
求翻译一篇英语文章,很急,谢谢!Dear Peter,
I am studying at a vocational school now. There are many different classes in our school. In the morning we study in the classroom. In the afternoon
we have skill-training classes outside_百度作业帮
求翻译一篇英语文章,很急,谢谢!Dear Peter,
I am studying at a vocational school now. There are many different classes in our school. In the morning we study in the classroom. In the afternoon
we have skill-training classes outside
求翻译一篇英语文章,很急,谢谢!Dear Peter,
I am studying at a vocational school now. There are many different classes in our school. In the morning we study in the classroom. In the afternoon
we have skill-training classes outside school. Some students work as cashiers in shops. Some work astour guides and show the touristaround our city. We often go to hotels. Boys help people carry their bags and girls help keep the rooms clean. Sometimes we have classes in the factories. The workers there show us how to use modern machines. It’s quiet interesting, though we feel a bit tired in the evening.
I’m happy at this school. I like it very much.
亲爱的彼得,我现在在一所职业学校学习。在我们学校有许多不同的学习方式。早上我们在教室里学习。在下午我们有校外skill-training类。一些学生在商店做收银员。一些工作astour指南和显示touristaround我们的城市。我们经常去酒店。男孩帮助人们携带书包和女孩帮助保持房间干净。有时我们在工厂学习。工人们向我们展示如何使用现代机器。这是安静的有趣的,尽管我们在晚上觉得有点累。在这个学校...急 英语,谢谢_百度知道
2was making
4was listening
heavilyblowingwas makingp珐碃粹度诔道达权惮护layingwas listening保证正确,望采纳
the concrete practice that sincere Marxism government message theory and sincere our country government message build is tied in wedlock each other, but the present stage our country government is in some tiers surface still existence certain degree sincerity believes hiatus phenomenon、合法经营, emphasizing reinforcing the government believing construction really ,将马克思主义政府诚信理论与我国政府诚信建设的具体实践相结合诚信是个体道德的基本规范,我国政府诚信状况是不错的. Current our country is in economy society rotatis structured harmonious society of socialism&quot, performs official duties according to law,以加强政府诚信建设为重点,它不仅要求经济主体经济主体讲求信用。本文主要以实现“构建社会主义和谐社会”为目标, lawful operation, population most probably. The main body of a book &quot,分析我国政府诚信缺失的原因,但是现阶段我国政府在某些层面上仍然存在一定程度的诚信缺失现象。市场经济是一种信用经济. Market economy is one kind of credit economy.The sincere message is individual morality basic standards, fundamental code of ethics being also that all Kultur ought to observe, our country government believes that s be a target mainly with realization , not only it requiring that economy mainstay of the economy main body be elaborate about credit ,总体看来, cause analysing the sincere our country government message hiatus,而且要求国家行政主体——政府诚实守信, believe construction with the sincerity reinforcing politics and law in the practice structuring harmonious society 这样就可以了。当前我国正处于经济社会转型时期,依法行政,以构建和谐社会的实践中加强政法的诚信建设, the countermeasure suggesting that the government believes construction really in structuring harmonious society of socialism suggests,提出构建社会主义和谐社会中政府诚信建设的对策建议, and require that country administration main body government honesty and trustworthiness,也是一切社会组织应当遵守的基本道德准则
is structured harmonious society of socialism&quot. The main body of a book &quot, emphasizing reinforcing the government believing construction really , cause analysing the sincere our country government message hiatus. Market economy is one kind of credit economy, but the present stage our country government is in some tiers surface still existence certain degree sincerity believes hiatus phenomenon, performs official duties according to law. Current our country is in economy society rotating the type period , lawful operation, the concrete practice that sincere Marxism government message theory and sincere our country government message build is tied in wedlock each other, not only it requiring that economy mainstay of the economy main body be ela be a target mainly with realization , and require that country administration main body government honesty and trustworthiness, to structure harmonious society believes construction, population most probably, fundamental code of ethics being also that all Kultur ought to observe, suggest that the sincerity reinforcing politics and law in the practice structuring the countermeasure suggestion that the sincere message of government builds in harmonious society of socialism, our country government believes that status is good reallyThe sincere message is individual morality basic standards
Honesty is the basic rules of individual moral, social organizations shall abide by all the basic moral code. Market economy is a kind of credit economy, not only does it require the economic subject economic subject with the credit, lawful business requirements, and the state administrative subject - government honest, administration according to law. China is in the period of social transformation, the general economic situation in China, the government credit is good, but the present government still exists in some level of honesty and faith deficiency phenomena to a certain extent. This paper in order to realize &constructing socialist harmonious society& as the goal, to strengthen the honesty construction as the key point, the theory of marxism with Chinese government credit construction, combined with the concrete practice of the Chinese government, analyzed the lack of sincerity, to construct a socialist harmonious society put forward in the building of countermeasures, in the practice of constructing the harmonious society in the construction of political integrity to strengthen.
