中国少数民族翻译局 同学自己解决问题百度翻译

新世纪博士生综合英语翻译Unit1-6 《新世纪博士生综合英语》专业翻译,无限完美。 Unit 1: The Burden of Womanhood 作者:约翰沃德安德森和莫莉摩尔 华盛顿邮报,日 1.When Rani returned home from the hospital cradling her newborn daughter, the men in the family slipped out of her mud hut while she and her mother-in-law mashed poisonous oleander seeds into a dollop of oil and dropped it into the baby"s throat.
As soon as darkness fell, Rani crept into a nearby field and buried her baby girl in a shallow, unmarked grave next to a small stream.
2.“I never felt any sorrow,” Rani, a farm laborer with a weather-beaten face, said through an interpreter. “There was a lot of bitterness in my heart toward the baby because the gods should have given me a son.”
3.Each year hundreds and perhaps thousands of newborn girls in India are murdered by their mothers simply because they are female. Some women believe that sacrificing a daughter guarantees a son in the next pregnancy. In other cases, the family cannot afford the dowry that would eventually be demanded for a girl"s marriage.
4.And for many mothers, sentencing a daughter to death is better than condemning her to life as a woman in the Third World, with cradle-to-grave discrimination, poverty, sickness and drudgery.
对于很多母亲而言,判处女儿死刑胜过让她在第三世界作为一个女人生活,经历一辈子的歧视、贫困、疾病和劳苦。 5. While women in the United States and Europe-----after decades of struggling for equal rights----often measure sex discrimination by pay scales and seats in corporate board rooms, women in the Third World gauge discrimination by mortality rates and poverty levels.
6. “Women are the most exploited among the oppressed,” says Kauna Chanana Ahmed, a New Delhi anthropologist who has studied the role of women in developing countries. “I don"t think it"s even possible to eradicate discrimination, it"s so deeply ingrained.”
“妇女是最受压迫和剥削的”,研究妇女在发展中国家的地位的新德里的人类学家Karuna Chanana Ahmed说,“我认为消除歧视甚至是不可能的,因为歧视已经根深蒂固。”
7. This is the first in a series that will examine the lives of women in developing countries around the globe where culture, religion and the law often deprive women of basic human rights and sometimes relegate them to almost subhuman status. From South America to South Asia, women are often subjected to a lifetime of discrimination with little or no hope of relief.
8. As children, they are fed less, denied education and refused hospitalization. As teenagers, many are forced into marriage, sometimes bought and sold like animals for prostitution and slave labor. As wives and mothers, they are often treated little better than farmhands and baby machines. Should they outlive their husbands, they frequently are denied inheritance, banished from their homes and forced to live as beggars on the streets.
9.Although, the forms of discrimination vary tremendously among regions, ethnic groups and age levels in the developing world. Shahla Zia , an attorney and women"s activist in Islamabad, Pakistan, says there is a theme:”Overall, there is a social and cultural
attitude where women are inferior---and discrimination tends to start at birth.”
巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡的律师和妇女活动家Shahla Zia说,虽然发展中国家不同地区、不同民族和不同年龄层次之间的歧视形式差异巨大,但存在一个统一的主题:“总的来说,在社会和文化的态度中妇女处于劣势,歧视往往从出生时开始。”
10.Sociologists and government officials began documenting sporadic examples of female infanticide in India about 10 years ago. The practice of killing newborn girls is largely a rural phenomenon in I although its extent has not been documented, one indication came in a recent survey by the Community Services Guild of Madras, a city in Tamil Nadu. Of
the1,250 women questioned, the survey concluded that more than half had killed baby daughters.
11. In urban areas easier access to modern medical technology enables women to act before birth. Through amniocentesis, women can learn the sex of a fetus and undergo sex-selective abortions. At one clinic in Bombay, of 8,000 abortions performed after amniocentesis, 7,999 were female fetuses, according to a recent report by the Indian government. To be sure, female infanticides and sex-selective abortion are not unique to India. Social workers in other South Asian states believe that some communities also condone the practice.
12. The root problems, according to village women, sociologists and other experts, are cultural and economic. In India, a young woman is regarded as a temporary member of her natural family and a drain on its wealth. Her parents are considered caretakers whose main responsibility is to deliver a chaste daughter, along with a sizable dowry, to her husband"s family.
13.”They say bringing up a girl is like watering a neighbor"s plant,” says R.Venkatachalam, director of the Community Serives Guild of Madras. “From birth to death, the expendure is there.” The dowry, he says, often wipes out a family"s life savings but is necessary to arrange a proper marriage and maintain the honor of the bride"s family.
“他们说养育一个女孩,就像给邻居的植物浇水,”马德拉斯社区服务协会主任R. Venkatachalam说:“从出生到死亡一直需要花费”。他说,嫁妆经常要花光一个家庭一生的积蓄,但这是安排适当婚姻和保持新娘家人荣誉所必需的。
14.After giving birth to a daughter, village women “immediately start thinking, ,,Do we have the money to support her through life?" and if they don"t, they kill her,” according to Vasanthai, 20, the mother of an 18-month-old girl and a resident of the village where Rani lives. “You definitely do it after two or three daughters. Why would you want more?”
