
范文一:初中英语作文:我的生日聚会初中英语作文:我的生日聚会My Birthday PartyIt's July23. Today I am16 years old. I am going to have a party at home and I am waiting for all my friends to come. They are going to bring?lots of beautiful presents with them.My parents are preparing a lot of nice things to eat and drink. At the party we are going to play games, sing songs, dance and listen to music. I think we will have a good time.原文地址:初中英语作文:我的生日聚会初中英语作文:我的生日聚会My Birthday PartyIt's July23. Today I am16 years old. I am going to have a party at home and I am waiting for all my friends to come. They are going to bring?lots of beautiful presents with them.My parents are preparing a lot of nice things to eat and drink. At the party we are going to play games, sing songs, dance and listen to music. I think we will have a good time.
范文二:中考英语作文热点聚焦1)每个人的成长都是一种蜕变的过程,从幼稚走向成熟,从逆境走向成功。请你用英语写一篇80词以上的短文,谈谈你在成长过程中所经历的最大的一次蜕变。内容要求:1.变化前后分别是什么样子的?2.促成你转变的主要原因是什么?3.你为变化而付出了怎样的努力?注意:短文中不允许出现与考生本人相关的真实姓名和校名等信息。参考范文I used to be a naughty boy and my mother used to be angry with me. Now I’d like to say I’ve changed a lot. In fact, all is because of my mother’s diaries.One day I saw my mother’s diary book by accident while I was looking for my notebook. I was curious and began to read my mother’s diaries. In her diaries, she showed her deep love for me. She also expressed her disappointment when I made mistakes. She said she loved me so much and she believed I could be a good boy. I couldn’t help crying after reading my mother’s diaries.Since that day, I have changed a lot. I work hard and share some housework. I also try to understand my mother’s feelings.2)你国外的朋友Paul想了解你们的英语老师,请根据下表提示用英语写一篇题为“My English Teacher Alva”的短文。要求:1. 题目与开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 介绍必须包括所给要点,但不要逐条译成英语; 3. 词数80左右。My English Teacher – AlvaAlva, my English teacher, is from England and is about 29 years old. She has blonde hair and she always wears a pair of glasses on her nose.She is strict with us in our study, so all the students are well-behaved in her class. Although she is strict, she can get along well with all the students because she is very kind and patient. Whenever we have difficulty in English learning, she will help us to deal with the questions. We all like her lessons very much. That’s because she is very creative. Her teaching style is quite different from that of the others. She prepares her lessons well and corrects our homework carefully. In class she always encourages us to think hard and develop our ability to study on our own.In a word, I think she is one of the best English teachers I have ever seen. We all love and respect her.3)初中生活即将结束,同学们一定有很多难忘的回忆,现在请你撷取一两个片段,以“My unforgettable (难忘的) school life”为题写一篇短文。要求:1. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息;2. 词数不少于80词,题目不计入总词数。Although I’ve had a busy school life in the past three years, getting along with such amazing classmates has made me the luckiest person in the world.In one of those unforgettable days, we had a basketball game. During the tough time, I could feel that everyone in my class was so concentrated that our hearts were beating together fast. We brought the players not only encouragement but also some real help and skills. Though there were only three people on the front line, I knew it was 39 people fighting side by side and we would never give up. At last, we won the game. With great excitement, all of us jumped around and burst into tears.There’s no doubt that we’ll always go through hard times together and I’ll never forget the happiness we shared. I love my school life with my lovely Class 3.(4)现在中学生普遍觉得压力很大,有人害怕考试,有人不能很好地处理人际关系,还有的觉得父母的期望值过高也对他们造成压力。你对此怎么看?请就此问题写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的做法,与同学们分享经验。总词数:80左右,短文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. Most students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students can’t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams.I used to be under heavy pressure, too. My parents wanted me to be the top student in class. They made me study all day, and even sent me to all kinds of extra classes on weekends.I had a long talk with my parents. I told them that I had done my best and what they were doing was stressing me. Finally, they understood me. As a result, I was released from the burden of heavy pressure.