i can't pronounce thwhat are wordss correctly提问怎么问

一位口语7分烤鸭的建议Speaking tipsSpeaking is a weakness of analytic learners (who learn English from books and tapes). Moreover, in countries where English is not a first language, improving your speaking in English is really difficult. Therefore, I don’t have much experience in practicing speaking. Here are some tips that I got from my teachers and some suggestions that I think they might be helpful for you.Pronunciation is the most important feature in speaking. If you speak correctly, academically and interestingly, but no one understands what you are talking about, you certainly lose your points.One of my teachers, who is fluent in 5 languages, shares his experience that pronunciation is the key of learning a language. It might be true since native English speakers can pronounce a unfamiliar word correctly but don’t know how to spell it. Because English is a combination of many languages, there are no totally general rules for pronunciation. As a result, you must remember everything.So how to pronounce the words correctly?-Firstly, listen and learn what native English speaker said. As I mentioned, listening can help you in speaking. You can correct yourself in basic words if you listen a lot. Moreover, listening can also help you to learn how to stress(强调,重读)important words, how to speak naturally and even how to organize your speech.-Secondly, if you learn a new word, you must know how to pronounce it first. Typically, when people want to learn new words, they revise(复习)these words again and again; and write it downso many times(反复抄写).But now, to improve your speaking and listening, you must hear electronic dictionary pronouncing and repeat after it again andagain(应该是反复跟读).-Thirdly, make sentences with new vocabulary(造句). Everybody might know how to pronounce words correctly, but when they combine them all together, they cannot pronounce correctly any more, or even if they do, their sentence may sound unnatural. The reason is they lack of intonation(语调).Listening might solve this problem.-Fourthly, practice pronunciation every week (3-4 times a week) by reading out loud a short passage(大声朗读文章).At first, you practice to pronounce all the words in that passage correctly. Then read the whole passage slowly and correctly (pay attention to ending sound).Afterward,increase reading speed in each sentence(快速朗读但不能读错)(‘read’ here means you must speak out the words, not read in your mind). If you speak quickly but start to pronounce wrongly, that means you reach your limit, don’t speak faster than that. And finally, you read the whole passage again at normal speed, or may be a bit faster than normal a little bit, but you MUST include intonation(最后放慢一点加上语调).To find material for practicing this exercise, you can visit this .There are hundreds of short news and audio files spoken by a native speaker. I guaranteeif you practice this kind of exercise gradually, you pronunciation will improve a lot.Now,to prepare for IELTS Speaking test, you should practice some more exercises: 口语练习方法-Pick a topic and stand in front of a mirror to practice speaking test. (最好的就是包含所有考题的【口语卡片】啦)You should go throughall three parts of the real speaking test.Standing in front of the mirror will help you improve your body language and also your pronunciation. (镜子练习法)You might find it strange that mirror can correct your pronunciation. In fact, there are some vowels andconsonants (元音和辅音)that you can’t pronounce correctly if you don’t know howto do that (not just simply remember the pronunciation).