用by the time造句visitor造句

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1. &ace a test&考得很好2. &hit the books&用功3. &crack the books&开始学习4. &cut class&逃课5. &read someone like a book&充分了解某人6. &movie buff&影迷7. &run in the family&世代相传8. &keep an eye on& 照看9. &golden opportunity&绝好的机会。拜托快快快!!!!
1.The island's chief feature was its beauty.这个岛的主要特色是风景秀丽。2.Photography is not taught in our school.我们学校不教摄影术。3.The armour is displayed in a long gallery.盔甲在长廊内展出。4.The visitor's gallery in the House of Commons was full.下议院的旁听席上坐满了人。5.The displays in Harrods are one of the sights in London.哈罗德百货公司的陈列品是伦敦一景。6.I wonder what she photographs like.我不知道她在照片上是什么模样。7.The artwork is on display.那件艺术品正在展出。请采纳。
出门在外也不愁【教学难点&】How many和there be 句型的正确运用。 【教具准备】 1.腾图资源中的课件。 2.有关名词变复数的读音的游戏课件: 3.深圳方直金太阳信息科技有限公司制作的《欧美流行儿童歌曲》软件。 【教学过程&】 一 热身/复习: 1.日常口语会话: 2.游戏:两个同学或三个同学一组,用英语数数1―30,一次可以数两个数,也可以数一个,但不能超过两个,不能不数,最后数30这个数的人就输了。 3.快速抢答:教师用英语叙述算式,学生起立说出答案。(教师应尽量使用30以内的数字) 如:How much is two and five? How much is five minus two? (通过以上两个游戏,帮助学生熟悉1―30 基数词的表达。如有必要可以再一起或个人从1数到30,也可以有学生来出题,教师要根据自己班的情况灵活处理。) 二 新课呈现: 1 教师:Hi, boys and girls. I have two riddles. Do you want to guess? 我有两个脑筋急转弯的问题,你们愿意猜一猜吗? 1) What word is always pronounced wrong? 什么词的发音总是错的? 2) What two kinds of children can play the piano? 哪两种孩子会弹钢琴? 教师给孩子一些时间,让他们思考、讨论。 (答案:1、wrong&&& 2、boys&& girls) 2.询问孩子们一些有趣的英语智力问题,可以让孩子们说一说。 3.观看腾图资源中的课文录像: 第一遍:整体理解。 第二遍:看后回答问题:How many animals are there in the riddle? What are they? 第三遍:看后讨论。How many birds are there in the tree now?& Why? 4.学生根据自己的理解讨论分析,说明理由。 5.教师播放腾图资源中的动画,学生跟读课文对话,进行角色扮演。 6.学生自己进行课文对话练习,可以选几组同学到前面表演。 7.学习新单词:教师出示单词卡片,学生拼读。 三 趣味操练: 1.看一看、猜一猜: 教师任意拿起学生的文具,问学生:How many …?由学生来猜,教师不要急于公布答案,应让孩子多练一练。这时教师要注意引导学生操练there be 句型回答提问。There be 句型的操练要指导学生be动词要根据后面的名词的单数或复数选择is 还是are。主语、谓语要保持一致。 2.学生基本掌握回答的句型后,可以让孩子来提问,教师回答或互相回答。这时教师要注意引导学生操练how many 句型。 3.学生自愿结合,数一数班里的东西,边数边记录。 4.每组出一名同学提问,由其他组的同学来回答。提问正确记一分,回答正确记一分,最后看看哪组的分数高。 5.教师操作课件,学生复习有关名词变复数的读音。根据木牌上单词复数部分的读音,如果小猴子能选对西瓜,这个西瓜就可以摘走,否则西瓜就会烂掉。教师先讲明要求,然后指导学生练习,也可以让学生自己上来操作。 6.学唱歌曲:《十个印地安小男孩》教师播放深圳方直金太阳信息科技有限公司制作的《欧美流行儿童歌曲》软件,学生跟唱,表演。 四 扩展性活动: 比一比谁的记忆力好: 学生分为两组或更多的组。第一个人用there be 句型造句,第二个人重复前一个人的句子后,自己再说一句,依次类推,直到有人不能重复前面的句子为止。看看哪组重复的句子多,哪组就胜利了。【板书设计&】 Lesson 13 How many…? There is… &are…Lesson 14 【课题】Unit 3&& Lesson 14&