(5)午餐是一天中非常重要的一餐,但是有很多同学不爱吃学校的午餐,经常到校外去吃他们所喜欢吃的食物。而这些食物有很多都不利于他们的身体健康。如何让更多的同学回归学校的午餐呢?请你写一篇80字的短文,谈谈你的看法和建议。参考词汇:not like, go out of school, be afraid, be back, more delicious, offerWe know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because they are not keen on the food in school. So they often go out of school to buy something different. But I’m concerned this is bad for their health, as some of the food they buy isn’t healthy enough.In my opinion, if our schools want more students to enjoy lunch at school, they should make the food taste nicer, and they should also offer our students a larger choice of food as well.(6)最近,你们班就“幸福是什么”进行了一次讨论,学生们发表了自己的看法,他们认为:1. 认真学习是幸福,父母总是关心他们的生活与健康,是幸福2. 有时当他们做错了事,周围的人会帮助他们改正,他们感到幸福。3. 你同意同学们的看法,你认为当你做……你也会感到幸福。要求:①第三要点的内容需用三到四句话展开合理想象,进行适当发挥;②词数80左右,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Happiness is for everyone. Some students think happiness comes from studying hard at their lessons. Their parents are always taking good care of their life and their health. They feel happy.Some students say when they do something wrong, people around them will help them to correct it. They believe this is happiness.I agree with them. I love my friends congratulating me when I enjoy success. When I do something kind to others, like congratulate them, I feel happy, too. When we think of these things, we realize that happiness is all around us.(7)根据最近的一则报道,我国中小学生的书包超重现象十分严重。小学生书包平均重量为3.5公斤,而初中生则为5.5公斤。请根据这一现象,按照以下要点写一篇80词左右的英语短文。文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。要点:1.简单描述:学生背着重重的书包去上学……2.分析原因:课外班、课本、作业、测试……3.提出建议:减少课本、作业……It is reported that students in our country have a problem with their schoolbag weight. Most students have very heavy schoolbags. For the average primary school kid, his or her school bag weighs 3.5kg, while an average middle school student’s weighs 5.5kg.The reason why their schoolbags are so heavy is that their school workload is equally heavy. On top of a large amount of homework, students also have to take a lot of extra classes and study hard for tests. All this work means that the books, test papers and exercise books pile up and make their schoolbags very heavy indeed.In my opinion, schools and parents should work together to assign students less homework. If so, they’ll finally be able to carry their bags with ease.(8)假设你是School Kids Times杂志的编辑,你收到了一封读者来信。在信中,一名叫Helen的读者向你诉说了她的烦恼。请你针对她的问题谈谈你的看法,给她提几点建议。Dear editor,My problem is my parents. All of my classmates have mobile phones. They phone each other, surf the Internet and play games. I’m always asking my parents fo one. But they refuse, time and time again. None of my friends have such terrible parents. I’m so angry that I can’t study hard. Do you think I’m right? What shall I do?Helen参考范文Hi Helen,I don’t think you’re right. Students should pay attention to their study. Mobile phones are not always necessary. They’re not like books and pens. You should understand your parents and do what they ask.Now public phones booths can be found everywhere. If you have to make a phone call, you may use them. You’d better have a talk with your parents and tell them you don’t want one any more. Work hard on your lessons and read more interesting books. You may also talk about your problem with your teachers and friends. I’m sure they’ll help you.If you have more questions, please ask me.Yours,Editor(9)现在社会普遍对90后有不同程度的误解,认为他们自私、无礼……那么作为一名90后学生,你又是怎么看待这个问题的呢?请结合你自己和周围同学的表现,分别列举至少三条优点和两条不足之处进行描述。As students born after 1990, we have so many advantages. We are usually kind and helpful. When someone is in trouble, we always give him or her a hand. We are also energetic. We like to do sports and go traveling. Most of us can work hard in class and play happily afterwards. In addition, we are imaginative and creative. We always try something new and do everything differently.On the other hand, we also have some disadvantages. Sometimes we can’t express our opi sometimes we are a little overconfident. These problems may make us seem impolite.(10)“安全你我他,幸福千万家”,关爱生命,确保平安,让我们的生活更加幸福安康。请以“Keeping safe________ (at home/ at school /on the road…)为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文。
