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Breaking News: Coast To Coast AM With George Noory Goes in a &Different Direction& Parts Ways With Weekend Host John B. Wells
- Caravan To Midnight
A New Message from John B:
Coast to Coast AM has decided to go a “different direction” on Saturday night. I am very happy and honored to have been a member of the C2C family as a regular host since January 7, 2012. I want to thank the listeners for their support and encouragement over these last two years of regular Saturday night broadcasts. The change that began in 2012 continues, is ever accelerating, and has necessitated this change as well.
I invite those who enjoyed or otherwise found value in the programs I hosted and the topics we discussed to join me for more on my new endeavor, Caravan To Midnight.
Again, thank you all so very much. May you be blessed and remember to Make Ready for What’s to Come!!!!
Come join John B. Wells and the Caravan to Midnight!
Caravan to Midnight is a daily radio talk show and subscription video podcast like no other! Hosted by John B Wells with LIVE SHOWS Monday-Thursdays 10am – 1pm CST / 11am – 2pm EST. Watch and listen to the broadcast from the CTM archive 24/7 anytime by becoming a .
CTM has the best talk and best guests every week on real, hard-hitting, alternative news stories and opinions on far-ranging topics and events from Conspiracy Theories and Current Events, to Paranormal, World News, Health & Nutrition, Science, Politics, Religion, Entertainment, Music and Pop-Culture.
CTM broadcasts 24/7 via online membership subscription. Tune in by becoming a new
and receive the best independent news that $5 a month can buy.
Welcome aboard the Mothership that is Caravan To Midnight – The John B Wells Program!
Starting Feb. 3, 2014
for all the details!
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About the Author
I was introduced to John B Wells through C2C, he’s a great host and I can’t wait for Caravan to Midnight in a couple of days!
Saturday nights won’t be the same, that’s for sure!
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