-Try to speak naturally. (这也是6分以上的最重要的标准)Youare advised to speak fast with intonation (the previous reading exercise will certainly help you). You should learn and apply some verb phrases(短语动词), idioms and slang expressions(习语和俚语).This is not the key part of speaking test, but it is better if you know, not only for your test but also for you speaking skill. If you want to get 7.0, you must master pronunciation, accuracy and intonation.Important tip #1 When you practice in speaking, you must pay attention to the ending sound. But when you take the real test, don’t do that, because it will affect your fluency. In the real test, it is the time you show examiner what you got, not the time you can show them how good you can correct yourself.Using experiences you gained from practicing to prove your speaking skill.Important tip #2 Another wonderful way to practice speaking is to speak English in your dream(梦中说英语,很多老师也有过类似经历). If you never do that, you do it now. I have already spoken English in my dreams even before my teacher advice me to do so.I just watch cartoons in English, films in English and listen to songs inEnglish. As a result, I naturally dream in English. Actually, I can control my dreams, lol, it is very interesting, try to do that. By doing that, I can think quickly in my mind, but I still have problems when speaking my ideas out(潜意识学会英语思维).So, you must do 2 previous exercises in order to improve speaking.—————————————————口语如何上7的几个技巧雅思口语其实对内容的要求并不高,而在于用何种更好的方式将你要表达的内容呈现出来。我们今天给大家举几个例子,如何让你脱颖而出,马上有7.近期口语的高频话题中有不少人物类话题,比如”漂亮的人“;”尊敬老人“;”心中榜样“;”著名人物“等等,那么如何去描述一个人呢?你首先会想到的几个简单句子, some very simple deions.How to describe a person.1. Harry is funny. 他很有趣。2. Harry is friendly. 他很友好。3. Harry is nice. Harry很好。4. Harry is a happyperson. Harry很快乐。其实只要对上述这些简单的形容词做一些替换,或者释义,paraphrase, 效果就会好很多。我给大家在这里分享第一道题的答案,剩下的在考官的录音里,大家顺便练练听力。Answers:说一个人很有趣,我们可以换一种说法”他很幽默“Harry is humourous.但还是一个形容词,记住词组phrases 要比单个词语好。 我们换成。Harry has a good sense of humor.其余的赶紧去听录音吧。温馨提醒:复制这条信息,打开手机淘宝即可看到【最新 雅思 口语卡片(P2&P1) 雅思口语预测卡】¥x9rToswQbR¥http://t.cn/R68XXRz烤鸭反馈:? 最新口语卡片,包含所有考题和答案,请回复【口语卡片】查看或者??淘宝店 【Harry和他的雅思】以及??微 店 /s/?wfr=c喜欢本微信,可以搜索公众号【IELTS-Speaking】以及点击右上角?的图标,分享给朋友戳下面???阅读原文收听本文录音 顺便练听力哦~
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Difficult words to pronounce
  This programme looks at the results of a recent survey in which 3,000British people were asked to pronounce some of the most difficult words inthe English language. Yvonne and Callum try their luck at pronouncing a fewof those words and achieve some rather funny results!  3000英国人被邀请参加了一项调查:用他们的本土语言发一些比较难得音,结果是什么呢?  
English 6 minute EnglishDifficult words to pronounceYvonne:& Hi, this is '6 minute English' and I'm Yvonne Archer&Callum:& I'm Callum Robertson. Hello!  Yvonne:& Hello Callum! In this week's programme, English words that areoften 'mispronounced'. Callum & can you explain 'mispronounced' for us?  Callum:& Certainly. If you MIS-PRO-NONCE& if you 'mispronounce' a word, youdon't say it correctly. You get some of the sounds wrong in that word.  Yvonne:& Very good. And is there a word that you often mispronounce, Callum?  Callum:& Umm & not really.  Yvonne:& I didn't think so - so I've got three difficult ones here for you!  But, before you read them out, any thoughts?  Callum:& Well, looking at these words on paper, I think there's a goodchance that some people would mispronounce them. Yeah.  Yvonne:& And that's why you're saying them instead of me! So, off you go&Callum:& Okay, the words are: (定期地,有规律地)&ethnicity(种族划分,种族性)&and anaesthetist(言论集,语录,轶事). Whew!(语气词哎呀!) Yvonne:& Yeah, but you said them slowly, Callum. Yeah, that was tough. Butthere are three thousand other Brits who also agree that those words aredifficult to say.  They were recently questioned by a company called Spinvox and the researchshowed that 'regularly', 'ethnicity' and 'anaesthetist' & ooh, I said it -are some of the most mispronounced words in the English language. Now beforewe hear more about that research, I've a question for you, Callum: How manysounds do experts say we need to be able to pronounce - so that we can speakEnglish clearly? Is it: a) 44 b) 104 -or 400?  Callum:Well, I'm (相当的) confident on this as I've just made aseries on pronunciation. In British English, there's generally about forty-four sounds that are needed to pronounce English words. So, about forty-four& there's maybe a few more - but forty- that's my answer.  Yvonne:&Well, I'm not telling you! You'll have to wait until the end of theprogramme.  Now as we hear an