要求:补全标题:条理清晰,语言流畅;文中不得出现真实姓名、校名。内容包括:(1) Is it important to keep safe...?(2) Why do you think so?,
(3)How can you be safe...?Keeping safe at schoolIt’s important for us to keep safe at school and it will make us study better and live more happily. In order
to keep safe at school, we must do like these. First, be in order when we are going upstairs ordownstairs. Second, make sure to be safe when we are doing sports. Try not to be hurt. Third, know about some knowledge of safety. It’s helpful to us.If we follow the advice, we’ll make ourselves safe at school.(11)目前,购物不一定要去商场,我们可以在网上购物,这已成为新型的购物方式,它可节省时间,比较方便、容易;但一些人认为在网上看不到真实的物品,容易被欺骗。请根据自己的想法谈谈网上购物的利与弊。字数80词左右。提示词汇:被欺骗be cheated
比较compareShopping online is quite popular in our daily life now. Some people think shopping online is very convenient. However, others don’t believe goods online and they afraid of being cheated.In my opinions, shopping online is better. First, it can help us save much time. We don’t need spend much time in the street to look for the goods . Second, we can compare some goods and their prices at home. When the prices are listed ,we can buy Besides, we can pay for our goods after we get them. Don’t you think it’s a good way to go shopping?much, you shouldn't drive by yourself. You’d better take a taxi or ask others for help. The government is supposed to make more serious rules and laws as soon as possible.13
Keep HealthyEvery one wants to keep healthy today, especially our students. But we don’t pay attention to our health. Some of them go to school without breakfast in the morning. Some students and pupils play computer games or watch TV all day, especially at the weekends. Many boys think it is cool to drink or smoke.It is important for us to have good habits. We should eat breakfast every morning. We can watch TV or play games for a short time, then have a rest. We also can take part in some clubs. I think it is necessary for us to keep healthy.14
penfriendDear Wang Gang,I was very interested to hear that you've looking for a penfriend.I have never visited your country but I should be very happy to write to you. Let me introduce myself.I'm seventeen years old.I study in a high school.I go to school every day. My best-liked subject is biology.I hope to go to university and finally become a doctor.My favourite sports are football and observing nature.My other hobbies are collecting stamps and doing crossword puzzle.Please write to me and tell me about yourself.I'm very much looking forward to reading your letter.
Yours sincerely,Chris Hampton15
Making friends onlineShould students make friends online? Some people say yes. Internet helps people make many friends. Chatting on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help for their foreign language studies.Others, however, think students should not. They say making friends online is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. Besides, some students get cheated online.It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things. As for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.16 The advantages and disadvantages of internetshoppingWe talked about the advantages and disadvantages of Internet shopping these days. Some students think it's very convenient for us to go shopping on the Internet. The shops on Internet, for ,
are open for almost 24 hours a day, so we can buy something we want at any time if we like. What's more, we needn't to wait in a queue.However, some students disagreed with them. We can't see the things while we are shopping. So we are not sure whether they are good or not. Besides, we can't enjoy the happiness of shopping with our friends.
范文三:初中英语作文:聚会邀请初中英语作文:聚会邀请Dear Peter,We're so glad you're coming to join us on Sunday. Here is how you can find us. We'll have our picnic in the People's park. You know where that is, don't you? After you enter the park by the main gate, walk straight on till you come to a stream. Cross the stream and turn right. After walking for a while, you'll come to a hill. Walk round to the other side of the hill. There you'll see a lake. We'll have our picnic there in the small woods by the lake. I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding us. Do come.
