i may10 things i hate youu, but also thank you, because you

帮我翻译一下,高手们,谢谢啦I may not know the laws of China, but I beleve that people who talk trash, and descriminate you because of your hight are not real friends. Real friends will never discriminate and they would support you no matter the succumstances. It is cru_作业帮
帮我翻译一下,高手们,谢谢啦I may not know the laws of China, but I beleve that people who talk trash, and descriminate you because of your hight are not real friends. Real friends will never discriminate and they would support you no matter the succumstances. It is crul for people to do such things and you should never be treated like that. If I was there, I would give those people a hard talking, if they wish to fight me because they think of me as some sort of mother, then so be it, but I am a type of person who will stand at my friends side and made sure that no one hurts them even if it cost me my life...where is respect?People who treat you like trash means that they feel bad about themselves and when they feel bad, they believe that taking it out on others will make them feel good.You are a great friend Ting, and if you need anything, remember I am always there for you.
我可能不知道中国法律,但是我知道那些满嘴脏话歧视你的人绝非你的朋友.真正的朋友绝对不会歧视你,而且无论在任何情况都回支持你.他们对你做那些事是残酷的.没有人可以那样对你.我要是在场,就会狠狠地训他们一顿.他们要是认为我是什么怪兽的话,可以和我打一场,就上吧.我为朋友两肋插刀,在所不惜.人与人之间的尊重何在?那些不把你当人看的人就是看不起他们自己.他们以为把气出在别人头上就能让自己好过一点.Ting, 你是个好哥们儿.无论何时,记得我永远会支持你的.
我可能不知道中国法律,但是我知道那些满嘴脏话歧视你的人绝非你的朋友,真正的朋友绝对不会歧视你,而且无论在任何情况都回支持你。 他们对你做那些事是残酷的,没有人可以那样对你,我要是在场,就会狠狠地训他们一顿。他们要是认为我是什么怪兽的话,可以和我打一场,就上吧。我为朋友两肋插刀,在所不惜。人与人之间的尊重何在?那些不把你当人看的人就是看不起他们自己。他们以为把气...58cv网址导航Christopher Paul Colfer Actor,Author,Singer and gay. Thanks for a good rp: &@ and his boyfriend &@
REAL Chris Colfer(√)
I Chris! I wanna thank you. I'm french and probably bi. But it's not easy. My father don't see me anymore because of that. But because of you, Darren and the glee club, I just can say who I am and I don't care what the others think about me. So thank you so much! You has really helped me! Kiss!&3?&&
That's really good,dear&3And remember,no matter what tough things u met,there are always a dozen of people like u who support u.It will never be a hard word to say who ing out felt so happy.:)
赞赏此回答________ Lily ______
________ Lily ________ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.
A.Not only … but also B.Neither … nor C.Both…and… D.Either…or…
________ Lily ______
________ Lily ________ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.
A.Not only … but also B.Neither … nor C.Both…and… D.Either…or…}


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