植2就不能有《zombiesonyourlawn on your lawn》吗

第一部分:歌曲(MP3)1我的未来式-郭采洁《爱情公寓》主题曲2destiny-jim brickman《爱情公寓》插曲第20集中一菲拉小贤手时候的英文插曲3baby one more time-布兰妮《爱情公寓》胡一菲在爱情公寓第十集里哼歌4快一点-郭采洁《爱情公寓》16集末尾小贤的那个自拍录像里的歌5Pussycat Dolls - Buttons《爱情公寓》插曲(胡一菲跳热舞的曲子)6爱的结晶《爱情公寓》20集一菲拉小贤手的地方的一个女的唱的外文歌7第5集中间的女声英文爵士歌曲 - Blues in the night8《爱情公寓》插曲destiny女生版9第一集里面坐拖拉机的时候响起的嘻哈插曲黑棒的《哎哟》爱情公寓二中——————片头曲:《我的未来式》   片尾曲: 《玫瑰的旅行》   【02集】关谷做真相永远只有一个的手势时的背景音乐:《名探侦コナン メインテーマ》(《名侦探柯南》插曲)   【07集】悠悠安排两个酒保假扮失明情侣安慰羽墨时的背景音乐:《因为是女子》 Kiss   【12集】羽墨跟子乔在打游戏前去的酒吧的背景音乐《It's On Tonight》 Brian Culbertson   【13集】关谷和悠悠接吻时的背景音乐&Oda Al Vino&Candy Dulfer   【14集】悠悠吃绿箭口香糖时的歌曲:绿箭口香糖广告曲《Rhythm Of The Rain》   【15集】张伟在举办欢送“托尼”是的背景音乐《Nobody》Wonder girls   【17集】张伟遇到强子与小丽时的反应(子乔的猜想):《用情》 张信哲   【17集】悠悠在关谷家说她把关谷的画弄脏的背景音乐Laura Shigihara《Zombies On Your Lawn》(《植物大战僵尸》主题曲)   【17集】35.50分左右,张伟和一菲在谈心的时候响起的背景音乐《Ima wa Sono Tsurugi wo Oi te》(动漫Fate Stay Night里面的音乐)   【17集】张伟收到小李的结婚请柬时想起的背景音乐《Romantic Nights》Pete Calandra(钢琴曲)   【20集】一菲手机铃声: 《浪漫满屋》主题曲《命运》女声版sha la la   【20集】一菲面对是不是告诉小贤答案抉择时钢琴曲《Bebu Silvetti's Piano》   【20集】曾小贤回到过去答最后一题时面对镜头回忆与一菲的往事钢琴曲《Our Love》Brian Culbers
出门在外也不愁专辑中文名: 植物大战僵尸专辑英文名: Plants vs. Zombies艺术家: 原声大碟资源格式: MP3版本: Original Soundtrack发行时间: 2009年地区: 美国语言: 英语简介: 专辑码率:320kbps专辑介绍:这张专辑是风靡网络的游戏《植物大战僵尸》的原声音乐,全部曲目由 一人创作。作者介绍: 是一位优秀的作曲家和歌手。她是热门单机游戏《植物大战僵尸》(Plants vs. Zombies) 的设计师 Geroge Fan 的女友,同时也是这款游戏的音乐制作人和主题曲《Zombies on Your Lawn》的主唱,这张专辑其中就收录这首歌的英文和日文两个版本。Laura Shigihara has been working as a freelance video game composer and sound designer since 2005. She’s created music and sound effects for over 20 published titles since then, ranging in genre from orchestral themes, to quirky uptempo boss battles, and even including songs featuring her own vocal tracks. Her most recent work was the soundtrack for the game “Plants vs. Zombies.” Laura has been a fan of video game music since the days of the original 8-bit N a time when a composer didn’t have access to high-end production materials, and as a result, had to rely solely on their creativity and talents as a composer. Looking up to these composers, one of Laura’s strengths has always been her creativity. Her music has been compared to that of Yoko Shimomura and Yasunori Mitsuda in terms of style.Graduating from UC Berkeley with a degree in International Relations and Business, Laura decided to pursue a career in music after an unexpected detour landed her record contract offers in Japan for singing and production. Although she didn’t accept for various reasons, she still chose a music related job working as the audio director of a Japanese-American company where she created music and sound effects, and co-hosted an audio talkshow. Shortly after she began composing for game soundtracks. After completing several contracts, she decided to make it her career.In addition to work, in her spare time Laura has been making an rpg for the PC called “Melolune” which she hopes to release sometime in 2010. Laura also teaches piano to elementary school children twice a week, and occasionally plays the piano and sings at venues around her area, from Yoshi’s Jazz Club to local events. In her spare time, she enjoys baking, hiking, dancing, drawing, going on adventures, and of course games (some of her favorites include Chrono Trigger, Starcraft, Yoshi’s Island, Secret of Mana, the Megaman series, Suikoden, Street Fighter 2, Star Tropics, and many others).If you’ve been playing Plants vs. Zombies like we have at Spawn Kill, you’re likely familiar with this little lady and her infectious tunes! She’s a gamer, a video game music composer, and she’s even got her own game coming down the pipeline! I’m talking about Laura Shigihara of course, who’s responsible for the extremely adorable and catchy videos that you may have seen via YouTube or the various Plants vs. Zombies Twitter accounts. I was lucky enough to score an interview with her, and she’s graciously answered a few questions for us here at Spawn Kill. Look out, readers, there’s a Laura on your internets!