【教学重点】用英语询问一周有多少天,一年有多少天等。 【教学难点&】How many和there be 句型的正确运用,以及在此基础上对时间的询问与回答。 【教具准备】 1.腾图资源中的课件。 2.台历或年历。 【教学过程&】 一 热身/复习: 1.日常口语会话: 2.比一比谁的记忆力好: 学生分为两组或更多的组。第一个人用there be 句型造句,第二个人重复前一个人的句子后,自己再说一句,依次类推,直到有人不能重复前面的句子为止。如第一个人说“There is a pen.”, 第二个人说“There is a pen and there is a ruler”, 第三个人说“There is a pen, there is a ruler and there is a pencil.”看看哪组重复的句子多,哪组就胜利了。 3.锁链游戏:(a chain game) 第一个同学用how many 提问,第二个同学回答后,再向第三个同学提问,直至全班都问一遍。(教师也可根据本班情况,加以控制) 二 呈现新课: 1.教师让学生看图片days.jpg, 引导学生说一说图片中的缩略词表示什么意思. 2.听两遍录音sing days.wav, 初步感受歌曲中一周七天的读音, 之后引导学生模仿学唱。 3.教师将一周七天单词的缩略形式和完全形式板书, 带领学生认读。之后教师随意指词,学生说出相应单词的读音。 4. 教师播放第14课课文对话录像。学生观看一遍后,教师可以用课文中的问句提问,如:How many days are there in a week? 等, 学生根据所看录像尝试回答。教师根据学生回答情况引导学生再次观看录像。 5.教师播放对话跟读课件,引导学生跟读。在完整跟读一遍之后,可以将其分为两部分带领学生练习。 6.学生在两部分练习的基础上,进行整篇课文的操练。 7.学习新单词day, week:让学生自己做老师,教其他同学。在初步掌握读音之后, 引导学生用词说话。 三 趣味操练: 学生以组为单位,模仿录像内容, 进行a chain game 的游戏。教师可以通过记时的办法评选优胜组,增加操练的趣味性。 四 扩展性活动: Bingo 游戏:学生在方格里任意写一周七天的单词及单词day和 week,教师随意说出几个,学生在自己的方格里做标记,只要能够横、竖、斜成一线,就可以喊bingo,就赢了。 2. 学习Chant happy day.wav, 进一步巩固学生对表示一周七天的单词的读音的掌握.【板书设计&】Lesson 14How many days are there in a week?There is seven days in a week.How many weeks are there in a year?There are 52 weeks in a year.Lesson15 【课题】Unit 3&& Lesson 15
【教学重点】句型“What day is today?” 【教学难点&】熟练说出一周的七天名称。 【教具准备】 1.腾图资源中的课件。 2.台历或年历。 【教学过程&】 一 热身/复习: 1.日常口语会话: 2.游戏: a chain game 3.造句练习: 教师可为学生提供以下几个单词:day&& week&& how many&& there are 让学生自己造句,看哪位学生所造的句子与众不同。教师要注意引导学生开阔思维。 二 呈现新课: 1.教师拿出日历,问学生:How many weeks are there in a year? &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& How many days are there in a week? &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& What are they? 2.用台历引导学生说出一周的七天。鼓励学生间互相启发,互相帮助。 3.教师播放本课对话录像。第一遍要求学生注意看,第二遍可以开始重复。 4.利用对话跟读课件,学生跟读对话。 5.两个人一组练习。 6.教师播放歌曲《 Days Of The Week 》学生跟唱。 三 趣味操练: 1. 教师:今天我们学习了一周七天的表达,和如何询问,那么我们通常什么时候用呢? 2.学生讨论,并试着编小对话。 3.给孩子机会让他们到前面来展示自己的小对话。 4.教师:我们来听听这两个小朋友说了些什么?