Credibility is the individual's basic moral norms, but also all social organizations should abide by the basic code of ethics. Market economy is a credit economy, it requires not only the main emphasis on the economic mainstream economy credit, legitimate business, but also the national administrative body - the government honest and trustworthy, administration according to law. At present, China is in the economic and social transition, the overall view, the situation of our government is a good faith, but at this stage in some aspects of our government there are still a certain degree of credibility is missing. In this paper, in order to achieve &build a harmonious socialist society& as the goal to enhance the Government's focus on the construction of credibility, the credibility of Marxist theory and the Government of the construction of credibility our government practice of combining analysis of the reasons for lack of Government's integrity, to build social harmonious society and faith-building measures the Government proposed to build a harmonious society to strengthen the political and legal practice, the integrity of the building.
Credibility is the individual's basic moral norms, but also all social organizations should abide by the basic code of ethics. Market economy is a credit economy, it requires not only the main emphasis on the economic mainstream economy credit, legitimate business, but also the national administrative body - the government honest and trustworthy, administration according to law. At present, China is in the economic and social transition, the overall view, the situation of our government is a good faith, but at this stage in some aspects of our government there are still a certain degree of credibility is missing. In this paper, in order to achieve &build a harmonious socialist society& as the goal to enhance the Government's focus on the construction of credibility, the credibility of Marxist theory and the Government of the construction of credibility our government practice of combining analysis of the reasons for lack of Government's integrity, to build social harmonious society and faith-building measures the Government proposed to build a harmonious society to strengthen the political and legal practice, the integrity of the building.这是Google的~!
学生因个性差异在课堂上的表现各不相同.性格开朗的学生善于表现自己,因此能得到较多锻炼机会;性格内向或基础较差的学生,容易产生自卑心理,不敢大胆说,怕同学嘲笑,怕老师批评; 部分学生虽有一定的表现欲, 但只占少数,教师不给他们机会就会打击其积极性,多给他们机会又显得“偏心”。这样他们的口语水平就很难得到提高, 课堂口语练习真可谓困难重重。
俗话说&拳不离手,曲不离口&.同样,英语口语水平要在良好的语言环境中才能得到提高.但由于我们的学生并不是生活在英语的语言环境中,除了课堂外,学生使用英语的机会很少.我们的学生接触真实英语交际情景的机会非常局限。而在目前大部分英语课堂上还是那种教师一支笔、一本书、一言堂、一板书的形式,缺少学生创造使用目的语的氛围和 场合,口语练习也往往是教师控制的、机械的操练,缺乏师生和学生间思想上、信息上、情感上有意义的交流 。,如果教师不能创设轻松愉快说英语的情境和氛围,学生也不会乐于参与。
由于师资力量的缺乏,现在大多数学校都是大班教学,即每班有超过三十个学生,在农村地区,有的班甚至达到五六十个学生,这给教师组织口语教学带来了很大的困难。也不便于学生间的口语训练,四十五分钟的一节课怎么能使每位学生都得到很好的锻炼呢? 此外,学生间的英语水平参差不齐更使教学难上加难。
首先,教师必须具有驾驭课堂一切服务于学生的能力。教师要成功地组织课堂教学,不仅要具有良好的品质和个性,如耐心、幽默、亲和力等,而且要明确他与学生各自在课堂的作用——以教师为主导,以学生为主体。传统教学决定了教师是课堂的主宰,而学生则处于被动、消极的地位,教师“一言堂” 、“满堂灌” “填鸭式”,学生鹦鹉学舌,依葫芦画瓢。现代教学专家认为,教师的作用毫无疑问是重要的,因为教师需要直接为学生提供一种学习环境,在这种环境里,学生得到适当的语言输入,又能参与创造性的交流。但是教师不应是课堂的中心,真正的中心应是学生,学生应是教学的出发点,是教学过程中积极主动的参加者。其次,要作好中学生英语学习的示范者、引导者、激发者、促进者,就要不断提高自身的外语水平和组织能力。优秀的中学英语教师应博文强识,具有发达的思维能力、良好的文化修养、正常的心理素质和快速应变的能力,另外还需要掌握教育科学理论,了解所教学生的能力,对所教学科知识进行加工处理的能力,并能说一口流利的美国英语或英国英语。要提高学生的口语能力,教师必须首先具有良好的口头表达能力。教师不正确、不恰当的语音、语调、语速和句法结构都是学生“理解”的障碍。例如,教师不自觉的“吞音”、“加音”或用其它的音来代替正确的发音,或者不恰当地使用重音、节奏、语调、句法之间的连接,以及运用不正确的句法结构,甚至不断地重复、更正自己和重新组织语句,都会干扰学生的理解、模仿和接受。例如: what do… 中的 [ t ] 音刻意地丢掉, 就造成了丢音的错误而至口齿不清。受中国声调的影响,sorry说成骚锐, good evening 变成鼓的衣屋宁,my name成了买内(二声)。由于本身的口音不地道、标准,因此教学生“吞音、不发音、失去爆破”等机械规则后,学生弄巧成拙,随意丢音,造成口齿不清。
最后,开展各项活动, 激发学生的学习兴趣
良好的开端是成功的一半.因此,利用上课前的一些活动来调动轻松活泼的课堂气氛尤为重要. 比如唱韵律感强的英文歌曲和Chant,边唱边做动作,还有Listen and do the action,Simon says 等活动,既可以活跃课前气氛,又可以消除学生的紧张感,使他们轻松无负担的接受知识,从而无拘无束地发表意见,锻炼自己的口头表达能力.
21世纪是学习化的社会 ,为了适应现代社会对我们教师的要求,只有学会学习,并全方位地提高自己。教师应该做到:
