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傻子 基本解释傻子[shǎ zi]词典:愚人,傻瓜;受骗者;有癖好的人;受愚弄的人。词典:头脑简单的人,傻子。词典:傻瓜,笨蛋。词典:心不在焉地乱写乱画。词典:蠢人,笨蛋,杂种狗。傻子 汉英大词典傻子[shǎ zi] simpleton傻子 网络解释1. Loggerheads:出自美国的<<傻子>>(Loggerheads):由一个同性恋男子、两个母亲、三个年份、三段互相牵连的故事,交织成的一个感情丰裕,感性又感人的影片. 故事发生在1999年的母亲节,热爱濒临灭种的海龟的飘泊流浪者马克(Mark),恋上在海边旅馆做杂工的佐治(George2. moron:也可以只表示一个差的玩家,对付这种玩家是有利可图的. 鱼可以通过他们没有策略和负期望收益的打法而辨认出来. 他们玩边缘牌并下太多的注. 它也是一种侮辱性的说法,与智障( retard),笨蛋(idiot)和傻子( moron)等用语交...傻子 双语例句1. 傻子1. 你像个愚蠢的傻子一样喋喋不休;一个思想混乱、糊涂、愚蠢的家伙——艾萨克·斯坦勒。&&&&Blathering like the addlepated nin a confused puddingheaded, muddleheaded fellow- Isaac Sterne.2. 很多画面不是那些产品带来的效果,傻子都能看出来,这是后期做出来的。&&&&A lot of the products featured don't have the effects as advertized, any idiot can see that. These were made after the fact.3. 3. 而风险的钱已经到手,而且挥霍了不少,这个时候,我想股东们都不是傻子,压力肯定会慢慢施加给他们这个时候一直标榜不会泄露用户隐私的企业家们或者网站主们,会不会选择一种可以用用户资料迅速盈利的手段呢?&&&&And the money of the risk already in one's hand, and prodigal many, this moment, I miss partner people not be fool, pressure can bring to bear on slowly for certain to them this moment flaunts the entrepreneur that won't divulge user privacy all the time people or website advocate people, can you choose a kind to you can use user data the method of quick profit?4. 现在政府在做的一些在国外金融机构的投资是愚蠢的和滑稽的,这是傻子的黄金,没有一点价值,这些投资是给富人玩的游戏,政府却用自己积累的一点点财富来给世界做靶子。&&&&It's a fool's gold, has no much value in it well, such hallow investment is for rich people.5. 现在来了个傻子&&&&Now there is a loggerhead here.6. 贼打法师就不必说了,被毁伤贼贴身,如果法师闪烁慢了那么一秒,那么他的血瞬间会下至三分之一,当然在贼杀法师的时候,我推荐一个小操作,那就是恐惧,在贼偷袭的同时恐惧法师,法师无法闪烁,在加上驱散掉他身上的盾,那么甚至一轮就可以直接逼出他的冰箱,当然这种行为其实很冒险,骑士毕竟不是傻子,他不会眼睁睁的看着法师被打,所以要么他会选择杀贼,要么干脆停在原地加血,那时后如果没有恐惧来辅助,就会变的很麻烦。&&&&Thieves do not have to fight Master said, the damage thieves have been close, if the Master so slow blinking one second, then his blood will be down to one-third of the moment, of course, to kill in the Master Thief, I recommend a small operation, it is the fear, in fear of thieves at the same time attack the Master, the Master can not be blinking, in with him to disperse out of the shield, then even be able to direct a forced his refrigerator, of course, this is very risky behavior, Knight is not a fool he would not sit looking at the Master was playing, so he will choose either杀贼, or simply increase the blood in place to stop, then after to assist if there is no fear, it will become very troublesome.7. 我想知道你是否敢为爱、为梦、为生存之战而甘作傻子。&&&&I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.8. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D8. 我要去一个人迹难至的地方,我知道别人不知的东西。这里,我在滂沱大雨中,手执车票正去搭乘迷失列车。诸事似乎早有注定,就好像白昼与黑夜,大地与天上。然而,我总是难以置信。迷失的列车不回头,任它行驶在单程道,我仿佛也要去一个地方,它既不在这儿,也不在那儿。买票搭乘迷失列车,就像傻子在雨中发笑,愚不可及,近乎癫狂。但这总比痛苦煎熬来得好受些。迷失的列车不回头,任它行驶在单程道,我仿佛也要去一个地方,它既不在这儿,也不在那儿。迷失的列车不回头,迷失的列车会脱离轨道,迷失的列车在我血液里燃烧,我欲逃离过去,但此情却挥之不去。&&&&Life's mystery seems so faded i can go where no one else can go i know what no one else knows here i am just a-drownin'in the rain with a ticket for a runaway train and everything seems cut and dried day and night earth and sky somehow i just don't believe it runaway train never going back wrong way on a one-way track seems like i should be getting somewhere somehow i'm neither here nor there bought a ticket for a runaway train like a madman laughing at the rain a little out of touch a little insane it's just easier than dealing with the pain runaway train never going back wrong way on a one-way track seems like i should be getting somewhere somehow i'm neither here nor there runaway train never coming back runaway train tearing up the track runaway train burning in my veins i run away but it always seems the same9. 