生下一个女儿后,村里的妇女会 “立即开始思考,,,我们有足够的金钱维持她的生活吗?如果她们没有,她们就会杀了她” 20岁的Vasanthai说,“在有两三个女儿之后,你肯定会这么做。你为什么会想要更多呢?”Vasanthai生活在拉尼 所在的村庄,是一个18个月大女孩的母亲。
15.Few activists or government officials in India see female infanticide as a law-and-order issue, viewing it instead as a social problem that should be eradicated through better education, family planning and job programs. Police officials say few cases are reported and witness seldom cooperate.
16.”There are more pressing issues.”says a top police official in Madras. “Very few cases come to our attention. Very few people care.”
17.For most girls, however, the biggest barrier---and the one that locks generations of women into a cycle of
discrimination----is lack of education.
18. Across the developing world, girls are withdrawn from school years before boys so they can remain at home and lug water, work the fields, raise younger siblings and help with other domestic chores. By the time girls are ten or twelve years old, they may put in as much as an eight-hour work day, studies show. One survey found that a young girl in rural India spends thirty percent of her waking hours doing household work, twenty-nine percent gathering fuel and twenty percent fetching water.
19. Statistics from Pakistan demonstrate the low priority given to female education. Only one-third of the country"s schools, which are sexually segregated, are for women, and one-third of those have no building. Almost 90 percent of the women over age 25 are illiterate. In the predominantly rural state of Baluchistan, less than two percent of women can read and write.
20. In Islamic countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh, religious concern about interaction with males adds further restrictions to females" mobility. Frequently, girls are taken out of school when they reach puberty to limit their contact with males, though there exists a strong impetus for early marriages. In Bangladesh, according to the United Nations, by age 15, 73 percent are married and 21 percent have had at least one child.
21. Across South Asia, arranged marriages are the norm and can sometimes be the most demeaning rite of passage a woman endures.
Two types are common---bride wealth, in which the
bride"s family essentially gives her to the highest bidder, and dowry, in which the bride"s family pays exorbitant amounts to the husband"s family.
22. In India, many men resort to killing their wives---often by setting them afire----if they are unhappy with the dowry. According to the country"s Ministry of Human Resource Development, there were 5,157 dowry murders in 1991---one every hour and 42 minutes.
23. After being bartered off to a new family, with little education, limited access to health care and no knowledge of birth control, young brides soon become young mothers. A woman"s adulthood is often spent in a near constant state of pregnancy, hoping for sons.
24.According to a 1988 report by India"s Department of Women and Child Development: ”The India woman on an average has eight to nine pregnancies, resulting in a little over six live births, of which four or five survive. She is estimated to spend 80 percent of her reproductive years in pregnancy and lactation.” Becauce of poor nutrition and a hard workload, she puts on about nine pounds during pregnancy, compared with 22 pounds for a typical pregnant woman in a developed country.
25.A recent study of the small Himalayan village of Bemru by the New Delhi-based Center for Science and the Environment found that “birth in most cases takes place in the cattle shed,” where villagers believe that holy cows protect the mother and newborn from evil spirits. Childbirth is considered unclean, and the mother and their newborn are treated as “untouchables” for about two weeks after delivery.
26. Studies show that in developing countries, women in remote areas can spend more than two hours day carrying water for cooking, drinking, cleaning and bathing, and in some rural areas they spend the equivalent of more than 200 days a year gathering firewood. That presents an additional hazard: The International Labor Organization found that women using wood fuels in India inhaled carcinogenic pollutants that are the equivalent of smoking 20 packs of cigarettes a day.
27. Because of laws relegating them to a secondary status, women have few outlets for relaxation or recreation. In many Islamic countries, they are not allowed to drive cars, and their appearance in public is so restricted that they are banned from such recreational and athletic activities as swimming and gymnastics.
28.In Kenya and Tanzania, laws prohibit women from owning houses. In Pakistan, a daughter legally is entitled to half the inheritance that a son gets when their parents die. In some criminal cases, testimony by women is legally given half the weight of a man's testimony, and compensation for the wrongful death of a woman is half that for the wrongful death of a man. 在肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚,法律禁止妇女拥有房屋。在巴基斯坦,当父母去世时,女儿合法享有的遗产为儿子继承遗产的一半。在一些刑事案件中,妇女证词的合法分量为男人证词的一半,而且对女子非正常死亡的赔偿也是男人的一半。
29.After a lifetime of brutal physical labor, multiple births, discrimination and sheer tedium, what should be a woman's golden years often hold the worst indignities. In India, a woman's identity is so intertwined and subservient to her husband's that if she outlives him, her years as a widow are spent as a virtual nonentity.In previous generations, many women were tied to their husband's funeral pyres and burned to death, a practice called suttee that now rarely occurs.