英语口语教学致力于培养学生的口头交际能力,教师应该帮助学生养成良好的口头交际的习惯,做到语言 清晰、流畅、达意。那么,如何才能做到这一点呢?培养学生用英语思维的习惯,加强以习得为主要形式的英 语思维能力训练是培养学生用英语表达思想的能力的重要手段和途径。用英语思维是指排除本族语或本族语的干扰,用英语直接理解、判断和表达的能力。没有经过英语思维能力训练的人,大都是把听的东西译成自己的 母语后再储存在记忆里。在表达前,再把语义信息,即他想说的,在脑子里下意识地寻求母语的表达式,然后 再把它译成英语。这种做法不可避免地会导致母语的干扰。这样借助于母语表达出来的东西是不可能地道的,大都是Chinglish(中式英语)。比如,让别人先进门或先上车时,一些英语学习者根据汉语表达习惯常说成:You go first,或Go first,please。而地道的英语表达是:After you. 再比如,中国人与朋友道别时,经常说“走好”、“慢走”、“慢点儿骑(自行车)”之类的客套语。一些喜欢用母语思维的英语学习者不了解 英美人士常常微微一笑并作个表示再见的手势, 他们会习惯地说成:Go slowly,walk slowly或Ride slowly 。这些说法听起来很不自然。运用这种方式与人交际经常会导致交际出现障碍甚至失败。在英语口语教学中应 该让学生听地道的英语,培养他们边听边直接用英语把听到而且理解了的东西储存在记忆里的习惯,以及培养他们克服母语干扰,直接用英语表达的良好习惯。学生通过一系列主动、积极的思维活动,理解和表达思想,接受和输出信息。正是在这种积极的思维和表达过程中,学生才能获得真正的英语口头交际能力。
教师在两人组的基础上,提供一些与课文有关的话题,让他们进行课外讨论,使每一个参与者都得到平等的练习机会。教师则通过学生课堂发言或检查讨论报告对学生进行监控和了解学生讨论情况。而对于一些故事性的一些文章则可以让他们进行复述,以讲故事的形式进行。通过这个形式,培养了学生的语言运用能力。因为他们要复述故事就必须先读懂课文然后在理解的基础上用自己的语言演绎出来。这个就训练了他们的语言加工能力和组织能力,还有口语的表达能力。在这个基础上还可以训练他们的语音语调,表情和感情,使他们的综合表达能力。在学习“describe a place ”时,我先给出一幅公园的图画,用已学过的句型There be, There be ……doing ,描述了其中的情景,而后四人为一组描述图画,在学生能够熟练地运用句型之后,我又要求学生自己对图画进行修改,给出至少五处不同的情景,然后在全班面前进行描述。由于加入了自己的创作,学生的热情明显比模仿阶段高涨。这样的设计还可以使之变成竞赛,改变后的图画让其他组来描述,可以提高学生听其他组说英语的兴趣。
在反复的诵读中,语音、语法、语意、节奏、重音、语气等了然于心,由感性认识上升到理性认识,逐渐定格与头脑中,以后一旦遇到相似的句型、内容或话题,这种积淀下来的思维方式就会立刻浮现出来,形成语言脱口而出。朗读能提高口语表达能力。学英语只有开始时就注意语音、语调,大胆效仿,及时纠正口型和舌位,才能讲出标准的英语。英美人比较幽默,语言中常常会很多出现逻辑上的缺层、跳层和并层。比如杰克在乘坐汤姆疯狂的开着的小车说道:“Be careful! Don’t drive so fast. My mother loves me!”意为“当心!别开这么快,我还不想死”多么含蓄、优美的语言!通过朗读、记忆,学生在遇到类似的情境时,自然会说出:“Come on , My mother waits for me !”意为“快点!我要急着回家呢!”
在玩中有学,学中有玩.爱玩是孩子的本性.我就利用这一点,让学生在各种游戏中锻炼口语能力.Touch and guess,Do a survey,Place and say 等都是既好玩又有效的游戏.以 Touch and guess为例,我组织了以下的教学过程:
在游戏活动中穿插了很多课堂用语,如& Come to the front&,& Can you guess &,& Think it over,please.&等,遇到学生不太理解的,就通过手势和表情来引导,让学生逐步领会这些语言并试着运用.教师可进行角色转换,让学生来组织游戏,当一回&小老师&,使学生能够真正把所学的知识运用到实践中去.?
Moreover, the creation of English-language environment, there are many ways. Schools can set up an English salon, and English, wide-angle, open every day from time to time for students to allow them outside the classroom time and space to practice. In addition, it can host a simple sentence in English poetry competitions, English Song Competition and other activities, sought through these activities to stimulate students to use English to express themselves the accuracy and fluency. In addition, daily English language bar on the blackboard to write on a famous line in English to enable students to learn one day. You can also ask students to English and you say hello every day. Through this series of activities aim to make students feel there is a sense of the English language, so that students of English communicative capacity and sustainable development. However, the smooth development of English teaching is inseparable from parents, students, schools, teachers, support and cooperation of the common, due to a weak economic foundation of rural primary schools, poor foundation, uneven quality of teachers, teaching facilities are limited, but also the lack of a better English language learning environment, especially in teaching the concept of old, teaching methods and evaluation tools to a single, rural children, compared with the city kids will have a difference. Thus the rural elementary school students learning English there are some difficulties, and has just set up the courses, both for parents or for children, is a new topic. Primary school teaching methods, means, relatively backward, dull atmosphere of the classroom, the students in a passive acceptance of state, unable to satisfy their interest in learning, so tired of psychology in particular students, and unwilling to learn English. For the primary school English teachers who lack experience, but also subject to all of us to elementary school English teachers to find better and more effective oral teaching methods. Fifth, the design of teaching activities, and ensure teaching quality and results. English language teaching in primary schools, teachers from the students &learning& perspective to design instructional activities so that students learning activities with clear objectives, and form a continuous gradient of activity. Designed by the teachers of the &task& activities, students can continue to access to language proficiency, rather than just to master the language of ready-made knowledge points. Through