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Plays姓名:李静申请学位级别:硕士专业:英语语言文学指导教师:罗朗在没有希望的希望里寻找意义——奥尼尔三个剧本中的梦幻主题研究学科专业:英语语言文学指导教师:罗朗副教授研究方向:英美文学研究生:李静(176)内容摘要尤金·奥尼尔是美国伟大的戏剧家,曾四次获得普利策奖,并在1936年赢得诺贝尔文学奖,对美国戏剧及文化作出了巨大的贡献。奥尼尔所处的时代,正是美国从自由资本主义进入垄断资本主义的时代,种种社会弊端逐渐凸显。作为一个希望通过戏剧来展现真实人生、表达自己对生活和社会的严肃思考的一位作家,奥尼尔在他的许多作品中突出表现了一个时代的(来源:淘豆网[/p-6332058.html])美国人精神上的追求、失落和幻灭,细致入微地刻画了人类丰富的内心世界。随着生产力水平的极大提高,科学技术的突飞猛进,旧的信仰,即对于宗教的信仰,在很多人身上逐渐失去了力量。同时,人们也无法找到一种新的方式来弥补精神上的空虚,许多人因此陷入了悲观失望的情绪之中,感到迷惘和彷徨。尼采的宣言一“上帝死了”,更是将西方世界抛入了精神的恐慌之中。旧的信仰被摧毁,新的秩序并未确立。作为一个严肃的剧作家,奥尼尔将挖掘当代社会的病根,寻找一种新的给人们带来慰藉的精神力量和途径作为己任。在戏剧创作过程中,奥尼尔自觉地将探索现代人的精神归宿作为自己的使命,其中,梦幻书写似乎成为了奥尼尔非常感兴趣的一种方式,他的早期作品,包括《东航卡迪夫》、《漫漫归乡路》、《天边外》、《画十字的地方》等,都描述了美好的幻想,刻画了怀揣梦想并至死追求梦想的主人公形象。随着社会阅历的增多,奥尼尔对生活的理解更加深刻,其晚期作品中的梦幻色彩更为突出,梦幻,作为一种表现人物精神世界的载体,也随着奥尼尔的思想状况的改变发生了质的变化。《送冰的(来源:淘豆网[/p-6332058.html])人来了》和《长日入夜行》尤为明显IV内容摘要、’地代表了其晚期作品中的梦幻特征。本文试图通过分析奥尼尔的最有代表性的三个作品,即早期作品《天边外》,晚期作品《送冰的人来了》和《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》,探讨其中的梦幻主题,探索奥尼尔的人生观及现代社会中梦幻的意义,重点论述梦幻与救赎之间的微妙联系。本文共分为五章。第一章导论部分勾画了奥尼尔的作品中的梦幻色彩及主题,综述了奥尼尔研究已经取得的成果,并提出了本文的批评方向和见解。第二章分为三个小节,分别陈述了主人公的梦幻意识在三个剧本中的具体体现。《天边外》中的罗伯特的梦想充满了浪漫的色彩,他一生执着于自己远航的理想,至死追求着遥远而神秘的“美”。《送冰的人来了》讲述了十几个既不能适应又不会反抗现实生活的人,他们只有沉溺在酒精和白日梦中逃避生活的痛苦。这些梦只是作为一种逃避现实的途径,看不到希望,也毫无行动。《长日入夜行》中的母亲玛丽以吸毒的方式使自己处于梦幻般的状态,借以忘却现实生活的痛苦。第三章分为两个小节,具体从社会文化背景层面,及奥尼尔自己的世(来源:淘豆网[/p-6332058.html])界观人生观层面探讨了奥尼尔着迷于梦幻主题,刻画梦幻色彩的深层原因。第四章着力分析了奥尼尔笔下人物的梦幻人生的结局,阐述了在当时社会中梦幻与救赎之间微妙的联系。通过对其早期作品《天边外》和后期作品《送冰的人来了》、《长日入夜行》中的梦幻特征的比较,指出后期作品中人物的幻想的质量逐渐下降,同时,探讨了人类社会中梦幻的消极意义和积极意义。最后,结语部分对奥尼尔作品中的梦幻主题的进行总结,重申奥尼尔对生活和人生意义的关注,进一步揭示出梦幻在当时的美国的现实意义及一定的消极影响。梦幻是支撑人们在极端荒谬和痛苦的生存状态中活下去并给人以希望和慰藉的力量,但是,没有任何行动的幻想无法从根本上改变痛苦的现状,选择及承担生活的责任才是有意义的生存方式。关键词:奥尼尔;梦幻主题;救赎M.A.THESISSeel【ing Meaning in the“Hopeless Hope’’A Study of the Dream Theme in Eugene o’Neill’s Three PIaysMajor:Spec(来源:淘豆网[/p-6332058.html])ial够:Supen,isor:Author:English Lallguage锄d Literal眦eBritish明d American LiteratureAssociate Profcssor Luo LaJlgLi JingAbStraCtEugene O’Neill(1 888-1 953),the great pla”mght of America,、Ⅳho haS、Ⅳon fourPulitzer Prizes aIld has been awarded the Nobel Prize in 1 936,made a great contributionto Americ锄dr锄a and culture.In the time of O’Neill,the capitalism in America plished the traIlsition f-rom the laissez-faire c印italism to monopoly capitaJism,anda V撕e(来源:淘豆网[/p-6332058.html])ty of social drawbacks protruded conSpicuously.MaIl、V2Ls trapped in a world of beliefbreal【ing,what Nietzsche me锄t by exclaiming“God is dead”觚d what Alben C锄us decl耐ng“Our belief is lost”.MeaIl、) ̄栅le,sciencecould notproVide a new、)l,ay fon maIl’s spirit.Mally people were obsessed晰tll adepressing mood m觚if.ested by也eir perpleX时and hesitation.As a coIlScientiousplaywright,O’Neill deVoted all llis 1ife t0digging at the roots of the sickness of socie哆a1(来源:淘豆网[/p-6332058.html])1d