30.Today, some widows voluntarily shave their heads and withdraw from society, but more often a Spartan lifestyle is forced upon them by families and a society that place no value on old, single women.Widowhood carries such a stigma that remarriage is extremely rare, even for women who are widowed as teenagers.
31. In some areas of the country, women are forced to marry their dead husband"s brother to ensure that any property remains in the family. Often they cannot wear jewelry or a bindi---the beauty spot women put on their foreheads---or they must shave their heads and wear a white sari. Frequently, they cannot eat fish or meat, garlic or onions.
32. “The life of a widow is miserable,” says Aparna Basu, general secretary of the All India Women"s Conference, citing a recent study showing that more than half the women in India age 60 and older are widows, and their mortality rate is three times higher than that of married women of the same age.
“寡妇的生活是悲惨的”,全印度妇女议会的秘书长Aparna Basu引用最近的一份研究说道,那份研究表明了60岁以上印度妇女中超过一半的人是寡妇,她们的死亡率比同龄已婚妇女的死亡率高出三倍。
Unit 2: A Deadly Drug, a New Generation 一种致命的药物,新的一代 These heroin users are the kids next door-or closer 这些海洛因使用者就在孩子们身边 By Henry Pierson Curtis 亨利皮尔森柯蒂斯 1 Inside a nightclub, where a party known as a &rave& was under way, 16-year-old Sarah Jenkins* could feel the beat of the music pulsating through the dance floor. Tall, with sandy hair, she moved with the dancers and felt her senses heighten. Her eyes took in the psychedelic light show flashing bright colors across the ceiling and walls. 在一家夜总会内,有一个被称为“锐舞”的派对正在进行,16岁的莎拉詹金斯*,高挑的身材,沙质头发,通过舞池的节奏她能感觉到音乐的节拍。她与舞者移动舞步,调动全身的感官。她得眼睛闪烁着天花板和墙壁灯光映射出得迷幻光芒。 2 Raves like this one in Orlando, Fla., are the place to be for suburban teens like Sarah. And while they may appear safe, many have a sinister edge: trolling the periphery of the dance floor are dealers looking to sell marijuana, cocaine, heroin and psychedelics such as Ecstasy. 萨拉这样的郊区青少年感觉舞会像在佛罗里达州奥兰多市。虽然他们居身安全,但身在凶险的边缘:正营谋在舞池周边的商人寻求出售大麻,可卡因,海洛因和类似于摇头丸的迷幻剂的时机。 3 That night in 1995, Sarah ended up in a motel room rented by a dealer she knew. There she saw thin white lines of a powder that she thought was cocaine laid out on a table. Only after snorting several lines was she told it was heroin. 在1995年的一个晚上,莎拉在她认识的一个经销商租用的汽车旅馆房间。在那里,她看到了放在一张桌子上的白色面粉认为是可卡因。当吸食一点后,她说,这是海洛因。 4 While Sarah had never tried heroin before, plenty of kids at the raves snorted it. The high it gave the user was more powerful than almost anything, they said. Sarah already smoked pot and took cocaine and E in her quest for a high, she was willing to try almost anything. 尽管舞会上很多孩子都吸过海洛因,但萨拉从来没有尝试过。他们说,吸食者体会到的兴奋高 于一切力量。莎拉已经抽大麻烟,吸可卡因和吃摇头丸,为了追求更高的兴奋,她愿意尝试几乎所有的毒品类东西。 5 But after snorting the drug, Sarah felt nauseated. This wasn't the way it was supposed to be. She began to throw up. With her head spinning, she feared she was dying. Then she passed out. 但吸食毒品后,萨拉感到恶心。这不是她本该走得路。她开始呕吐,眩晕,她担心自己快死了。紧接着,她晕厥了。 6 Heroin is back, and it's hooking a new generation of users. Between 1991 and 1997, the number of eighth-, tenth- and 12th-graders who have tried the drug doubled. 海洛因又回来了,它正引诱新一代的用户。 1991年至1997年间,第八,第十和第十二年级的学生试图吸食海洛因的人数加倍了。 7 Among these young people, heroin has a new image. It's no longer perceived to be used only by down-and-out addicts, holdovers from the drug's heyday in the 1960s. Those addicts injected the drug, but today's users mostly snort or smoke it, making heroin seem less dangerous. 海洛因在这些年轻人中,有一个新的形象。它是从药物的全盛时期,20世纪60年代遗留下来的,它不再被视为唯穷困潦倒的吸毒者可以使用。那时吸毒者注射毒品,但今天的用户多数是吸毒,使海洛因看起来似乎不那么危险。 8 In fact, say experts, heroin is even more potent and deadly than it was 30 years ago. Those who snort or smoke it risk respiratory and heart damage and potentially fatal overdoses. Teens who go on to inject the drug may additionally risk hepatitis and HIV infection. And, confirms Dr. Herbert D. Kleber, medical director of the Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at New York City's Columbia University, even smoked or snorted, &heroin is highly addictive.