5.教师播放Jim talk课件,学生听看。第二遍由学生重复。 Jim, how many days are there in a week? There are seven days, What are they? Let me see. They are Sunday … 6.学生两人一组表演小对话。 7.游戏:找七个学生到前面,给每个人一个某天的单词,然后将这些人的眼睛遮住,将他们带到教室不同的地方。等一切都准备好的时候,教师说“start”,这些学生睁开眼睛迅速按照一周的七天的顺序跑到黑板前站好位置,大家可以一起数数,看他们到底需要多长时间,然后再可以让另外一组来做。教师要将每组参赛学生的时间记下来,最后看哪组快。 8. 跟录音带操练:教师播放录音“周日问答.wav” 9. 学生跟读操练。&
四 扩展性活动: 1.教师让孩子带白纸和彩笔到课堂上,制做当月的日历。 2.唱歌谣:Chant happy day.wav
3.教师播放课件,学生起立,随节奏说歌谣,表演。 【板书设计&】Unit 3& &Lesson 15&Lesson 16 【课题】Unit 3& Lesson 16&
【教学重点】用英语询问时间(问钟点)的问话与应答。 【教学难点&】几种时刻的表达法; 认读本课的单词、词组。 【教学过程&】 一 热身/复习 1.日常口语会话: 2.游戏1:教师发口令,学生做动作。 &&&&&&&&& Touch your nose, please. &&&&&&&&& Touch your mouth, please. &&&&&&&&& Girls, touch your face, please. &&&&&&&&& Boys, touch your feet, please. 复习有关身体各部分的名称,集中学生的注意力。如果班里学生程度好,可以让学生发口令。 3.游戏2:叫号起立: 让孩子报数,每个孩子有一个号。 教师任意说出一个数,所说到的孩子起立。 这个孩子再继续说数字,直至全班都轮完一遍。 如有必要教师可以让孩子在刚才的数字后面继续报数,然后再重复一遍刚才的游戏。 二 呈现新课 1.问答练习:学生之间用How many…做锁链式练习,复习前面三课学过的内容。 2.教师提问:How many legs are there in the table? &&&&&&&&&&&& How many legs are there in a chair? 3.学生可以用there are 回答,教师用It has …句型重复。 4.教师就教室里的物品多问几次,也可以让学生来问。此时注意引导学生用It has …句型回答。 5.说一说教室里的物品,让学生用It has …句型说。 6.教师:你们知道一分钟有多长吗?一分钟有什么作用呢?让学生说一说。下面我们来看看一分钟我们能做什么事。 7.教师把学生分为几组,每一组做不同的工作:第一组:做数学口算题。第二组:写语文生字。第三组:写英语单词。第四组:…… 教师记时,一分钟后,让孩子们说一说一分钟做了多少。教师总结:看来一分钟的作用还真不小,如果我们把每一分钟都利用起来,一定有更多的收获,对么? 8.教师播放课文录像,提问:“What can a clock do?”学生观看对话, 回答问题。 9.播放对话跟读课件,学生模仿跟读对话。 三 趣味操练 1.学生两人一组操练对话。然后选几组到前面来表演。 2.教师拨动表针,提问整点的表达:What time is it?学生回答。 3.教师再次拨动表针,引导学生说不是整点的时间。 4.学生互相问答,操练。 5.学生自己自编小对话。如果学生有困难,教师可以提供一段对话做例子。 Mom: Tom! Tom:& Yes? Mom: Get up! You’re late. Tom:& What time is it? Mom: It’s seven o’clock. Tom:& Oh, it’s time for school! 6.学生练习后到前面表演。 四 扩展活动 1.观看录像play time..asf, 学生重点模仿跟读部分。 2.学生拨动表针,互相操练不同的时间的表达。 【板书设计&】Lesson 16 What’s the time, please? It’s …Lesson 17 【课题】Unit 3&& Lesson 17&
【教学重点】指路时的词组和习惯用语:go straight&& turn right 等 【教学难点&】问路用语和指路用语。
【教学过程&】 一 热身/复习 1.日常口语会话: 2.锁链游戏: a chain game: && 练习前面几课学过的内容,如How many…& There be …& It has… 等。 3.唱一唱:教师可以从前面学过的歌曲或歌谣中选一首学生感兴趣的唱一唱。 二 句型操练 1.教师出示一幅本地区的名胜的图片,问学生:Do you know where it is? 2.教师出示不同的图片,让学生熟悉这些名胜或标志性建筑物的名称。 3.将简易地图挂在黑板上,问学生:How can I get to …? 4.学生用中文指路,或到黑板前面指图,教师用英文转述。 5.由学生来问路,教师一边用英文指路,一边指图帮助学生理解。 6.这时教师选择一些向前直走就可以到达的地方问路,让学生练习go straight。 学生练会了以后,教师选择直走后,需要左右转才能到达的地方,引导学生练习 turn right 和turn left。 师生互相问路指路练习。 教师根据本班学生情况,可以适当增加一些表达法。 三 呈现对话 教师播放课文录像,学生观看,整体理解对话。 利用对话跟读课件,学生模仿跟读。 重点操练有关乘车的内容。此时教师有计划的引导学生用本地区简易地图练习一些须乘车才能到达的地方。 学生两人一组,练习课文对话。 请几组到前面表演,师生共同给予评价。 教师再次播放录像,由学生为人物配音。 教师:我们学过很多表示“感谢”的语言和“不用谢”的语言,你们能够说一说吗? 教师给学生一些时间,让孩子几个人为一小组总结总结。 各小组选择自己喜欢的方式汇报。师生共同对各小组的汇报给予评价。 教师汇总各小组的汇报结果。 四 扩展活动 自编对话:学生自愿结合,创编对话。 请几组到前面表演。 听录音,跟读:How can I get there?