from the BBC's Today programme on the mostmispronounced words in English, try to foind & whew & I can't pronounce'try&& -try to find out which word was the most mispronounced&THE TODAY PROGRAMMEIf you find '(统计)' and 'ethnicity' difficult to pronounce, itappears you're not alone. The Daily Mail says they're among the top ten mosttroublesome(令人烦恼的,讨厌的) words in the English language. Researcherswho questioned three thousand people found that the most mispronounced wordwas '&(现象) followed by 'anaesthetist' (麻醉师)(anaesthetist)and 'remuneration'. (报酬)Yvonne:&&&& Callum, which word was the most troublesome & the mostdifficult to pronounce?  Callum: Well, that was 'phenomenon&& phenomenon.  Yvonne:&Phenomenon& phenomenon& Yep, I have to say that I have totake that one really slowly - and just looking at it on paper makes menervous.(紧张的) So why do you think so many of us get it wrong, Callum?  Callum: Well of course, when we get nervous, we generally make moremistakes. But here, it's the mixture(混合,混合物) of the particular(特殊的,特别的) sounds that are in words & that's what causes the problems. Sohaving the 'm' and 'n' sounds & the 'mmm' and 'nnnn' in 'phenomenon' &having so many of them so close together & that makes it a difficult wordto pronounce.  Yvonne:&Hmmm - and what about 'anaesthetist'?  Callum: Well 'anaesthetist' - it contains(包含) an
(奇数,古怪的,剩余的)mixture of 't' and 'th' sounds & there's also an 's' in there as wellbefore that group of consonants(辅音) and that also makes things difficultto pronounce.  Yvonne:Oh dear, it certainly is! Now the newspaper that publishedthose research results describes such words as 'tongue twisters(绕口令)'.  But I wouldn't call them tongue-twisters really, would you Callum?  Callum: Umm -not really, no -because 'tongue twisters' are generally asentence or an expression that is very difficult to say quickly and repeatagain and again and again.  Yvonne:&Well, I'm feeling really mean today, Callum. Go on - give us anexample - and don't - say & it - slowly!  CallumOkay & try this one and a very famous one is: &Peter Piper picked apeck of (许多,大量)pickled pepper(胡椒,辣椒)&.  Yvonne:& &Cor & that was pretty good, wasn't it?! Of course, but we don'thave to say tongue twisters in life & but we usually do have to use wordslike umm, what & ummm - 'statistics' or 'February'. I can't even say itmyself & 'February'.  Callum:& February.  Yvonne:& February.  Callum:& Well yes. It is difficult to get through life without saying wordslike 'February'. Yes.  Yvonne:& But the research shows that many of us try to do just that. Wedon't want to feel embarrassed(尴尬的) when we mispronounce those words sowe just avoid them. And that's a really bad example for learners, isn't it?  Callum:& Well, I don't know about that. It's something natural that nativespeakers do. That&you know, if you're not sure how to pronounce a word,choose another word&or& And I do the same in ifthere's a word I'm not sure how to spell, my spelling isn't, you know,perfect(完美的) - sometimes I will re-write to avoid using that word. So,as in anything, pronunciation does only get better with practise so don'tworry about it!  Yvonne:& Just go for it. Okay, now for the answer to our question: How manysounds do experts say we need to be able to pronounce - so that we can speakEnglish clearly? Is it: a) 44, b) 104 or c) 400?  Callum:& Well, as I said, forty- I'm fairly confident that it's forty-four or thereabouts.  Yvonne:& Ah, you knew it all the time, Callum. Well, that's all we've gottime for today. Join us again for more '6 minute English'.  C/Y:& Goodbye!
abbr.(=British Broadcasting Corporation)英国广播公司
She works for the BBC.她为英国广播公司工作。
The BBC was founded in 1922.英国广播公司建于1922年。
When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
Check the engine oil level regularly.要时常检查机油量。
We meet regularly to discuss business.我们定期会面讨论事务。
I think I was quite fairly treated by the police.我认为警察对我非常公正。
It fairly destroyed the machine.它将那部机器完全毁了。
The article was a choice extract from her writings.这篇文章是从她的著作中摘录出来的精粹。
We can extract oil from olive.我们可以从橄榄中榨油。
We have statistics for the last year.我们有去年的统计资料。
Statistics is taught in many colleges.许多大学都教授统计学。
Beethoven was a phenomenon among many musicians.贝多芬是众多的音乐家中的天才。
How do you explain this phenomenon?这种现象怎样解释?
She looks a bit odd.I wonder what has happened to her.她的神色有些异样,不知出了什么事。
He's an odd character and no mistake!他的确是个怪人!


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