& 事实上,据专家所说,海洛因比30年前的毒品更强大和致命。那些鼻吸或吸毒的人,风险在于呼吸系统和心脏损害和潜在的过量吸毒致命。注入药物的青少年可能更有感染肝炎和艾滋病毒的风险。据赫伯特D.克勒贝尔博士证实,即便是吸食或者鼻吸,“海洛因也是高度成瘾的。”他是纽约市哥伦比亚大学成瘾和滥用物质中心医疗主任。 9 Teenagers seem unaware of the dangers. In 1996 the Partnership for a Drug-Free America found that only 50 percent of those between the ages of 12 and 17 considered heroin to be a &great risk&—compared to almost 90 percent of those over 35. 青少年似乎没有意识到危险。在1996年,一个美国无毒品合伙企业发现十二到十七年龄段只有50%青少年认为海洛因将有“巨大风险”——而近90%的35岁以上的人认为海洛因有巨大风险。 10 Orlando, a port of entry for South American heroin, has been among the first communities to pay the price. &Heroin has returned with a vengeance,& says Linda Chapin, chairman of Florida's Orange County, which includes Orlando. &Our kids stumbled into a deadly game of thrill-seeking.& 奥兰多,作为南美海洛因入境港,已跻身第一社区付出的代价。“海洛因带着复仇回来了,”佛罗里达州的奥兰治县主席琳达蔡平说,其中包括奥兰多。“我们的孩子无意中发现一个寻求刺激的致命游戏。” 11 Eighteen-year-old Julie Dean lived with her mother, Mary Scattergood, in Satellite Beach, a small town on Florida's east coast. They were close, but like many teens, Julie found her hometown limiting. &This town is beat and Orlando is fun,& she wrote in her journal in early 1995. She loved dancing at the raves, which she assured her mother were safe. &They're just really cool music and lights.& 18岁的朱莉迪恩与她的母亲玛丽Scattergood在佛罗里达州东海岸的一个小镇生活。它们隔得很近,但像许多青少年一样,朱莉迪恩发现她的家乡封闭。她在1995年初的日记中写道:“这个镇是毫无生趣的,奥兰多是有乐趣的”。她喜欢在舞会跳舞,她向她母亲保证这很安全。那些事实上只是很酷的音乐和灯光。 12 But in her diary, Julie told a different story. It was at the raves, Julie wrote, that she tried Ecstasy and &roofies& (Rohypnol), a sedative in the same class of drugs as Valium, but illegal in the United States. Experimenting with drugs worried her a little, but she thought she could control her use. &Just because I go to clubs doesn't mean I'm some kind of loser. I still have a job and do good in school,& she wrote on March 20, 1995. &I am responsible I 'use' drugs, but I know not to 'abuse' them.& 但在她的日记中,朱莉讲述了一个不同的故事。朱莉写道,在舞会,她尝试过摇头丸和“roofies”(迷奸药),跟安定剂一样的同类镇静剂,但在美国是非法的。她稍微有点担心药物尝试,但她以为自己可以控制她的使用。“正因为我去俱乐部并不意味着我是某种类型的失败者。我仍然有工作,并在学校表现良好,”日她写道。“我是负责的“使用”药物,但我不“滥用”它们。” 13 On September 26, Julie told her mother she was going to Orlando to a club. She left home accompanied by two friends. Exactly what happened will never be known. But by the next morning, Julie was dead from a heroin overdose. 9月26日,朱丽告诉她母亲,她要去奥兰多的某个俱乐部。她离开了家由两位朋友陪同。到底发生了什么将永远不得而知。但第二天早上,朱丽由于过量吸食海洛因而死亡。 14 Scattergood continues to ask herself how she didn't know that her daughter was using heroin. &Part of me wishes I'd read her journal or snooped in her things,& she says. &I've learned in the most tragic way possible to what extent I should have been aware of what Julie was doing.& Scattergood继续责备自己怎么不知道女儿在吸食海洛因。她说“我希望我看过她的日记,或窥探她的隐私。我已经学会了用最悲痛的方式,尽可能的应该意识朱莉所做的已经到什么程度了。” 15 Julie Dean's death, the area's first teen heroin fatality in 20 years, was one result of the recent influx of heroin from South America. With the drug bringing in heftier profits than cocaine, many Colombian drug producers have turned to heroin. Last year, the Office of National Drug Control Policy estimates, more than 12 metric tons of the drug entered the United States. 朱莉迪恩的死亡,是该地区20年里第一个由于海洛因致死的青少年,是最近从南美洲涌入海洛因结果之一。此毒品带来比可卡因还要巨大的利润,许多哥伦比亚的毒品生产者纷纷转向海洛因。去年,国家毒品管制政策办公室估计,超过12公吨的海洛因毒品进入了美国。 16 According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), some 100 rings of Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and Colombians are smuggling the new, more potent powder through Puerto Rico to the U.S. mainland. The San Juan-to-Orlando pipeline is one of the largest and fastest growing of the drug routes. 据缉毒局(DEA),约100环波多黎各人,多米尼加人和哥伦比亚人走私这种新型的、更有力的粉末通过波多黎各进入美国大陆。圣胡安到奥兰多管道是最大和增长最快的贩毒路线之一。 17 &Young people represent an untapped market,& explains DEA agent Ric Hershey, formerly of the agency's Orlando office. &We're just seeing the start of a trend.& “年轻人代表一个尚未开发的市场”,DEA代理人Ric Hershey解释道,他以前是奥兰多办公室的代理商。 “我们仅仅看到一个趋势的开始。” 