范文四:玩转美语:和聚会有关的英语 日1. Are you alone? 你是一个人来吗?各位有没有这样的经验, 把一句话直接从中文翻成英文结果怎么听也不顺, 后来听老美一说, 才恍然大悟, 原来这么简单啊? 我自己就常有这样的感觉. 像这句话, 我自己的直觉反应会说成: Are you only one person? 或是 Do you come here by yourself? 其实老美简简单单用 alone 一个字就可以代表你好几个字.!所以如果你去参加一个舞会, 看到你想邀舞的对象, 最好先问一声 Are you alone? 免得到时候怎么被人扁了都不知道. 另外你去买票, 售票员问你是不是只买一张票, 有时他也会问 Are you alone?2. No, I lost my buddies! 我找不到我的朋友了!这是另一个很容易说成 Chinese English 的句子, 如果你说 I can't find my friend, 我想老外也是听的懂, 只不过听来就没那么顺就是了! buddy 指的就是好朋友. 所以你可以说 I lost my friends.lost 这个动词可能大家不太会用, 除了丢掉以外, 还有不少用法, 例如我迷糊了, 可以说 I am lost, 或是像有时我们把汤匙滑到碗里, 这个动词也可以用 lost, 例如 I lost my spoon in the bowl.3. Are you guys OK? 你们都还好吧?通常你去别人家里玩, 主人有时看你太无聊就会走过来问你, Are you guys OK? 或是你去餐厅用餐时侍者也常会走过来过你, Are you guys OK? 当然这就只是一种礼貌性地询问, 看看你有没有需要些什么东西.在美国他们常把 you guys 连用. 即使是对方是有男有女或是全部都是女的, 也可以这样说, 加上 guys 似乎只是让句子更顺畅, 并没有其它的含意. 再造一句, Do you guys want to go with us? 有没有加 guys 都是一样的, 另外值得一提的是, 这种说法一般认为是北方的说法, 在南方有另一种说法, you'll = you all. 例如他们会说, How are you'll doing. (这个 you'll 不是未来式, 而是 you all) 但是其实我觉得 you guys 还是比较普遍.4. I heard the nature's call. 我听到自然的呼唤.举凡各种生理上的反应我们都可以称它是 nature's call, 如想上卫生间, 肚子饿, 或是看到美女, 你都可以自嘲, I heard the nature's call. 所以端视不同的情况而有不同的意思. 但是一般情况下比较常用的还是指上卫生间比较多. 一般人不会讲很长一串 I heard the narture's call, 他们大多就只说, nature's calling! 那你多半就知道他想去上卫生间了.5. Can you be more specific?如果有人说 I heard the nature's call, 可是你并不是很清楚对方指的是哪一点, 你就可以这么说, Can you be more specific? 就是希望对方讲得再明确一点. 又或者是人家跟你约今晚吃饭, 可是没说时间地点, 你也可以这样问, Can you be a little bit more specific? 就是请对方详细说明一下时间, 地点, 或是晚饭之后要作什么活动之类的.另外一些类似的讲法, 例如听不太懂时对方所指为何是你可以直接问What do you mean? 若是去吃饭的那个例子, 你也可以说 Can you tell me more details?6. Everybody picks up whatever you want. 每个人拿任何你们想要的东西.在老美家吃饭, 一般都是 buffet 的型式, 一人一个盘子, 要吃什么自己拿. 所以开动了, 主人就会说, Everybody picks up whatever you want. 个人感觉, whatever 一般我们都不太会用, 其实 whatever 就相当于7. I bought a cake about this big! 我买了一个蛋糕大约有这么大.讲这句话的时候记得要跟手势一起用, 所以如果不会形容一个东西有多大, 就把这句拿来变化一下就可以了! 因为在中文里要形容一个蛋糕有多大, 你可以说我买了一个几寸的蛋糕别人立刻就懂了, 但是美国的蛋糕都是长方形的, 再加上他们都是用英寸, 所以你要一边想英文还要一边作单位换算! 这简直就是 mission impossible 说. 所以有时老美自己也用比的比较快! 像那天他们买了一个蛋糕一个黑人就说, I bought a cake about this big! 或是可以说 I bought a cake like this big.除了 big 之外你也可以换成其它形容词, 例如, I have a brother about this tall. 这样不也就蒙混过关了吗? 不过这句话有一个缺点, 就是讲电话时不能用, 因为讲电话时不能比动作, 比了对方也看不到.8. He dances like an animal. 他跳舞跳很疯狂.老美喜欢把爱跳舞的人说是 dance like animals 喜欢开 party 的人称作 party animals. 大概是因为这些人精力充沛, 像是动物一样. 记得有一次老美就对我说, Come out with us, you party animal! 听来很有意思吧!我觉得老美是很喜欢跳舞的, 每到周末, Bar 里面就挤满了跳舞的人潮. 明明里面空气很污浊, 空间又很挤, 大家还是拼命要往里头挤. 不过跳舞的人虽多, 要被人家说成跳舞像动物, 非要精力充沛, 跳起舞来一点儿也不累才行.9. Do you have a good time today? 今天玩的高兴吗?几乎每次我和老美出去, 他们回家前几乎都一定会问这句, Do you have a good time today? 就怕你今天玩的不高兴. 当然礼貌上不论好不好玩, 我都会说, Yes, I really have a great time today. 这样就可算是宾主尽欢了10. I'll walk you out. 我带你出去.上次跟他们一起玩, 我说我要回家了, 我朋友就跟我说, I'll walk you out. 也就是我送你出去的意思. 不过有趣的一点是, 美国溜狗也用 walk 这个动词, 例如我去溜我的狗英文叫, I want to walk my dog. 所以 I walk you out 听来不是有点我溜你出去的意思呢?