教师播放录音,如有可能,教师可以出示相关的图片。 一位外国游客来北京旅游,想买一张交通图...... Visitor: Excuse me. Where can I buy a road map? XiaoMin: In the post office or a book store. Visitor: How can I get to the nearest post office? XiaoMin: Go down this road, turn left at the first crossing. The post office is on your right. Visitor: Thank you very much. XiaoMin: You’re welcome. 学生跟读,模仿。 对有能力的同学可以要求他们自己编对话。【板书设计&】Lesson 17How can I get to …Go straight.Turn right. / right.You can take …Lesson 18 【课题】Unit 3 How many days are there in a week?& Lesson 18 (Revision) 【重点】复习巩固本单元的会话并能实际运用 【难点】了解元音字母i及字母组合igh, ir, 辅音字母g在单词中的读音规则。 【教具准备】 1、装有机器人的盒子 2、和教材配套的录像和跟读课件 3、日历, 台历, 大钟表 【教学过程&】 一Warm-up/Revision 1、全班齐唱英文歌曲《Days of the week》 2、教师和学生互相问候. 然后教师自然的提问 What day is today? What day is the first day? What day is the last day? 教师播放Lesson13到Lesson17的录像内容,带领学生一起回顾本单元的会话内容。为学生理清本单元所学的主要内容。 3、复习本单元的单词:教师可借助日历、台历、钟表等复习单词:fourteen, day, week, clock, Mondy-Sunday. 4、教师借助日历、台历提问 1)How many days are there in a week? 2)What are they? 3)How many weeks are there in a year? 4)How many days are there in a month? 5)How many days are there in a year? 5、教师转动大钟表(教具)的时针,提问:What’s the time,please?也可以找学生到讲台前,拨动钟表的时针及分针,提问:What’s the time,please? 6、复习“There be”句型:让学生就教室里的环境用There is….There are….How many…are there…?造句. 教师及时表扬造句正确且有新意的学生. 7、复习从0―100的数词,让学生奇数或偶数报数, 并检查学生从1―15数词的拼写。 二 Let’ s practise:A small robot 1、教师出示已备好的盒子,问学生: T:What’s in my hand? Ss:A box(It’s a box). T:What’s in it?Guess. S:Is it a clock/ball/doll/toy bus? T:Let’s open it and see.(打开盒子并出示盒子里的机器人, 带读单词robot。) Ss:Oh! A robot(A small robot). 2、看会话录像, 教师提问: What can the robot do? 教师可根据学生回答问题的情况决定看录像的次数. 3、Pairwork:学生同桌两人分角色朗读对话,表演对话。 三 Read and listen
1、将六人分为一组,来试读单词。每人可选择自己最有把握的单词来大声朗读。 2、 请学生试读一组单词。教师加以印证或纠正,然后再反复带读。 3、 请学生听录音跟读整组单词,然后请单个学生朗读,看谁读的又快又好。 4、 重复以上步骤学习句子重音。 四 Let’s play&&&&&&&
游戏1:教师将九张图片贴在黑板上,让学生在纸上写出英文,位置可随意安排。等学生写好后,就可进行Bingo的游戏。 游戏2:教师用英文说数字,学生写出相应的阿拉伯数字。将学生分成三组,分别请三个同学上前来,看谁读得又快又好,就可以为本组得一分。 五 Add-activities && Find the right picture. && 教师将不同的单词卡片放在讲台上,将班上的同学分成两组,从各组找一个学生到前面来。教师发一个元音,如[ai],让这两个学生根据元音找单词,看谁第一个找到与发音相符的单词,最后看哪组得分多。 【板书设计&】Lesson& 18&探究活动找一找家的探究活动 探究内容:看短文,找一找Martin 的家。 活动目的:通过阅读短文,提高理解能力,找出Martin 的家。 活动形式:个人、小组相结合。 活动过程&:
1 教师将短文和示意图印发给学生。 2 自己独立阅读,寻找答案。 3 小组讨论。 4 教师公布答案。读月份的探究活动 教师将图片month.jpg印发给每个学生一份。 要求学生课外找出表月份的单词的完全形式。 学生试着读一读, 看谁读得又多又准确。 英语教案-Unit 3 How many days are there in a week? 相关文章:查看更多>>从五种基本句型出发到遣词造句
They are working hard.(2)S+Vt+O
I forgot to mail the letter yesterday.(3)S+Vt+O+OHe gave me a new bicycle .(4)S+Vi+P
He is a university student.(5)S+Vt+O+C Karl Marx made London the base for his revolutionary work.( 6)There be + 主语
There is a hole in the wall.对简单句进行扩展和修饰S+Vi 主语+不及物动词The boy spoke to his teacher.The little boy spoke loudly to his teacher.The boy named Tom spoke to his math teacher in a low voice.The little boy called Tom spoke to his Chinese teacher.S+V+O 主语+及物动词+宾语I forgot to mail the letter yesterday.Unfortunately, I forgot to mail the letter yesterday.Unfortunately, I forgot to mail the letter yesterday, which disappointed my mum so much.S+V+O+O 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语Grandma told me a story.As expected, Grandma told me a story .Grandma told me a story for the purpose of cheering me up.Grandma told me one