this mode of teaching to enable students to actively participate in classroom activities, learning to active thinking, active cooperation, active inquiry, in order to achieve an integrated use of language capabilities. Such as: Sixth, the establishment of a new type of learning strategies, to adapt to the requirements of New Curriculum for New Teachers The 21st century is learning-oriented society, in order to adapt to modern society on our teacher's request, and only learn how to learn, and improve their all-round way. Teachers should do: (1) an accurate grasp of the concept of English curriculum standards, goals and content, the use of pedagogy and psychology theory, research the laws of language teaching. According to the psychological characteristics of students and the actual situation, to select and adjust the English language teaching strategies. (2) to develop classroom teaching control and organizational capacity, flexible use of various teaching skills and methods. (3) The master of modern educational technology, and can continue to learn and practice their own teaching among the use of them. (4) should strengthen Sino-foreign cultural enrichment, expanding their knowledge. (5) according to the teaching objectives, the needs of students and the local objective conditions, positive and creative way to explore effective teaching methods. (6) develop the habit of thinking in English to enhance English language training in thinking skills. Oral English Teaching is committed to developing oral communication skills of students, teachers should help students to develop good habits of oral communication, so that language clear, fluent, expressive words and phrases. So, how can we achieve this? Students the habit of thinking in English, to strengthen the acquisition of English as the main form of training is to develop students ability to think in English, the ability to express ideas important means and ways. Thinking in English is the mother tongue or native language to exclude the interference of the direct understanding of English, the ability to judge and expression. English language training had not been thinking ability of people, mostly to listen to something and then translated into their mother tongue is stored in memory. Expressing ago, then semantic information, that he would like to say, in my mind subconsciously seek native expression, and then then translate it into English. This approach will inevitably lead to mother tongue interference. This language expressed by means of what is impossible to authentic, mostly Chinglish (Chinese English). For example, let others advanced on the door or the first car, a number of English learners of expression under the Chinese often say: You go first, or Go first, please. The authentic English expression is: After you. Another example is the Chinese people and friends say goodbye, it is often said that &living well&, &walking&, &something slow ride (bike)& sort of polite language. Some prefer to use the mother tongue of English learners do not understand the thinking of British and American people often expressed a smile and made a goodbye gesture, they would habitually say: Go slowly, walk slowly, or Ride slowly. The arguments sound unnatural. Communication with others using this approach often leads to communication barriers to occur even failure. In oral English teaching should be to enable students to listen to authentic English, develop their listening and direct use of English to hear and understand the things stored in the memory of the habit, and to develop them to overcome their mother tongue interference, direct expression of good practices in English . The students through a series of active, positive thinking activities, to understand and express ideas, receive and output information. It is in this positive process of thinking and expression, students are to get a real English oral communicative competence.