范文五:凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!2017考研英语作文必背高分句:家庭聚会考研英语词汇和语法是复习考研英语的基础,建议大家通过阅读、背诵英语句子记单词,并熟悉语法的各种运用法则,从而对后期的考研英语作文奠定基础。凯程网考研频道整理分享各种高分句,希望这些有趣的句子能帮助你全面提高考研英语复习效率。As it turned out to be a small house party, weneedn't have dressed up so formally.
译文:结果那只是个小型的家庭聚会,我们根本不用穿得那么正式。点睛:as引导的是状语从句,其中tum out意为“最后结果是”。主句的谓语部分采用了needn't have done的形式,表示“本不该做某事但却做了”。考点归纳:need的用法具体如下:*作情态动词时,常用于否定句中表示“不必”。You needn't have come so early.你不必那么早来。*也可用于肯定句中。If he wants anything.he need only ask.他想要什么,只要说一声就行。*作及物动词时,意为“需要”,后面可跟名词、代词、不定式,还可以跟动名词表被动。His hair needed cutting.他的头发该剪了。第 1 页 共 1 页
范文六:2016考研英语一大作文范文:手机时代聚会When the hot word of the year——“innovation”arouses wide concern from the public, can we still stand there, hesitating for what occurs? As we can see from the depiction,four youngsters, seemingly having a dinner, are in fact concentrated on their smart phones.Actually, it is a morning call to send us a message that the topic concerning“high-tech burden”has been in the spotlight that attracts attention from every corner of the world.But my own worry today is less that of the overwhelming problem ofelectronic trashes than it is of the slightly more luxurious agony of the decline in communication even of well-educated youths. We scarcely write a handwritten letter other than an E-mail, which displays fewer touching emotions than the , for example. Several factors could weigh heavily for this degeneration, yet, suspended at the top of the list are the following two aspects. To begin with,as the economic boom brings not only the high standard of modernization but the fast rhythm of living as well, many citizens could hardly keep cool when facing the relentless competition.Disastrously, many choose to abandon themselves to so-called high-tech pleasure so that they can escape from reality for a while. Furthermore, externally, our society is witnessing an overwhelming number of innovative goods, ranging from Iphone5s to all-powerful TV remotes, which exaggerate this kind of nonsense to produce the over-worship toward “High-tech”. A recent survey reveals that one in three college students in China thinks he is willing to spend RMB5880 buying an Iphone rather than study materials.Fortunately, that is not the Day of Judgment. It is, undoubtedly, the very time that we should take some available methods to end these inappropriate behaviors, including laying down the effective regulations to modulate the orientation of scientific advancement, shaping a moderate science outlook and guaranteeing more rational lifestyles to the high-tech.