18 In Orlando, as elsewhere, the kids who are experimenting with heroin don't fit the old stereotype of a heroin user. But the drug's new victims do indicate a pattern. As with Julie Dean, most were trusted by their parents. And most had experimented with other drugs before &graduating& to heroin. 在奥兰多,像其他地方一样,尝试海洛因的孩子不适合老八股的海洛因使用者。但毒品的新的受害群体确实预示着一个格局。正如朱莉迪恩,大部分人被她们的父母所信任。而且大部分人在“吸食”海洛因前都已尝试过其他类型的毒品。 19 May 14, 1996, the last day of school, was the first day of a bright future for Michael Apple. He had just been voted best-looking boy in Colonial High School's Class of '96. His A-plus average showed he was one of its most promising. He also excelled in football. After practice he'd work at a restaurant before heading home to study at his mom's suburban apartment. His long days paid off: all the colleges he applied to accepted him. 日,学校的最后一天,对于Michael Apple来说,是光明未来的第一天。他刚刚被评为殖民地高中96级最帅气的男孩。他的A+平均分显示出他是其中最有前途的人之一。他还擅长足球。在回到他妈妈郊区的公寓学习之前,他在一家餐馆工作实践。他漫长的日子卓见成效:他所申请的所有高校都接收他。 20 But for all his good habits, Michael also had bad ones. One day his mother, Debi Gillham, came home to find her son stoned on pot. When she confronted him, he apologized, saying he'd made a mistake. &Don't worry,& he assured her. &I've got it under control.& 但对于所有良好的生活习惯而言,迈克尔也有不良的。有一天,他的母亲Debi Gillham,回到家中发现她的儿子蹲着一动不动。当她面对他时,他道歉说他犯了一个错误。他向她保证。“不要担心,我已经控制住了。” 21 Gillham thought experimenting with marijuana was a phase for most teens and assumed her son would grow out of it. She never thought that he might be involved in other drugs. But by his senior year, Michael had begun snorting heroin. Soon he was using more and more, mixing it with other drugs to enhance the high. Gillham认为尝试大麻是大多数青少年要经历的阶段,并以为她儿子长大后会戒掉的。她从来没有想到他会沾染上其他的毒品。但在他高年级时,迈克尔已经开始吸食海洛因。不久,他使用的越来越多,与其他药物混合以求更高的刺激。 22 On the night of May 14, he left home to celebrate his approaching graduation with his friend Ben Barrow, also 18. The boys partied hard, snorting heroin in the back seat of a drug dealer's car. Later, Michael ended up in Barrow's apartment with several other teens. No one noticed that Michael and Ben were finding it difficult to breathe. At some point Michael vomited and passed out. When someone finally called 911 and an ambulance arrived, both boys had been dead for a while. 在5月14日晚,他离家出走去庆祝附近一个朋友Ben Barrow的毕业,Ben Barrow也是18岁。男孩们一起聚会狂欢,在一个毒贩的车后座吸食海洛因。后来,迈克尔与其他几个青少年在巴罗的公寓结束。没有人注意到迈克尔和Ben呼吸困难。有时,迈克尔呕吐,甚至昏倒。当有人最终呼叫911,救护车赶来的时候,两个男孩都已经死了一段时间了。 23 Michael Apple became the fourth Orlando teenager to die from heroin in less than a year. His death prompted a review of morgue records, showing that the Orlando area was caught in an undetected heroin epidemic. From no heroin deaths in 1993, the toll quietly jumped to six in 1994, 20 in 1995—and 30 in 1996. 不到一年时间里,Michael Apple成为第四个死于海洛因的奥兰多青少年。他的死促使了对陈尸所记录的调查,发现奥兰多地区是未被检测的海洛因泛滥的地区。从1993年的无海洛因死亡,死亡人数在1994年悄然跃至6个,1995年的20个和1996年的30个。 24 In February 1997 the tragedy was featured in the DEA's first national conference on heroin abuse. As the faces of Mike Apple, Julie Dean and other dead Orlando teens flashed across a screen, 300 drug agents and experts examined how heroin took Orlando by surprise. &These kids believe they can stop any time,& said DEA administrator Thomas Constantine. &They can't. We're finding widespread addiction.& 在1997年2月由禁毒局发起的第一次有关滥用海洛因问题的全国大会上,这一悲剧受到特别关注。随着Mike Apple、Julie Dean和其他几个已死去的奥兰多少年的脸孔略过屏幕,300名毒品专家惊讶地检查了他们到底吸食了多少海洛因。DEA官员thomas constaintine说,“这些孩子认为他们随时能戒掉,但是实际上他们不能戒掉。我们发现他们毒瘾很深。” 25 &Parents don't even consider that heroin might be a risk for their children,& adds Ginna Marston, executive vice president of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. &That's proving to be a fatal error. Parents must tell kids forcefully, 'This drug can kill.' & “家长甚至不认为海洛因可能对子女的风险,”美国无毒品伙伴公司执行副总裁Ginna马斯顿补充说 “这证明一个致命的错误,家长必须强有力的告诉孩子,,,这药可以致命"”。 26 Blocking heroin use before it starts is particularly important because of the drug's highly addictive nature. Sarah Jenkins knows. Her overdose when she first took heroin should have been a warning, but she didn't pay attention. Despite her brush with death, Sarah tried the drug again. 