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ceiling fan是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释吊扇吊式电风扇吊式风扇:&&&&n. 1.天花板,顶板,顶篷。 2.(垫船底的)隔板,舱 ...:&&&&n. 〔美俚〕(运动,影迷,球迷)狂热爱好者;狂慕者。 ...
例句与用法1.But there ' s a ceiling fan if you like但如果你们需要的话,天花板上有个电风扇。 2.And finding tiny specks of blood splattered on carpets and walls and ceiling fans ,在地毯、墙上、吊扇3.And finding tiny specks of blood splattered on carpets and walls and ceiling fans ,在地毯、墙上、吊扇4.All other rooms of our barcelona hostel have standard facilities with winter heating and ceiling fans所有房间都配备有标准设施,包括冬日供暖和吊扇。 5.And st . peter replied , " abian ' s cl i ' m using it for ceiling fan !圣彼得回应道:阿扁的钟在我办公室,我把它装在天花板上当风扇用了。 6.And st . peter replied , " abian ' s cl i ' m using it for a ceiling fan !圣彼得回应道:阿扁的钟在我办公室,我把它装在天花板上当风扇用了。 7.With louvered shutters and rotating ceiling fans that evoke vietnam ' s colonial past , it is decorated with superb taste百叶窗和转动的吊扇折射了越南的殖民地历史,这家店装修得很有品味。 8.Usage : used for low startup demand electric appliances and small type fans , such as small type fans , dynamoelectric models , electric bells , ceiling fans , and so on用途:用于小型电扇及起动要求不高的电器,如小型鼓风机,电动模型,电钟,换气扇等。 9.It is also good for mental institutions and prisons where rope is a suicide risk , said clancy , who works as a laundry coordinator in a state prison . and low ceiling fans aren t a hazard any more , he said克兰西表示,无绳跳绳还可以避免那些精神病患者和罪犯用绳索自杀,而家中的吊扇安装得较低的人也不用担心在家跳绳的不方便了。 10.It is also good for mental institutions and prisons where rope is a suicide risk , said clancy , who works as a laundry coordinator in a state prison . and low ceiling fans are n ' t a hazard any more , he said克兰西表示,无绳跳绳还可以避免那些精神病患者和罪犯用绳索自杀,而家中的吊扇安装得较低的人也不用担心在家跳绳的不方便了。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
loser\x05[英]'lu:zə(r)[美]ˈluzɚn.\x05受损失者;失败者;屡屡失败的人(尤指评价较低者);屌丝[例句]The big loser at this point seems to be ka finanz ,the austrian bank.目前最大的输家似乎是奥地利的KAFinanz银行.当前位置: &
fan meeting是什么意思
中文翻译见面会:&&&&n. 〔美俚〕(运动,影迷,球迷)狂热爱好者;狂慕者。 ...:&&&&n. 1.会合,集合;会见;会议,(特殊的)大会,集会, ...
例句与用法1.Hallyu big star ssh will have his first fan meeting activity in japan韩流大人物 '宋承宪在日本初次展开的影迷活动。 2.1 leehom opens a fan meeting , singing performance in your place region , signature meeting , would you go1力宏去你所在地区开歌迷会,演唱会,签名会,你都会去吗? 3.After army discharge , the first public performance was the heat waves at the scene of his " asia fans meeting "退伍后的第一次公开日程是“亚洲影迷见面会”现场的热气。 4.Japan ' s sankei sports said in its saturday online edition that hallyu star song will hold a fan meeting at the saitama super arena on feb . 16据日本产经体育周六网上新闻,韩流明星宋承宪将在2月16日于琦玉超级舞台举办影迷会5.Yesterday , korean star gy shed tears in his last fan meeting before his enlistment , making many of the fans present feel extreme heartfelt sadness日前韩星孔侑在服役前最后一次粉丝会上流下了眼泪,这让很多在场的粉丝都非常心痛。 6.Here are the entries of f4 fan meeting on 10 / 28 , all the members who applied can join the event , if you applied and not on the list , please contact us !10月28日f4观光局见面会入场名单如下,若您有报名,却不在以下名单之列,请与我们联络,谢谢。 7.In the fan meeting gy said : “ after completing cp , i stayed at home all along to rest , and during the time when i won in the mbc awards , i haven ' t stood before a large audience for a long time , so that i was so very nervous at that time that i cannot recall what i said on the stage during that time孔侑在粉丝会上表示: “拍完《咖啡王子1号店》以后一直在家休息,而在《 mbc演技大奖》上得奖时可能因为很长时间没有站在大众面前,所以当时在现场十分紧张都不记得说了什么。


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