一、考研英语考什么在备考之前,先要了解一下考研英语都考哪些题型,因为有同学之前问听力怎么复习、口语如何提高之类,了解只清楚之后才不至于南辕北辙走冤枉路。考研英语考五大题型:阅读、写作、翻译、新题型、完形填空。阅读是占的分值比例最大的模块,2/5的比例,每个小题2分,每篇文章设有5个题目,共有4篇文章;写作中大作文英语一是图画作文,一般围绕社会现象,20分,英语二是图表作文,15分,小作文均为10分;翻译英语一是从一篇文章里划出5句话让翻译,10分,英语二是段落翻译,15分;新题型英语一为七选五、小标题、排序题,英语二为多项对应(连线题)、小标题、正误判断,都为10分;完形填空每个0.5分,20个小题。二、阶段备考安排考研过程一般分为基础、强化、冲刺。在寒假阶段,建议大家着手准备单词,基础不错的可以自己准备,基础不好的,可以报个词汇班,比如刘一男的课程,比较生动有趣,结合词根词缀方便大家记忆,书的话推荐大家刘一男的《考研词汇速记指南》和何凯文的《1575必考词汇突破全书》。基础阶段(3-6月),集中学习单词、长难句,以及各个题型要夯实基础。强化阶段(7-10月),进行强化课程学习,在10月份会有考研报名,并要准备专业课。冲刺阶段(11-12月),抓重点,比如重点突破阅读,以及写作课程的学习及练习。三、考研过程心理因素考研成功难又不难,一旦大家开始准备就要全力以赴。自制力差的学生可以找几个研友,互相激励,因为坚持下来也确实不容易,也看个人习惯,有的同学可能一个人学习更有效率;在这个过程中更主要的还有大家坚持的信念,坚持完成一件事情本身就是成功。在三百多天的日子里,老师会一直陪伴着大家,里边的每条微博、微信、咨询都是温暖大家并激励大家前行的动力。奔跑吧,2016的考生们!虽然有突破口、也有规律可循,但这并不意味着我们可以一劳永逸、高枕无忧,要知道,想要精通世界上任何一门语言,除非有天生的语言天分,否则偷不得半分懒,只能勤勤恳恳反复练习。一遍不懂读两遍,默念不行就大声念出来,遇到不认识的单词就查,不懂的句子就静下心来拆分结构。总之,读书百遍、其义自现,英语学习之路上没有笨蛋,只有懒人。 综上就是小编给大家提供的高分技巧,技巧就是牢固的知识点和强悍的答题思路,预祝所有考生2016考研有个好成绩。小提示:目前本科生就业市场竞争激烈,就业主体是研究生,在如今考研竞争日渐激烈的情况下,我们想要不在考研大军中变成分母,我们需要:早开始+好计划+正确的复习思路+好的辅导班(如果经济条件允许的情况下)。2017考研开始准备复习啦,早起的鸟儿有虫吃,一分耕耘一分收获。加油!2016考研英语一大作文范文:手机时代聚会When the hot word of the year——“innovation”arouses wide concern from the public, can we still stand there, hesitating for what occurs? As we can see from the depiction,four youngsters, seemingly having a dinner, are in fact concentrated on their smart phones.Actually, it is a morning call to send us a message that the topic concerning“high-tech burden”has been in the spotlight that attracts attention from every corner of the world.But my own worry today is less that of the overwhelming problem ofelectronic trashes than it is of the slightly more luxurious agony of the decline in communication even of well-educated youths. We scarcely write a handwritten letter other than an E-mail, which displays fewer touching emotions than the , for example. Several factors could weigh heavily for this