story after another in the hope of cheering me up.S+V+P 主语+连系动词+表语The soup tastes good.To our surprise, The soup tastes good.The soup tastes good,which is beyond our expectation.Frankly speaking, The soup tastes good.To be honest, The soup tastes so good as to surprise everyone.S+V+O+C 主语+及物动词+宾语+补语Nobody saw the thief slip into the room.The thief slipped into the room without being seen.There be + 主语There was a big fire in the early April of 1978.There seemed to be a big fire in the early April of 1978.There was said
to be a big fire in the early April of 1978.There happened to be a big fire in the early April of 1978.There can’t have been a big fire in the early April of 1978.并列句和复合句措辞She was a very pretty girl, and her beauty happened to be of a sort which Emma particularly admired. She was short,plump, and fair, with a fine bloom, blue eyes, light hair, regular feature, and a look of great sweetness.go: walk,run, move, hurry,pace(踱步),rush, dash(冲),march,drag on, tip-toe(踮起脚尖)The lion paced the floor of its cage.狮子在笼里踱来踱去。He paced the room.他在房间里踱来踱去。The wolf dashed through the woods.狼突然跑进树林中。The girl tip-toed into her room so as not
to make any noise.女孩踮起脚尖进房为了不发出声音。They had rushed up to her and tried to steal her handbag."他们向她冲来,并且企图夺取她的手提包。"A middle-aged lady was seen rushing out of the burning house with her clothes in disarray.有人看到一个中年女性衣衫不整地从着火的房子里奔跑出来。Look at:gaze(凝视),glare(怒目而视),stare(盯),watch,peep(窥视),glance I peeped through the window to see if she was there.我从窗子看了看她是否在那里。She glanced along the road to see if he was coming.她沿路扫视着,看他是否要来了。He glanced at his watch and then looked at the sky."他看了看手表,然后又看了看天空。"The Personnel Manager glanced down the list of names of the applicants.人事部经理浏览了一下申请人名单。The sun glared out of the blue sky.太阳在蓝天上发出强烈的光。The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word."这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视,一句话也没有说。"He stared at the word trying to remember what it meant.他盯着这个单词,努力想记起它的意思。The child gazed at the toys in the shop window.孩子眼睛盯着商店橱窗里的玩具。Say: whisper,murmur,shout,scream,chat He is whispering to his neighbor.他向邻座的人耳语。The two girls were whispering in the library.这两个女孩在图书馆里低声说话。The child murmured in her sleep.这个孩子在睡梦中喃喃自语。go without a murmur毫无怨言地去She screamed with fear.她害怕地尖叫起来。Smile :sneer,giggle,chuckleJames sneered at my old bicycle. He has a new one.詹姆斯嘲笑我的旧自行车。他有一辆新的。The girls were gigging in class.女孩们在课堂上格格地(傻)笑。He chuckled at the funny story.他听了这个滑稽故事后轻声地笑了。Choose the best answersI hope this medicine will (cure/treat/heal) you of your cold.I will never forget the (small/little) town I was brought up in.No law will (permit/allow/let) the sale of such drug.I am sorry to hear that your father has (passed away/kicked the bucket)He was(blamed/charged/accused0 for being late at work.简洁用单词代替短语避免使用同义重复避免结构重复用短语代替从句变换句式简洁用单词代替短语Draw a conclusion
concludeFrom time to time
oftenGet rid of
killIt is clear that
clearlyWith anger
angrilyOf great importance
important避免使用同义重复It was a rainy day, cloudy and humid.In my opinion, I think your plan is feasible.He is blind in both eyes.The desk is round in shape and red in colour.I shall accompany my mother by going with her to the market.避免结构重复Reading makes a full man, conference(makes) a ready man,and writing(makes) an exact man.He likes English very much and I (like English very much),too.Without air, the night time would be very cold and the days (would be) very hot.But the parks are large, the wardens (are) few and the detemination of hunters (is) very great.