searclling of hl吼aIl’s spiritual home in modem socie吼For llim,depicting of hum觚’sdre锄seemed tobe趾applicable meaIls of uncoVe曲g maIl’s i衄er world.Seeing EugeneO’Neill’s、Ⅳo她,we found that dre锄nleme勰锄indispensible element throu曲out lliswhole wTiting.In O’Neill’early plays,whose研ma巧characteristic is romantic,tIleprotagoIliSts pursue their beautiml dre锄s all their liVes.Ho、张ver,llis late worl【S甜etinged wi也mauly pipe dre锄s or dope—dre锄.Dre锄,弱a、Vay of r(来源:淘豆网[/p-6332058.html])印resenting h啪all’sSpiritual、Ⅳorld,also experiences me process of disillusioIlHlem诵tll the chaI堰ingⅡ两南大学硕士学位论文worldview of O’Neill.Based on parison a11d analysis of O’Neill’s three important plays,n锄ely劬D耐历P协r加啊砌P尼P肌册CDmP砌and三D馏D缈§如妒玎钞砌幻Ⅳf曲t me presentpaper aims toa11alyze tlle dre锄characteristic in 1lis plays a11d explore the reasons、ⅣhyO’Neill pays so much a_ttention t0 tlle dre锄theme,mereby demonstrates the relationshipbet、)Ireen the daydre锄a(来源:淘豆网[/p-6332058.html])11d salvation.’111e thesis is diVided into fiVe parts:The introductory part serVes aS a historical reView of Eugene O’Neill research bothhome锄d aboard.Me锄讪lile the aim aJld significallce of this thesis are brieny explained.The body part consists of t11ree chapterS.Chapter one mainly focuses on text analysis,a11d concretely states how the dre锄theme embodied in the three representatiVe plays ofO’Neill.111e protagonists of O’Neill haVe their o、ⅣIl dre锄(来源:淘豆网[/p-6332058.html])that may be rom狮tic,impractical or eVen entirely immersed in illusion.Robert in B彩,D&d砌P月打忍D门pursuesllis rom锄ic dre锄of the栅aIld secret beau够throughout his life.砌P尼删口”CD聊P历relates seVeral derelicts that neither ad印t nor resist their reallife but indulge in the alcohol锄d pipe—dre锄iIlg toget rid of the pain.Similar wn them,Mar),in£D馏D缈博乃甜朋哕而,oⅣf舻,indulges herSelf into illusion in order to get oVer the terrible real埘by meaIls ofta虹ng drug.n general(来源:淘豆网[/p-6332058.html])ly reVeals t11e American people’s real surviVal condition at that timeby means of probing their spiritual world.Ch印ter“Ⅳo mainly discusses the reasons whythe author pays so much attention to the dream theme劬m the social and culturalbackgrouIld and Ks personal experiences.Tlle two Wbrld WarS aIld the economic crisis ofl 930s have made Americ锄people wallow in agloomy mood. Me锄wllile the11i曲一deVelopment of tlle science and tecllIlology h硒shaken也e s协tus of religion,锄dbrought about Spiritual crisis in westem socie够The 1ast chapter analyzes tIle finaldestination of O’Neill’s protagoniSts of tlle three chosen plays,demonstrating therelationship between dre锄arld salVation.By means paring the difrerent features ofdre锄iIl O’Neill’s di岱:rent creating stages,the paper attempts t0 iIldicate tllat tllech锄cterS’ capabili够 of dre锄ing 伊adually declines嘶tll O’Neill’s deepeningllllderSt觚ding