在吸食海洛因之前就应阻止,是特别重要的,因为这种毒品具有高度的成瘾性。莎拉詹金斯知道,她第一次过量服用海洛因应该是一个警告,但她没注意。尽管她与死神擦肩而过,萨拉再次尝试该药物。 27 Finally, after Sarah began failing in school and stealing to support her drug use, her parents had her arrested for theft. She spent five months in drug rehabilitation. 最后,为了供应自己使用毒品,莎拉渐渐地学习不及格并且开始偷盗,她因盗窃被父母关押。她花了5个月时间用来戒毒。 28 Today, at 19, she's been clean for more than two years. She hopes to get back on track, but the college education her parents had saved for will have to wait: her college fund was spent paying to treat her drug addiction. 如今,19岁的她已经有两年多不沾染毒品了。她希望能重回正轨,但她的父母原本为其保留的大学教育,只有等到以后了:她的大学基金用于支付治疗她的吸毒成瘾了。 29 Still, Sarah considers herself lucky. Most of the 40 teens who went through rehab with her have gone back to drugs. Right now, she's not sure her life will have a happy ending. But she is certain of one thing: &I'm glad I'm still alive. Other kids can't say the same.& 不过,莎拉认为自己幸运。与她一起戒毒的40个青少年中,大多数人又重新沾染了毒品。眼下,她不确定自己的生活将有一个圆满的结局。但她肯定一件事:“我很高兴我还活着,其他的孩子就不同了。” Unit 4: The Many Faces of the Future By Samuel P. Huntington 1 CONVENTIONAL wisdom tells us that we are witnessing the emergence of what V.S. Naipaul called a &universal civilization,& the cultural coming together of humanity and the increasing acceptance of common values, beliefs and institutions by people throughout the world. Critics of this trend point to the global domination of western-style capitalism and culture, and the gradual erosion of distinct cultures — especially in the developing world. 传统智慧告诉我们,我们正在见证V.S.奈波尔所说的“普世文明”的出现。“普世文明”是指人类在文化上正在趋同,全世界各民族正日益接受共同的价值、信仰、方向、实践和体制。这种趋势的批评家指出,西方资本主义和文化正在统治全球(世界上最受欢迎的电视节目《海滩护卫队》),而且独特文化正在逐渐侵蚀,特别是在发展中国家。但普世文明比《关税与贸易总协定》和大卫o哈塞尔霍夫的胸肌包含更多内容。 2 If what we mean by universal culture are the assumptions, values and doctrines currently held by the many elites who travel in international circles, that"s not a viable &one world& scenario. Consider the &Davos culture.& Each year about a thousand business executives, government officials, intellectuals and journalists from scores of countries meet at the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland. Almost all of them hold degrees in the physical sciences, social sciences, are reasonably fluent in E are employed by governments, corporations and academic institutions with extensive inter and travel frequently outside of their own countries. They also generally share beliefs in individualism, market economies and political democracy, which are also common among people in western civilization. This core group of people controls virtually all international institutions, many of the world"s governments and the bulk of world"s economic and military organizations. As a result, the Davos culture is tremendously important, but it is far from a universal civilization. Outside the West, these values are shared by perhaps one per cent of the world"s population. 如果我们把“普世文明”一词解释为国际上许多人目前所持有的假定、价值和主张,这并不是可行的“同一个世界”策略。这可以被称为达沃斯文化。每年大约有一千名企业家、政府官员、知识分子和记者从几十个国家聚集到瑞士达沃斯的世界经济论坛。几乎所有这些人都有物理学、社会学、商学或法学的学位,英语相当娴熟,受雇于政府、公司和学术机构,有着广泛的国际交往,时常在他们自己的国家之外穿梭。他们一般具有对个人主义、市场经济和政治民主的共 同信念,这些也是西方文明中的人所共有的。这一核心群体实际上控制了所有的国际机构、许多世界政府以及大量的世界经济和军事机构。达沃斯文化因此极为重要,但它远不是普世文明。在西方之外,只有世界人口的1%共有这种文化。 3 The argument that the spread of western consumption patterns and popular culture around the world is creating a universal civilization is also not especially profound. Innovations have been transmitted from one civilization to another throughout history. But they are usually techniques lacking in significant cultural consequences or fads that come and go without altering the underlying culture of the recipient civilization. The essence of western civilization is the Magna Carta, not the Magna Mac. The fact that non-westerners may bite into the latter does not necessarily mean they are more likely to accept the former. During the "70s and "80s Americans bought millions of Japanese cars and electronic gadgets without being &Japanised&, and, in fact, became considerably more antagonistic towards Japan. Only naive arrogance can lead westerners to assume that non-westerners will become &westernised& by acquiring western goods. 