用短语代替从句Do you know the man( who is) speaking at the meeting?He suggested that he be sent to tend the sick.He suggested being sent to tend the sick.Look out for cars (while you are)crossing the street.He attended the party though he was badly ill.He attended the party in spite of his illness.变换句式He did not come to school because of his illness.Illness prevented him from coming to school.Take this medicine, and you will get well.This medicine will make you well.It seems that he is ill.He seems to be ill.改写下列句子,使其更简洁Do you know the girl who is in red?Do you know the girl in red?Sorry , can you repeat it again?Sorry , can you repeat it?Tom has been accepted into college and Jack has been accepted into college as well.Tom has been accepted into college and Jack has ,as well.To my surprise, I was surprised to find no one there when I got there.I was surprised to find no one there when I got there.A teacher who has experience should have an idea about what he should do in such a condiction.A experienced teacher should have an idea about what he should do in such a condiction.The story I am going to tell is a story that I heard from a man who is a friend of mine.I am going to tell a story I heard from a
friend of mine.We started at 8:00 a.m. in the morning and got there at 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon.We started at 8:00 a.m. and got there at 5:00 p.m.He wispered to me in a low voice that he loved me.He wispered to me that he loved me.Owing to the fact that I have a lot of work to do , it isn’t possible for me to accept your invitation to go to the cinema to see a film.I have a lot of work to do , and can’t accept your invitation to go to the cinema.强调正确使用从属结构利用语序利用倒装结构利用词语和句型正确使用从属结构He saw an old woman get on the bus, quickly standing up to offer her the seat.Seeing an old woman getting on the bus, he stood up to offer her the seat.(主从倒置)Entering the room, the teacher was followed by several students.The teacher entered the room, followed by several students.(语句中心移位)The forbidden City, which
is famous all over the world, is located in the center of Beijing.(侧重位置)The forbidden City, located in the center of Beijing, is famous all over the world.(知名度)Every visitor to Beijing will go to climb the Great Wall, one of the wonders of the world.(受欢迎)The Great Wall,which every visitor to Beijing will go to climb, is one of the wonders of the world.(奇迹之一)利用词语和句型This is the very reason I want to kill you.What on earth are you talking about?She herself is to blame for the accident.Do drop in the next time you come to China.If I have any at all, I will lend you.It is during my stay in China last summer that I got to know him.利用倒装结构In rush the naughty boy.With the black clouds came a shower.The great poet was born poor,and poor he remained till death.强调划线部分My name is Green Wang.Green Wang is my nameI have never met him before.Never have I met him beforeThis is the place I got robbed the other day.This is the very place I got robbed the other day.I got home at 11:00 yesterday.It was at 11:00 yesterday that I got home yesterday.I like to be with him. He is handsome. He is kind. He is good-tempered.I like to be with him. He is handsome, kind and good-tempered.Come to my party, please.Do come to my party, please.}


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