___几个hundredone of the studentss gethered on the p

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你可能喜欢Remarks by the President at Cairo University, 6-04-09 | The White House___几个hundred students gethered on the p_百度知道
___几个hundred students gethered on the p
_several__几个hundred students gethered on the p
出门在外也不愁英语翻译At 2:28p.m.on May 12,2008,a powerful earthquake shook the southwestern part of China.Thousands of homes,factories,and offices were destroyed.Tens of thousands of peoplewere killed,and more than two hundred thousand people were injured.The quake had a magnitude of 8.0 _百度作业帮
英语翻译At 2:28p.m.on May 12,2008,a powerful earthquake shook the southwestern part of China.Thousands of homes,factories,and offices were destroyed.Tens of thousands of peoplewere killed,and more than two hundred thousand people were injured.The quake had a magnitude of 8.0
At 2:28p.m.on May 12,2008,a powerful earthquake shook the southwestern part of China.Thousands of homes,factories,and offices were destroyed.Tens of thousands of peoplewere killed,and more than two hundred thousand people were injured.The quake had a magnitude of 8.0 and Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province was the epicenter.Its impact was feil thousands of kilometres away in cities,such as Shanghai and Beijing.The quake is considered China`s biggest natural disaster since the founding of New China in 1949.Shortly after the quake,President Hu Jintao ordered an “all-out effort”to rescue the people in the quake-hit areas.Premier Wen Jiabao rushed to Chengdu,the capital of Sichuan,to lead the effort.At the site of one collapsed buiding We shouted,”Hang on a bit longer,”trying to encourage people still trapped in the ruins.”The troops are rescuing you.As long as there is the slightest hope,we will never relax our efforts,”As mang of the dead lay by roadsides in body bags,rescuers from around the world were still racing against time to save as many people as possibie.On May 19,billion Chinese people were asked to observe three minutes of silence as the country began three days of national mourning.This is a very diffcult time for the people of Sichuan and the whole country.Let’s do what we can and hope for the best.
At 2:28p.m.on May 12,2008,a powerful earthquake shook the southwestern part of China.日下午2:28,在中国西南地区发生了一场强烈的地震.Thousands of homes,factories,and offices were destroyed.Tens of thousands of peoplewere killed,and more than two hundred thousand people were injured.成千上万的家庭,工厂及机关遭到破坏.数十万人死亡,超过20万人受伤.The quake had a magnitude of 8.0 and Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province was the epicenter.此次震级为8.0,四川省汶川县位于震中.Its impact was feil thousands of kilometres away in cities,such as Shanghai and Beijing.数千公里外的城市都有震感,如上海,北京等.The quake is considered China`s biggest natural disaster since the founding of New China in 1949.此次地震被认为是1949年新中国成立以来中国最大的自然灾害.Shortly after the quake,President Hu Jintao ordered an “all-out effort”to rescue the people in the quake-hit areas.震后不久,胡锦涛主席就下令竭尽全力营救震区的灾民.Premier Wen Jiabao rushed to Chengdu,the capital of Sichuan,to lead the effort..温家宝总理急忙赶赴四川省会成都,领导这次救灾工作.At the site of one collapsed buiding We shouted,”Hang on a bit longer,”trying to encourage people still trapped in the ruins.在一处倒塌的废墟上,温总理喊道,“再坚持一会儿,”来鼓励仍然困在废墟里的人们.”The troops are rescuing you.As long as there is the slightest hope,we will never relax our efforts,”“军队正在营救你们.只要有一点点希望,我们就不会放弃努力”As mang of the dead lay by roadsides in body bags,rescuers from around the world were still racing against time to save as many people as possibie.当许多罹难者躺在路边的尸袋中时,来自世界各地的救援人员仍然跟时间赛跑来拯救尽可能多的人.On May 19,billion Chinese people were asked to observe three minutes of silence as the country began three days of national mourning.日,13亿中国人被要求默哀3分钟并开始为期3天的全国哀悼日.This is a very diffcult time for the people of Sichuan and the whole country.Let’s do what we can and hope for the best.对全国人民及四川人民来说这是一个非常困难的时刻.让我们做点力所能及的事情并送上我们最好的祝愿.
号下午2点28分,中国西南发生了强烈的地震。成千上万的房屋工厂办公楼被毁。 上万人身亡,至少20万受伤。 震级为8.0, 震中在四川的汶川。它影响了上千公里外的城市,比如上海,北京。这次地震被认为是自中国建国以来历史上最强的一次自然灾害。地震后不久, 胡锦涛主席命令全力抢救地震区的灾民。 温家宝也赶往四川首都成都去指挥救灾。 在坍塌的建筑旁,我们大喊:撑住啊,希望能给压在废墟下的...}


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