(7) To continually reflect on their teaching behavior, and strive to become innovative research-based teaching. So to better implementation of classroom teachers in oral English teaching capacity and to develop their oral communication skills of students, we can be achieved through the following aspects: 1. Phonetics teaching Practice has proved difficult and many students have heard of the opening is difficult, the main constraint is the voice, voice not allowed to, spoken language to use will be affected. Therefore, the entry stage, ask students to carefully listen to the teacher's pronunciation of the first or recording. In the teaching of vowels, the combination of mouth-type images in order to show the pronunciation rules of pronunciation patterns. English and Chinese voice systems are vastly different, in order to send a clear, full flavor of English, we must make the learner articulation of muscle movement patterns and English native speaker pronunciation patterns. Therefore, beginners must be loud, loud sounds, talk, only in this way the relative muscle tension, used in English as early as possible in order to muscle movement patterns of articulation unconsciously grasp, stereotypes. At the same time, loud of speech, pronunciation of those who can stimulate the hearing, you can listen to high hearing, enhanced sense of language. 2. Vocabulary Practice has proved difficult for students to open another constraint is the vocabulary is not big enough. Increase the students vocabulary and enable them to grasp the meaning and usage. In the new textbooks, because it is concentrated in each unit focus on one issue, so words are also relatively more concentrated focus in teaching is conducive to teaching! 3. Group activities, group discussions Teachers in the two groups, based on the provision of some text related to the topic and ask them to extra-curricular discussion, so that each participant an equal opportunity practice. Teachers in the classroom through the student to speak or discuss the report of the examination and understanding of students to monitor student discussion. As for those stories in some of the articles, you can ask them to repeat, to the form of story-telling. Through this form, train the students ability to use language. Because they want to repeat the story must be read texts and then on the basis of understanding the language of their own interpretation of them. The language on the training of their processing capacity and organizational skills, as well as oral expression. On this basis, can also train them to voice tone, facial expressions and emotions, so that the synthesis of their expressive power. In studying &describe a place& when I first gave a picture of the park, with the sentences have been studied There be, There be ... ... doing, and describes some scenarios, the latter described as a set of four pictures, in the Students become proficient in the use of sentence structures, I then ask students to modify their own pairs of drawings are given at least five different scenarios, and then in front of the class description. As inclusion of his own creation, the enthusiasm of the students were significantly higher than high imitation stage. This design could also make it into a contest, after the change to allow other groups to describe the picture, you can listen to other groups to enhance students interested in English-speaking. 4. Scenario Setting Method An English speaking environment for our Chinese people learning English is detrimental, especially for exercise speaking ability. The survey found that foreign students of Chinese language textbook exercises, often requiring students to set the scene according to the book for the passage to our students the ability to speak English. Such as to set up a shopping scenario: In the sports after the Together with the students to buy some drinks and food in this scene to conduct speaking exercise: We can also envisage calling, character interviews, a guest at a classmate's house to introduce the new students a variety of occasions scenarios such as conversation practice, thereby enhancing the training Spoken interest. 