西方消费模式和大众文化在全世界的传播正在创造一个普世文明,这种论点也并不深刻。从古到今,革新一直是从一个文明传到另一个文明。然而,它们只是一些缺乏重要文化影响力的技术或昙花一现的时尚,并没有改变文明接受者的基本文化。西方文明的本质是大宪章而不是“大麦克”(“巨无霸”)。非西方人可能接受后者,但这对于他们接受前者来说没有任何意义。20世纪70年代和80年代期间,美国人消费了成百万的日本轿车和数码产品,却没有变得“日本化”,相反却变得与日本更加敌对。只有幼稚的妄自尊大才会导致西方人假设非西方人会通过获得西方商品而变得“西方化”。 4 A slightly more sophisticated version of the universal popular culture argument focuses on the media rather than consumer goods in general. Eighty-eight of the world"s hundred most popular films in 1993 were produced in the United States, and four organizations based in the United States and Europe — the Associated Press, CNN, Reuters and the French Press Agency — dominate the dissemination of news worldwide. This situation simply reflects the universality of human interest in love, sex, violence, mystery, heroism and wealth, and the ability of profit-motivated companies, primarily American, to exploit those interests to their own advantage. Little or no evidence exists, however, to support the assumption that the emergence of pervasive global communications is producing significant convergence in attitude and beliefs around the world. Indeed, this western hegemony encourages populist politicians in non-western societies to denounce western cultural imperialism and to rally their constituents to preserve their indigenous cultures. The extent to which global communications are dominated by the West is, thus, a major source of the resentment non-western people have toward the West. In addition, rapid economic development in non-western societies is leading to the emergence of local and regional media industries catering to the distinctive tastes of those societies. 关于普遍大众文化的论点稍微复杂些的版本,一般没有把注意力集中在消费品上,而是集中在传媒上。1993年全世界最受关注的100部影片中有88部是美国片,四家欧美组织控制了全球范围的新闻传播,分别为美联社、美国有线电视新闻网、英国路透社和法新社。这一情况反映了两个现象。第一是人类对爱情、性、暴力、神秘事物、英雄主义和财富的普遍兴趣,第二是受利益驱使的公司,主要是美国公司,利用这些兴趣来从中获利。然而,几乎没有或完全没有证据证明下述假设:普遍的全球通讯的出现正在导致观点和信仰的趋同。事实上,西方的这一霸权鼓励了非西方社会中的民粹主义政治家谴责西方的文化帝国主义,并集结他们的公众来保存其本土的文化。因此,西方主导全球通讯的程度是非西方民族对西方不满和敌视的重要根源。此外,非西方社会中的快速经济发展正在导致出现一些迎合那些社会独特口味的地方的和地区的传媒业。 5 The central elements of any civilization are language and religion. If a universal civilization is emerging, there should be signs of a universal language and a universal religion developing. Nothing of the sort is occurring. 任何文明的主要因素都是语言和宗教。如果一种普遍的文明正在出现,那就应当有出现一种普遍语言和普遍宗教的趋势。目前没有这种现象发生。 6 Despite claims from western business leaders that the world"s language is English, no evidence exists to support this proposition, and the most reliable evidence that does exist shows just the opposite. English speakers dropped from 9.8 per cent of the world"s population in 1958 to 7.6 per cent in 1992. Still, one can argue that English has become the world"s lingua franca, or in linguistic terms, the principal language of wider communication. It is tool for communication, not a source of identity and community. 尽管西方商业领袖宣称世界语言是英语,但没有证据能够支持这一命题,而存在的最可靠的证据恰好显示了相反的情况。世界上讲英语的人在世界人口中所占的比例从1958年的9.8%下降到1992年的7.6%。可以说,英语已经成为世界的通用语言,或者用语言学的术语来说,是世界上主要的更广泛交流的语言。它是交流的工具,而不是认同和社会群体的根源。 7 The linguistic scholar Joshua Fishman has observed that a language is more likely to be accepted as a lingua franca if it is not identified with a particular ethnic group, religion or ideology. In the past, English carried many of those associations. But more recently, Fishman says, it has been &de-ethnicised & (or minimally ethnicised),& much like what happened to Akkadian, Aramaic, Greek and Latin before it. As he puts it, &It is part of the relative good fortune of English as an additional language that neither its British nor its American fountainheads have been widely or deeply viewed in an ethnic or ideological context for the past quarter century or so.& Resorting to English for intercultural communication helps maintain — and, indeed, reinforce — separate cultural identities. Precisely because people want to preserve their own culture, they use English to communicate with people of other cultures. 