different shape and size were be made and used by him, and a 30 centimeter long wood hollow stethoscope with a cone shaped earphone at both ends respectively was made. It was the invention of stethoscope that made this doctor be able to diagnose many chest diseases, and he was respected as the father of thorax medicine.  The stethoscope with single earphone was improved by a British doctor George Philips Carmen in 1840. He considered that diagnose could be done better with two ears. The stethoscope invented by him was like that: two earplugs were connected with cone shaped hollow earphone with flexible rubber tubes. Sound produced in vein, artery, heart, lung and intestines, even the fetal heart inside mother body could be heard by doctors by using of this stethoscope.     Added a second earphone, Carmen''s stethoscope was improved by Kerl, producing a stereo sound effect, it was named as double stethoscope with which focus could be found out more correctly. It was a pity that this improved stethoscope had not been used widely. Electronic stethoscope came into being recently, which may amplify sound, get a group of doctors hear sound inside patient''s body simultaneously, have heart cacophony recorded and compared with regular heart sound. Though new types of stethoscope emerged successively, but that used widely is still the old style designed by Linach and improved by Carmen. 插图
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