of life.Meantime,it discusses the negatiVe锄d positiVe aSpects of dre锄inhuman’s sulvival.The conclusion pan s眦marizes the dI’e锄meme in the tllree chosen works,锄d彳6s印口cf IIlrestates O’Neill,s concems wi也the mealling of life m llis entire aniStic career.What’smore,the paper indicates that dre锄haLs its realistic meaning at that time,锄d of course,italso haS the negatiVe e虢ct to some eXtent.Dre锄ing is aIl essential means of sustaining acomforting life in the extreme misefable liVing condition,yet it could not chaJlge thepain血lreal姆.Only by mal【ing choices a11d shouldering responsibility'hum锄’s life ismore meaning如1.Key words:0’NDre锄TSalvation●AcknOwIedgemenMy thaI止s firstly go to my Professor Luo Lallg,who inspires me greatly in my studyof literatllre.111anks t0 his support,patience and encouragement in my life and leanling,IkⅣe maJlaged plete tIle project of this tIlesis.Without llim,t11e thesis would havebeen impossible.My掣atitude next goes to all the teachers aIld professors of tlle School of ForeignLaIlguages,Southwest UniVersity,among、Vhom are Professor Luo Yimin,Professor LiuLihui,Professor Yan Kui,Professor Liu Y.u,Professor Li Li,Professor Liu Jiarong,锄dMiss Wang W:ei.Their coIltagiouS eImIusi2Lsm for academic life,their inspiring inStlmctionin English,a11d their insight如llectures on life haVe enlightened me a lot.I、vould also liketo thaIll(Professor Wang YonglIlei,who o艉red inValuable suggestions for my thesisproposal.1 wish to thaIlk all my classmates aIld衔ends for t11eir unselfish care ajld help.Finally,I owe a铲eat deal t0my parems for their unconditional loVe and unwaVering faith in meaU these yearS.1b them,I dedicate this thesis.IntrOduCtionEugene O’Neill,the great pl删ght who enjoys the intemational prestige,has asigIlificant stanJs in me llisto巧of Americ锄dr锄a.Manine had suggested that“bef-oreO’Neill,the United States had theater.ARer O’Neill it had dr舭la.’’l During O’Neill’slifetime,he won three Pulitzer Prizes respectively for召9妒船d砌P上面,切%彳刀,2口C厅,-如rf,zP,册d勋‘口馏口砌纪,.,“沈and、^,as granted Nobel Prize in 1 936 forhis early play B9归府砌P胁,.切以.A盘erhis death,another Pulitzer Prize was awarded to llim owning t0 hisautobiogr印hical play三D馏上切,i乃”,.胛缈砌,D M曲t which was published t、Ⅳo yearSaRer llis deatll.It is no question of the width of O’Neill’s reputation.His many plays havebeen introduced toEurope彻d Asia.Thou曲O’Neill is all outstanding playwri曲t,he actually has a rou曲writingexperience,、】v:hich is just as llis own life.Most of his伊eat plays were not accepted by theaudiences when tlley were on stage at first aIld receiVed a lot of dispute.By the eemh centuⅨtlle A血ericaIl theatre deVeloped slowly uIlder the innuence mercial n。