degeneration, yet, suspended at the top of the list are the following two aspects. To begin with,as the economic boom brings not only the high standard of modernization but the fast rhythm of living as well, many citizens could hardly keep cool when facing the relentless competition.Disastrously, many choose to abandon themselves to so-called high-tech pleasure so that they can escape from reality for a while. Furthermore, externally, our society is witnessing an overwhelming number of innovative goods, ranging from Iphone5s to all-powerful TV remotes, which exaggerate this kind of nonsense to produce the over-worship toward “High-tech”. A recent survey reveals that one in three college students in China thinks he is willing to spend RMB5880 buying an Iphone rather than study materials.Fortunately, that is not the Day of Judgment. It is, undoubtedly, the very time that we should take some available methods to end these inappropriate behaviors, including laying down the effective regulations to modulate the orientation of scientific advancement, shaping a moderate science outlook and guaranteeing more rational lifestyles to the high-tech.一、考研英语考什么在备考之前,先要了解一下考研英语都考哪些题型,因为有同学之前问听力怎么复习、口语如何提高之类,了解只清楚之后才不至于南辕北辙走冤枉路。考研英语考五大题型:阅读、写作、翻译、新题型、完形填空。阅读是占的分值比例最大的模块,2/5的比例,每个小题2分,每篇文章设有5个题目,共有4篇文章;写作中大作文英语一是图画作文,一般围绕社会现象,20分,英语二是图表作文,15分,小作文均为10分;翻译英语一是从一篇文章里划出5句话让翻译,10分,英语二是段落翻译,15分;新题型英语一为七选五、小标题、排序题,英语二为多项对应(连线题)、小标题、正误判断,都为10分;完形填空每个0.5分,20个小题。二、阶段备考安排考研过程一般分为基础、强化、冲刺。在寒假阶段,建议大家着手准备单词,基础不错的可以自己准备,基础不好的,可以报个词汇班,比如刘一男的课程,比较生动有趣,结合词根词缀方便大家记忆,书的话推荐大家刘一男的《考研词汇速记指南》和何凯文的《1575必考词汇突破全书》。基础阶段(3-6月),集中学习单词、长难句,以及各个题型要夯实基础。强化阶段(7-10月),进行强化课程学习,在10月份会有考研报名,并要准备专业课。冲刺阶段(11-12月),抓重点,比如重点突破阅读,以及写作课程的学习及练习。三、考研过程心理因素考研成功难又不难,一旦大家开始准备就要全力以赴。自制力差的学生可以找几个研友,互相激励,因为坚持下来也确实不容易,也看个人习惯,有的同学可能一个人学习更有效率;在这个过程中更主要的还有大家坚持的信念,坚持完成一件事情本身就是成功。在三百多天的日子里,老师会一直陪伴着大家,里边的每条微博、微信、咨询都是温暖大家并激励大家前行的动力。奔跑吧,2016的考生们!虽然有突破口、也有规律可循,但这并不意味着我们可以一劳永逸、高枕无忧,要知道,想要精通世界上任何一门语言,除非有天生的语言天分,否则偷不得半分懒,只能勤勤恳恳反复练习。一遍不懂读两遍,默念不行就大声念出来,遇到不认识的单词就查,不懂的句子就静下心来拆分结构。总之,读书百遍、其义自现,英语学习之路上没有笨蛋,只有懒人。 综上就是小编给大家提供的高分技巧,技巧就是牢固的知识点和强悍的答题思路,预祝所有考生2016考研有个好成绩。小提示:目前本科生就业市场竞争激烈,就业主体是研究生,在如今考研竞争日渐激烈的情况下,我们想要不在考研大军中变成分母,我们需要:早开始+好计划+正确的复习思路+好的辅导班(如果经济条件允许的情况下)。2017考研开始准备复习啦,早起的鸟儿有虫吃,一分耕耘一分收获。加油!
Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words on the following picture. In your essay, you should1) Describe the picture briefly,2) Interpret its intended meaning, and3) Give your comments.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)LOGO一、考研英语考什么在备考之前,先要了解一下考研英语都考哪些题型,因为有同学之前问听力怎么复习、口语如何提高之类,了解只清楚之后才不至于南辕北辙走冤枉路。考研英语考五大题型:阅读、写作、翻译、新题型、完形填空。阅读是占的分值比例最大的模块,2/5的比例,每个小题2分,每篇文章设有5个题目,共有4篇文章;写作中大作文英语一是图画作文,一般围绕社会现象,20分,英语二是图表作文,15分,小作文均为10分;翻译英语一是从一篇文章里划出5句话让翻译,10分,英语二是段落翻译,15分;新题型英语一为七选五、小标题、排序题,英语二为多项对应(连线题)、小标题、正误判断,都为10分;完形填空每个0.5分,20个小题。二、阶段备考安排考研过程一般分为基础、强化、冲刺。在寒假阶段,建议大家着手准备单词,基础不错的可以自己准备,基础不好的,可以报个词汇班,比如刘一男的课程,比较生动有趣,结合词根词缀方便大家记忆,书的话推荐大家刘一男的《考研词汇速记指南》和何凯文的《1575必考词汇突破全书》。基础阶段(3-6月),集中学习单词、长难句,以及各个题型要夯实基础。强化阶段(7-10月),进行强化课程学习,在10月份会有考研报名,并要准备专业课。冲刺阶段(11-12月),抓重点,比如重点突破阅读,以及写作课程的学习及练习。三、考研过程心理因素考研成功难又不难,一旦大家开始准备就要全力以赴。自制力差的学生可以找几个研友,互相激励,因为坚持下来也确实不容易,也看个人习惯,有的同学可能一个人学习更有效率;在这个过程中更主要的还有大家坚持的信念,坚持完成一件事情本身就是成功。在三百多天的日子里,老师会一直陪伴着大家,里边的每条微博、微信、咨询都是温暖大家并激励大家前行的动力。奔跑吧,2016的考生们!虽然有突破口、也有规律可循,但这并不意味着我们可以一劳永逸、高枕无忧,要知道,想要精通世界上任何一门语言,除非有天生的语言天分,否则偷不得半分懒,只能勤勤恳恳反复练习。一遍不懂读两遍,默念不行就大声念出来,遇到不认识的单词就查,不懂的句子就静下心来拆分结构。总之,读书百遍、其义自现,英语学习之路上没有笨蛋,只有懒人。 综上就是小编给大家提供的高分技巧,技巧就是牢固的知识点和强悍的答题思路,预祝所有考生2016考研有个好成绩。小提示:目前本科生就业市场竞争激烈,就业主体是研究生,在如今考研竞争日渐激烈的情况下,我们想要不在考研大军中变成分母,我们需要:早开始+好计划+正确的复习思路+好的辅导班(如果经济条件允许的情况下)。2017考研开始准备复习啦,早起的鸟儿有虫吃,一分耕耘一分收获。加油!
范文八:中秋节英语作文:家庭团聚Every year The Mid-Autumn Festival in August 15 at this time the people all want to eat the moon cake, to enjoy looking at the moon, the moom is very beautiful. THIS Festival is also a family holiday .and we are also stay together.The family member are happy, because that day moon is roundest.but the most happy thing is we can get together .Also has many wonderful stories about midautumn festival's moon, is having these expectation, Midautumn Festival, We also enjoyed looking at the moon this year.That is the Mid-Autumn Day in my mind. I will always re-member: East or West, home is best.
考研英语词汇和语法是复习考研英语的基础,建议大家通过阅读、背诵英语句子记单词,并熟悉语法的各种运用法则,从而对后期的考研英语作文奠定基础。凯程网考研频道整理分享各种高分句,希望这些有趣的句子能帮助你全面提高考研英语复习效率。As it turned out to be a small house party, weneedn't have dressed up so formally.译文:结果那只是个小型的家庭聚会,我们根本不用穿得那么正式。点睛:as引导的是状语从句,其中tum out意为“最后结果是”。主句的谓语部分采用了needn't have done的形式,表示“本不该做某事但却做了”。考点归纳:need的用法具体如下:*作情态动词时,常用于否定句中表示“不必”。You needn't have come so early.你不必那么早来。*也可用于肯定句中。If he wants anything.he need only ask.他想要什么,只要说一声就行。*作及物动词时,意为“需要”,后面可跟名词、代词、不定式,还可以跟动名词表被动。His hair needed cutting.他的头发该剪了。第1页共1页
范文十:中考英语命题作文范文之我的生日聚会My Birthday PartyIt s July23. Today I am16 years old. I am going to have a party at home and I am waiting for all my friends to come. They are going to bring?lots of beautiful presents with them.My parents are preparing a lot of nice things to eat and drink. At the party we are going to play games, sing songs, dance and listen to music. I think we will have a good time.}


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