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中文翻译n.1.包容力,吸收力,收容力。2.容积,容量;【电学】电容,负载量。3.能力,才干,本领;性能,机能。4.地位,资格,身分。5.【法律】法定资格,权力,权能。6.生产额;(最大)产量[生产力]。短语和例子measures of capacity容积,容量。 a mind of great capacity度量大的人。 the crop capacity作物(最大)生产力〔单位面积产量〕。 capacity crowd 〔美国〕满座的观众。 be filled to capacity客满。 capacity for heat 热容量。 capacity to action 【法律】诉讼能力。 be in capacity法 律上有资格。 capacity tonnage 载重量,吨位。 capacity house 〔美国〕客满的戏院。 in a civil capacity以市民身分。 in my individual capacity以我个人身分。 in one's capacity as (a critic) 以(批评家)的立场[身分]。 to the utmost of one's capacity尽自己所能。&&&&满负荷&&&&具有能力&&&&有能力&&&&意思能力; 自主能力&&&&达最大限度、满负载&&&&意识能力&&&&人的能力&&&&承载量&&&&容量限制&&&&弥散量&&&&电容&&&&额定生产率&&&&伤病员拣别分类能力&&&&同化能力&&&&同化能力&&&&吸收能力&&&&吸收能力&&&&绝对容量&&&&吸附容量; 吸收本领; 吸收力; 吸收能力; 吸收容量; 吸水能力&&&&吸收本领; 吸收力; 吸收能力/吸收量; 吸收容量&&&&吸收本领; 吸收力; 吸收量; 吸收率; 吸收能力; 吸收容量&&&&加速能力&&&&住宿接待能力&&&&集聚能力&&&&限内适应&&&&n. 【物理学】电容汞弧管;原子击破器。
例句与用法The enemy had a surplus of refining capacity .敌人的炼油能力过剩。I am very proud of lily's capacity .我真为莉莉的肚量感到骄傲。I really admire his capacity for work .我真钦佩他的工作能力。Our immediate capacity for an offensive was nil .我们尚无立刻进攻的时机。In my capacity as an officer of the law , i must do my duty .我必须尽职。The court sits in three capacities .高等司法法院有三种职能。You have great capacity for life .你对于生活有很大的潜能。Mcteague often heard of him in this capacity .麦克梯格常常听说他在干这项工作。Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains .天才是一种吃苦耐劳的无限能力。A measurement capacity is 14 samples per 24 hours .测量的效率为24小时14个样品。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释 "he was employed in the capacity of director"; "he should be retained in his present capacity at a higher salary"the maximum "the plant is working at 80 per cent capacity"t "he had drunk beyond his capacity"capability t "among his gifts is his capacity for true altruism"; "limited runway capacity"; "a great capacity for growth"the power to learn in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior同义词:, an electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored同义词:, , (computer science) the amount of information (in bytes) that can be st "the capacity of a hard disk drive is usually expressed in megabytes"the amount t "the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons"同义词:, the susceptibility of something to a
"the capability of a metal to be fused"同义词:,
百科解释Capacity is the ability to hold a fluid, very similar to volume.详细百科解释
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Reservoirs in the upper member of Guantao formation had been identified and divided into 5 types of flow u-nits according to their percolation capacity by using flow zone indicator method ( FZI).
He is acting in a fiduciary capacity.
The lift has a capacity of 15 persons.
这部电梯的载容量为15 人。
Genius is the capacity of evade hard work.
What's the cubic capacity of this engine?
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