5. To read and recite In repeated reading, the voice, syntax, semantics, rhythm, accent, tone, and so gains a heart, from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge, and gradually freeze-frame and mind, after the event of a similar sentence, content or topics, This way of thinking will be accumulated immediately emerge to form a language blurted out. Reading can improve oral expression skills. Is only beginning to learn English when attention to voice, tone, boldly follow suit, and promptly correct shape of his mouth and tongue requirement can we discover the standard of English. When compared to British and American humor, language often appears logical missing a lot of layers, and layer and layer jump. For example Jack of passengers in the car driving Tom crazy, said: &Be careful! Don't drive so fast. My mother loves me!& Means &Watch out! Do not drive so fast, I want to die,& however subtle and beautiful language! Through reading, memory, the students encountered similar situations, it will surely say: &Come on, My mother waits for me!& Means &Hurry up! I have to hurry to go home!& 6. The game Magical In the play there is science, science there to play. Pastimes is the child's nature. I would take advantage of this point, the game students to train in a variety of speaking ability. Touch and guess, Do a survey, Place and say so are either fun and effective game. to Touch and guess as an example, I organized the following teaching and learning process: Interspersed in the game a lot of classroom activities in language, such as &Come to the front&, &Can you guess&, &Think it over, please.& And so on, met the students do not quite understand, and on the adoption of gestures and expressions to guide, to enable students to gradually understand and try to use those languages. teachers are allowed to switch roles to enable students to organize the game, when a return to &little teacher&, so that students can really apply the knowledge learned into the practice. ? Therefore, in teaching, teachers should select texts for students to familiarize themselves with the memorization of facts and asked them to read aloud in class, or recitation in order to enhance the sense of language, so as to achieve the purpose of oral level. Primary English Teaching Ren and Tao. With the globalization of world economy, the gradual formation, foreign languages has been an unprecedented talent of all ages. Know English, would say that English has become a basic skill, and only make good use of the skill, it can be in today's increasingly fierce competition in favor unbeaten land. So, for our English-language teaching, a comprehensive oral expression to improve the ability of students has become very necessary. and in order to effectively improve oral expression skills of students, we must understand the students in oral communication problem, for students to the actual situation in the right remedy, multi-faceted, multi-angle implementation of effective training methods. as long as we persevere, our English language teaching will definitely enter a new stage! In short, under the concept of the new curriculum reform of primary school English teachers teaching in the new curriculum reform, we must convert the concept of the times, use of limited resources, find ways to create an open, non-restrictive, and there is no standard model function of verbal training system with special emphasis on oral teaching ability of teachers and students the use of spoken English communication abilities, so that every teacher, student will be able to overcome the past &dumb English&, to master certain skills in spoken English. Develop students speaking ability in a day, we need to go to every English teacher pragmatic practice, we need to constantly improve their teaching methods, to constantly improve their level of spoken language, thus effectively make English the further development of quality education .
其他回答 (1)
Standing on the stage of the new century, nobody can refute this fact: the prosperity of a country needs E the great revival of the nation needs E the subsistence of human needs E personal’s growing and the success of career needs English. 我只翻了第一句


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