9. 这句实在匪夷所思,不知说的什么)如果快速发出声音,管道足够长来产生回音,我们有时相互娱乐,在管子的一头说另一个人的坏话并弹起管子,声音就越来越大,使我们惊叹于声音变化……傻子,傻-子,傻――子,傻―――――子!&&&&It was also long enough to echo very nicely if you made good booming noises, and we occasionally titillated each other by saying bad words at one end that grew as they bounced along the pipe and became wonderfully shocking in their magnitude…poopy, Poopy, POOpy, POOOOPy, POOOOPPYYY!10. 我不想让自己当傻子,但是我。。。&&&&I don't want to make a fool of myself, but I..11. 后来成了离婚法庭里的傻子-现在只是个傻子&&&&&&Then I was a fool in divorce court.12. 他看着我的样子就好像我是个傻子。&&&&&&He looked at me as if I were a simpleton.13. 13. 你当我是傻子阿?&&&&&&I look like a goofball to you?14. 重复一遍,你当我是傻子吗?&&&&&&I repeat, I look like a goofball to you?15. 你应该一开始就告诉我这些,你这大嘴的傻子!&&&&&&Wish you would have told me that in the first place, ya big mouthed moron!16. 苏小姐的笑声轻腻得使鸿渐心里抽痛:你就这样怕做傻子么?&&&&&&Her light, smooth laughter gave his heart a painful twinge. Are you so afraid of doing something foolish?17. 她拿你当傻子。&&&&&&She`s making an umpty out of you.18. 我想,一定是哪个好心人不愿看见傻子曝尸街头,所以用被子把他给蒙起来了。&&&&&&I think that must be fools to which well-intentioned people do not want to see the streets of exposed body, so he kept the blanket up.19. 麦凯恩多次到伊拉克访问。他说,他比大多数人都了解战争的恐怖。他说,只有傻子或是骗子才会认为战争很浪漫。&&&&&&McCain, who has made frequent trips to Iraq, says he knows the horrors of war better than most, and that only a fool or a fraud sentimentalizes war.20. 20. 但这是不可能的,因为世界上没有这样的傻子。&&&&&&But this is impossible, because there's no such a fool in the world.傻子是什么意思,傻子在线翻译,傻子什么意思,傻子的意思,傻子的翻译,傻子的解释,傻子的发音,傻子的同义词,傻子的反义词,傻子的例句,傻子的相关词组,傻子意思是什么,傻子怎么翻译,单词傻子是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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傻子的英文:idiotfool参考例句:Now there is a loggerhead here.现在来了个傻子。Call me a fool if this sweet lady lie not guiltless here under some biting error这个可爱的姑娘要不是受到很大的冤枉,无辜受罪地躺在这里,你就管我叫傻子。He who is Born a fool is never cured生成的傻子总是治不好的A ludicroua fool.荒谬或拙劣的人,傻子Aa simpleton.笨人或傻瓜;傻子He' s an absolute moron!他纯粹是个傻子!You're a cuckoo now.你现在是个傻子了。He was rather a blockhead他是个不折不扣的傻子。You are a nut. And I happen to need a nut.你是个傻子,我刚好需要一个傻子。Children and fools speak the truth孩子和傻子,说的是真话:n. 傻瓜;白痴I said he was an idiot.我不讳言,我说过他是白痴。A congenital idiot,syphilitic,etc先天性白痴、梅毒患者等.A complete stranger,idiot,nonentity素不相识的人、十足的白痴、完全的虚构A a blooming idiot.大热天;十足的白痴。The model looked at her reflection in the mirror with an idiotic simper.模特儿带着傻乎乎的微笑望着镜子里自己的相貌:n. 愚人,傻瓜;受骗者v. 愚弄,欺骗;戏弄;开玩笑;浪费,虚度adj. 愚蠢的;傻的There is no medicine to cure a fool ||
There is no medicine for curing a fool笨人无药可医She will rather fool with a bee than being with a fool.她情愿玩玩蜜蜂也不愿与愚人为伍。He is a positive fool. 他是一个十足的傻瓜。One fool makes many一人傻,傻大家It is wisdom sometimes to seem a fool大智若愚翻译推荐:相关热点:


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