end.The American professionaltheat|re was centralized in Broadway,which、Ⅳas controlled by producers driVen mercial,ra:_mer mall anistic interests.Mostplays were written for catering to the popular tastes aIld stallda们s.As a serious pl删ghtwh0 hoped to reveal t11e reaI life锄d express llis own thiIll(ing on humall condition andsociet),throu曲妇地Eugene O’Neill ineVi乜出ly bore the predic锄ent mat llis、Ⅳ0rl岱、v嬲not accepted by me pubIic.In廿le l 880s,tlle dr锄atic reVolution has swept Europe but not yet reached Amedca.Undef the innuences of Little Theatres Moveme舻in Europe,Americ锄dr锄atist who嬲pired to d0 soIne refomation on drama took actio娜,WIlich includes introducing meforeign workS,employing tlle new dramatic st),les觚d genres,or giVing supl)ort t0 thenew pla州ght.Eugene O’Neill w硒one of the pioneers in tlle dramatic arc岛whoreferred t0 the relatiVe seriouS drama against mercial theatre.He considered d阳ma嬲a seriouS reflection of tlle memost tlloughts of m雅.And he waS also 900d at2 西南大学硕+学位论文ponraying the people’s spiritual、Ⅳorld by applying drama as a fonn of artistic expression.Eugene O’Neill writes more thaIl fiRy plays during llis lifetime and锄oI玛them打agedy occupies the most pan.Many critics and sch01ars haVe researched Ilis plays andllis life f.rom Various perspectiVes.Generally speaking,the criticism on O’Neill mainlyfalls into t、Vocategories.The first category includes some critical reViews according to thepe墒mances,stage tecllIlique.The second one is the imerpretation aIld eValuation of llisplays by scholars锄d historiaIls.The fomer usually appears in newspapers like t11e NewYbrk Times and magazines like Time,Newsweek,The Nation,alld the New Y0thelatter generally are published in sch01arly joumals or in books concemed his life aIld plays.From the early l 920s to the late 1 930s,joumalistic reViews were the chief catego巧ofO’Neill criticism iIl America.Many drama critics who were proficient in the stagepe面肌ance directly innuenced the audience a lot、)lrith their ments onO’Neill’s play.The notably drama critics included Joseph Wbod Kmtch,Geo玛e JeanNathan,Brooks Atkinson and so on.And some quasi-scholarly stlldies,such as E明罗胛P’0-V叠f刀by Barrett,H.Clark also appeared in mis period.With the publication of-唧办淞聊甩砌P,_i D讹f刀?彳Cr订泐,&“咖砌J『934,EugeneO’Neill established llis status in American drama狮d even iIl world dr锄a aS apredominate playwright.Afb盯a year,船刀P D,Ⅳ匆f刀j彳尸DP,i Q“P距J『935 by融chardDaJla Skinner叩peared and、Ⅳ嬲also锄import柚t critical book.HoweVer,tlle criticism onO’Neill in the 1 920s锄d l 930s definitely、张s plete because mat the mostimportant biographical work of O’Neill’s£D馏D缈如“M缈砌幻Ⅳ动,llas not appearedinthistime.The firSt book tllat using O’Neill’s monumentaJ£D馏’Da多博√b缈押秒觑幻蚴f toaIlalyze the playwright is Doris V Falk’s E昭P玎P D砒讲口耐砌P乃qg记死珊fD刀(1958),Ⅵ帕ch stans to咖dy O’Neill’s plays f.0肌Ⅱ1e perspectiVe of psycholo黟Jollll H.Ralei曲’s脚P以P D-忆讲(1 965)is also drawn