正如著名的语言学家乔舒亚o菲什曼所观察到的,如果人们认为一种语言不与某一特殊的种族群体、宗教或意识形态相一致,那它就更可能被当作共同语言来接受。过去,英语有许多这样的特点。但最近,菲什曼称,英语已“非民族化了”(或最小程度地民族化了),正如以往阿卡德语、阿拉米语、希腊语和拉丁语所经历的那样。正如他所说,“英语作为一种例外的语言相对较好的运气的一部分:在过去的大约四分之一世纪里,人们并没有把英语的英国本源或美国本源放到一个种族的或意识形态的背景下加以广泛的或深入的考察”。使用英语进行跨文化交流,有助于维持民族相互分离的文化认同,并且确实加强了这种认同。正是由于人们想要保存他们自己的文化,他们才使用英语来同具有其他文化的民族交流。 8 A universal religion is only slightly more likely to emerge than a universal language. The late 20th century has seen a resurgence of religions around the world, including the rise of fundamentalist movements. This trend has reinforced the differences among religions, and has not necessarily resulted in significant shifts in the distribution of religions worldwide. 一种普遍宗教出现的可能性比一种普遍语言出现的可能性大不了多少。20世纪末宗教在世界各地出现了全球性的复兴,包括原教旨主义运动的兴起。这一趋势扩大了宗教之间的差异,但不一定导致宗教分布的重大变化。 9XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 10 The argument that some sort of universal civilization is emerging rests on one or more of three assumptions: that the collapse of Soviet communism meant the end of history and the universal victory
that increased interaction among peoples through trade, investment, tourism, media and electronic communications is creating a
and that a universal civilization is the logical result of the process of global modernization that has been going on since the 18th century. 存在着三种说明普世文明为什么会出现的假设,某种普世文明正在出现的论点就建立在三个假设之中的一个或多个之上:苏联共产主义的垮台意味着历史的终结和自由民主制在全世界的普遍胜利;通过贸易、投资、旅游、媒体和电子通讯使得民族间的相互作用增强,创造着一个共同的世界文化;自18世纪以来持续进行的全球现代化进程,产生了普世文明这么一个合乎逻辑的结果。 11 The first assumption is rooted in the Cold War perspective that the only alternative to communism is liberal democracy, and the demise of the first inevitably produces the second. But there are many alternatives to liberal democracy — including authoritarianism, nationalism, corporatism and market communism (as in China) — that are alive and well in today"s world. And, more significantly, there are all the religious alternatives that lie outside the world of secular ideologies. In the modern world, religion is a central, perhaps the central, force that motivates and mobilizes people. It is sheer hubris to think that because Soviet communism has collapsed, the West has conquered the world for all time and that non-western people are going to rush to embrace western liberalism as the only alternative. The Cold War division of humanity is over. The more fundamental divisions of ethnicity, religions and civilizations remain and will spawn new conflicts. 第一种假设建立在冷战时期的视角之上,认为共产主义的唯一替代物是自由民主制,前者的死亡必然导致了后者的出现。然而,也存在着许多自由民主主义以外的选择,包括独裁主义、民族主义、社团主义和市场共产主义(如在中国),它们在当今世界存活得很好。更重要的是,存在着许多位于世俗意识形态世界之外的宗教选择。在现代世界,宗教是主要的,可能是唯一主要的促动和动员人民的力量。由于苏联共产主义的垮台使得西方永久赢得了世界,非西方人将仓促地把西方自由主义当作唯一的选择来接受,这些想法纯粹是傲慢的。冷战所造成的人类分裂已经结束。但在种族、宗教和文明方面的更根本的分裂依然存在,而且会产生大量新的冲突。 12 The new global economy is a reality. Improvements in transportation and communications technology have indeed made it easier and cheaper to move money, goods, knowledge, ideas and images around the world. But will be the impact of this increased economic interaction? In social psychology, distinctiveness theory holds that people define themselves by what makes them different from others in a particular context: People define their identity by what they are not. As advanced communications, trade and travel multiply the interactions among civilizations, people will increasingly accord greater relevance to identity based on their own civilization. 新的全球经济已经成为现实。交通和通讯技术的改善确实使得货币、商品、知识、思想和影象在全世界的流动变得更加容易和低廉。然而,这会增加经济互动吗?在社会心理学上,差异性理论认为,人们通过在特定环境下有别于他人的东西来界定自己的:人们依据他们的不同点来界定自己。随着先进的通讯、贸易和旅游使文明间的相互作用加强,人们会日益使更大的关联性 赋予其文明认同以更大的重要性。 13 Those who argue that a universal civilization is an inevitable product of modernization assume that all modern societies must become westernized. As the first civilization to modernize, the West leads in the acquisition of the culture of


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