专辑曲目: 01 .Crazy Dave's Greeting.Mp302 .Crazy Dave (Intro Theme).Mp303 .Choose Your Seeds.Mp304 .Grasswalk.Mp305 .Loonboon.Mp306 .Moongrains.Mp307 .Zen Garden.Mp308 .Watery Graves (slow).Mp309 .Watery Graves (fast).Mp310 .Ultimate Battle.Mp311 .Rigor Mormist.Mp312 .Cerebrawl.Mp313 .Graze the Roof.Mp314 .Brainiac Maniac.Mp315 .Zombies on Your Lawn.Mp316 .Zombotany (Unreleased Track).Mp317 .Uraniwa ni Zombies ga!.Mp318 .Crazy Dave IN-GAME.Mp319 .Choose Your Seeds IN-GAME.Mp320 .Grasswalk IN-GAME.Mp321 .Loonboon IN-GAME.Mp322 .Moongrains IN-GAME.Mp323 .Zen Garden IN-GAME.Mp324 .Watery Graves IN-GAME.Mp325 .Ultimate Battle IN-GAME.Mp326 .Rigor Mormist IN-GAME.Mp327 .Cerebrawl IN-GAME.Mp328 .Graze the Roof IN-GAME.Mp329 .Brainiac Maniac IN-GAME.Mp3视频: 《植物大战僵尸》主题歌《Zombies on your Lawn》
《植物大战僵尸》主题歌《Zombies on your Lawn》
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歌名:Zombies on your Lawn 草地上的僵尸们
  歌手:Laura Shigihara
  信息:PVZ Soundtrack & Bloom and Doom Records
  Sunflowers 向日葵们~
  There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
  There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
  There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
  We don&#039;t want zombies on the lawn 我们不想僵尸在草坪上
  I know your type : tall , dark , and dead 我知道你们的特征:高大,黑暗,还是死的
  You want to bite all the petals of my head 你们想要把我们头上的花瓣都吃掉
  And then eat the brain of the one who planted me here 然后吃掉把我种在这里的人的大脑
  [NO!!! ] 不!!!
  I&#039;m just a sunflower but see me 我只是一朵向日葵,但看看我
  power an entire infantry 组成了支部队
  You like the taste of brains 你们喜欢品尝大脑
  we dont&#039;s like zombies 我们却不喜欢僵尸
  [zombies 僵尸们]
  I used to play football 我曾经是橄榄球球员
  Road cones protect my head 路障保护着我的头
  I have a screen-door shield 我有铁窗门做盾
  We are the undead 我们是不死族
  There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
  There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
  There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草地上
  We don&#039;t want zombies on the lawn 我们不想要有僵尸在草坪上
  Maybe it&#039;s time to reevaluate 也许是时候重新评估了
  I know you have a lot of food on your plate 我知道你们的盘子里有许多食物
  Brains are qute rich in cholesterol 大脑是富含胆固醇的 [对心脏是重负]
  You&#039;re dead so it doesn&#039;t matter 你们是死人 , 因此没关系
  Instead we&#039;ll use this solar power 而我们将使用太阳的力量
  to make a lawn defense at any hour 来时刻守护这片草坪
  [zombies 僵尸们]
  I like your tricycle 我喜欢你的三轮车
  There&#039;s butter on my head 黄油扣在了我头上
  I&#039; gonna eat your brains 我要吃掉你的大脑
  We are the undead 我们是不死族
  There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
  There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
  There is a zombie on your lawn 有一只僵尸在草坪上
  We don&#039;t want zombies on the lawn 我们不想要有僵尸在草坪上
  片头曲:《我的未来式》   片尾曲:《玫瑰的旅行》   纪年曲:《爱如阳光》   【02集】关谷做真相永远只有一个的手势时的背景音乐:《名探侦コナン メインテーマ》(《名侦探柯南》插曲)   【07集】慈善晚会的场景音乐《春》维瓦尔第   【07集】悠悠安排两个酒保假扮失明情侣安慰羽墨时的背景音乐:《因为是女子》 Kiss(少女时代也唱过)   【12集】羽墨跟子乔在打游戏前去的酒吧的背景音乐《It&#039;s On Tonight》 Brian Culbertson   【13集】关谷和悠悠接吻时的背景音乐《Oda Al Vino》Candy Dulfer   【14集】悠悠吃绿箭口香糖时的歌曲:绿箭口香糖广告曲《Rhythm Of The Rain》   【15集】张伟在举办欢送“托尼”是的背景音乐《Nobody》Wonder girls   【15集】一菲...
张伟结婚 第一次进去 就是第N次欢迎新郎那个 是卡农
张伟从婚礼走出来的时候,看见停在门口的出租车,看见曾小贤留下的纸条,那个时候的背景音乐是Road trip 的伴奏 消音版酒吧JOY跟那个酒吧美女演盲人那个 是韩国KISS组合的 因为是女子张伟错过婚礼和结尾曾小贤回忆哪个钢琴曲。Brian Culbertson的 our love&It&#039;s On Tonight Brian Culbertson&第12集子桥和雨墨在酒吧里的背景插曲张伟遇见强子时的插曲张信哲<用情>爱情公寓第二部17集的插曲就是悠悠解开画架上的那部分&植物大战僵尸& 英文版Zombies on Your Lawn这是歌名爱情公寓第二季 14 插曲就是胡一菲被炸的那段《再见警察》主唱/冯翠桦。原曲《Amazing Grace》中文翻译为《奇异恩典》《Buttons》 歌手:the pussycat dolls(小野猫)第十八集子乔和关...
 片头曲:《我的未来式》   片尾曲:《玫瑰的旅行》  【20集】曾小贤回到过去答最后一题时面对镜头回忆与一菲的往事钢琴曲《Our Love》Brian Culbertson


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