the ideas舶m£o馏Dq矽如甜聊秒觑幻Ⅳ赶珈r,which suggests me叫tllor’s llIlderstaJming on such issues aS llistory柚d fonIl ralcllertllaIl aIlalyzing O’Neill’s play indiVidually alld chronologically.Jordan Y Miller’s五澎妒刀P D—忱讲口刀d珐P彳m口,记口玎D打把(1 973)is tlle prehensive oVerView of nle study on O’Neill.It is notewortlly tllat Miller’s b00k on 3equal attemion t0newsp印er reVie、硼alld sch01arly studies.Other similar works,such aSD,Ⅳ叠以册耐厅西p红声一96∥edited by Oscar Cargill a11d N.BryUion Fagin,E。‘gP刀P0,Ⅳ匆fⅣj彳拧爿,2以D幻把d Bf6,咖砂“9』矽byMadeline Smith and mchard Eaton,Ⅵ,hichmainly discussed O’Neill’s life,a11d上}犍它门P D,Ⅳ毒f刀?么刀彳,z船D胁纪d Bf6,fDgr哆p砂口98矽by鼬chard Eaton areVe巧impo吨ult documents about O’Neill.Undoubtedly,me moSt innuential work about O’Neill in the late twemieth centu巧Should be TraVis Bogard’s CD玎幻w砌乃垅P,which firSt published by Oxford UniverSityPress in l 972.Bogard sees O’Neill’s deVelopment舶m his early one-act plays to matureworks by a straightfonⅣard approach,which almost refen℃rs to all of his、Ⅳorks as weH aSthe theatrical conditions of its production.7nlis huge work exclusiVely supplemented toBogard’s协:a舡nem of the Cycle plays a11d reVised for a second edition in l 988,was still asignificaIlt、Vork in O’Neill criticism today.In O’Neill’s咖dy area,mere are four great works which mainly focus on the“theatrical tecllIliques in his plays:Egil T0mqVist’s彳所口坍口Q厂勋“,j D讹肌童&“d泐砌&垆P聊口,甜M,死c办”幻甜P(1 969),wrhich studies his plays the perspectiVJeaul Chothia’s而俘馏口三鲫g溯伊?彳&“砂旷砌P尸,I嘿胗矿E酗舻甩PD讹刃(1979),、Ⅳhich pays much龇ention to O’Neill’s dr锄MichaelMaIllleim’s E增P咒P D,Ⅳ匆讲蟹^kw£口愕”谚鲈矿瓜珊办矽(1 982),and Doris Alexander’s ‘Eugene’o)Nein's crent如e slruggte:nIe DeciSive DecQde。33 Q99∞.A氨就心瞰,111e IIlIler Stren咖of Opposites (1 995)by K嘶Ei∞n mainly inte印rets iIulerpsychological conflict in the plays f如m the perspectiVe of the t、Ⅳentieth-cent眦y Ilovel.Biogr印hy also takes a la曙e proportion of Eugene O’Nein criticism,a11d tllebest-l【nown of协e biogmphies includes Doris AlexaIlder’s砌P死叩P,.垤矿E呼刀PD,ⅣP以口9倒,Anllur aIld B砷ara Gelb’s O’肫讲(1 962),柚d Louis Shea脓’st、Ⅳo-Volume脚P以e D-垤f刀j勋刀口耐用缈胛瑶咖f(1 968)aIld E昭e玎e D讹讲?勋甩册d彳眺,(1973).IIl tllese biogmpllies,me biographe墙咖dy not onIy me life of O’Neillhimself but also the lives of his f.ather,mother,and brotller.In addition,some works focuS on O’Neill 0n stage.Among mese are nmo TiusaIl锄’sD讹讲§&P刀把砌口g船(1968),wllich discuSses how scenic coIlfigurations in nle playsconStitute tlLeon莉Chabrowe’s灭ff堋,册d砌^傩?砌P砌P口舰矿D他讲(1976);Ro彻ld Wainscott’s&船垤D讹以砌P却P,I砌P刀幻,娩毗J『92仉J『刃4播放器加载中,请稍候...
Seeking+Meaning+in+the“Hopeless+Hope”A+Study+of+the+Dream+Theme+in+Eugene+O+Neills+Three+Plays 西南大学硕士学位论文Seeking Meaning in the“Hopeless Hope”A Study of theDream Theme in Eugene O' Neill's Three Plays姓名:李静申请学位级别:硕士专业:英语语言文学指导教师:罗朗在没有希望的希...
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